
Control Your Life by Writing about it

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    Hello everyone. First post here, I’ve been lurking for a while so I just wanted to give something back.

    Like a lot of you in this section, one thing that was always escaping me was a feeling of purpose / direction. This void was often filled by mostly negative emotions
    I would spend a lot of time in inaction , just pondering over my next move. A lack of self-esteem also meant I would second guess most decisions. For the space in my head, i had to much clutter.

    Then I took a different view on life. I accepted I have stop comparing myself to everyone else and just start doing me. The answers for what is best for me, what am I good at , what would make me happy. Would never be found in other people. We each have our own unique story thus comparison isn’t clear.

    I started to write. I viewed myself as the main character of this film called life. There would be challenges, losses and victories. Every incident would be part of the overall experience adding depth to the story, regardless if it was good or bad. Most of all, regardless what happens or how I feel about it.

    There is an end to this life and thus the purpose of this story, can be whatever I want it to be. As a human being, and the main character. I have that right.

    I gave myself an identity , The Boy Under The Bridge. I opened a website http://www.boyunderbridge.com

    And I write about every experience , the good and bad, and it helps to derive meaning and appreciation. The ability to look back also gives perspective.

    From this point of view, as a reader and the main character, I can guarantee this will start making a lot more sense.

    I hope this helps.

    Yellow Fox

    Hi BUTB,

    Great blog and good on you – I’m inspired.



    Thanks Fox.

    Ps. I’m also an Aussie 🙂


    Dear Boy Under a Bridge,

    You are amazing. Your blog is amazing. I am in awe. I think you may be an angel on earth.

    Thank you for your words and inspiration.

    Peace ~ Cate


    Hi Cate,

    Thanks so much for your kind words. I would think I’m just like everyone else. We all have the same potential to express whatever it is we experience. If you ever have any questions on how to get started, just let me know.

    Justin Runyon

    Some list of advice wich I had found:

    1. Learn the Craft of Novel Writing
    2. Master Your Mindset
    3. Create Your Own Reality
    4. Be Your Own Publisher
    5. Get Out There and Be Visible

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