
feelings for boyfriend

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    Hi all,

    My boyfriend and I have been together a couple of months now and ever since the start we’ve connected and I really enjoy being around him. We spent a half day together with me going to work the next day then that evening I went to stay at his with me just returning home as I right this (overnight stay). This has pretty much been one of 3 full days we have ever spent together (the other being half days etc). Anyway we had a lovely day together when all of a sudden I turned quiet. There was a point yesterday when looking into his eyes I truly realised how much I actually care for him and it scared the bujesus out of me. I’ve never had any feelings like these before and I’ve been in a couple of relationships over the last few years. I’m only 26 but when I look at him I can see us growing old together and long story short yhe intensity of these feelings has made me kind of shut down and not mention them to him. It’s unusual as we are usually good at communicating, I think they kind of took me by surprise. So after a lot of rambling I guess I’m asking is this intensity normal? How do I explain why I’ve been quiet? That l word is circling in my head and that’s the scariest of all after a couple.of months, is that even possible?

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