
humor – what do you do to bring it in your life ?

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    I just read a little book about humor and growth, how important humor is because it connects incongruencies in our lifes. For example, it connects ideals we have in our life and the reality which is often far from it. And how it genuinely connects people with each other.
    The author also mentions mockery, ridiculing others, how we often use that as ‘humor’, which is an easy way to make ourselves look better and put others down. What i take from this is that humor comes out of love, out of connecting, helping each other or ourselve to put things back into perspective and remind us about the bigger reality, help us to accept ourselves or things as they are and helping us to relax with tensions or difficulties. So mockery would be like standing in front of somebody and making fun of them, whereas humor would be standing next to that person and helping them up, making things lighter.

    Actually i don’t know if i have much sense of humor. I am in general very tensed and serious and worry too much. And it can do a lot to me when people approach a situation with humor – which doesn’t happen very often. But i don’t offer much humor to others, i think. And also i think what i’ve learned a lot more from when i was a child, is the mockery, so that is perhaps what i’m trying to copy, but i don’t like it. I feel that i’m often not brave enough in situations, to come up with humor – it needs taking a distance from the situation and showing yourself, where i’m extremely shy and always hiding myself. I would like to learn to open myself up more.

    Don’t know if this introduction is necessary but that’s where my question comes from.

    After reading this book, i get that humor can create more human, more relaxed connections and relations to people. And that’s something that i’m lacking a lot in my life. Even when i try to be funny, it usually doesn’t come across at all because i’m doing it out of such a tensed place.

    Because it is such an important quality (not sure how should i call it – skill? attitude? …?), and it makes life a lot more sweet and liveable, i would like to learn to be more open for humor, and to be more able to bring in humor in situations.
    I don’t know if it’s something that you have in you, but i hope it is a kind of attitude that we can learn..?

    So i’m interested to know, if you feel you ‘practice’ a lot of humor, do you find it important in your life.
    And do you do certain things to make it grow, or to let it come easier.

    Also, if there are books or movies that you find helpful or humorous, it would be great if you could share them.


    I think humor is really important. As the saying goes, “life would be tragic if it weren’t funny”.

    I think the best way to bring humor into your life is to find humorous friends. Surround yourself with people who love to laugh or who make you laugh. The best advice I can give is to be openminded and more importantly, be open to laughter. Be open to laughing at yourself. Be open to seeing the world in a lighter way. Really, anything can be humorous, if you choose to look at it that way.


    Hello Sann,

    I too believe that humor is an important part of life. Of course, bad things happen to everyone once in a while. Finding humor in those situations can be very freeing. From what you’ve written, it seems as if you are trying to be more humorous. Am I right in my understanding? You believe that it’s IMPORTANT to be humorous and you are not. I think that you may be limiting yourself by saying you “don’t know if you have much sense of humor”. I also think that trying really hard to be humorous may be causing you to be more shy because you feel like you can’t. What I mean is that you will analyze a situation to see where you can come up with humor.There are no rules for what is considered to be a “real” sense of humor. Yes, many comedians play on criticism and putting down others, but that is not the only way to be funny. Being humorous is whatever you want it to be. I usually tell other people that I tell a lot of jokes and nobody laughs. However, I do make others laugh quite a bit. Besides, as I said before, humor is relative and what you find humorous may not be humorous to the next person. I think many humorous people are just easy going and can find humor at random times in situations where others may not see it.

    You wrote”Actually i don’t know if i have much sense of humor. I am in general very tensed and serious and worry too much.”
    Is it possible that you are worried about what people might think if you tried to share your humor? That they might not find you humorous or think that you are foolish? Do you fear that they might judge you for your appearance or for your intelligence? Maybe you should challenge the underlying feelings of why you tense up in these situations. I read a wonderful article on TB about social anxiety. Not everything may relate to what you’ve written, but there are definitely parts that may be helpful to you. http://dev.tinybuddha.com/blog/6-ways-to-free-yourself-from-social-anxiety-and-shyness/

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Annie.

    Dear Sann:

    it seems to me that your greatest need is to relax when you are with people, to be spontaneous, to just BE instead of being careful and uptight, kind of stuck and sort of paralyzed. Before developing your humor I would focus on being relaxed when with another person. Can’t do the humor thing before you are relaxed, otherwise you will just tell a joke in a rehearsed, forceful manner or it won’t come out right, don’t you think? So, how do you relax with another, relax enough to feel authentic, a bit spontaneous?



    Wow, thank you so much for your helpful replies – and i was worrying that my question would look really daft. But this is such a nice community 🙂

    Nicole – i think you are right what you say to “Be open to seeing the world in a lighter way.”.
    It is easy to see (but i forget easily) that when i’m with a head full of worries and body full of tensions, nothing is funny, whereas where i’m just in a lighter mood, i see the beauty and humorousness of many things very easily.
    It’s funny to see when i think about things that i need, how each time meditation comes up as one of the main things to help me how to achieve it. So back to creating a meditation routine, i slip out of it easily sometimes when life gets busy…

    Annie – i know that i have humor, i’ve had quite some difficult times in my life and humor helped me a lot to get through these things. Also a good laugh at all my strange traits is the best thing that helps me.
    I don’t know if i’m really trying to come up with humor. Probably sometimes yes, and similar, trying to come up with things to say and then ending up not saying anything because i’m worried that it will sound silly. At the moment the only place of social contact is my work, and there i am already more tensed then usually. So i think it’s time to look for an other social activity that i like, perhaps that might help me to relax, and not let my work place not be the only thing because that’s definitely not healthy. I had read that article as well, and after reading it i decided to try to make a bit more chat at work, instead of first turning every sentence over in my head and then not saying anything. It certainly does feel uncomfortable and awkward but it feels good that i have a few exchanges with co-workers.

    What i wrote about the mockery, is that it can be subtle and easy. And probably the way my parents and family used to (and still) be ‘funny’ at me. By pointing out things that i can’t and in a way that put me down and make me lose confidence in yourself – maybe i’m just too sensitive. That seems to be the only way that i learned. But now i do see some people who can point out your mistakes or flaws, in a loving way, in a way that shows that you are appreciated or trying to make you see something you could do differently. Or just lighten up a situation with some humorous input, without wanting to score themselves. And that is lovely. I agree – analysing it and planning it is not going to help. But i would like to be able more of the second type.

    Anita – you are probably right, i think indeed i just need to relax. I used to try to act in a funny way – which consisted of acting like a silly little thing most of the time, which was definitely not good for my self-respect, and self-worth, because i started to believe in this role. So maybe it is good for me that i’m being a bit more serious and learning to take myself serious, like the capable adult that i am instead of putting myself down.

    I was surprised a few days ago at work, where a collegue said something and the way i replied surprised myself. I don’t even know if they found it funny, but i felt it was one of these genuine moments for myself, where i suddenly got to relax and came up with something unexpected. I was surprised to see myself stepping out of my role of anxious, nervous girl for a moment, without thinking about it, and i could feel my body relax and get more cheerful while i was doing it.
    Your question at the end of your post, is probably the crucial one for me in my life at the moment 🙂

    I don’t know how to relax with others, because my work is literally the only place of social contact for me and i tend to keep turning over all these things in my head the whole day also when i’m off work. So i’ll need to work on doing that.
    And i feel strange to suddenly try to act differently at work, i got into this pattern and persona of someone anxious, who is always rushing to do her work and not knowing how to stop for a moment to make a little chat. And then i worry about how it will look to others if i suddenly start to be totally different. Yes i think i worry a bit too much :-/
    But anyway, i need to have a good look at what i can do to relax around others. That is indeed probably much more crucial than humor, which will maybe come natural if i’m relaxed.

    Oof i’m not good in writing short pieces, the writing is helping me to get things more straight..
    Thank you so much for your kind advice and insight 🙂


    Dear Sann:

    The experience you had a few days ago at work and you surprised yourself when you said something, relaxed and came up with something unexpected, stepping out of the role of “anxious nervous girl” is the way you do it- you gain experience, more and more, patiently, over time. A decision, a cognitive decision and intent to be more relaxed around another can be helpful only if it is followed with practical experience.

    As I took a break after reading part of your post above I thought about how I was anxious, how I didn’t relax around another except in exolosions of emotion here and there. I thought how if I was a baby I would be too embarrassed to do the things they do in their diapers. can you imagine a baby being self conscious, careful, afraid of what others will think of her (of the baby)- why, how could the baby bring herself to do the thing she had to do, right there in front of others!? Why it would smell- the horror of it- people will smell it and then worse, someone will pick (me) up, remove the diaper, see me naked and see my smelly ugly excretions- the HORROR of that.

    Luckily for babies they don’t go through that because they don’t feel badly about themselves.

    The reason i was so anxious, cautious, hyper-vigilant, so concerned with others rejection of me, so self conscious – is because I – at one point and forward- believed there was something very wrong with me. Once I believed that, ANYTHNING i said or did- or didn’t say or didn’t do- or didn’t say exactly RIGHT- anything at all could be the expression of my inherent WRONGNESS.

    It is with changing of that belief that you relax, once you believe: there is nothing wrong with me (as imperfect as I am, as imperfect as anyone is) and not only there is nothing wrong with me, I can count on myself to be in reasonable control of what I say and do- then you relax.

    It doesn’t happen all at once, in a “from now on and forever” kind of way, but in a small experience here and there and the insight and intent to make these small experiences, one at a time happen. There is no experience to practice this that is too small to be meaningful. Take advantage of any opportunity you have, no matter how small. It is best to start small, choosing the less threatening opportunities, like being relaxed and spontaneous around a relatively safe person, only for a moment, etc.

    I like writing too. I think as I write. Would like it if you write more about it and we can exchange ideas. In fact as you write- do you spontaneously write? Or do you edit yourself? Writing here is an opportunity- just write, spelling mistakes okay, don’t go back, just be yourself as you write- ???



    Hello again Sann,

    It’s very fortunate that you have been able to find humor in difficult situations as not many people can do that. You are worried that you will sound silly, so you are aware of the underlying feelings of why you are afraid to speak up. I definitely think that’s a great idea to find another social activity outside of work. To have something to relax besides work can change the environment and help you relate to others in ways other than work. Try to quiet the voice in your head. It’s okay to acknowledge that it’s there, but don’t let it control you. You have already started the process to become who you want to be by opening up little by little with your co-workers, so congratulations for that.

    I definitely don’t think you are being sensitive. To have someone close to you like family talk negatively about you and mock you can be damaging to your self-esteem. The foundation for a healthy life/self comes from within our childhood and family where we are supposed to feel safe and secure to be who we want, but when we lack that sense of love and security we can’t develop a stable sense of self. We feel as if we can’t be ourselves because we will be criticized for the way we act or the things we say. However, you do not need to be like them and you don’t have to let those experiences make who you are. You have a mental awareness that mockery is wrong and is not the only way to communicate and that’s the first step towards becoming who you want to be. It is those people who really care about us that point out our mistakes while making sure to keep our feelings in consideration. We need others to tell us when we are in the wrong so that we can grow, but if we are criticized for something then it just makes us feel bad and we don’t learn from it.

    Gerry Stribling

    One of my rules is that I don’t go a day without a really hearty laugh. Laughing hard before you go to bed puts endorphins into your system, making it easier to fall asleep. I am an easy laugher. “Modern Family” reruns usually do it for me.


    Thank you so much for your replies.

    Anita, if i read right, you are inviting me to write more about it…
    I can try, although it feels strange because i already feel that i’m taking too much space and time from the people who read it…

    That moment that happened at work was very small, but meaningful for me because it was spontanuous and unexpected, and because i framed myself in a nice way – which is quite rare for me 😉 You say to do that again, gradually. But i don’t know how to do that again, it just happened, and things like that will probably happen again, but i don’t know how to say: ok now i’m gonna reply spontanuously. I’m usually so frigging tensed that to be spontanuous doesn’t seem an option.
    Most of the time i don’t like the sound of my voice at work, or my facial expression, because they come from so much tension and come across forced (to my feeling, but i assume people pick that up a lot easier than i realise).
    Since a few days i decided to try to talk more to my collegues, which i find really difficult, because i don’t know what to say. I’m so limited to seeing something right in front of my nose or seeing the other person doing something and then saying something about it, but that’s very narrow and makes me very limited. Anyway, i know i will have to give it time, it looks evident for most people but for me it is difficult so i will need to learn it. By trying to say some things, hopefully gradually the atmosphere between my collegues and me might relax a bit more and hopefully gradually i will feel more relaxed to say other things.
    I just really don’t know what you have to talk about. I guess you have to find something common, but i already in advance assume that there isn’t much common. The atmosphere in my work (hotel-bar-restaurant-nightclub) is totally not my own habitat. So i already feel that i’m out of place and have to try to adapt to their ‘way’. Which is silly. And it is not just my work, in general i always feel that i have to try to adapt to the other, to please them i guess could you say. So most of the time i feel like a chameleon. I’m automatically changing the way that i talk, my volume, my speed… to the other person. And i will not talk much about myself because of the deep belief that i am not good and interesting enough – a huge cognitive distortion, but by always acting out of it, i seem to make it true.

    Kind of ‘i have to become like you and then i will be good enough for you’ – and i do that with most persons, it’s really tiring. And i take over their mood or their vibes and i kind of automatically join them in that.
    My new housemate has a way of talking that feels very agitated for me. She talks a lot, doesn’t always listen and with some things that i used to do but am done with. But automatically i join in her way of conversation – i assume out of the deep fear that if i don’t copy her, she will not like me and it will end up in me having to look for an other house. I have a colluege that i don’t feel relaxed around, she asks a lot of attention and ofte says the same things – i either join her in her way, or i ignore her and get all stiff, i don’t find a way to talk to her in a relaxed state. An other colluege talks a lot about things that interest me, so i will talk back with him, but it’s usually he who initiates the conversation and i feel like i’m a kind of fill-in. An other colluege is somebody i like, very calm and helpful, but little attempts to make conversation with him (which mainly mean that i’m asking him some little questions), usually don’t turn out to much. So if we are working together, it can feel quite awkward. When he tries to make conversation with me i usually don’t know what to reply which is quite frustrating. I assume it’s somebody i can’t copy so easily because he is more similar like me and more quiet, so then i don’t know what kind of conduct (don’t know if that’s the right word, hopefully you’ll understand me) to take on. And it’s frustrating because that’s somebodo that i actually do want to create more contact with, not a friendship but a more friendly contact.
    In general, i often don’t choose who the people are that i talk with most, that usually gets decided by who talks more easily to me, but the people that i’m interested in are usually others. Which is stupid because it makes me more alienated from myself that i don’t even get in contact with those who i’d like to.
    I assume the main thing is that i need to learn to believe myself interesting and good enough for people that i find interesting. Now i seem to need their reassurance, so it is hard to show myself because of the constant fear of their rejection, and that comes so hard.
    Learning to think differently about myself and perhaps spend more time with things that interest me. And daring to take a risk – taking initiative to start a conversation, to start to tell some things (what…?) in order to initiate a contact. At the moment i don’t seem to do that at all because i’m so afraid for rejection – what if they don’t reply, what if they think i’m talking too much, what if they find me boring…?
    Of course i’ll have to learn to feel if somebody is interested in what i’m saying and these things probably will still build up slowly, but i will have to dare to take this ‘risk’ – which i’m avoiding completely right now.

    When i talk to people at work (at the moment my main point of reference), i don’t just talk in a relaxed way, but i seem to talk in a asking, insecure way, as if i’m asking a question the whole time and needing reassurance from them. I can imagine that it’s not very attractive to talk more with somebody like that, that it is tiring and unsettling for them and might make them uncomfortable. But i don’t know how to just change my way to something more natural.

    I definitely will have to learn to be less tensed around others, but perhaps to start when i’m alone.

    Ok this is a long piece, and it’s getting a bit away from my original post, but you asked me to write without editing and re-reading, so i decided to try that and this is what came up.


    Annie – you say congratulations, thank you for your kind words but my feeling doesn’t feel that there is any congratulation. Rationally i know that i’m trying and that it’s a first step. But i feel as if i’m a little child, with all these skilled people around me (skilled in this social stuff), and that it is so obvious that they see that i’m just trying to say something, so they will reply in order to give me the illusion that it’s working. As a little child that’s coming with a drawing so everybody says ooooh and aaaah even though they don’t mean it (don’t know if that’s a good comparasion).
    And i’m probably wrong in that way of thinking, they probably like it that i do some more effort instead of being dumb – but it’s hard to get rid of that feeling . I often feel so paranoid as if i’m living in a fake world where all behaviors of others towards me are acted and out of superiority, as if they have much more insight in the situation than me and they want to keep me in my illusion.

    I think i need to look into something to do with other people. I’m already happy that i’m spending a bit more time doing things that i like, but it might be good to find something where i can meet people regularly. Not even a yoga course of six weeks where i don’t talk with them, but something with more interaction. Don’t really know what but hopefully i’ll find something. That might put things in a much different perspective.

    Thanks gerrystribling for your advice. I feel i don’t laugh much anymore (how would you if you are by yourself most of the time), and i’m often too tensed to laugh genuinely when i’m with others, so i’ll try to find ‘Modern family’ or other comical shows.

    Thank you all for your input and understaning..


    Dear Sann:

    You did write spontaneously- it shows in your writing.

    You expressed yourself clearly in your spontaneous writing. When you are around this or that person you are tense, afraid. In your fearful state you are super alert to any way you may bring upon rejection and mockery upon yourself. You are in a danger zone when anytime it can happen: rejection, mockery, ridicule. You are afraid to talk, something you say, the tone of your voice, your facial expression- anything can give away the fact (well what you believe to be) that you are rejectable and ridiculous. So you don’t want to take the chance. You figure you are ridiculous and others are not, so I better talk LIKE others- that way I will not be the ridiculous me. YOu take on their tone of voice, express yourself as much as you can LIKE your companion for the moment, imitating him/ her- that is safer. You make a statement in a question form as if asking: did I just say it okay? Is what i said so far okay or did i already make a fool out of myself? You probably put yourself down in front of others because it is less painful that you do, not them, sort of saying: see, I am making fun of me so YOU don’t have to.

    Sometime in your childhood you were mocked, ridiculed, rejected. It hurt a lot. Ever since you are afraid of more of the same. If there is a person around you- it is danger zone, you COULD be ridiculed and you get all tense in preparation for the pain, like a person gets tense when the dentist is getting the drill inside one’s mouth, tense in anticipation of pain.

    You were traumatized and your fear is stuck in your brain, activated in social situations. You react to the fear by trying to minimize it, tense throughout.

    psychotherapy, Sann, insight into the trauma, the injury to yourself. You are not damaged-for-good. You were not born damaged or defected, I am sure of that. You were HURT, injured by someone close to you to start with, and this hurt needs to be addressed. The hurt needs to be gently brought to your awareness and over time, in small steps, exposures, you become more and more YOU in a social situation. This is what i would focus on:

    Not on how to be funny, how to come across in a way that is acceptable to another, but how to be you.

    Every opportunity you get practice (no such thing as an opportunity that is too small- start with SMALL)- practice not to be liked, accepted, not ridiculed. Practice being yourself. This is why I asked you to write spontaneously.

    It is within a relationship with a person you trust, a person who already demonstrated that he/ she ACCEPTS you and respects you- it is within such a relationship that you heal from a trauma, an injury that occured to you in another relationship. You heal from a TRAUMATIC RELATIONSHIP through a HEALING RELATIONSHIP. A healing relationship with a good therapist? If you are fortunate, a healing relationship with a good, loving friend?

    The child part in you, the one that is scared-to-death, is not going to relax with another person unless he first feels the other person is NOT going to make fun of him. He is not going to relax no matter what skills you read about, what “tricks” you use. The child part of you knows too well the experience that injured you and based on that experience the child operates. Give the child part of you another experience with a trustworthy individual, and he will open up, little by little.

    Empathy for the scared little Sann… and put him in touch with a good enough therapist where he can start opening up.

    Please feel free to write more and more here. Feel free to take the SPACE you need and deserve.


    Hello Anita,
    Wow, thank you so much for your words. I woke up too early this morning, and your words are touching me – perhaps they touch me because i’m tired. When i am well-slept i can more easily go over something like this.
    You are probably right, that the way from when i was a child still has a major influence on me, has shaped me actually. But i usually don’t like to dwell on that because so many people have gone through much worse things, with me it was just the way i was treated, there was not really physical abuse, so what am i complaining about..? Although yes, the way you get treated and the affection/love/encouragement that you are being denied, can damage you even more than physical wounds.
    And, one of my parents is dead, and the other does so much for me, so i don’t like to go on about how they didn’t have the best way to raise me, because they did what they could. My mother had major mental AND physical problems herself, and she just wasn’t in control of herself, she had such a hard time with herself and i think she just wasn’t ready for a child. That is why i don’t want children, i’m too afraid the same would happen. So i feel like keep dragging in the past by keep going back to that, and that it is me who have to change something, by creating a more positive attitude and way of living. Which i am working on, slowly, but perhaps you are right and i need to look into the causes of why i feel constantly in such a terror.

    Yes i am fortunate, and i have a very loving partner, a very special and wise person, he has seen me in quite some terrible states where i was sure i would lose him because of that, but he loves me and i think he understands much more about me than i realise. Although we are far away from each other and don’t know when we will manage to be together, i am missing him terrible sometimes, i do feel we are coming closer together and he does wonders for me.

    I do have a therapist… I had several therapists in the past and i’m going to this one since about 8 years. She is a Linehan-trainer, perhaps you know that therapy, since you mentioned BPS in an other reply to me a while ago…?
    But sometimes i do wonder, if this is still good for me, because we keep going over the same program, and sometimes i wonder how much progress i’m actually making. Linehan is a kind of training program where you learn skills around certain areas, and sometimes i do wonder if it would be good for me to go to somebody who treats the whole person. Because it does feel sometimes that we are going in circles a bit. But on the other hand, she knows me so well, that i am afraid to lose her. I sometimes phone to such a phone-helpline, where there are people who are there to listen and talk with people who need a listening ear, and they have also sometimes suggested going to see a new therapist – but then, they don’t know my whole story out of one phone conversation.
    Also, i moved to an other country a few years ago, so my therapist and i talk through skype. I don’t always know if that is the best way to communicate, even though she sees quite a lot about what’s happening inside me, because of my facial expressions.
    I asked her a few years ago what she thought about me doing psycho-analysis, and she said that it would be a ‘landscape where i would get lost in’, so i always took it as that i’m not strong enough, and that i need the specific training/therapy for the borderline.
    Don’t know if you have any thoughts on this, since you have experience with BPS as well, and seemed to be much farther than me with it?
    Perhaps i can talk with her about it, and try to agree that i can come back to her if it doesn’t work out.

    And i guess you are totally right, i should not try to be more funny or humorous, because then again i am trying to please others, trying to do or be something to be accepted. Even if i talk in a boring tone, and say things that i find at that moment, it is probably much better than to try to be nice for them. I guess i will still try to interact more at work, because hiding is not going to help, but try to focus on how i feel inside and try to respect that – will probably be a long journey.

    Yesterday i wrote here about a few collegues how i feel about them and how i interact with them. This morning i woke up and i realise, that person that i said that i like, that is maybe mainly because he smiles a lot, so also at me, so that makes me feel as if i’m accepted. And then i often smile back (again, the same thing, trying to please and copy the other) and then i felt that he has a good influence on me to help me smiling. But recently i started to feel awkward about that smiling, especially since we don’t manage to talk much (he’s a man, i’m a woman, so i started to worry that i was putting wrong messages across). Yesterday i tried to make a little chat with him (which means, i asked a few little questions about work which got a few short answers, so maybe that was not very succesful) as an attempt to restore the awkwardness that i feel we got. And this morning i realise, maybe i say i like that person because of the smiling, but it’s again the same thing, smiling back as a way to please the other, instead of out of myself. Don’t know if you understand what i mean, but it’s again giving up on my own way, and just folding myself in relation to the other. It is definitely not healthy.
    Perhaps i should try now and then to smile to others out of myself. I do it a lot to strangers on the street. In general i am a lot more spontanuous with strangers and for example with hitchhiking, then with people who i have to see regularly again. It is probably obvious why, after the insightful piece that you wrote about me and my fear of rejection and ridiculed – the risk is much, much less with people i won’t see again.

    I don’t know why i’m writing all of these things, it feels awkward again. But you are inviting me to do it, and apparantly i do have a big need to exchange or share with others about these things, so i decided to take you helping hand.

    Thank you so much for taking your time and helping me, i appreciate it so much.


    And Anita, you gave that examply about the baby being too self-conscious to normal do his human need (don’t know how you say that in English in a nice way 😉 ) in his diapers, and i assume you were just giving an example, not talking about yourself.

    It is probably not surprising if i say that i struggle a lot with constipation problems (sorry hope i’m not too offensive now with that word…?) since a long time. It is all related with holding yourself in and not being able to let go. It will depend a lot on what i eat, but in some periods where i was daily meditating, i often could go during or after the meditation. When i take a moment to relax and not put any pressure on myself…

    But actually i just remember, my father told me that i had a lot of severe constipation problems already when i was a baby. So yes, that might show that i learned from very little to be blocked on holding myself in – of course i don’t know anything about that time, but i assume that it was an emotional reaction to what was happening, much rather than a physical condition.


    Dear Sann:

    I welcome your writing here and invite you to write again and again, more, as much as you want or need to. I will read and respond.

    You wrote that you usually don’t like to dwell on the past and as long as dwelling on the past is not useful to you, does not bring you healing- it is understandable why you wouldn’t be motivated to dwell on the past, to live in the past, that is.

    Problem is the past dwells in you, activated repeatedly and distressingly every day. The past lives in you, determining so much about your present life so you are stuck in the past.

    what can you do? You confront the truth about your past just enough so that it HELPS you. The purpose is not to blame your parents, to confront any one of them- the purpose is for you to unstuck yourself, to sort of… chase away the past that is dwelling in you. When you confront the truth of your past, of your childhood, in a USEFUL way, you are not dwelling in the past. What you are actually doing is your part in un-dwelling in the past. Or removing the past from your present.

    There is a need in your psyche to be aware of what was and what was not in that past. Once you SEE it as it was, it will release its hold on you. What is it that needs to be seen?

    The hurt that you experienced needs to be seen. Not excused and explained away but seen for what it is. It does not matter that your mother was ill and couldn’t help herself and did her best, if that was so. It does not matter that others may have had it worse than you. When you were HURT in your forming years, repeatedly, on an ongoing basis, it did not hurt less at the time because your mother was ill as opposed to… being evil (?) Her internal motivations do not make a difference. If someone stabs you now, puts a knife into your heart, does it matter why they do so- does it not hurt the same whether they are psychotic or distressed or just happy to hurt you..? When your heart bleeds- it bleeds just the same. This is why it is a waste of time to figure out your mother’s motivations and conditions. Also, if someone stabs you now in your heart, does it hurt less if you know someone else at the same time is stabbed with a bigger knife? If indeed it does hurt more, to be stabbed with a bigger knife? How would you know? It still doesn’t change your pain, your bleeding.

    See, these considerations are the useless dwelling in the past. THe past dwells in you because you were hurt and you never really acknowledged it. You wrote: “You are probably right, that the way from when i was a child still has a major influence on me, has shaped me actually.” Aee, you know the truth but not fully. You wrote “probably” as if maybe your past did not shape you.

    You wrote: “perhaps you are right and i need to look into the causes of why i feel constantly in such a terror.” You wrote that perhaps, maybe you need to look at the causes. Meaning, maybe not?

    You wrote: “So i feel like keep dragging in the past by keep going back to that, and that it is me who have to change something, by creating a more positive attitude” You are not dragging in the past. The past is dragging you. You wrote that it is you who has to change something. I agree. But how: by “creating a more positive attitude”- what does that mean?

    Creating a more positive attitude often enough means DENIAL about the past: it wasn’t so bad, others had it worse, there was no physical abuse, etc. This is not positive attitude- it is the denial that will keep the past dwelling in you.

    You had and are having therapy. What the future of your therapy should be like? One where you stop dancing around the truth, holding it momentarily and letting it go, looking at it curiously with detachment, or disgust or … suspicion. It is therapy where you hold the past and see it for what it is, what it was. It has a message.

    Your past has a message for you. This is why it keeps dwelling in you. It will keep dwelling in you until you get the message, completely. Not on a MAYBE and PROBABLY basis, an iffy kind of intellectual kind of level. Until you know what was on an emotional level, this is how long it will dwell in you.



    And regarding the constipation- i have no problem you writing about constipation> I had suffered so much and for so long myself from such excretory problems. There are a lot of reasons for you to heal, all the way from being comfortable interacting with other people, being yourself, being authentic, comfortable in your own skin, all the way for being comfortable with your body.

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