
Dumped by the girl of my dreams about a month ago

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    Hi Anita,

    Oh, I have ABSOLUTELY no doubt that at certain times, I will see my child as bit shitty! I have grown up raising kids. I had to help raise my younger sisters on my fathers side. I love kids, and I’ve always been told “I am great with them.” One day, I will have my own, and love them with every ounce of my soul. However, sometimes kids can be really, really shitty! Anyone who says otherwise has never raised kids. It’s not meant to say that I despise kids in some way, as that couldn’t be further from the truth, and is a vast rumination of what I said. It’s meant to say, that some times life can be extremely troublesome and testing, but we still love it, and embrace it, good days and bad.


    Dear just_let_go:

    Is it okay then to tell a child that he or she is sh*&, and treat him or her like sh*^?



    No. You are being absolutely ridiculous.

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