
How to start aspiritual journey and where to start with meditation?

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    I’ve been asking these questions for years despite having a regular meditation practice; however, as I carry on learning I’m always fascinated to hear what other people have to say. I often hear people say that they’d like to get into meditation or feel more spiritual but they don’t know how to. I know there’s no ‘tried and tested’ way and each person has to carve their own path to some extent. In the future, I plan to teach yoga and meditation and would love to know what advice you have whether you’re a teacher or not? What would you say to someone who would love to find out more about meditation and spirituality but has no idea where to start?


    • This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Clare.


    In my experience, it depends on where the person is and where their heart calls them to go. Its not all that helpful to explain step 37 to someone at step 9, for instance (not that its linear, but for example). As we continue to develop our own tender cultivations, we become more compassionate. Then it is much like a chef instructor. The pallet is refined, and as we taste each dish, we have the sense of what is out of balance. Then its just a matter of skillful means of presenting the solutions we’ve found.

    I’ve personally found metta meditation a particularly refreshing and simple practice. Often people turn toward spiritual ideas when they are in pain and need nourishment, and metta is great for that. Not only is it deeply healing and nourishing to the body, but when we do metta, the mind becomes smooth, peaceful and develops concentration quickly, which is what is needed/helpful for effective breath meditation techniques. Not to mention this world needs every being willing to become kinder to one another unconditionally, which helps those unwilling or unable yet. Win-win, individually and globally.

    With warmth,


    Hi Matt,

    Thank you so much for this. I’ve never actually heard of Metta meditation, but will look it up now.

    Dharmesh Radadiya

    HI Clare,

    I can understand what u want to say i had also the same question,finding the answer of this question.I Search a lot on internet about how to start mediatation what are the types of Meditation.Finally i got some answers that i want to share with you.
    1)Meditation Means in Simple terms”Zero Thoughts”i know it is very Difficult at all but Practice makes the man perfect as time moves you can control Your Thoughts.That is very good thing that you want to be teacher in future but for that you must teach your own self first Bcoz world needs only Truth.

    2)There are so many literature and videos available on net for Meditation.Many People use different methods of meditation like Concentrate on Flame OF candle,Listening Music and this is very effective technique b’coz if you cant stop your thoughts music will help you to stop that.You have just to follow every beats of music nothing else that will divert your mind from thinking listen soft music only like Music of Piano,Guitar etc.

    After all Meditation is the only thing of Concentration it will take some time but after that you Have Different Vision For World.

    I personally feel Effect Of meditation When i was In Std 9 I Speak a lot and was thinking unneccesarry.Behave like abnormal.
    But as i started meditation after one month the event happend it was miracle for me and also for everyone.I was not as before i changed totally I speak only limited,I became very humble and honest,I can stop Unnecessarry Thoughts in mind, Even i can control emotions that harms me.And Many Of my friends told me that “You Changed Totally”Have you Take any medicine.I told them Yes I took tablet Of Meditation.

    After all Meditation Needs Lots Of Practice without any Gapes.Once you learn it will be very easy for you then you can Meditate Everywhere.

    Dharmesh Radadiya.

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