
Does everything boil down to fear?

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    Maelina Frattaroli

    Fear is the mind killer, so they say. Every thought, action, and consideration boils down to fear that something won’t go our way, fear that something bad might happen. 1) Do you really believe this? and 2) If so, how do you get past these barriers?

    Vicki Savini

    Hi Maelina-

    I believe that everything comes down to two things; love & fear.  When we are fear driven we are out of sync and nothing feels right.  When we are driven by love, we are in the flow.  The best way to get past fear is to face is head on and compliment it with a turn around.  Ex) If someone fears that there’s just not enough time in a day, the turn around would be; Everything happens in Divine timing. We are only driven by fear when we allow self limiting beliefs to take control in our lives. When we take our power back and remember the light within, it’s very easy to allow Love to take the wheel.


    Lots of Love, Vicki


    Kathy Kruger

    I really agree with you Vicki – the opposite of fear is love, or at least love conquers fear.


    Fear knocked at the door.  Love answered, and no one was there.


    I’m not sure where that quote originated from, but it’s a powerful one.

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