
Balance IS impossible! D:

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    Hi everyone,

    I am so overwhelmed right now. How does one function each and everyday and be happy when there is so much needed to be done and so little time. How are we to sleep at least 8 hours a day, work 8 hours, get an education, eat well and stay fit with only 24 hours in a day? Not to mention the little obstacles in between like relationship issues which include with family and friends. What about time for yourself? Rent is also really expensive!
    HELP – what do you suggest for a healthy balance in day to day living?

    Nina Sakura


    Modern life is difficult. Its made more difficult with the mental fatigue and negative clutter that gets accumulated. My only suggestion for balance is not to aim for every day balance but weekly one. And secondly, to give yourself just half hour a day for one thing that energizes you. Trim the unnecessary corners and include some good things – i got no magic answers honestly.

    Life is like riding a bicycle – to maintain balance, keep moving.


    I have a feeling no one really does ALL those things and find the time to feel happy about it. The trick is – as long as you keep yourself busy – you have no time to think about how sad or happy you are, either.

    If you don’t let relations take too much out of your time and you are not struggling with ANY kinds of addiction (phone, computer, sugar, coffee, love, home), setting a schedule for work, education, staying fit and sleeping well (and some time off for self or socializing) is a question of time management.

    A lot of people who try to work full-time and also attend university will quit one or another at some point because it is impossible to put maximum effort to both. Most people who did this quit school because without work they really would be incapable of paying rent.

    Also, people in that time of life tend to rent one apartment with several other people who also go to school and work – it’s a bit cheaper and might also fend off the feeling of loneliness in a way.

    If your family and friends do not understand how busy and tired you are – well, it’s on the family and friends then – you can’t let anyone keep you away from your goals.


    Hang in there Birdyy, help is on the way! Humanity is going to invent machines to do everything for us and then we will just lie around in hammocks under shade trees while sexy fembots (or hunkbots) fan us and feed us grapes. More technology is what we need around here, and we are really close to the time when “one and all” can “have it all”, but for now we seem to be in the dark before the dawn.

    But on a more serious note, you must understand that the whole point of life, the true meaning, is to accumulate and achieve. How much? More then the next person for starters. Your going to want to be fitter than you friends or they may think you to be lazy. Also, the fitter you are, the longer you will live (barring any unforeseen strokes or heart attacks) and the more you will be able to accumulate and achieve. Which as you probably can sense, if you didn’t already know, is in direct correlation to your true self worth. Your going to want some awesome sounding letters next to your name like MS, PhD, JD, MD, or even CEO as that is how we will know you are smarter (i.e. better) and have more knowledge than others. This is how we can tell and that we should pay attention to what you say. BS are OK letters, but not too impressive these days in the US, unless it is the other kind of BS which can in fact Trump all the other letters combined (except maybe POTUS). We may even pay lots of money for you to come and tell us what we are doing wrong, and what we just don’t know about how to “have it all”. And with that money, and your book proceeds, you are going to want to get some bling, and I do mean bling baby? One of the greatest joys in life is pulling into the parking lot of a chic coffee house to get a latte and parking your BMW right next to your old college roommates Toyota. It’s almost like lapping them on the track at the gym… I meant health club. Then you can go home to your 5000 sqft house and park in the third, or maybe dare I say forth?, parking stall, go in and say hi to the nanny, hubby number?, kids (what are their names again?) and head back up to you home office with walnut trim and matching desk, open the laptop (Mac Airbook of course) and get back to work. This is the life you need. It is the life we all really want to have. I know because I watch TV and read many magazines….. well, some I just subscribe to so I can leave them around the office in strategic places where others can see the titles. BTW, it also helps to have impressive books lying around from classic authors (e.g. F. Scott Fitzgerald) so people will know you are refined as well as rich. Truth be told, many would probably rather have Kim Kardashian’s life but there are only so many channels on cable TV and we need room to watch the Real Housewives pull out each others hair. Silly housewives, don’t they know they already “have it all”? Anyhow, don’t worry about the housewives, you really can have it all, you just need to lean in a little more.

    Good luck and God’s speed (or higher power’s speed) or maybe just good luck and go get em (or go lean…in?)



    Hi Birdyy,

    Things sound very exhuasting right now! One of the first things that came through my mind when I read through your thread — do you keep a journal?

    I started a bullet journal recently, and it’s helping me plan each day, write down reminders, etc. Here’s some examples to show you what I mean:


    Obviously you can fill it in however you want, but people use it to keep track of all kinds of things – rent, spending money each month, to-do lists, etc.

    I don’t know if this will be any use but just thought I’d share. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed myself and lose track of things, and find it very useful as an organiser. 🙂

    Take care,
    – norit

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by norit.
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