
Feeling Stuck at just 21

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    I quit my job today that I have been really hating the past few months. I had plenty of reasons why to go but now that I did it, I feel guilty. Is that normal?

    I’m just switching from an hourly position to another and I feel so stuck.

    I’ve always been an old soul and feel that at 21, I am REALLY behind on where I should be.

    Just looking for some positive feedback to assure myself that it’s going to be okay.



    And yes, of course its gonna be ok 😀 People have come out of worse shit, intact and i am sure as hell you will too…You’re only 21, got so many years ahead, so much potential…trust yourself and work hard, keep persisting. its not going to be easy and simple but you will make it!


    Dear Nic,
    It will not only be ok. It will be great. You’re 21. You have a whole beautiful life ahead of you. You’re on tinybuddha. You’re listening to your inner voice. You’re taking on challenges. You’re listening to your heart and stepping out into a new horizon. You will learn so much with this attitude. I can only imagine a rewarding life ahead of you. The guilt/doubt you mentioned is absolutely normal – it’s a typical adjustment whenever we take on something new or face some changes in our lives. Embrace who you are. Much love to you.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by tinybuddha.

    Wow. Thank you so much. That really does help put my head on a little straighter. I’ve always been one to really get down on myself. Whether its self-worth, work performance, and life in general. I feel that at 21, I should have a great paying job, i shouldn’t be feeling like I’m living paycheck to paycheck, and I should feel more life-fulfilled. I put these way ahead of myself and its hard for me to stay grounded. I want those as goals for myself but with my life-long background of anxiety and depression, I find it so hard to stay motivated.

    I just need to keep telling myself that everything will work out in the end, I’ll have many ups and downs, and that I have to work hard to start feeling better about myself and my life as I have MANY MANY years ahead of me.

    Thank you so much Belove for taking the time to write back. I will definitely be checking out your blog.

    I came across these forums and this site yesterday and Im SO glad I did.

    I wish you well. 🙂

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