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  • #43541

    Hi there,

    A few months ago, I had turned to the Tiny Buddha community because I could no longer bare the pain I was in. I had a very dark past and I was so lost in the trauma of it all, I finally HAD to reach out.
    After spending my entire life with an enormous weight on my shoulders, I did what I had never done before and I shared the shame. And I couldn’t be more grateful that this community was here for me to do that!!
    The kind users who responded to my desperate post helped me change my life. The way I had existed instantly began to shift. It was one of the most PROFOUND days of my entire life. The dark was suddenly ILLUMINATED by the brightest light- Love. The love and kindness of the people in this community.
    I am still continuously growing and shifting, but I now have clarity. I just wanted to share that.
    Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I’m so grateful for Tiny Buddha.



    Namaste Crissy! Its great to hear from you, and I’m so glad you’re blossoming. Hugs to you, sister.

    With warmth,

    Alexey Sunly

    That’s wonderful to hear 🙂 Now, you can start learning how to help others who might be stuck in the same situation like you were ❗

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