
Depressed and suicidal

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  • This topic has 31 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #115868

    To H8full8:

    I have got my eye on that friends my friend is talking about and I see that somehow he/she is right, yet how do i get to know my friend’s friends that are being talked bad about. I always , always try to get in the shoes of the others while rarely do they try to do this for me. Maybe that is my mistake or maybe it is not. Not everything is an exact science like anita said. If ti was I would not have been there for help now. If in the science there is formula for finding the leghth of a certain path that somebody is going to take in life there is no such things. For sure, we make our own decisions which paths we will follow, yet nobody can know where it will take them and how much time,efforts they will need and thhey don’t know the leght of those paths that are taking. That is why my evaluations about my friends can be completely wrong or absolutely right, yet I cannot know for sure.


    Dear None:

    All you can do, None, is increase your chances for success and decrease your chances for failure. For example if you drive carefully, you increase your chances to survive the drive. But you may still die through the actions of a drunk driver through no fault of your own.

    If you eat healthy and exercise you increase your chances to be healthy and live longer. If you eat badly and do not exercise you decrease your chances. But of course, as you know, people who eat healthy and exercise get sick and die.

    And so it goes on and on, increasing chances for a good quality of life. No guarantees.

    It is difficult to accept that there are no guarantees. Oh, how different life would be if we’d know things for sure.

    Regarding evaluating people, if you do, you increase your chances for well being by making informed choices in regard to whom you get involved with and to what extent.

    Chances, statistics- no guarantees.


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