
Help letting go

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    So I recently got involved with someone who expressed they only wanted a casual no strings attached relationship. I agreed to this and it then become a matter of things on his terms and as he said to me once “I need to listen and respect his requests”. I know I fell hard for this guy – it wasnt even to do with the sex as it wasnt really that good to be honest, it was more about a connection with someone and not feeling so alone.

    I know I started to want more of his attention and started sabotaging things by continually bombarding him with texts wanting to see him. In the end he said he didnt want to see me any more a couple of a weeks later I contacted him again to see how he was and see if we could hang out – his response took me off guard he was now seeing someone. (This was less than 2 weeks I might add and now as of yesterday is referring to her as his GF) In one of his angry texts he sent me a photo of the 2 of them together which was such a kick in the guts.

    Anyway I did go a bit crazy girl texting constantly and asking why not me etc. – I can totally understand why he now doesnt want anything to do with me and I have stop contacting him.

    However I don’t know how to let go of the situation I am really trying hard but I find myself wasting time looking at this facebook seeing who he has recently added thinking about everything that has happen over and over etc.

    I know this guy isnt for me and he never wanted to be with me however I cant seem to let go of it and totally feel not good enough.

    Does anyone have any helpful tips.

    Thank you in advanced and thankyou for listening to my babble.


    Dear Amy:

    You wrote: “I did go a bit crazy girl texting constantly and asking why not me”- to understand how you think better, I am asking you:

    Why not you? Why do YOU think he chose another woman to be his girlfriend and not you?



    Hi Amy,

    “I know this guy isnt for me and he never wanted to be with me however I cant seem to let go of it and totally feel not good enough.”

    Yes I do have some helpful tips.

    1) Do a variation of Ho’oponopono

    Continously chant/say,

    Please note you are not saying this to that person.
    Don’t bother much about whom you’re saying to. Simply say it! Say it over and over. Mean it.
    You may ask it to whoever you believe as God, or to Nature, or to the Universe, or to Life, or to your own self, or simply in the air to nobody.

    Just say it either mentally, loudly or softly or proclaim it by yelling it, however you want to.
    Say it as many times as you can/want. If that person’s thought comes in your head, immediately go to the chanting.

    2) Another similar variation


    Keep saying this the same way as explained in No.1. Either mentally, loudly or softly or however it works best for you.
    You said you are not able to let go of him which is nothing but trying to remove him from your head, so that you can go back to your own life, in a calm and peaceful way. So don’t try hard to remove him. Instead, while saying the above, if the guy’s image comes to the screen of your mind, let it come, allow it to come. Don’t push it. Don’t resist it. What you resist will persist.

    While saying “YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND RELEASE ME”, you can also imagine this person getting RELEASED from your head, while putting greater emphasis on the words “RELEASE ME”. Don’t worry if you are weak in visualization like some people are. In that case, simply keep chanting.

    These energetic exercises do not necessarily always mean that you or they have done anything wrong, but it is to break the negative link or to cut the negative energy cords. The end result would be harmonious and in alignment with you and for your greater good.
    Soon you will be back on track with your routine life.

    Remember to say it as many times as possible. You can even say it involuntarily (meaning: just like alphabets ABCD… without thinking much about them). If you are doing something else and you are disturbed by his memories, then immediately start chanting and do it continuously till you are OK.

    I am sure you are going to feel much more peaceful about your situation. Even if thoughts about this person may (or may even not) come but they will lose their intensity and will no longer bother you anymore.

    Best Luck.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by VJ.
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