
How do you guys deal with death of a loved one?

HomeForumsTough TimesHow do you guys deal with death of a loved one?

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    Besides you and Jack, no one else seems to help or support me on here.


    Dear Kelly:

    And I will continue to support you, Kelly.
    Take good care of yourself.



    I am sorry for your suffering.

    Please refer to this thread of another TB member who posted about death as part of my response: http://dev.tinybuddha.com/topic/emotionally-void/

    As for your depression, ultimately we must journey on our own to seek answers. We each lead unique lives therefore no universal answer exists; only individualized answers. And, while cocooning ourselves to seek answers within may yield in results, please keep in mind that this world deals in the physical equally as it does in the spiritual therefore we fare a higher chance at obtaining answers by exposing ourselves to both domains instead of just one. New encounters always stimulate new thoughts. How is one to learn/grow when stuck in the same place?

    Also, please do your best to remain patient. Important things (such as our lives) are meant to be carefully nurtured and therefore naturally take time. In addition, if it applies to you, please release any notion of others’ expectations. In our one existence, there is no greater waste than to live our lives in a matter which does not fulfill our beings. Don’t you agree?

    Our journeys will continue to present obstacles; as is normal. Their appearance exist to teach us the lessons necessary to help us navigate more smoothly and enjoyably. Do your best to see these without bias. Take things one step at a time and with care. Speed is of no importance, only progress is. If next week gets your further than last week, you are ahead. However, this remains true only if action is taken. I hope this helps.


    Ps: I, too, suffer from disabilities. This just means more incentive to go out and accomplish more.


    Kelly, I am sorry for your suffering. I hope you are getting the help you need, physically, and emotionally. Sometimes the best thing to do is to give yourself a break and just be still, stop your thoughts, and just focus on easy breathing, maybe find a pleasant place to be (like a beautiful park), and just be. It takes determination and practice, but don’t try too hard. Whenever you notice too much going on in your head, create a gap by doing this. I bet with practice you will discover a smile you always had in you!



    looks like “who” disappeared


    * Yes, Juanita, who is… no longer with us.


    What do you mean, “Who”? Is Kelly okay?


    * Dear eaglestare:

    “who” is a user name of a member that was very active here for a few days and then is no longer (active). I regret causing you concern about Kelly because of my phrasing above.



    Okay. I hope Kelly is doing okay.


    * Dear eaglestare:

    kelly posted above that only two people support her on this site. Well that is not so, there is you, concerned about her and there are Al and eaglestare who also posted on her thread.

    Dear Kelly:

    How are you doing???



    Hey I’m still here. Thanks for the support guys. Had a funeral a week ago so that was hard. :/ I guess time will heal all wounds hopefully. I have been feeling depressed and down and just wanting to sleep more and appetite is still off. I get hungry yeah but part of me doesn’t feel like eating much yet. I hope to see a therapist soon and go back on over the counter meds since herbal 5htp didn’t do anything for me.


    Dear kelly:

    Welcome back! Hope you will be feeling better soon. Herbal 5htp, what is that? What do you do to feel better these days…? What can you do?



    Hi Kelly! When I have gone through tough times, I look at old posts on the forum that have supported me, and choose some of those ideas to deal with my own difficulties. Look at my previous posts, and the other ones here, and see if that gets you on the right track. I also want to mention that many people have found that exercise, lots of exercise, can boost your energy and overall well-being. My tai chi instructor has said that when we are feeling depressed, or mourning, it’s important to keep the body moving and flowing, and walk, walk, walk. Make a point to do it today, and regularly if you can.

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