
Constantly worried

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    I’m hoping for some insight/ advice to help me feel more at ease. I’m always struggling financially (who isn’t?), but I always dwell on it. I know logically that things always work out, but in the mean time I feel like I’m going to come out of my skin. I always fear the worst; that I won’t be able to provide food to my family, etc. Also, my son is sick with a fever and sore throat, and I start catastrophizing about that. Kids get sick, and most of the time they get better, and it builds their immune system, but I still freak out in my mind when he gets an illness. If anyone could give me advice to stop being so miserable with anxiety all the time, I would appreciate it.


    Caring about those around you and providing a good life for them is something we all think about. The secret is to enjoy it not fear it going away. I watched a couple of my family members live their lives the way you are describing and it left no room to enjoy anything. The old saying is change the way you look at things and things change. All you really control in this world is your own actions and how you respond to/view life. You have a beautiful son, you are caring and value your family and a life that is meant to be enjoyed. Take some time alone to feel the wind blow on your face, watch your son sleep in the comfort of the space you have given him and know that you are here to enjoy all those gifts even when they are sick. 🙂



    Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I will try to change my viewpoint and focus on the positive aspects of everyday. I have made myself miserable by thinking about what might go wrong rather than look at what’s right. Have a wonderful day!!!


    The task is not an easy one but freedom lies on the other side. If you ever want any recommendations on what to do feel free to ask. 🙂

    Shawn McKibben

    I know what that feeling is like. I’ve struggled with anxiety of many years. Something that helped me over the years to separate my identity from the anxiety. For instance, instead of saying I’m anxious, acknowledge you are having anxious thoughts. Our gut level reaction is something we can’t always control. How we react to them is something we can. Try it out. It’s helped me separate my own pervasive thoughts as thoughts, rather than as my identity. It also allows you be more objective and not create even more stories that often fuel that anxiety. Take care and know you aren’t the only one out there with those thoughts! All the best 🙂



    Thank you for your input. I will try this method of not identifying myself as the feelings I’m having. It does help to be reminded, also, that I’m definitely not the only one going through emotional struggle. Take care!!

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