
Fifth wheel

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    Lately I’ve been thinking that people just brush me aside or willingly ignore me, wondering if they would notice if I didn’t talk to them anymore. I’ve wondered how people that don’t even look good, are in a relationship. What do other people have that I don’t have? It’s been this way for as long as I remember, from being picked last at recess, to not having a group to work in. What is going on?


    Hi Charles,

    It’s always a good thing to learn and grow and it’s great to see you reaching out for some feedback here 🙂

    Perhaps though I may find it easier if I had a little bit more information?
    It sounds like you are school age as you mentioned ‘recess’ is this right?

    Often when we want to improve a situation a good way is to develop a curiosity about it…curiosity is open and friendly it likes to learn and help you grow…. Maybe you might start by coming up a quick list of things that are your best personality traits and some things you could improve on, what would be on that list?
    Than go though that list eg ‘I get angry easily’ or ‘I’m shy’ you could than look up ‘Help Articles’ on suggestion on improving these areas in your life. (With time and effort changes do take place, when one really wants it to happen ok:)

    Do you have some people, perhaps not family, that you could ask these questions?…but only if you know these people enough and are comfortable enough to ask. You could mention you read about it on a self improvement site:)…be open and thank them for their feedback! 😀

    Perhaps you could also ask yourself if you sometimes might make assumptions? (many people do) Assumptions can sometimes close ourselves off from the truth…an example of an assumption might be ‘people only want to be in a relationship with good looking people’ but when we develop a curiosity about that, our thinking is freed and we are able to come up with long list of beautiful reasons why everyone deserves to be loved.

    Learning and growing as a person is a life long hobby, I wish you well 🙂

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Snails.

    I’m in college, a little older than the average, but I do look and sound much younger than I am. I think a lot of people don’t take me seriously and I can take things personally, like getting annoyed when something sold in a store isn’t attractive to me.

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