
I have no idea what to do

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    Since January, I started talking to this guy whom I did not really know well before (just seen him around college). I did not expect anything from him because I didn’t think it’d progress into such a serious thing where I cannot stop thinking about him. I know that he’s not ready for a committment but I am… Lately we started to argue a lot but after days of silence we managed to work things out and everything was fine. We both assured each other that there is nobody else in our lives that would receive as much attention as the other.

    However, I know that he is talking to multiple girls and it hurts me to think that he is being the same with someone else… I let one of my old friends speak to him over messages and now I’ve started avoiding her after they got close as ‘friends’ and he started to ask her for pictures of her smiling in exchange for his pictures ( they have never actually met or seen each other, I was the person to get them to speak as my friend wanted to get to know the guy I like. But he does not know about this). I dont know why but I cant be mad with him… I’m just scared of getting hurt and him leaving me. At this moment I dont really see a point in this “relationship” because he is leaving to go uni very soon which means we will probably not see each other ever again as he only seems to talk to me over messages and never pays attention to me in person.

    I do want to break this off but I just cant. All I can think of is him… I want him to know that I want to be serious with him but I think it’s still too early. I’m just a really jealous person and I want him to be 100% with me, like I am with him.


    Dear Rose:

    You are clearly infatuated with this young man and at 17, you are ready to start a relationship.

    You wrote that he will be leaving to uni very soon which means, you wrote, that you will never see him again. Is the university he will be attending too far from you, and therefore you are not likely to see him again?

    I wonder if you are hoping for a relationship with him for the time before he leaves, or are you hoping for a long distance relationship after he leaves..?



    Dear Anita,

    I was never in a relationship before and sometimes I just don’t know how to speak to him due to the lack of experience in that kind of things. 

    Yes, the university he’s going to is far away from where I live so the chances of seeing him again are very low as he doesn’t seem to plan anything out to see me.

    At this moment I’m hoping for something more serious so I’d love for us to be able to try and be together for a longer period of time. For me distance doesn’t matter as long as he stays close to me and doesn’t do anything that would hurt me. I’m just really scared of someone else getting involved, that’s why I started thinking about completely cutting him off…


    Dear Rose:

    You wrote that you know that he is “not ready for a commitment”, but you “both assured each other that there is nobody else in our lives that would receive as much attention as the other.”- well that is some commitment. You committed to each other that you will not have a boyfriend and he will not have a girlfriend, and that the two of you will pay attention to each other more than to anyone else.

    You wrote: “However, I know that he is talking to multiple girls and it hurts me to think that he is being the same with someone else… I let one of my old friends speak to him…”- so you believe that he is not keeping his part of the commitment he made to you, “being the same with someone else”, paying the same amount of attention to someone else as he does to you.

    I suggest you bring up the commitment the two of you made to each other and ask him if he feels he is keeping it, if he feels that he paying more attention to you than he does to other girls.

    * Notice, you also want him to pay a special kind of attention to you, not just more attention. But you didn’t make a commitment in that regard, did you?


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