
high and lows

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    hi everyone

    It is been a long time since I have written here. last I share that I met a man that I think is the one and was overtginking that what if I do something wrong to mess up the relationship. I dated him since february current year. our relationship was never exciting, we meet we talk and we sleep together, we dont go out a lot, we are very dull and no color. He is a school teacher and get off work earlier, and almost everyday after work he is out with friends drinking. I have adressed the issue with him but he always say they were just relaxing after work and no harm is done. that relaxation happens everytime and I come out as always complaining.

    I considered breaking up, but am I always just walking away from relationships when they are not going the way I want? do I stay and try to work things out? do I just wait and see or I am fussing about nothing or am better without him and his everyday drinking. I grow up with a father that drinks a lot and do not want to experiance a drunkered for the rest of my life. I am considering being single for sometime yet again I already tried being single for a year. I feel unlucky when it comes to relationships and I always believe I am the one who is impatient, who mess up the relationship, all my exes get girlfriends after they broke up with me and their relationships lasts long. I have been on high and low emotionally, one this day I am super hapy amd the next day I am very down with no partucular reason.

    I would love to have a stable relationship I am very tired of changing men. anything that may help me I appreciate

    much love!


    Dear Jay-me:

    You wrote that all your exes “get girlfriends after they broke up with (you) and their relationships lasts long”- significantly longer than their relationship with you, you mean? If so, what do you think is the reason for that?

    Regarding your current boyfriend, you stated nothing positive about the relationship, and his daily drinking after work is something you strongly dislike. What motivates you to stay in this relationship?


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