
Can you have Moldavite withdrawal

Homeā†’Forumsā†’Spiritualityā†’Can you have Moldavite withdrawal

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    Had a piece on for a few weeks, but I took it off Friday, I have had like medication withdrawals chills, sweats super irritable. I just put it back on. I’m waiting to see if it all subsides. But didn’t know if you could get a withdrawal symptoms from not having it on. I know usually its the opposite, but i feel great when its on. Thanks for any info.


    Dear Emmy:

    Moldavite is a crystal, when you say that you had “a piece on for a few weeks“, and then you “took it off“- what part of your body did you place it on and how did you keep it on?



    Hi Anita, I put it on a silver chain, wrapped it in some wire to hold it.



    Dear Emmy:

    I hope someone familiar with this crystal will reply to you. I want to do a bit of a research about it tomorrow morning and get back to you. But for now, I am thinking that the “withdrawals chills, sweats super irritable” you mentioned, may not be side effects for removing the crystal, but symptoms of the flu or covid, or something else. Maybe you should get a medical check up.




    Thank you for your concern, I had a Covid test yesterday, as I thought the same thing and was concerned; it was negative. I didn’t think about the moldavite until I got home, from the weekend at my sisters. I know I’m not on any medications, so I wouldn’t have a withdrawal at all .Ā  I no longer have the symptoms, upon waking up this morning.Ā  Ā All my research shows the opposite happening to people. They get flush or chills or tingles or emotional while its on, however I feel great when its on. My mood has been amazing. I took it off for the weekend to give it a break and didn’t want to forget it or something at my sisters.

    Thanks again for any help. EmillyĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  l


    Dear Emmy:

    I am paraphrasing, with quotes, from an online source on the topic of Moldavite: if you hold this gemstone in the palm of your left hand, you will feel (so it says) “a tingling sensation accompanied by an upward rush of energy that feels warm from inside out”. It stimulates and increase a person’s energy flow, creating “sensational heat within your body”, amplifying emotions. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it during times of intense emotions.

    “The Moldavite stone itself possesses no potential dangers, but its high energy, as stated, may amplify your feelings in ways that may be undesirable at the moment”. It is also recommended to “wear Moldavite for short periods at varying intervals, as this allows your body to absorb the stoneā€™s energy better”. It is said to cleanse the soul, fight off fears and protect a person “against various evils”.

    In your original post and onward, you shared that you had it on “for a few weeks“, took it off 4 days ago, and experienced “chills, sweats super irritable“. You then put it back on. Fast forward, this Tuesday morning, you “no longer have the symptoms“.

    You wrote: “All my research shows the opposite happening to people. They get flush or chills or tingles or emotional while it’s on, however I feel great when it’s on“- my very limited research suggests that people feel warmth/ heat (not chills) when it’s on, and that they feel good with it on, except in situations of intense emotions.

    To understand better, I looked at your summer 2020 thread titled Blocks how to get past them?

    I looked up spiritual blocks online and read that “spiritual blockages are created from the residue of heavy emotions, past trauma, or pain that when stuck in your energy body, keeps you from (being) connected to… the vast and infinite light and healing and guidance of God, of light”.

    It suggests: “Shift your awareness to focus on the light above shining down upon you, the light raining down upon you, and cleansing you from head to toe… reconnect with the divine light within you… with Source which dissolves the barriers, dissolves the blockages… the limitations of your thoughts and doubts and fears… (and you can then experience) the blessings of love, peace and harmony to yourself, to all areas of your life, to the earth, to all that is”.

    I read your first thread back in 2020 although I did not participate in it. I re-read it today. There you mentioned other spiritual practices: “I lit some sage and a candle and said a prayer… I actually sleep with a rock lamp in my room, have for about 2 years and carry a selenite, a nice piece of it, I put it under my pillow. I sage often as well” –

    – one of the spiritual benefits of rock lamps (made of salt crystals) is “it emits spiritual energies…. It is said to release strong centering energies”, of selenite (a mineral): “energy clearing… a balance of inflow and outflow energy”, and of sage (an aromatic plant): “clearing out old energy… to clear negative or stagnant energy”.

    You wrote in your previous thread (I am not mentioning the context): “I was hopeful it was a person, a friend, a love, looking for me“- I wonder if you were, like I was, a very lonely, lost and scared child, hoping and waiting to be found and rescued by someone?

    You mentioned tiredness, a medical issue, and depression (“a bout of the tired… a medical issue or my depression“)- If, and only if you’d like to elaborate on these, please do. I would like to communicate with you further.



    Anita, All of the information you have listed above , is also the information I have.

    -” I wonder if you were, like I was, a very lonely, lost and scared child, hoping and waiting to be found and rescued by someone?”

    This is a definite possibility, not going to lie, parents were neglectful, mother basically makes everyone turn on me (I have 4 sisters I speak to one, one intermittently. I’m blamed for everything.)

    -Depression is a 20+ battle, ptsd, anxiety, depression. I have literally been on every single depression med available and am not well.Ā  I went to another dr a month ago, she gave me a BP med and something else to try, but that was the last of what she could try. I am still not taking those meds. I have low BP and it reduces BP, the dr never saw me in office, I donā€™t trust it. Iā€™ll try another dr.

    – Bouts of exhaustion, not related. I get tired from depression, I nap daily. However, once in a while, w no rhyme or reason I get this exhaustion, it lasts a day or so, and is gone after that until it returns. It is so infrequent that I can’t pin point its reasoning. And it is so intense that it can sleep a day away if i wanted. Can’t lift my arms tired like i had the flu a month or something

    Iā€™m not sure what else I maybe missing let me know if I answered all your?ā€™s.



    Dear Emmy:

    I will be able to read and reply to you in no longer than about 17 hours from now. Feel free to add anything you might want to add before I return to you.



    Not sure if any of this lends to the situation;

    I have predicted a few things, most recent my daughterā€™s pregnancy ( I dremt it a year before saved it in a note on my phone dream was 10/9 /20 I was told about 10/15/21).
    if Iā€™m working at my computer and get upset the internet stops working or the program stops working.
    people seem to either like and love me OR canā€™t stand me. There is no in between
    I canā€™t think of anything else Rt now but that was all Ā stuck in my head.


    Dear Emmy:

    The physicist Albert Einstein’s famous formula is e=mc2, Energy = Mass times C (the speed of light) squared. Mass and Energy constantly interact in our bodies: mass changes into energy, energy changes into mass, one form of mass changes into another form of mass, and one form of energy changes into another. Everything that we experience as humans is made possible by these changes occurring in our brain, in our other bodily organs and in every living cell in our bodies.

    Chemicals like neurotransmitters and hormones make it possible for us to think, feel and act.Ā  All of our cognitive (thinking) and emotional experiences are physical experiences because they are made possible by our physical brain/ body. In other words: without a physical body, we as humans, cannot think or feel anything.

    One way to look at the word emotion is e-motion, that is: energy in motion. All that we sense by our five senses (light, sound, touch, smell, taste) involves the flow of energy from the outside to the inside. All that we sense in the inside (hunger, feeling full, feeling bloated, pain, etc.) involves the flow of energy within the body. All of our thinking involves the flow of energy, and all of our emotions as well.

    For the purpose of surviving, every animal has adapted to respond to danger by primarily, either running away from it or fighting it. When a mountain lion approaches a deer, and the deer notices, stress chemicals are released into its blood causing it to feel very alert, its heart pumping a lot of blood to its limbs, making it possible for the deer to run fast and long, not feeling tired at all. When the deer successfully escapes the lion, its body stops producing the stress chemicals, and the deer no longer feels alert. Instead, it feels very, very tired and it rests. After resting long enough, the deer is back to normal.

    But if you enclose the deer in a small cage for a long, long time, the deer at first feels very alert, blood rushing to its limbs, ready to run… but there is nowhere to run. And so, those stress chemicals keep being produced and released to the blood, in bursts, exhausting and distressing the deer. The deer doesn’t get to rest, it doesn’t get restored, and it doesn’t go back to normal: it is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the Trauma: being stuck in a cage, no way to run.

    When a child is stuck in an abusive home, and the abuse happens repeatedly, with no resolution, the child is like the deer in a cage, stuck and suffering from PTSD (known as C-PTSD), the Trauma being stuck in an abusive home, nowhere to run to.

    Stuck in an abusive home, with nowhere to run to, muscles are tense: leg muscles want to run, arm muscles want to fight, but unable, the muscles remain contracted/ tense. The energy involved in wanting to run away from danger is blocked. The energy involved in wanting to fight danger is blocked. Fear is blocked, anger is blocked, and love is blocked. What results is exhaustion, anxiety, depression and disorders of different kinds.

    Parents were neglectful, mother basically makes everyone turn on me…Ā  Iā€™m blamed for everything… ptsd” – if this was repeatedly your childhood experience, if this was your figurative cage in which you were stuck, then that was the Trauma in your c-PTSD.

    Depression is a 20+ battle, PTSD, anxiety, depression” – your fear, anger, love, all your emotions have been blocked as a result of ongoing trauma, leading to experiencing chronic stress, anxiety, depression.

    “Bouts of exhaustion… once in a while, with no rhyme or reason I get this exhaustion, it lasts a day or so, and is gone after that until it returns. It is so infrequent that I canā€™t pinpoint its reasoning. And it is so intense that I can sleep a day away if I wanted. Canā€™t lift my arms tired like i had the flu a month or something” – the stress chemicals, such as the stress hormone cortisol, are produced and released to your blood in bursts, exhausting you.

    I have literally been on every single depression med available and am not well” – anti depressant medications did not unblock your stuck energy.

    To unblock your stuck, stagnant energy, to free it so that it will naturally flow (and so that your e-motions will indeed be energy in-motion), and relieve the chronic stress involved in this blockage, you lit sage, slept with a rock lamp, carried and put selenite under your pillow, and wore Moldavite on your body. These have caused you to feel better at times, but did not permanently unblock your stuck energy

    healthy place. com: Fatigue and PTSD: Why am I soĀ tired?: “The stress hormone cortisol is released during trauma. It desensitizes us so that we feel less pain, and it gives us a boost of energy. In people who have PTSD, cortisol is produced in higher levels and for a prolonged period of time, which can cause fatigue, as well as memory loss and decreased serotonin levels… cortisol and other stress hormones are produced by the adrenal system. When there is an overload on the adrenal system, people with PTSD are likely to experience fatigue, exhaustion, and increased stress”.

    Roland Bal/ PTSD Fatigue, PTSD Exhaustion, and Extreme Tiredness: “I think PTSD fatigue and exhaustion is one of the most common symptoms accompanying post-trauma; to be utterly exhausted, tired, fatigued, not having the will or the energy to do anything… The cause of the draining attack is obvious; your flight/fight mechanism has kicked in… Emotions affect primarily the nervous and endocrine systems, and organs; from there, the effects travel to the muscular-skeletal system where pain first occurs due to the body’s enervation. These “knots” or “cysts” in the body are holding the emotion, as though frozen. The body-mind keeps these emotional tensions–these energy cysts– in place to the best of its ability, at the cost of enormous energy”.

    I hope to read your feedback about what I posted here this morning, when you are ready, no rush.




    Anita, So,Ā  I may feel fine for a bit, but not a permanent solution? Is this why I felt withdrawal from the moldavite? As though it were another medication attempt, a little relief , but low and behold it returns?Ā  Or is this my exhaustion entirely?Ā  If this is the case, how is it that a person can “unblock” themselves? This can’t just be an endless cycle of suffering.

    I really appreciate the info. That all makes a ton of sense, i’m not sure what else to do to stop it.





    Dear Emmy:

    So, I may feel fine for a bit, but not a permanent solution?” – look back at your own, personal life experience over the years: did you experience a permanent solution, or a permanent improvement in how you feel following the use of moldavite, selenite, sage, the rock lamp, and/ or any similar treatment or practice? If the answer is no, which I believe it is, then likely, any future such and similar treatments and practices will also result in a temporary improvement in how you feel, at the most.

    Is this why I felt withdrawal from the moldavite?” – I don’t know if the “chills, sweats super irritable” that you experienced were indeed moldavite withdrawal symptoms. Maybe these were the results of your visit with your sister. Maybe your sister mistreated you, maybe the visit triggered your childhood trauma, resulting in these symptoms.

    As though it were another medication attempt, a little relief, but low and behold it returns?” – so, you did experience temporary relief when using psychiatric medications. This too is your part of your life experience from which you learned that psychiatric drugs provide temporary improvement in how you feel, at the most.

    If this is the case, how is it that a person can ā€œunblockā€ themselves? This canā€™t just be an endless cycle of suffering”‘ -I made lots of progress unblocking my emotional mess, and I will be glad to share with you what I learned about the process of healing, particularly emotional healing: First thing to do is to no longer avail yourself to disrespect and abuse. You wrote: “mother basically makes everyone turn on meā€¦Ā  Iā€™m blamed for everything” – is this still happening?



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by .

    Hi Anita,

    -did you experience a permanent solution, or a permanent improvement in how you feel following the use of moldavite, selenite, sage, the rock lamp, and/ or any similar treatment or practice?Ā Ā 

    -so, you did experience temporary relief when using psychiatric medications.Ā 

    .Ā  Both of the above are correct, temporary relief, but then it all comes back.

    -Maybe your sister mistreated you, maybe the visit triggered your childhood trauma, resulting in these symptoms.Ā There was an incident, however, It didnt involve my sister


    First thing to do is to no longer avail yourself to disrespect and abuse. You wrote: ā€œmother basically makes everyone turn on meā€¦Ā  Iā€™m blamed for everythingā€Ā ā€“ is this still happening?Ā 

    This is and is not continuing. I don’t allow my mother and family to disrespect me, im also called “the bitch” , for the simple fact I stopped letting people disrespect me. I just walk away and cut people out, if they haven’t already cut me out.Ā  I say it does because the blame game is still a thing. I limit my contact w my mother, and she does w me as well. She doesn’t like me, so much so i really thought i wasnt her kid, and took a dna test.

    Thank you again Emmy



    Dear Emmy:

    You are welcome. You shared that you tried psychiatric medications, moldavite, selenite, sage, rock lamp, and the results with all of these: “temporary relief, but then it all comes back“. This is then what you can reasonably expect from all these things if you try them again: temporary relief at best. (Temporary relief is better than no relief; sometimes it’s all that a person can get).

    In what I refer to as my healing journey, after a long enough time and persistent practice, I finally experienced permanent relief in some areas (guilt, physical exhaustion, depression, OCD), partial relief in other areas (anxiety), and no relief in yet other areas (Tourette Syndrome)

    I asked you if your mother still makes everyone turn on you, and if you are still blamed for everything. You answered: “This is and is not continuing… “I say it does because the blame game is still a thing” – for healing, the answer needs to be instead: this is not continuing,Ā and the blame game is not a thing!

    I donā€™t allow my mother and family to disrespect me, I’m also called ‘the bitch’” -if the information that you are called “the b****” by whomever is reaching you at the present time, then you are still being disrespected by whomever is passing this information to you.

    I just walk away and cut people out, if they havenā€™t already cut me out” – did you cut abusive people permanently out of your life, including family members, or do you cut some abusive people out of your life for a while and then reconnect?

    I limit my contact w my mother, and she does w me as well. She doesnā€™t like me, so much so I really thought I wasn’t her kid and took a dna test” – that’s amazing, my goodness! How is the limited contact with her affecting you, and why do you keep any contact with her, if I may ask?



    Good Morning Anita,

    “for healing, the answer needs to be instead: this is not continuing,Ā and the blame game is not a thing!Ā Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Yes Ma’am! I shall change my verbiage.

    ā€œI donā€™t allow my mother and family to disrespect me, Iā€™m also called ā€˜the bitchā€™ā€ -if the information that you are called ā€œthe b****ā€ by whomever is reaching you at the present time, then you are still being disrespected by whomever is passing this information to you.Ā This is just a stamp now, a badge of honor, that i wear proudly. They can call me w/e I don’t think much about it. I brought it up as this was the case, and I thought it helped to understand the situation better.

    ā€œI just walk away and cut people out, if they havenā€™t already cut me outā€ ā€“ did you cut abusive people permanently out of your life, including family members, or do you cut somut it. e abusive people out of your life for a while and then reconnect?Ā Yes i am prone to letting people return, but they don’t get the same version of me. The return isn’t a hey we are best friends now, it turns into a cold exchange of hellos and good byes. The return is usually just stupid crap on FB and seeing these people when im with someone who is still friends w the persons.

    ā€œI limit my contact w my mother, and she does w me as well. She doesnā€™t like me, so much so I really thought I wasnā€™t her kid and took a dna testā€ ā€“ thatā€™s amazing, my goodness! How is the limited contact with her affecting you, and why do you keep any contact with her, if I may ask?Ā  Tough question. I had cut my father out for a while, but i needed a roof over my head and he gave me one. I feel like i always still need my parents. Dad wasn’t around when we were kids, as much as you need. He has PTSD from war, and did some shitty stuff as a human, but was there when i called. Mom is a different beast, she is narcissistic. Mom was home, but never taught us how to be adults or do half the things to survive, well i should say live, as we all are scraping by surviving (none of us lives).Ā  Limiting her exposure to me, and knowing how to work around her seems to work out ok. I get a call once a month or 2. or a text from her. My sister, that i talk to, gets called all the time, My other sister (heard this from the one i talk to ) had a 2 hour call about Jesus (mom’s new thing is the bible with husband #5). I know if i change the subject to myself she quickly wants to hang up.

    I guess the short answer is we were taught to be dependent on others, like she showed us growing up.

    Thanks Emmy

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