
Depression and Anxiety:

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    Hello Followers,

    I have been feeling depressed over the past year and I cannot seem to mentally shake out of it. I’m a 23 year old university student. I have been feeling quite depressed, anxious and stressed over trivial issues such as over-analyzing what others think of me socially. I’m quite introverted and enjoy my alone time. I love to read literature and articles. I find it rather difficult sometimes to connect with others my age, especially since I do not do too well socially in large groups or crowds. I find small talk cumbersome at times and it is culturally normalized. I always mind-read what others are thinking of me; if I’m interesting and entertaining enough. I dislike the cultural norm to go out and drink and party. I find myself quite intelligent and I find it a barrier to connecting with people my age. I sometimes feel much older and wiser. I’m a very empathetic and compassionate person. This re-self assurance is emotionally exhausting and very unhealthy. This manner of thinking has only exacerbated the problem. I have ceased contributing to my daily hobbies, such as writing poetry and social activism. I simply have lost the desire and spark to fulfill my intellectual curiosity and volunteering needs. Sometimes I do not even want to get out of bed. I have a very supportive partner, wonderful friends, parents, etc. I just cannot seem to find the will to be happy and have a positive outlook on life. I’m not sure why. My mind is in a constant perpetuated state of negativity and I do not know how to shut it off and seek optimism. I cannot remember the last time I had an authentic laugh and smile. I have tried therapy, but the sessions plummeted. I’m not sure how to shift my thinking towards a positive notion. If you have any feedback, please help. Especially geared towards internal happiness and attempting to look at the social world in a positive perspective.

    Lost Student

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Claire.

    Hi Claire, what was it about therapy that didn’t work for you?


    Hi Raeeka, therapy worked for a while, and I would follow my therapists’ guidelines and practices to overcome depression and anxiety, but for some reason, I could not change my mental attitude to fix my outlook on anxiety and depression. I don’t think I pushed myself hard enough to change my negative perspective. I cannot seem to stop my mind from over flowing negative thoughts no matter how hard I try. I wanted my therapists to cleanse my anxiety and depression for me without self attempt. It is my attitude that is difficult to shift more positively. I think my therapists tried real hard, but I could not seem to cooperate or change my negative view. Any tips? Thank-you for your feedback, much appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Claire.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Claire.

    Hello Claire:)
    First of all I would like to say that in my opinion I find nothing wrong with you at all ! I think it is beautiful that you know who you are and that you are introverted like reading and are different than everybody else. To be honest everyone is different but people these days are so worried about what people think of them that they are all being the same but if they all were their authentic selves, then this would change and we would see a lovely world where everyone was unique. So I would suggest that you embrace being different and enjoy the fact that people will see you different. At least when they think of you they will know who you are because you stand out! When it comes to the negative thinking and analyzing what people think of you, DON’T waste your time! I have been in your shoes before and analyzed SO many thoughts in my mind about what the person in front of me thought of me (all of the thoughts were negative obviously ) and eventually this person would end up being my friend and tell me something SO DIFFERENT than what I had thought they thought of me. And in other times the people I thought might actually like me , turn out to not really care for me at all. So dont waste your time trying because more than likely they are not thinking what you think they are thinking , dont forget everyone has their own way of thinking , own life experiences and own ways of deciding so there is a very small chance you think exactly how someone else thinks. You know how someone you just dont like because they remind you of someone you dont like? Yeah that kind of thing, so you cant really guess because everyone thinks differently. Plus , dont take compliments or insults too seriously because in the end of the day you are the one who has to look at herself in the mirror , so technically no one can push you down or put you up unless you let them! When it comes to the negative thinking I’m not exactly sure what kind of thoughts you have? But remember that your mind is a sacred garden that nothing and no one can enter without YOUR permission !
    Hope I helped let me know if there is anything else you would like to know:)


    Maybe you’re too critical on yourself. Your mind is preoccupied with all these trivial matters that you forgot to feel good. My advice is to relax. Do not be so tense. Take a deep breath and carry on with life. Whatever happens, happens. Don’t think.. just feel. Don’t think how you want to be happy, and just be happy. Enjoy the small things in life. You don’t have to get caught up with these little things in life. Don’t let these things stop you from feeling good.

    Sorry for being general, but your problem starts with your mind. It is a problem if you think it is a problem.


    I agree with Alpal, I think you are great just the way you are and everybody else is crazy. (LOL) The problem is that your ego is getting the best of you and you have stopped listening to that inner voice which is the true you. There is nothing wrong with you but your ego is telling you otherwise and you are starting to believe it. Try meditating and silencing your mind for a bit. From what I am reading, this will become difficult at first but I guarantee that it will help. Also it seems like you just feel like you dont fit in, and guess what? you’re just an older and wiser soul in a young body that is all. Keep following your passion such as writing, poetry and other artistic gifts that this universe has given you. The moment you accept yourself for who you are, the world around you will begin to change and love you the way you are. You are a precious gift that the world needs so take it and live it girl. You are special. Therapy does not work with you because there is nothing wrong with you. Believe it.

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