
Guides are quiet or am i not listening

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    thank you anita,

    Yesterday I have to say I slept like a baby.  No worries about how im going to pay my rent or letting my kids down.  Things will work themselves out and I have faith that the path will be shown to be one step at a time.  It’s funny because whenever I need a little bit more push, a message comes through by form of email, or saying or song.  I know it’ll be hard im okay with that.  I feel like im getting myself back to me and on track.  Wow it’s awesome not to have that pit in your stomach feeling.  thank you for the advice, yes I go to that quiet place and every negative I find a positive.


    Dear Sylvie:

    It is good to feel good, no doubt. In my last post to you I suggested to repeatedly go to that quiet place. This means, enjoy this feeling you have now, know that you can feel it again and again, more and more so as you heal and practice going to that place. And also true, you will feel distressed again.

    When you do, well, you know what to do…



    * didn’t record..


    Hi Ladies,

    Thought I was strong and ready to go then it’s overly nice again.  Like above and beyond and as much as my heart would love to believe all of this, I am reminded of how his niceness was used to pull one over on me while he gave me my time to figure out what I wanted.  What kind of relationship needs to figure out who I am?  what kind of relationship needs for me to distance myself to see I’ve lost my happy free spirit?  it’s like a train going in a circle to fast for me to jump off…And now I don’t feel like I hear them at all.  A few weeks ago the signs were there, nightmares, ect…now nothing, no anxiety either, now is it because the spirits know that I know what decision to make and it’s just going to happen no matter what?  But I really need their strength right now…I kind of feel abandoned by trying to figure out where im going


    Dear  Sylvie:

    Who or what are those spirits you are referring to, the ones giving you signs…?

    Those spirits have a bad record in regard to stopping that train you are on. You have a better chance relying on your own thinking, reasonable thinking instead of .. signs as in songs-

    Have that train come to a stop. You don’t need to get off it, for now. Just come to a stop and be quiet, listening to your thoughts and your feelings.


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