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- This topic has 62 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 8 months ago by
June 26, 2015 at 6:08 am #78877
GuestDear Sweet:
Not to sweat the small stuff, there is a book by that name.It is Friday, weekend coming. I hope you have a good weekend.
I am considering ending my “career” as advice giver. I think I have been arrogant to think that I can … enlighten others. First people know things, the information, lots and lots of information is available, the good, the bad and the ugly of informations but it is all out there. And then people have to experience the knowing, the true knowing of things and I cannot make that happen. I have been arrogant to think that my thinking and analytical powers (powers…) can cut through people and (what? Save their lives?) How delusional of me. I am frustrated. I really need to do something else with my time. I still intend to entery tinybuddha- but on a way more, way way more humble position.
Write me anytime.
anitaJune 27, 2015 at 4:40 am #78897Sweet
ParticipantHey Blessing
Why do you say like that? You are helping people n nothing is more better than helping people. We all are living a pseudo life here. Anyways I do not have much to write today. Hope you are having a nice weekend. Take good care of yourself
June 27, 2015 at 8:09 am #78901Anonymous
GuestDear Sweet:
Yes, I have been pseudo-helping people in this forum of “pseudo life” as you called it. In reality- maybe I provided a moment of insight here or there, maybe some comfort here or there, but 99.9% that I did not provide any lasting insight of any significance. Most people anyway brush against the truth in life, then brush it off and move on. The inconvenient truth is indeed inconvenient- so it is for me and for the great majority of people. We’d say: “Oh yes, this is true.. and then move to do what we always did, the way we always did…The illusion or delusion that I am helping anyone is a convenient thinking, makes me feel good… but it is not based on reality. Why don’t I face my own reality, as I am doing here and now? Take my own advice. I know I have been helpful to you feeling better when you did. But I am sure I was of no lasting practical help. If I lived near you, I don’t even know if you’d want to meet me. I don’t know. Pseudo life is not real life… but then most people live their (my) pseudo life in real life.
Have a good weekend and take care of yourself. I want to take care of myself as well.
anitaJune 27, 2015 at 9:59 am #78904Sweet
ParticipantHey Anita,
You are sounding too low. Anyways I am sorry if I have said anything wrong. I did not mean that your life is pseudo. I said in a general way that most of the people r like a pseudo life running after one or another thing without realising the real happiness is elsewhere. I am sorry if I have hurt you . All I am sure of even if I have it was not intentional. I don’t even know what’s the matter. It
S 3 am here. Anyways hope all is well with you. I meant pseudo referring to my state of my mind that moment that pseudo- I am not liking something and I am still pretending to keep my calm and finally I exploded. Anyways hope you will be fine. Take careJune 27, 2015 at 7:40 pm #78917Anonymous
GuestDear Sweet:
You did not hurt me, not at all. I was expressing to you my thoughts about life and my tendency from a long time ago to try to FIX people- how ineffective it has been. How it did not work. I was not hurt by your use of “pseudo”- not at all. If you noticed- I used to comment on almost every thread on this website and i no longer do. This is the change- i don’t want to do what is ineffective, see I’ve been telling you about EAR for example, skills to use for better living while I myself was engaged in an old pattern of trying to help others when in reality I am not really helping, at least not in the ways I thought I was.You need or needed someone to write to and found me here and that was helpful to you- a place to vent. My thinking that I can TEACH you is the stupid part I don’t want to do. To think that I am so smart that I can transfer my vast knowledge to you is arrogant of me.
I hope you understand. this is a change in my thinking, my trying to help myself that this is about, NOT being offended by you- you have done nothing wrong to me. How are you doing? Tell me, only I will not try to “FIX” you or “TEACH” you and “TELL YOU HOW IT IS”- stuff like that.
Take care:
anitaJune 28, 2015 at 7:03 am #78929Bethany Rosselit
ParticipantHi Anita,
Two articles that I wrote come to mind, and perhaps they might be helpful for you: http://www.onlinetherapyandcoaching.org/blog/2015/6/24/how-to-deal-with-negative-thoughts and http://www.onlinetherapyandcoaching.org/blog/2015/6/18/4-relationship-tools-that-dont-really-work-and-one-tool-to-replace-them .
Also, I’ve recently discovered this website: http://leadwrite.org/ . She offers a lot of relationship advice and a good self-help book.
Hope that helps!
June 28, 2015 at 4:43 pm #78938Sweet
Good morning, I have got nothing to say on this Anita, I do not know why are you feeling that way. It was your decision to help people and again its your decision not to help people. Do what makes you feel good. is that helping people or not? You have to do your karma. You do not have to consider other’s karmas else you will never be able to settle down.
Anyways thank you for helping me, thanks for writing back. weekend was okay, nothing great, usual fights, fears, and good times.. So it was okay. What else should I write, I do not even feel like expressing after reading your last post…
Because you think you are preaching or teaching, and which is not helping anyone. So I do not want to make it like one sided conversation. I felt nice, that alteast I have someone who can answer why do I feel that way, or anyways.
Thank you for helping me, guiding me. Thanks for being there.How are things at your end and how was your weekend?
I will continue to look forward to your replies.Take care
June 28, 2015 at 8:10 pm #78956Anonymous
GuestDear Sweet:
You can tell me things. If I helped you- and I am glad I did- it is just being here, “listening” caring to know how you are doing- and I still do. I have a long, long history of trying to teach people and it is sickening to me, had enough- nothing personal, really, nothing at all you did wrong to me. It is just stupid of me to do stupid things just like you feel sometimes stupid, doing things that don’t work for you and for others… I did not help you beyond just “being here”- paying attention to you and I can still do that- really. So tell me, share with me. The only difference is I will not TELL YOU WHAT TO DO- how arrognat it was of me anyway.End of weekend, how was it- or by the time you read this- your week is going to start. My husband made dinner to die for, nan with a middle eastern spice called zaatar, sesame seeds and such… and other stuff, big huge dinner. I used to weigh as low as 103 a couple of years ago and all through 2014 and before around 108 on average (I am 5’5”) I gained weight in the last few months. I am concerned about it. How is your weight? Your eating?
anitaJune 28, 2015 at 9:38 pm #78961Sweet
ParticipantHey Anita,
Thanks for writing back. I wont force you to suggest me what to do. I wish I can be of some help. You have given enough, your presence, your time which is more than anything else one can ask for. Your time is the most valuable thing that you can share with someone. Its already afternoon here and I had been feeling something missing since morning. Because I didnt open or speak my heart out probably that. Or I do not know,what phase are you going through? But sometimes in life, we need to ignore so many things. I do not know who has hurt you, but do not take it to your heart. You have a role to play, continue to do that. What I have learned, that God himself cannot be there but he has chosen his sources to get things done. Long time back I used to do the same things, writing and helping people because I was a source of energy, full of life. I did not want anyone to waste their life over petty petty things, which wont even matter the next day, but anyways it helps. It really helps, there are people, you cannot do much to them, but by being there, by answering their messages, by give your time. What else one can ask for? If anyone has said something, ignore it. That was their job, that’s it. It’s done, it’s over. You are such a strong person, you should feel proud of yourself, that you can help people in your own way. That’s alright, sometimes we miss on certain things in life, because we are the source of GOD, we are not GOD himself… So what, learn your lesson and move on.. Do not carry the baggage with you.
I had a fine weekend, husband pampered me with his cooking , nice breakfast, followed by nice evening again nice dinner made by him but that turned out into a fight, because of too much drinking, which i sometimes do not like it. I cannot take that sometimes, I feel so irritating. I have recently switched over my diet from VEgetarian to non vegetarian. All my life, I had been vegetarian, but I do not have good feeling now, change in behaviour and these negative thinking pattern could be because of the eating pattern. I do not know what it is. So patched up because my husband was expecting his friend on saturday night, the one on whose bachelor party he went to, he invited him for dinner so he was with us and we patched up and we fought again in front of him. which i did not like but its okay. Then sunday started in its own speed with cleaning and all. And then sudddenly got an invite from one of his friend so went to their place for barbeque which continued till late evening and had dinner and back to home. So nothing other than that, few argument, I did revert so saved my fights and resolved the same time. So it was all good, just going with the flow. Not thinking too much but yeah my hormones are responding because I have not got my cycle as yet. Lets see, I am really scared, but nothing new for me so just dont want that to happen again, so that’s why crossing finger, will be getting the test done tomorrow. Lets see.And remember
Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.Thanks blessing.
June 29, 2015 at 6:23 am #78974Anonymous
GuestDear Sweet:
By the time you get this message you may be back from the doctor with the answer to why you are late. I do wonder what the results are and how you are feeling about it???I like what you wrote about spending one’s time, make it useful, I say. Make every interaction a win-win situation is my motto, at least this is my intent. We have a long correspondence on this thread. It may be helpful for you to read your own writings since the beginning of this thread and see if you can learn something useful about your thoughts-feeling-behavior patterns. You can also read all my … teachings… ha ha, but yes, I … gave it all to you already, my teaching, that is whay you already know.
I don’t know what the fight with your husband was about this weekend. But most importantly right now is to know what the answer from the doctor is or the clinic you went to….???
And WHAT is the real/ core problem in your relationship with your husband? WHAT is it? Can you define it, narrow it down, come up with a statement describing it in clearest terms???
anitaJune 29, 2015 at 3:56 pm #78990Sweet
ParticipantGood morning Anita,
I had been to Doctor, and the result is …..
Do not know, i have decided already not to go ahead, this is going to be my 3rd … But you know what deep inside i have a voice which says I should, i Must but the problem is my job.- the commitment at work 🙁
I can make my relation stronger with that new bond, but I know practically I cannot afford that. Because we can survive with this job without job it would not be possible.Anyways I do not have much to write, probably I will wait for you to open up if not today may be whenever you feel like.
Yeah I will read again our conversation and I know what the problem is? And I am very determined, I will work on that soon.Lets see how life moves, What else am I destined for? Lets take it. Let’s face the fear and embrace it.
Thanks for being there. I still have a reason to come online everyday to write a message to you.Anyways take good care of yourself.
One more thing, what is your zodiac sign? I am virgo 🙂 do you believe in star signs?Thanks Anita
Stay BlessedJune 30, 2015 at 7:38 am #79015Anonymous
GuestDear Sweet:
Did I get it right: you went to the doctor and you do NOT know if you are pregnant? Or are you pregnant but you did not decide if to try and keep it or abort it?You wrote that you may make your relationship with your husband stronger if you have a baby. I read quite often and I know many cases where it was not so- relationships collapsed after having a baby or babies. After all look at the divorce rate- husbands and wives divorcing WITH children: how common is that?
Hope you make the right choice for you, for the future child (if one is to be)- you will be responsible for a new life, one that is dependent on you to make choices for you and for him/ her.
You wrote: “Lets see how life moves. What else am I destined for?”
Make your own destiny, Sweet, as much as is possible- you know of the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change
and the wisdom to know the difference.I am Capricorn, don’t much believe in these but there might be something to it.
Take care of sweet Sweet!!!
anitaJune 30, 2015 at 3:58 pm #79057Sweet
ParticipantDear Blessing,
yes I am pregnant, No i am not keeping this, because we both are not ready as yet.
Will be going to doctor today evening after my work. Will take a break for 4 days to get over this.
Thanks for sharing this prayer. yeah right, I am not going ahead this time, because I am not prepared for it and we have lot of pressure from my in laws but I have told them clearly sorry, its our life and we cannot afford it at this moment. This is going to be my 3rd … How illiterate we people are, this time it was despite of being cautious and I was tellign my husband lets keep it because we had been cautious and despite of that this is happening, things happen for reason , they just do not happen like that But then I gave a second thought to this, that it is not practical and wise decision at this point of our life.Thanks for writing back dear blessing.
How are things at your end?
Thanks for being there.Take good care of yourself
June 30, 2015 at 7:03 pm #79066Anonymous
GuestDear Sweet:
I know in today’s technology you can have one of those abortions at home- it being so fresh, no need for a procedure, a certain pill I think does it- You wrote things happen for a reason- i disagree. I believe randomness, pure statistics is why a lot happen. It happened for the third time because statistically it was likely to happen. Hope you will be more than cautious in the future. Poor Sweet, i wish life was easier, way easier for you. I feel for you, having to work in a job you do not like and having so much conflict … and this pregnancy. And still you have the space in your mind to ask me how things are at my end. Sweet sweet Sweet. I wish I had a magic wand and could turn your life to all sunshine and roses. Hey, if I could do it my life would probably be that.At my end I am feeling so so. Had a big dinner, maybe too big as I want to lose weight. And then had fruit and now tea. It is called Sweet Tea- interesting, huh? You take good care of yourself. I wish I was there to help you.
anitaJune 30, 2015 at 7:26 pm #79069Sweet
ParticipantHey Dear Blessing,
your message always brings smile on my face. Thank you for being there.. Far away from me, yet so close. I am sure I will be cautious. Its very complicated here, you get to wait a lot for your appointments and all. And I really wanna get over with this before it touches the 6 week period because the SAC gets a heart beat and I wanna avoid that feeling. Yes, I am thinking of the pill one, my previous had been with the pills only. Though they are much more painful than the surgical one but do not want to think about Surgical one, I can bear the pain that is not a problem. That’s how life has been, keep throwing challenges. Do not know if that is destined or not, probably I am altering it , God wanted the other way and I am going against that. And I would have my own share of pain and suffering. Do now know really, what this life is all about, what are we destined for? I really have no clue. Sometimes, I think what am i doing here. Why dont you believe in this that everything happens for a reason, I have grown up with this strong belief, that everything happens for a reason and for a season. Yeah, that;s true, its a GOD’s plan, purely statistics, but that’s how he has planned and probably yes he has a reason for all these things.
Oh last night even I was being pampered my husband made dinner for me, yummy pasta… I have got the same for my lunch 😀
Looking for happiness in small things, and appreciating things.
I love TEA…. the masala tea 😉
I love sharing things with you.. Do you have kids?
How long have you been married?
What do you do the whole day?
You are already there for me, call it a blessing or an Angel.Good night Blessing
I will look forward to hear from you.
Thanks for being there blessing. -