
Help With My Relationship… Advice

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  • This topic has 37 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Dear Debbie:

    I want to explain to you my motivation in engaging with you on this thread, personally: I would like it very much if you and him will get back together and make each other happy. That will be delightful for me. This is my motivation in bringing up the points I am bringing.

    My understanding of your situation keeps developing as we continue to communicate because you bring to me more and more information.

    As to your question, is it too late: it may be too late. Definitely the marriage is not likely at all to proceed as planned, the cancellations already happened.

    If there is a chance for a Win-Win relationship between you and him, the old foundation of it needs to be replaced with a new foundation.

    The old foundation: the relationship is about making Debbie happy; it is about making Debbie’s dreams come true. Debbie was injured in past relationships, so it is his (your ex fiancé’s) job to make it up to you for past injuries and resulting insecurity; to always be there for you. This relationship is about Debbie.

    The new foundation: this relationship is about making Debbie and ex fiancé happy. Both. Debbie was injured in the past but so has the man. This is a meeting of two people who need each other’s support. It is his job to help you and comfort you – NO LESS than it is your job to help him and comfort him. This relationship is about him just as much as it is about you.

    Do you agree with the new vs. the old foundation- ?



    Yes I agree 110%… I know that there will be no wedding August 4th 2017. That ship has sailed already & there is no returning at this point to that dream. But I am more than ok with that. And yes – I agree with you that he, as well as myself, has made this about MY dreams, MY hopes, MY feelings, etc.

    More than anything I want to get him back! More than anything I want to be there to comfort him & help him, as he has done for me. And yes, it is not going to based on what was or what could have been, it has to be a new beginning for us. I think that it should be more about the relationship with each other than all the other things. I am willing to let go of that all. I am willing to work on the things that I need to, as I know there are things he needs to work on – such as communication & learning how to deal with stress & pressure.

    How do you build a new foundation though while the ruins of the old still stand. Because he is who is he, I am afraid that he is too ashamed or too embarrassed to face me or talk with me. He had his roommate bring everything to me, not him. He didn’t want to see me. He didn’t want to deal with what has happened. My fear is that right now, if it is true what his friend/roommate told my mom about them never seeing him this way, is he even in the right frame of mind to have a conversation or listen to what I have to say. The last thing I want to do is pressure him any further than I already have, if that makes sense.

    What is the first step? How do I begin the re-building phase if this?


    Dear Debbie:

    No wonder he had his roommate come over- isn’t it the last time he saw you that you were very angry with him, your arms crossed, because he failed you? No wonder he didn’t want a repeat of the same. It is not only his shame but your anger- you were there, you had part in that interaction.

    The new foundation, if it has a chance to be established, will require lots of work, on your part and on his part. It is your mental habit, or habits, that co-led to the old foundation. Those habits are not easy to abandon, no matter how enthusiastic you may be for the opportunity.

    And this is something for you to be aware of- it may seem easy from your view now but if your chance materialize, there will be difficult times, frustrations for a long time. Are you willing and able… is the question.

    And is he willing… and when and how can you get the answer regarding his willingness, these are valid questions.

    Because he is a decent man, from your accounts, I would give this relationship a chance, if I was you. IF you believe that you are able and willing to go through what the New phase of this relationship requires. I don’t think there is the right time to do this. I would compose a message to him, make sure it contains everything you intend, all that you learned, make it true and realistic- run it through me first (it will probably need to be edited and shortened)- and then, when you feel very satisfied with your message, when your message is all you (you mean every part of it), then send it to him, anytime. There is no way for you to figure out the correct time, it will be guessing on your part. Send it after you run it through me, receiving my input. Start writing it.



    Hi Anita –

    Sorry I have not gotten back to this site sooner… So last I communicated with you was a week ago Monday. I actually text him Wednesday morning asking if we could talk. He replied with, “I’ll call you later tonight”. I wrote him back saying, “I would rather do it face to face please”, & he responded with, “I’ll call you later”. So I took that & let it be. That night around 9:30 he called me. I answered the phone calmly & he was cold. He said to me, “You wanted to talk…”, so coldly, like I have meant nothing to him. Like we were never engaged to be married or had an ENTIRE wedding planned out & basically paid for!! So, I calmly said to him, well it has been a month now since we last talked & I was worried about you. I wasn’t ok, you weren’t ok, I just wanted to know how you were doing. He said, “yeah well a lot of people were worried about me. I am actually doing good. Things are still crazy at work, still working everyday but, I am doing good.” I was like ok… I said I was totally caught off guard & was blindsided. I said you told me that your feelings have changed, how long were you feeling like this. He said, “Oh I guess months now…”. I was like months? He said, “Yeah well I suck at communication & that is probably why I will be single for the rest of my life, but I am working on it.” I couldn’t believe what he was saying to me! When I tell you that there were no signs Anita, I swear, I am not lying or making this all up! I asked him was there something I that I did or something I said that made him feel this way or have this sudden change of heart & all he could say to me was, “Well you’re pushy”… That was what I got!

    It felt like he was trying to convince himself that he did the right thing or that he doesn’t love me. It is like he is blocking everything out of his life because he handle it all! It makes me so upset & sad. I don’t know if what he is saying to me is really true or he is just saying things because he is spooked & can’t handle it all. It didn’t even sound like him while I was talking with him… like he was a stranger to me. Like he wanted to be doing everything else other than talking with me, the woman he asked to marry him & the woman he told EVERYDAY that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with!

    He told me that the week before he was in the hospital. He had stomach pains & went to the ER. He said all of a sudden they told him that he had appendicitis & was going in for surgery. He said that once they opened him up they found out he had a hernia ass well & they repaired that. He said he was out of work & didn’t even tell his job why he was out. I asked him why he didn’t say anything to his job & his response was, “I am on probation for 12 months & I need to prove that I cam handle this position. I didn’t want them to think badly of me.” My reaction to that was, this is your health! It’s not like you are just taking vacation & not coming into work”. He replied with, “well they found out & told me to get better so that I can return to the job. This is what I mean when I am poor at communication. I didn’t even tell my job what was going on. I can’t even communicate with my parents”.

    I seriously don’t know what to do/say anymore. Do I completely let go? People tell me to follow my heart… My heart says to fight for him. Be there for him… support him, not give up! I just don’t know what to do! Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. I had to take the day off because I was a mess all Monday night, uncontrollably crying. I was up all night just sobbing & trying to talk myself off the ledge I was on. It is getting worse. I don’t feel that I am any better off than I was when this first happened.

    I have moments of anger. I have moments of sadness… Please help me! Should I write him? Should I let it go… I am desperate!


    Dear Debbie:

    I am glad you initiated that phone conversation. Even though you preferred a face to face conversation, your account of the phone conversation is very helpful to me in understanding him and the situation.

    Your last words in the last post is that you are desperate. As you proceed with your days and nights ahead, you will need to practice as much calm as is possible. You are in for a process of healing here that will take time. Establish a few calming habits daily to help you along (examples: brisk daily walk, taking breaks for a few yoga stretches every so often, calming music… posting here, if it helps).

    Back to what I learned from that phone conversation you had with him: I was correct previously in understanding that he has been distressed- while the relationship was ongoing- for a long time, months, before the final blow. I was correct in suggesting that he was faking it, going with the motions. The termination of the relationship was sudden only in YOUR experience. In his experience, the termination was slow and gradual.

    He is correct when he told you he is not good communicating. He is very well aware of it and took responsibility for it.

    Regarding you not seeing his distress during those months- I can understand it because he kept saying those assuring and reassuring statements to you, like before. So you took comfort in those. I also believe that on some level you knew there was trouble, from the very beginning and this is why you needed the reassurance all through the relationship. You were too … desperate then (and now) to be aware of what was too distressing for you to be aware of.

    Let me know what you think of what I wrote so far. I have more but need your feedback. Also, aware of your stress level, I shouldn’t overwhelm you with posts that are too long.



    My stress level is through the roof… It is beyond understanding. I know that you said early on that he was distressed in the relationship for a while. And Yes, he did take ownership for his short comings, such as communication however, what I do not understand is how someone could fake it AS WELL as he did. We, as women, do have intuition… and I truly believe with all my heart that IF he was NOT IN LOVE WITH ME, I would have felt it. Could he have been unhappy with certain aspects of the relationship? Of course, we all have those feelings. No one is perfect. There were things he did as well that dis-satisfied me, BUT the difference is, I would NEVER EVER have carried on or said the things he did to me, “Going Through the motions”. To me that is callous & cowardly! When things were off between us, or I had said something that upset him, such as the case with Daisy, I knew. He acted different. I felt it… And she alone, caused much distress in our relationship, without a doubt… So how could I have been so blindsided & not saw it coming.

    Yes I asked him for reassurance because I could not believe this man, this perfect man, really was as head over heels in love with me. You seriously had no idea how much disbelief this has caused amongst everyone! Even his friends said to me that they never thought that Sean was unhappy with me. The way he talked about me to them, they were just as in shock as I was & my ENTIRE FAMILY!


    Dear Debbie:

    I didn’t read your whole post above, and am about to (as well as respond), but I wanted to send you this quicker post and ask you to take a hot bath or a quick walk, something like that to calm yourself. It is most important. Please do that. Will post again shortly.



    Dear Debbie:

    I didn’t state before that he faked being in love with you. What I meant by faking-it was that he felt, in the last few months of the relationship, more and more as a stranger to his own self, more and more distant from his emotions, until he arrived at the point that there was no in-love emotion left. It was a gradual process on his end.

    Next in your post above, you judge him as callous and cowardly- reality is, he was very distressed and didn’t deal well with what was happening in his mind and life. Maybe he was trying to avoid trouble by pretending all is fine. Probably the way he dealt with trouble in the past as well, it being his way of dealing with distress, not a personal offense to you.

    Everyone was in shock about the termination of the relationship, you state. The thing is, no matter how believably he acted, it was not in “cold blood” that he did so. There was no dishonest payoff for him to do so- he didn’t make money out of planned deceit. This whole thing didn’t make his life any better.

    This whole story is regrettable, not only for you and your family and friends, but also for him. There is no Bad-guy (him) and Good-guy (you).

    Hoping you did go for a walk or took a hot bath or shower, or both. keep posting…


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