
Can i still find happiness? Should i not give up on fixing my physical issues?

HomeForumsTough TimesCan i still find happiness? Should i not give up on fixing my physical issues?

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    Dear anita,

    Nope it’s not diagnosed with a scapular winging by a doctor. I just found out there is something pops out from my right upper back, and when i research it’s most likely scapular winging.


    Dear Eric:

    That’s the problem with self-diagnosing by online research: you can get the wrong diagnosis. Even medical doctors make mistakes when diagnosing patients, coming up with the wrong diagnosis. You can imagine how more common it is for people like you and me, people without medical degrees, to come up with the wrong diagnosis.

    I suppose you were diagnoses with Scoliosis?



    Dear anita,

    Yep as for the scoliosis part, i was diagnosed by a medical doctor 6 years ago.


    Dear Eric:

    Then there is no reason to research scapular winging anymore, and instead, research scoliosis, which is an abnormal curvature of the spine, that in your case does, it resulted in one of your shoulder bones (right or left) being mildly higher than the other.

    Due to my sitting posture, I have a scoliosis” – Clearly, your sitting posture did not cause your scoliosis. Your scoliosis is not a result of any mistake that you made. It’s not a result of your sitting posture, or laziness, or lack of love for your own body, etc. It’s none of your fault. You did not cause it.

    In your original post, you wrote: “I tried doing exercise at home daily by taking tips from the internet, but it doesn’t fix this issue (or these issues)“, and later you wrote: “thank goodness, it still can be fixed as from what I research on google, by doing several exercises” –

    – healthline. com says that exercise and stretching cannot fix scoliosis. What exercise and stretching can do for you is to (1) strengthen your muscles, and (2) increase your flexibility. And that these two things are good for your general health The website recommends asking one’s doctor which exercises, and stretches will be best for you.

    You wrote regarding the shoulder bone that is higher than the other, that it’s a mild case: “a mild one as it only pops out a little. And from my research it states that it can’t be fixed unless I have surgery“. Healthline says that “Surgery is usually reserved for people with curves greater than 40 degrees”, that is, as I understand it, surgery is not recommended for mild cases of scoliosis.

    You shared about your regret in regard to one of your shoulder’s bones being higher than the other. How do you feel now about this particular regret?


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by .

    Dear anita,

    It’s not my shoulder bone i suppose, it’s the end of my collarbone in which on the left side of my body is higher… like it pops out by 1cm which creates a bulge on my shoulder.

    What i’m regretting here is that i’m worried if my future partner would view me negatively if she, for example cuddles me or etc. Like she might notice my shoulders has a bulge, which might cause her uncomfortable.

    I also felt regret that this bulge could mean that i cant use my left hand freely anymore. Like if i overuse it or using it with too much strength it could get worse. I’m also worried that i can’t do several sports anymore. I keep imagining a disabled person who can’t use their hands or someone who has injured their hand and can’t use their hands fully anymore. Thinking about it makes me sad for creating this issue for myself. I dont want it to go worse than this, i want to enjoy my life with these 2 arms of mine.


    Dear Eric:

    I will reply to you tomorrow morning, which for me, is in about 12 hours from now. Feel free to add anything you want to add before I return to your thread.



    Idk if these issues on my body appears due to my actions or not, but i feel bad on my body…
    Like i’ve been so harsh on myself.
    But every time i think about it, those situations in the past.. i really can’t help it, it’s because i’ve been surrounded by people who really analyze appearances… and i was affected… social media nowadays are also very judgmental.

    I used to tell my parents that i’m worried about my appearance, and they told me why should i worry… my body is still healthy and in a perfect shape… i should’ve listened to them and just be grateful for what i’ve been given.

    But honestly, i feel like the more mistakes i make.. the more grateful and mature i become. I’m guessing this is how this world works.


    Dear Eric:

    You didn’t answer my question with which I closed my last post to you: “You shared about your regret in regard to one of your shoulder’s bones being higher than the other. How do you feel now about this particular regret?”

    And so, I will separate my question into 4 questions, maybe it will be easier for you to answer these:

    (1) Did you feel in the past that the bulging (shoulder or collarbone) was the result of your improper sitting posture?

    (2) Did you blame yourself in the past for being too lazy to sit properly and therefore causing the bulge?

    (3) Did it make you feel badly when you blamed yourself for causing the bulge?

    (4) Do you still believe that you caused your bulge by the way you sat or by any other choice that you made?




    Dear anita

    1. Yes, i’m pretty sure it’s the result of my improper sitting posture.

    2. Nope i didnt blame myself in the past. I only start blaming after the bulge appears.

    3. Yes, i feel regret when i blamed myself for this mistake… like i keep getting negative thoughts that my body is no longer like normal people due to my bad sitting posture.

    4. I’m pretty sure it’s caused by the way i’m sitting and not by any other actions.


    Dear Eric:

    I will reply to you in about 10 hours from now.



    Dear Eric:

    In your most recent post, you wrote in regard to your protruding collarbone, a result of your diagnosed scoliosis, that you are currently “pretty sure it’s caused by the way I’m sitting“-

    – this means that all my efforts in the two pages of your thread to explain to you (accompanied by websites information) that scoliosis cannot be caused by sitting have failed.

    I only start blaming after the bulge appears” – all my efforts to have you consider that you are not to blame for your scoliosis have failed.

    I hope that you re-read my posts to you and consider what I boldfaced in italics, right above. I have nothing to add to your thread following this post. I hope that other members answer you here, on this thread, or on a new thread that you may choose to start.

    In regard to you finding love- of course it is possible for a person suffering from scoliosis and a protruding collarbone to find love, as it already happened for many people. Being dissatisfied with one’s body is very common unfortunately, even among people with seeming perfect bodies. You are not alone with your body-dissatisfaction.

    I hope that you will soon be okay with your body. My best wishes to you.


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