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December 28, 2018 at 10:27 am #271301
ParticipantHi Michelle
I think I just want to maintain a friendship- I know it doesn’t come across like that but I just recently lost my nan so I’m scared of losing another person right now if that makes sense. We resolved the part about the boundaries, he was more that happy to carry on the friendship and doing want we do. I messaged him asking how he was, then wished him merry Christmas and last message was an apology. I sent them messages to make sure he knew I was there for him and appreciated.
The unhealthy part is I isolated myself away from my other friends which i have been trying to change.
December 28, 2018 at 10:34 am #271303Michelle
ParticipantAccording to your last message though, you were mad that he was liking another girl’s pictures on Instagram (which initiated you sending another message).
From the outside, this reads like jealousy. If there is no longing in your heart for something more, then why would his social media habits cause you to be upset? It may be worth reflecting on that to understand your motivations.
I don’t think anyone can force someone else to respond to them. He has communicated boundaries. You may continue to hurt yourself and the prospects of a friendship by not respecting them. In order to maintain a respectful friendship, I feel you need to give some space and let him make the next move. You may be unintentionally overwhelming him and pressuring him.
December 28, 2018 at 10:41 am #271309H
ParticipantHi Michelle
Yeah the I didn’t really help myself with theinstagram thing and I probably was a bit jealously but did immediately get over myself by deleting the app.
I understand, I won’t send him anymore messages and let him respond as I don’t want to sabotage the friendship. Feels clearer know. Thanks for your honesty.
December 28, 2018 at 10:54 am #271315Anonymous
GuestDear H:
I will soon be away from the computer for the next 17 hours or so. If you want to elaborate on the “severe anxiety problems” you mentioned in your last note to me, please do, and I will read and reply when I am back to the computer.
December 29, 2018 at 12:06 pm #271383H
ParticipantHi Anita
When I say severe I mean: constant worrying, over thinking almost everything, always needing constant reassurance so asking the same question multiple times. I’ve sabotaging so many friendships due these behaviours it’s unreal. End up coming across as self absorbed.
December 29, 2018 at 12:22 pm #271385Anonymous
GuestDear H:
Absorbed by fear, I think, more accurate to say than absorbed by self, do you think?
Tell me the beginning if you want, when the “constant reassurance so asking the same question multiple times”, when did it start, how early and why?
December 29, 2018 at 12:41 pm #271387H
ParticipantHi Anita
My friend recently called me selfish as I’m not aware of how my behaviours affect others, did explain my thinking process though. Another friend last year blocked me because I always needed constant validation and reassurance and he thought I was neglecting him
I can’t remember when it first started, been really bad over the past four years though. As to why I guess…whenever I end up finding someone that likes me as a friend, I kind of end up loving that person so much it sucks the energy out of them by asking the same things over and over again. I think it’s because I’m scared that if I don’t make the effort they’ll forget about me and hate me and if they don’t message me back in a certain time frame, I assume they no longer want to he friends. I then end up asking loads of questions.
Hope it makes sense
December 29, 2018 at 1:07 pm #271393Anonymous
GuestDear H:
You are welcome. You wrote that you hope that what you shared makes sense. Well, when your friend called you selfish, saying that you not being aware of how your behaviors affect others, it probably is not that you intend to bother a person when you ask him the same question repeatedly, but that you are driven to do, compelled by fear.
Thing is, whether you intended to bother a person or driven by fear, the result are the same: the person gets bothered by being asked the same question repeatedly, so you shouldn’t. It takes time and work but it is possible for you to be driven to ask and yet to resist and not ask. I know this from personal experience.
The other friend blocked you, saying you neglected him while you kept asking for validation and reassurance. His claim makes sense as well. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t intend to neglect him, the end results are the same.
You wrote that it got really bad over the last four years, I wonder what happened in the last four years to have caused your anxiety to increase, whether your life circumstances changed.
You wrote: “I kind of end up loving that person so much it sucks the energy out of them”- this part doesn’t make sense, because love does not suck the energy out of a loved person, it does the opposite. So I figure it is not love but fear. Actually you wrote it yourself: “I think it’s because I am scared“.
You wrote that you are scared that if you “don’t make the effort they’ll forget about me and hate me.. no longer want to be friends”- someone forgot about you when you were very young, I am guessing. Someone was angry at you (hate is strong anger), somebody didn’t want to be close to you?
I will be back to the computer in about fifteen hours. If you answer by then, I will be glad to communicate with you further. Take good care of yourself!
December 30, 2018 at 9:29 am #271517H
ParticipantHi Anita
Yes that’s right! I don’t want to have to repeatably bother someone but irrational thoughts take over which leads to asking the same things over and over again or messaging someone repeatedly. So recently for example I messaged my friend because I was upset and needed someone to talk to to but because he didn’t email back immediately I sent him more messages. I went to stay away from my phone!
Yes I understand I shouldn’t and I’m really trying to work on it as it’s not healthy for me or them. What ways did you try?
In the last four years…during undergraduate I became friends with this guy, became really good friends. I then developed feelings for him through helping him (he would only really talk to me at times) but then once he was better he totally forgot about me and would emotionally torment me at times. It was my fault in the sense I let it happen. He did abuse the friendship trust at times and I didn’t really say anything to him as I was holding on. That then led onto me meeting my online friend (the subject of this blog). So whenever he disappeared I would get anxious and start over messaging him as again I thought I would lose him.
What I should have said is that with my friend, he helped me through alot but recently told me I was using him as substitute for professional help and it was putting him in a awkward situation. After that I felt like I had drained him over the three years. Which led him to say everything was one sided. So it sucked his energy in the process? Yes you’re right I get scared a lot
Yes, I have a very up and down relationship with my parents. Very volatile at times.
December 30, 2018 at 11:33 am #271539Anonymous
GuestDear H:
I will be able to read and reply to your recent post when I am back to the computer in about seventeen hours.
December 31, 2018 at 3:59 am #271589Anonymous
GuestDear H:
You asked me what did I try to not do what I have the urge to do- one example, is that I wanted to ask a person the same question (in a different way, perhaps) so to get a different answer that will make me feel calm. It was like an itch that needed to be scratched, a distress that needed to be calmed.
What I did was suffer the distress without acting on it, without asking the question once again. I just sat there and did nothing. Part of me screamed out: ask! ask! This is how you should ask next!
But I just sat there and said to the part of me that wanted to ask: it is not an option, I will not ask again. I said No, loud and clear. So the part that nagged me eventually gave up. It is not much different from having a child that throws a temper tantrum and you don’t give in to the child’s demand. Eventually she will quiet down, calm down and be available to sensible interaction.
You wrote: “I have a very up and down relationship with my parents. Very volatile at times”- there are a lot of answers to our behaviors as adults when we examine our relationship with our parents, past and present. If you want, elaborate on this sentence I quoted.
December 31, 2018 at 5:22 am #271597H
ParticipantHi Anita
Yes I agree it’s definitely like a constant itch that causes me a lot of distress. Like if don’t ask the same question three times or more I won’t be calm. I’m gonna try this from now and not give in to temptation. I guess I have to go through being anxious in order to overcome the urge. Thanks for the tips! I’m glad it went away for you as well.
Yes so I went through a lot of emotions with my family. Was always verbally abused on birthdays and in general which stuck with me. Developed eating disorders as well as family would constantly criticise the way I looked etc.
I have a random question:
My best friend and I from university haven’t spoken since June. Initially I though it was me always bothering her with the same things but a mutual friend told me that some girls we both knew (didn’t particularly like me lol) had been telling her I had said some things about her. She must have been angry at me for messaging her on holiday and this just added to it. I emailed her last week telling her it wasn’t true and explained everything but nothing yet. I even contacted her bf, just to let her know I was thinking of her. Any advice on what to do?
December 31, 2018 at 6:16 am #271607Anonymous
GuestDear H:
You have an opportunity right now, in context of our current communication, to not scratch that itch. I asked you recently about your relationship with your parents, you answered me just a bit about it and you turned your focus to an itch, that “best friend from university” you wrote about in your last paragraph. This is your current itch that needs to be scratched.
I am not going to scratch it for you, or should I say, I will not facilitate you scratching it. So let it itch and return to my line of inquiry which you don’t feel like talking about: elaborate on “Was always verbally abused on birthdays”, tell me about it.
December 31, 2018 at 6:35 am #271611H
ParticipantHi Anita
I was sworn at etc, father used to put me down whenever I got excited about my birthday. So over time I never wanted to celebrate it and didn’t make a big deal out of it
December 31, 2018 at 6:49 am #271615Anonymous
GuestDear Harminder:
Notice that when you scratch this or that itch, your posts are longer. But when talking about the source-of all those itches, you write so little. It is so because addressing the source is difficult. It is easier to focus on this and that scratch. But healing cannot be done scratching itches. The source of the itches, the fear itself has to be addressed, but slowly and gently.
Let me see what you shared so far about your childhood:
1. “family would constantly criticize the way I looked”- I guess this is why you wrote in the beginning of your thread regarding your online relationship: “At the time it was good to do everything you would do in person without the added pressure of having to please someone based on looks, if that makes sense”- yes, it does make sense. You wrote that you developed eating disorders, a result of being criticized for the way you look, I suppose (?)
2. You were otherwise abused, “Was always verbally abused on birthdays and in general… I was sworn at etc, father used to put me down whenever I got excited about my birthday”- what do you think bothered him so much about you getting excited, did he tell you?