
Do you have to choose?

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    I grew up with a family not too focused on spirituality or religion, i always felt lost and confused with the whole topic really. As I entered my young adult years I learned that I have so much inside me that is too powerful and moving. I had three moments of awakening or moments of connection. 1. falling in love genuinely 2. connecting with mother Earth as the caregiver and love force for all 3. having a moment of realization that all religions are connected. For me we have one God which isn’t even “god” its an energy, that fuels the universe and the natural flow of life along with the fuel for earth, love&light energy. It’s within everything form me to you the bees, trees an kitties. 🙂 Once we all realize that at the core we are one. Life is truly beautiful. I’m not educated on world religions but I do know that if you call it God or Allah even, Jesus or Mohammed .. we have one energy source. It shines through you and through love. Many people are misguided. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE as The Beatles said. If we all came together with every race, sex, preference, religion and political stance , and move as Earth Beings.. Not human beings but a being of the Earth and all who have a spirit and can laugh and smile. My movement is love. If we all loved the Earth and had immense gratitude and understanding for all we will shine and grow as a civilization. So why do people choose to have one book or scripture to follow? one way of living ? one way of dying? when there is an endless vast of love that lives within all. I feel saddened for them to limit their spirits in such a way. so.. share with me what do you have love for and how do you all express it?! So excited to see other peoples input.
    With love&light Shirlee <3



    Great job Shirlee! While I do not fully agree with your viewpoint, I do understand and respect it. It is much more welcoming than someone saying that only their religion is right, and therefore, everyone else is wrong. It makes no sense! As I tell others, everyone is wrong and right in their own unique way!

    I hope you continue to share your wonderful view point,

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