
Do you plan out your blog entries or just free flow?

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    Sheila McCann

    I free flow but I’m going to plan out the next month and see if that works better for me.  I think it will save a lot of time and give a logical context to the themes.

    Debra Smouse

    Hi, Shelia!

    I write a weekly blog for my work blog in addition to guest posts in places like Tiny Buddha.  I plan the topics for 4 to 6 weeks of blog posts at a time so when I sit down I’m not spending a lot of time spinning my wheels!

    Lisa H.

    I’ve been free-flowing it, but am going to switch over to a more planned system. I’ve been spinning my wheels too much thinking about what to write.

    Jacki Dilley

    I do a combination of the two. I blog on the theme of mindful living, so all my posts relate to that. But I often get my ideas for specific posts through free writing or things my meditation teacher says.

    Sara Davies

    I also do a combination of the two. I have a general plan and idea of what I want to write about for the next couple of weeks, and somehow it falls into place with things that crop up  in that period of time that inspire me to write.

    Sheila I agree, it definitely helps to plan it out to get similar themes going!

    Sheila McCann

    @ Debra  wow!  4-6 weeks.  I think that would really work for me to know I have it all layed out.  Also, I could modify and add any new ideas I come up with.

    @ Lisa  Hello!  Me too.  Time to move past spinning wheels.

    @ Jacki  Yes, a combination of the two with an emphasis on planning.  Free writing is great for generating ideas.

    @ Sara  This is definitely the direction I’m heading in.  Maybe even planning a monthly theme.

    Thanks! Happy writing/blogging : )





    Vincent Nguyen

    Like Jacki, I do a lot of both. I’d say the majority of it is free flow, but when there is no free flow coming then it’s time to sit down and actually brainstorm.

    I find that this is what works best for me. 🙂

    Sheila McCann

    Thanks Vincent…it seems like that combo works for many of us!


    Hi everyone,
    Really interesting topic. A couple of years ago I was a professional blogger for a company, and during that time I would plan about 70% of my blog posts ahead in an editorial calendar, with the rest being very spur of the moment.

    However, something I did make sure I followed was seasonal trends. Since a good portion of the content I was writing back then was shopping-related this was really important, but I am thinking of applying something similar to my current blog. For example, I know that retreat season tends to be in the new year etc etc.

    So far my content is totally unplanned. I just go with whatever book I’ve read or workshop I’ve been to. I think it will probably always be a little like that, but I do want to find a little more structure, especially when it comes to partnering with other bloggers or organisations.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by tinybuddha.
    Wayne Gearing

    Although I never publish them, most of my writing is purely free flow.. then adjusted later. I sometimes get a real urge just to write, get my words onto paper (on the screen) and then… delete the file, strange I know but makes me feel better 🙂

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