
Assuming God exists

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    what would be the first thing he would say to you in the next life?
    what would be the first thing you’d say to him?

    thought this might be interesting for some members,


    He’d say to me
    “See I told you I existed”
    and then
    “you were reincarnated already to Juanita, so you can stay her for this life”
    “Jack, you’re not as funny as you thought you were. I laughed more times when you were trying to be serious”

    and I’d say to him
    “and to think I wasted so much time anxiously wondering who or what you were”
    “why didn’t you tell me the meaning of life before?”
    “so the Buddhists were wrong?”


    Dear Juanita:

    Hilarious you!

    The first thing I would say to him: this is a delusion. I am not here and you do not exist.

    The first thing he would say to me: hell for you! For not believing in me! Turn left, straight ahead, HELL for you, sinful, wicked one.

    And to my horror, there is Glenda, and god says: Heaven for you, my sweet.

    And I say: but it is not fair!

    And he will say: Are you talking to me? Arguing with me?

    And I will say: I already got hell, so you can’t send me anywhere worse!

    And he will say: Did you hear of Catholic purgatory?



    a hell worse than hell ! 🙂
    catholic purgatory 🙂
    I always thought of a doctor’s surgery where you have to wait for ages and ages and the receptionist reassures you “he won’t be long” as you wait for another hour and another hour


    Purgatory or hell, or hell after purgatory, BOTH. And it is bed time for me, now I might have nightmares…


    Juanita and Anita, you are both hilarious. I had a good laugh. Not in terms of your responses, but the jokes (waiting for the doctor, Catholic purgatory).

    Quite honestly, assuming God exists, which I believe he does, the first thing I’d say would be “I finally get to meet you. I have been looking forward to this day for so long and I have so many things to talk to you about and questions to ask.”

    Then he’d say to me, ” I know dear child. I’ve been watching over you and I listened to you every time you spoke to me, even if I didn’t reply.Be patient, for now we have all the time in the world to talk. I will answer your questions all in due time.”

    This really was an interesting question for me.


    Wouldn’t we be surprised to find out God has a great sense of humour!
    “Well I must’ve had a good sense of humour to create you, Juanita!”
    “Hey, I have all these CCTV screens up here watching everyone. It’s boring actually! If I can give you good advice Juanita it is this. Live a more exciting life! Make my time watching you more interesting!”

    I think we might take God too seriously. (hears thunder clap)


    Once again, hilarious Juanita. You have a great sense of humor. I only wish I could be that funny 😃

    Oh my, I hadn’t thought about him having screens. I just assumed he looked down on the world. However, screens would make it all so much easier. Oh the humiliating things he must have seen all of us do and even funny. Like all of those TV shows that focus on the funniest videos.

    I do think we do take him too seriously, in the sense that we think of him as a punishing, serious, or even a morose being. Perhaps he is very easy going and funny like you!

    While I wouldn’t be able to make him laugh like you, he must have certainly laughed at me everytime I’ve fallen. I guess I’m just clumsy, I’ve fallen into mud, bleach, ice, concrete floors, etc. Many painful but hilarious falls. He must have had a good laugh 😂


    Ever seen that movie called “Oh God” with John Denver and George Burns? Highly recommend it for showing God with a sense of humour.
    It was an old 80s movie.


    Happy New Year Day, Juanita! Remember to make my time watching you more interesting!


    HNYD Anita. I hope you don’t have a Goddess complex. 🙂


    Once again, hilarious Juanita. You have a great sense of humor. I only wish I could be that funny 😃

    I only wish other people could be as funny as me too. 🙂


    Happy birthday Goddess Anita, for yesterday I mean.


    Thank you, Juanita. And I do not have a goddess or a god complex.

    I am god!

    And thank you for the wishes. I am… 55, Juanita. Incredible to me, five and another five right after… how did that happen…


    I’m guessing we’re talking about the Jewish/Christian/Islamic God and not my Gods [I believe in a male and a female] I’ve always known what I would say, basically, sorry I converted but after doing some soul searching Christianity didn’t feel like the right path for me. Please judge me by the way I lived and not who I prayed to.

    If God damned me simply because I didn’t believe [and not for something like kicking puppies which is pure evil let’s be honest] I would be upset because it’s unfair to hate someone because you’re not friends and no other reason so I would probably say something mean and walk away because that’s some unfair standards imo.

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