
How Can I Travel Time To Relive My Life Knowing What I Know Now?

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    I’ve always felt that life should be lived to it’s best. Maybe I’m wrong. But I’d like to go back to when I was born. I want to start over. I want to keep the conscious and knowledge that I have now so I can change the decisions I regret so I can lead my own life.

    I don’t mean to sound like a victim but I feel like it’s unfair that I haven’t had the right family. One that could raise me and pass their knowledge to me. Instead all I got was a dysfunctional family that neglected me. So I had to learn on my own without a mentor. I had to look up to myself by making many mistakes.

    Sure things are great now and I’ve now the knowledge to lead a more prosperous life. But the regrets in my past are a burden to me and I want to go back and create a life that was prosperous from beginning to end.

    So, as the questions states in the title:

    How can I travel time to relive my life knowing what I know now?


    Dear sadman11:

    You can’t, of course. Thing is most people, which makes it billions of adults in the world, today,  grew up in dysfunctional families and made many mistakes, lived most or all of their lives so far way less functionally than possible if their families were functional. It is the norm, not he exception, to be born into a dysfunctional home. Personally I don’t know of a single person, online or in person, who grew up in a functional home.

    Some people are prosperous, but that doesn’t mean they are functional. For example, Robin Williams was a very prosperous man, an internationally famous comedian and movie star, and yet he was so dysfunctional that he is now dead, by his own choice. There are plenty of other examples of prosperous and yet dysfunctional people. This is why our world is in poor shape: material and human resources being mostly wasted, mismanaged and wasted.

    And so, if you traveled back in time to another home, another family, most chances would be that.. again, you would find yourself in a dysfunctional home.

    Travel forward then, compare your life now not to what-would-have-been fantasy. Instead, compare your life today to your life of yesterday, put into practice today what you learned yesterday. Make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. Learn and be patient. Some days will not be better than the days before, but if you persist, learn to endure your distress and regrets and persist nonetheless in learning and improving your life, you will succeed.



    I always liked those ‘ground hog’ type stories were the main character keeps repeating the same day over and over until they get it right. Wouldn’t that be nice. Then again, the main character is stuck for a very long time and even commits suicide several times. How many life times “days” did it take for him to get it right.

    If you could go back in time to fix a problem, you would likely have to redo that a few times and then fix what happens next… Then its likely the first attempt of undoing the past would change what you know and what you would change…a possible never-ending cycle.… Even if we get it “right” (to our liking) looking back life, love and suffering remain interconnected. (From a ALL encompassing perspective suffering is LOVE – chew on that for a while)

    The idea of fixing our past it’s a kind of like the karma and reincarnation concept… only in the movie you get to remember… You might say that the idea of Karma is a type of remembering that were all really bad at, as it takes a great deal of effort to become conscious of all the factors behind our actions and there affects.

    The goal of repeated “life times” could be the perfection of the spirit… however I suspect once that state of being is reached one would look back and not change anything, as everything experienced, the good and the bad is what brought you to that state. And of course, with that  the very idea of good and bad disappears.

    That said it’s the tension between what we judge as good and bad that leads to “conscious awakening’.   Its Irony but basically suggest that you are exactly where you need to be to get to where your gong next. So, stop trying to change the past and Instead address your perspective from which you view it. Learn and move forward.

    I think what you really desire is to “fix” your experience of yourself so that you might be different, no loner you? Begs the question what is this something you identify with as being you? If you “fixed” all your experiences would you, still be you? Would you notice?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Peter.
    Shae Hepburn

    Sadman11 your predicament  is not unlike the one I  had to deal with. There was a part of  me that mourned the me that could have been had I been loved and supported. I guess that I went through that period of feeling sorry for myself: “why did I get to have the crappy family?”. And in my case my life took a turn for the worst for many years , it is only now that I am  starting to make sense of everything. And I realized that everything is happening EXACTLY as it should.Life loves me so much it decided to heap on so much on my broad shoulders because it knew that I would find out who I really was. But it’s more than that: I believe of all us agree before we are born into this life what issues we are going to take on. So I have chosen to look at it this way: I am grateful for every single moment. I would have preferred it to be different,but  ultimately knowing that I chose it all to become who I was always deep inside has made it all worth it.

    But with you consider the fact that if you have children or will have one day you can give them what your parents never gave you. You cannot change the past, but having a victim mentality will not help you make sense of things. Ultimately it would be lovely if our parents ushered us into the world safely and lovingly but that doesn’t happen often, because few people work on themselves before bringing children into  this world.  You are responsible for yourself and while you cannot travel back to rewrite history, you do have choices in the now.

    How you view your narrative is something you can choose right now and what legacy to leave behind for your kids (if you have them or choose to have themin the future).If you do not want kids you still have the choice of what to choose what your life stood for.


    Hi Sadman11,

    I had also grown up in a highly dysfunctional family that involved neglect and abuse.  For many years, I grew up with extreme emotions of anger, abandonment issues, lack and loneliness.  However, I worked hard to transform myself to resolve and let those emotions go.

    I’d like share two perspectives with you.  The perspective from my brother’s life and my life.

    Both of us encountered the same neglect and abuse during childhood.

    My brother didn’t work at resolving these suppressed emotions.  He seems to be in a constant state of anger.  Ready to blow up any time with the smallest perceived insult to him.  And he will respond with a disproportionate response of yelling, screaming anger.  Being the oldest son of my parents, he received the “Golden Child” experience. That is, he could do no wrong.  He was always given the attention emotionally and materially.  He grew up feeling entitled and self-absorbed.  He constantly refers to the past of how life was unfair to him.  He feels grave injustice to the past abuses and has difficulty moving forward because he perceives himself to be the victim.  This prevents him from taking responsibility, wanting to be happy, wanting to find purpose and meaning.  He continues to harbor the anger, disappointment and injustice in his heart.   There is no moving forwards for him.   In a way, he is just waiting to die.

    For myself, I harbored anger, disappointment, lack of confidence, negativity as well.  But I worked very hard with certain practices and tools to overcome them.  I no longer harbor the negativity and anger towards my parents.  I no longer ask myself the many what ifs. Ie. What if I was more fortunate as a child, what if I wasn’t abused, what if I was provided more guidance, etc.   It definitely wasn’t easy to transform.  But it was well worth it.  I would attribute all my greatest successes to this transformation.  I’m much more positive, forward thinking, focused and motivated.

    Two siblings, with the same early experiences, but on two very different paths.  One is in a constant negativity, bitterness and victimhood mentality, with little to look forward to.  Another, with a positive feeling of the wonderful adventurous experiences to come.  Perspective and mindset are the difference.

    This is a common proverb in Buddhism:

    If you can solve the problem, then what is the need of worrying?  If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?

    As with you, I would have liked to be able to change the past and start over with a clean slate.  But we cannot.  By spending time thinking or worrying about things that cannot be changed, is it productive?  Rather than being only unproductive, can it be even worse?  A hindrance or a crutch?

    You refer to the regrets of the past as a hindrance to you.  Do you feel that this hindrance inhibits you to live your own life now?  Do you feel the neglect of the past a crutch to your opportunities now?  Do you feel the unfairness of not being in the right family prevents you in any way from having a more prosperous life?

    If you answered yes to any of these, I would suggest you take a deeper look at your statement: “Sure things are great now and I’ve now the knowledge to lead a more prosperous life”.  Ask yourself if you have been completely honest with yourself.

    Unconsciously, we may not realize the continuing impact on long suppressed emotions.

    Your first sentence resonates with me: “I’ve always felt that life should be lived to it’s best”.  I attempt to live this daily.  It means not letting past life experiences be an attachment that is a barrier to the present.  Instead, I perceive the past experiences in a positive light which can be an inspiration and support to me both mentally and emotionally.  For example, if I had to learn on my own without a mentor, I may have suffered in misguided direction, but I would have also gained in having greater independence and being able to more easily pave new roads for myself.  Those I would consider positive attributes to my present situation.

    So I believe the more appropriate question for yourself is:

    How can I live the life to it’s best knowing what I know now?



    Peter, I would like you to chew on my fist for that ‘suffering is love’ bullshit.



    Have the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by tinybuddha.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by tinybuddha.
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