
Birthday Coming Up

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    Hi there, my name is hannah, I’ve been an avid reader of this site for a while. My boyfriend and I are both very interested in self development and growing together as a team as well, we have only been together a few months and his birthday is coming up, he’s had a really hard time recently with negative thoughts bad fears and I want him to know how special he is to me and how he always has my support. I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions about what to get someone who’s very into creating his best self and how I can make our day special. Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Hannah.

    Hi Hannah
    In terms of making the day special, I’m sure you will manage that just by being there. I recently bought myself a really beautiful book for my handbag on Mindfulness. If he carries a bag or some such with him, a small book on a special topic might be nice. Either something with positive affirmations in it that he can reach too when he is struggling with negative thoughts, or quotes on love so that he can be reminded of you. Just something that he can have with him. I’ve also recently bought myself a beautiful little elephant pendant that I wear as a necklace. During the day it catches my attention and I remember the reasons I bought it. So equally, a little trinket that he could keep in his pocket and he can attach whatever meaning he likes to it. These don’t necessarily move me forward but they remind me how far I have come and remind me to stay strong.
    Good luck and have fun

    Big blue

    Hi Hannah,

    I like what Elliedodge wrote – that by you being with him it will best the best gift. I think that’s pretty sweet.

    Moving along that path, given you both like self development and he has fears, etc. one idea would be to get a private lesson doing / learning something together. Maybe Yoga would be relaxing and you both would benefit. No fears right?

    Would travel and the arts be good? For example, a stay-cation to regional museums, theater, fairs, music performances?

    One other thought is one about awareness and relationship development. You have not known each other very long, so by asking him questions and talking about interests, likes and dislikes, you could learn more about each other, and a birthday idea could pop out of the conversation.

    Big blue

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