Home→Forums→Spirituality→how to attract abundance in life?
- This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 2 months ago by
Eric Schmit.
December 19, 2013 at 11:34 am #47028
Participanti would like to ask.. how to attract abundance into life?
if anyone wants me to explain what i mean by abundance, i would say, presence of all good things(especially money, love, company) in my life in large amounts that would never stop coming.. i read somewhere that if u feel abundant, u will become abundant. but i dont know how to feel that way..
about me: i am a 30y old, working as health care provider in India.. have been studying since the age of 22 for this profession(and since childhood to join this profession) and there is still much more to go… the allowance paid is so meager that the week before i get the paycheck, i literally promise myself that i will not spend the last rs.100 note from my wallet no matter what, because that is what i would be left with until i get the paycheck…. i tried working two shifts, but then some new expense would come or i would lose that money..and even after working so much, finally i stay the same. i stopped working hard or in two shifts because of this. i am most of the times, too tired of staying this way.. not to mention all other demands of studying, exams and work weighing me down, struggling to make ends meet in a place (far from my home) where i don’t feel that i belong.. many people advise me to make new friends, meditate, (to get married as soon as possible, which is not possible at this moment) etc.. now, i wake up in morning, see that this life is miserable, go back to sleep again, and then wake up at 10 am,… when i should be at hospital by 10.. i go late everywhere and every time and for everything…( i became like this since 8 years – 2005). Since childhood, i used to wake up early, go to bed on time, i used to be on time usually though not overtly punctual, i was happy having a small world filled with studies, family.. but now studying is the last thing on my mind and exams are looming around..i amlosing interest in my work too.. sometimes, i also feel like i got separated from some important thing inside me, though i can’t make out what it is.. right now, only sleep gives some rest from this discontentment(and i am an insomniac too..).. but even in dreams, i see that i am flying above old buildings, roofs that are leaking water, or i see vast ocean filled with muddy waters.. etc.. so, maybe i want to escape, but am unable to see a solution..
does anyone else feel the same?
is this some kind of old maid syndrome that happens if u stay single even in 30s?
and importantly, how can i get abundance in life?
can anyone help?
p.s: thanks for reading…December 19, 2013 at 1:45 pm #47087Matt
I’m sorry for the challenges and suffering you’re experiencing, and can understand why you’re looking for abundance. Sometimes when we’ve become really stressed, we wish for abundance so we can settle those spinning thoughts and feelings. If only we had rs 500000 in the bank, a partner that loved us, a wide circle of friends… then, finally, we could rest and enjoy the life we’re living. A few things came to heart as I read your words.
Consider that perhaps you’re experiencing exhaustion with signs of burnout. You run run run run run run. You push your body and mind well past tiredness, well past what is reasonable to do. This leaves us unable to find rest easily. Said differently, your body is running from here to there, and your mind runs even faster from past to future, fear and fantasy. Where is the resting? You’re even running in your dreams! Consider that almost anyone in your shoes would be the same… tired and looking for escape.
Don’t despair, dear sister, because there is always a path toward joy… and it is not like a task list of never ending needs that pushes you back under the blankets in the morning. Rather, its a matter of learning to let go and relax. Your body needs love, and you’ve been a little more like a task master. Its actually in the pushing and clinging that turns the world dark and stormy looking… when we are well rested, we can see the magic and beauty that flows through and around us.
That being said, its not as easy as wishing it into your life… or “feeling” abundant. You have to create the energy inside you. Its actually pretty easy! The first path is to bring the positive energy into your body. This done through self nurturing, such as taking a quiet bath, listening to soft music, or (especially) metta meditation. Some quiet space where you can set down the past, set down the future, and breathe, remember your divinity, and let go of the weight on your shoulders. Not husband, not career, not future, not past… sit and let those go, just for a time. Rest. Let the mind settle.
Next, one of my teachers showed me how the energy of joy is generosity. When we are chewing through our task list, we become exhausted, expend ourselves. When we are moving with curiosity, looking for ways to use our time to the benefit of ourselves and others, we become joyous and strong.
For instance, if you were to enter the room of someone who broke both her legs, you might see and experience two different views. One, the client is a task on the list, a series of actions you have to perform before the day is out. So you move around the room and do what is needed. By the end of the day, your body and mind are depleted, as you used up your energy on checking off tasks. The other view is seeing a sister on the bed, in a difficult predicament. As you see your sister suffering, your heart produces an abundance of inspiration and warmth, which you can open up to, use your moment to feel gratitude for your working legs, and give a little sparkle for your sister in need. Then, as you walk away, your heart is actually stronger, your peace deeper, because you both feel gratitude, both feel part of loving attention given to our family. Said differently, when we are dancing in joy and warmth, we do get tired, but we also get genuine rest, because the body is very satisfied in giving and sharing that warmth, that love.
If you need a kick start to your loving drive, consider searching YouTube for “guided metta meditation” and spend a half hour under their guidance and see what happens. Don’t be surprised if the warmth that arises fades quickly… with practice and time it stabalizes, especially when you use the warmth you find for the benefit of all beings. Namaste.
With warmth,
MattDecember 19, 2013 at 3:02 pm #47107Sean Bloomfield
I have no where near the soft and calming language that Matt skillfully and gently uses to slow your exhausted heart but I also agree with his kind advice
Your challenges are real to you and perhaps with careful practice and compassion for yourself you will see that the abundance you so desperately seek exists inside of you.
Warmth and love
SeanDecember 19, 2013 at 11:43 pm #47165Purpose
Participanthello DEAR Sia
i can say i can relate to you in many sense .. thanks for sahring… but sometimes we just have to be what we feel..without having judging us for being the way we are..
like ..if you are angry…allow yourself to be angry…dont crib..dont judge yourself…
please start with writing in a journal…write all what u feel throughout day..either as paras or small points… Please start working on the issue..rather than thinking over it long…. we are here with you..and you will come out of this issue…as Winner my dear Sia….
running short of time…. sorry .. would revert to u asap
god bless..December 19, 2013 at 11:45 pm #47166Purpose
Participanthello DEAR Sia
i can say i can relate to you in many sense .. thanks for sharing… but sometimes we just have to be what we feel..without having judging us for being the way we are..
like ..if you are angry…allow yourself to be angry…dont crib..dont judge yourself…
please start with writing in a journal…write all what u feel throughout day..either as paras or small points… Please start working on the issue..rather than thinking over it long…. we are here with you..and you will come out of this issue…as Winner my dear Sia….
running short of time…. sorry .. would revert to u asap
god bless..December 20, 2013 at 9:47 am #47184sia
Participantthank you everyone for your posts..
matt, i really can’t help but marvel at the compassion i read in your words.. i have no words to describe how thankful i felt while reading those lines.. my eyes filled with tears, i felt grace, empathy flowing towards me in your reply.. (i felt like i am in front of a big blue ocean..) you clearly understood my problem more than myself.. as you said, yes.. i keep thinking about the past, future., make my present droop with their weight.. i can see a way out like you said, by being gentle, and actually resting.. i did try meditating..(meditation for me used to be to concentrate on my breath or chanting a simple word for sometime) but again thoughts like – “i am supposed to be going out to run errands, seeing that patient there, studying this,before tomorrow’s class and what on earth am i doing sitting here closing my eyes here..” would come, i would give up..and yes, m kind of a restless person, it is difficult for me to stay in one place for more than few minutes (as if my running here and there would change my life). i even tried to go on long walks.. but that takes more time than meditation and i cant afford that everyday..
i listened to metta meditation online, got confused which one to choose, but shall download anyone of them.. also, i want to know what would be the minimum required time to start meditation? i will try to meditate before i sleep everyday..thank you sean and purpose for your kind words.. i do keep an online journal which i write irregularly, that helps when i am feeling very exhausted or anxious..
i wish all my friends here on tiny buddha community a happy, merry christmas filled with joy and love.December 20, 2013 at 10:10 am #47186Matt
Consider then “Sharon Salzburg guided metta” for a specific meditation that may resonate with you. I would say at first, if you can swing it, aim for a full half hour for the first week, then see how it goes. Consider that as you meditate, you are fueling your heart. Much like a breakfast eaten helps your energy throughout the day, metta helps the joy and fluidity. Said differently, taking the time to eat breakfast actually helps the tasks get done by keeping you full of energy. Metta does the same.
A quote attributed to Martin Luther King Jr (but I don’t know if he said it) is “I am so busy that if I didn’t spend an hour praying every morning, I don’t know how I would get it all done.”
With warmth,
MattDecember 21, 2013 at 5:39 am #47270sia
Participanthi matt… i just downloaded sharon salzburg guided metta…. listening with my ear phones, i fell into a deep sleep…(i just came home from work..) but i like it.. shall do it regularly, probably before i go to sleep.. thank you..
December 26, 2013 at 2:10 pm #47603Eric Schmit
ParticipantIf your conscious thoughts are not in line with your subconscious then no matter how much you pray, meditate, think positive thoughts etc you will never see results. This is universal and it applies to everyone trying to attract abundance.
Consider, most people use about 5% of there conscious brain to do tasks all day, it leaves a whopping 95% of the subconsciousness to wander and drift unchecked. and what is it filled it? Lots of crap and bad stuff, negativity, old beliefs, bad habits, destructive thoughts, all placed there and forming and collecting since you were born. The first 6 years of your life being so vitally important as your in receiver state mode, just soaking up and storing and believing everything around you from, parents, TV, doctors, teachers in school, your environment, your siblings, your friends, your extended family, all telling you this and that, all of it going into the subconsciousness. You need to either change this or forge a new one.