
anxiety, health and being hurt

Homeā†’Forumsā†’Tough Timesā†’anxiety, health and being hurt

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  • This topic has 479 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Please take your time, it’s totally Okay for me.

    I was preparing to sleep and decided to came back for a moment

    You are welcome and thank you, precious Joanna

    and say how I wish I would be so good with words and expressing how I appreciate people.

    I will say I am grateful you are here.

    good night, sister!

    have a good day sister šŸ™‚




    Dear Joanna:

    How I wish I would be so good with words and expressing how I appreciate people“- but you are good with words, in my experience of reading your words.

    I have a long, long history of struggling with words, as in: what to say (or type), what words not to say..Ā  what didn’t I say (what did I forget to respond to) but should have; going over my words in my head to detect wrong words, or missing words. I am making progress on this matter, but I still struggle. For example, only a moment ago, when I read the beginning of your post before last, where you wrote: “Anita, thank you“, I thought to myself (with some distress), paraphrased: Joanna said “thank you” at the beginning of her post, but I didn’t start this post with “you are welcome”! Did I say “you are welcome” in my last post yesterday? I should check to see if I did!

    I just checked, and no: I didn’t respond to your last “thank you” with aĀ  “you are welcome”.

    What is this all about? It is about my mother policing my words, accusing me of words I said and words I didn’t say and should have said, accusing me of intentions that I did NOT have when I said this word or the other word, accusing me of purposefully not saying what I should have said, etc.

    *I noticed (as I often do when I write about my mother) that right above, I used the present tense: “It is about my mother…”- I didn’t have any contact with her for nine years and yet, her mental representative in my brain is still policing my words.

    As far as words of affection, like using “precious” in regard to you, that felt awkward, uncomfortable, but it doesn’t feel as uncomfortable now, to use it… precious Joanna (see? I used it again and … I feel fine!)

    And now to your post before last: “I was thinking today while walking in the park… I see how people react, pay attention, I know I am different. I wonder how it is, what possibilities can person have after having healthy upbringing“- seems to me that a healthy upbringing is uncommon, maybe even rare. And different people’s brains get injured in different ways and to different extents.

    I felt anger at my parents, my mother for putting me through this. But then I thought about what you wrote I know that my healing is and will be partial (but thatā€™s good enough for me!)’and it felt so nice, so positive. The way it should feel. I felt acceptance for myself. I need to remind myself anger should not be directed at myself“- good, remind yourself of this repeatedly, as you walk in the park, and at other times.

    I do seem to have problem with learning. I was always obsessed with knowing things, learning by heart, I felt bad I did not remember basic knowledge“- same here.

    I remember reading this: ‘Trauma therapists assert that abuse experienced early in life can overwhelm the central nervous system“- overwhelm the nervous system is exactly what abuse does, overwhelm and injure, like a house that is overwhelmed by an earthquake and crumbles.

    “‘Children…Ā  maintain that this psychological defense mechanismā€”known as dissociative amnesia”...I remember thinking ‘Thatā€™s why I have so little memories from childhood’“- I read the same thing and thought the same thing.Ā 

    Every time she was in better mood, and again speaking to me, she was happy, excited, baked cookies, painted me a picture, bought me things…. It was all very confusing, I accepted this ‘help’ and ‘forgot’ she was not speaking to me the day before…. I immediately smiled and thanked her… so happy she finally spoke to me. I forgot and forgave her without thinking twice. No, sheĀ forgaveĀ me for whatever I hurt her“- I can relate (not surprising). I had trouble myself putting together into one person the two extreme images of my mother: the cold, cruel, angry, hateful one… and the warm, kind, affectionate .. seemingly loving one. Which one was my mother? And consequently, who am I: If she is the hateful one, then I am her victim; if she is the loving one.. then she is my victim.

    I remember thinking not too long ago: if my mother was always bad, consistently bad (cruel, hateful, etc.)- my life would have been so much easier because I would have known she was bad and I would have completely stayed away from her, not having her in my life at all. But because of the mix.. I was a mess, didn’t know who is whom and what to do.

    *I just had a memory of that confusion and was afraid, for a moment, that the confusion will return.

    “‘I provided her with gossip, wherever I could..I did exactly the same. It did seem like ā€œcommonality with her’Ā indeedā€¦finally, a connection. I, too, encouraged my mother to gossip together. She loved it…Ā  However I am pretty sure my mother gossiped about me… my mother too, like yours, gossiped about everyone. No one was safe. No friend, no family member“- another aspect of same mother= same daughter experience… it is amazing how much of us is formed as a result of our childhood (aka formative years) experience with our mothers.

    It was a half-smile, very pleasant facial expression and pleasant voice, not exaggerated, just enough to not be accused of having bad intentions. I think I learnt it when I was young (around 12yo) when she used to ask me every dayWhat is wrong with you? Why are you angry/furious again?‘. I knew I had to seem happy and nice for her, otherwise she will think I am angry at her… she was so fragile, her mood could change in a second and the reason could be my face expression“-

    – both our mothers were very fragile, unstable, unpredictable, suspicious, paranoid.. quick to detect anger when there is none, and react angrily: accusing, persecuting… and the persecuted smiles so to.. not further disturb the one already so very disturbed.



    Anita, I have just read your post and will respond tomorrow (10:07 pm here)

    Sending smiles šŸ™‚



    Dear Joanna: I just smiled reading your smiley short message. Thank you and have a good night!





    but you are good with words, in my experience of reading your words.

    Thank you šŸ™‚

    I have a long, long history of struggling with words, as in: what to say (or type), what words not to say..Ā  what didnā€™t I say (what did I forget to respond to) but should have; going over my words in my head to detect wrong words, or missing words.

    I too, struggle with words and I understand you very well. I sometimes delete words when I think they are too much.. not appropriate. Re-living conversations thinking what I should have (not) said. Not a good habit, I guess.

    I am making progress on this matter, but I still struggle. For example, only a moment ago, when I read the beginning of your post before last, where you wrote: ā€œAnita, thank youā€œ, I thought to myself (with some distress), paraphrased:Ā Joanna said ā€œthank youā€ at the beginning of her post, but I didnā€™t start this post with ā€œyou are welcomeā€! Did I say ā€œyou are welcomeā€ in my last post yesterday?Ā I should check to see if I did!

    Please do not worry about this. Nothing bad will happen if you do not respond to something or use wrong words. I appreciate your posts very much and I am not critical of them.

    What is this all about? It is about my mother policing my words, accusing me of words I said and words I didnā€™t say and should have said, accusing me of intentions that I did NOT have when I said this word or the other word, accusing me of purposefullyĀ notĀ saying what I should have said, etc.

    Most people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgemental, not accusing of bad intentions. I say this to myself too and I think it’s good to remember.

    *I noticed (as I often do when I write about my mother) that right above, I used the present tense: ā€œItĀ isĀ about my motherā€¦ā€- I didnā€™t have any contact with her for nine years and yet, her mental representative in my brain is still policing my words.

    Do you sometimes use past tense when talking about difficulties related to your mother’s abuse?

    As far as words of affection, like using ā€œpreciousā€ in regard to you, that felt awkward, uncomfortable, but it doesnā€™t feel as uncomfortable now, to use itā€¦ precious Joanna (see? I used it again and ā€¦ I feel fine!)

    Thank you for your honesty! I really like this word and I am happy you wrote it to me and that you are more comfortable with using it šŸ™‚

    good, remind yourself of this repeatedly, as you walk in the park, and at other times.

    I will!

    ā€œā€˜Childrenā€¦Ā  maintain that this psychological defense mechanismā€”known as dissociative amnesiaā€...I remember thinking ā€˜Thatā€™s why I have so little memories from childhoodā€™ā€œ- I read the same thing and thought the same thing.Ā 

    we are very much alike and also have similar realizations šŸ™‚

    I can relate (not surprising). I had trouble myself putting together into one person the two extreme images of my mother: the cold, cruel, angry, hateful oneā€¦ andĀ the warm, kind, affectionate .. seemingly loving one.Ā Which one was my mother? And consequently, who am I:Ā If she is the hateful one, then I am her victim; if she is the loving one.. then she is my victim.

    I remember thinking not too long ago: if my mother was always bad, consistently bad (cruel, hateful, etc.)- my life would have been so much easier because I would have known she was bad and I would have completely stayed away from her, not having her in my life at all. But because of the mix.. I was a mess, didnā€™t know who is whom and what to do.

    That is exactly what I was thinking.. Seemed to me I realized much later than I should..that my mother is in fact abusing me. I resent myself for it. I had those thoughts in early childhood, yes, that I hate her and she is evil, but once my parents got divorced and she started talking about my dad’s drinking, how it was “impossible to live with that men” I was so gaslighted, more and more each day, because I started spending more time with her – living with her only. One time my dad came to visit me and she started yelling at him, he was just sitting here and listening. I started crying and she told him “see what you did to a child??!” and he.. didn’t know what to say, he was silent. I knew I was crying because she was yelling but I didn’t tell her that, I .. knew I had to play her game: that I cry because he came here, because I saw him. But I knew that wasn’t true. What she did to my mind is terrifying to me!

    another aspect of same mother= same daughter experienceā€¦ it is amazing how much of us is formedĀ as a result of our childhood (akaĀ formative years) experience with our mothers.

    Nothing more to add here. I agree, it’s amazing. I sometimes wonder am I similar to some of my ancestors, grandparents? Who am I, what would be my talents etc if it wasn’t for the abuse shaping most of my personality.

    ā€“ both our mothers were very fragile, unstable, unpredictable, suspicious, paranoid.. quick to detect anger when there is none, and react angrily: accusing, persecutingā€¦ and the persecuted smiles so to.. not further disturb the one already so very disturbed.

    Sad truth.


    Dear Joanna;

    I started reading and replying to your recent post part by part, and was getting into some good stuff (work on my healing), and I don’t want to rush it, being that it is getting to be later in the afternoon here. So I copied and pasted what I typed so far and recorded it elsewhere for tomorrow, to be continued. Thank you for the healing-stimulating post and good night (I hope that you are already sleeping, it being almost midnight, where you are at).



    Dear Joanna:

    Do you sometimes use past tense when talking about difficulties related to your motherā€™s abuse?“- yes. I often start with the past tense, but as I get more emotional, I slip into the present tense.

    Most people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgmental, not accusing of bad intentions“-

    – notice (in the following) how deep my mother’s criticism and judgment is embedded in my brain: when I read your question (above, in the very beginning of my post), I had a distressing thought: that you (Joanna) were criticizing me for using the present tense when talking about my mother, saying something like: oh, you (anita) are not that smart or advanced, are you, if you are still using the present tense; who are you to give other people advice.. when you are still sick…!Ā 

    Please do not be alarmed by this, Joanna. This is my mother’s voice (the italicized), not yours. I can hear her (the italicized) and as I typed her words, I had so much more criticism to type: I could go on and on for a long time, criticizing myself angrily (my face expressed anger as I typed). I felt identified with the voice, it was… my voice: one she implanted in my brain but now, it is my angry, critical voice.

    I remember my mother criticizing me for maybe an hour at a time, maybe longer, standing there in front of me and a barrage of critical, angry words came out of her mouth like pressured water out of a broken water faucet, flooding me with insults and words of humiliation. I don’t remember all the insults, only a few. But I remember that there were lots of them, lots of insulting sentences and descriptions. She intended to insult, humiliate and shame me and she did a good job at it. She was a hard worker, diligent, went the extra mile.

    Yesterday, at the time I stopped typing in your thread (not submitted but copied and pasted elsewhere), I felt that maybe you (Joanna) really did criticize me for not being mentally healthy enough to be here, on these forums, addressing other people’s mental health. I truly didn’t know if that’s what you thought: I didn’t feel as distressedĀ  as I used to feel when projecting my mother’s voice into other people, but I felt somewhat distressed. Fast forward to this morning, I don’t feel distressed at the thought that you might be thinking this.

    As an answer to my critical voice in regard to my own mental health and addressing other members’ mental health in these forums, I say: these are self-help forums: we help ourselves and we help each other. It is easier to address other people’s issues than it is to address our own, but addressing our own issues (as I am doing in this post) is what healing and self-help is about. It takes humility and courage, and trust that the person I am communicating with (Joanna) is a good person.

    And now, to the rest of your yesterday’s post (I didn’t read most of it yet, and will read and respond part by part):

    I too, struggle with words and I understand you very well. I sometimes delete words when I think they are too much.. not appropriate. Re-living conversations thinking what I should have (not) said. Not a good habit, I guess“- I thought you did (I noticed in your writing), this is what prompted me to bring up the topic to begin with. I thought that we have this issue in common, and maybe we can help each other to weaken this habit.

    Please do not worry about this. Nothing bad will happen if you do not respond to something, or use wrong words. I appreciate your posts very much and I am not critical of them“- thank you. The worry is there because something bad did happen when I did not respond to something she expected me to respond to, and when I used words that she told me were wrong. She did not appreciate me andĀ  she was very critical of me.

    Most people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgmental, not accusing of bad intentions. I say this to myself too and I think itā€™s good to remember“- I said it to myself many times, I even expressed this in other threads. It is true.

    We are very much alike and also have similar realizations“- yes, we do!

    I wrote to you: “I remember thinking not too long ago: if my mother was always bad, consistently bad (cruel, hateful, etc.)- my life would have been so much easier…“, your response: “That is exactly what I was thinking. Seemed to me I realized much later than I should that my mother is in fact abusing me. I resent myself for it“- resent yourself for being fooled for too long, for not being smart enough to realize the truth earlier on?

    I had those thoughts in early childhood, yes, that I hate her and she is evil, but once my parents got divorced and she started talking about my dadā€™s drinking, how it was ‘impossible to live with that men’ I was so gaslighted, more and more each day, because I started spending more time with her ā€“ living with her only“-he became the bad guy, and she became, in this context, the good guy?

    “One time my dad came to visit me and she started yelling at him, he was just sitting here and listening. I started crying and she told him ‘see what you did to a child??!‘ and he didnā€™t know what to say, he was silent. I knew I was crying because she was yelling but I didnā€™t tell her that, I .. knew I had to play her game: that I cry because (of him).. But I knew that wasnā€™t true. What she did to my mind is terrifying to me!”-

    -she confused for you (as my mother confused for me), the issue of Cause and Effect. “Cause and effect is the relationship between two things when one thing makes something else happen. For example, if we eat too much food and do not exercise, we gain weight. Eating food without exercising is the ’cause’, weight gain is the ‘effect’… Looking for the reason why things happen (cause/effect) is a basic human drive…. essential in learning the basic ways the world works” (online).

    One of the very few memories I have of what my mother told me was that one time when she hit my face with her open hand, right, left, right left… she then stopped, looked at her tired hands and arms and accusatorily said to me: Look what you did to me: you hurt my arms! – in Reality, the Cause was her choice (however impulsive) to hit me, and the Effect was that her arms and hands hurt. But in her Mind, she made a short cut, removing from the situation her choice to hit me.

    I sometimes wonder am I similar to some of my ancestors, grandparents?“- not more than you are similar to me.. I believe.

    Who am I, what would be my talents etc. if it wasnā€™t for the abuse shaping most of my personality“- depending on what kind of abuse you would have been born into. Your abusive home, my own.. are two abusive homes in many millions all over the world.



    Re-submitting (the excess print happens when I copy and paste from my email to tiny buddha):

    Dear Joanna:

    Do you sometimes use past tense when talking about difficulties related to your motherā€™s abuse?ā€œ- yes. I often start with the past tense, but as I get more emotional, I slip into the present tense.

    Most people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgmental, not accusing of bad intentionsā€œ-

    – Notice (in the following) how deep my motherā€™s criticism and judgment is embedded in my brain: when I read your question (above, in the very beginning of my post), I had a distressing thought: that you (Joanna) were criticizing me for using the present tense when talking about my mother, saying something like: oh, you (anita) are not that smart or advanced, are you, if you are still using the present tense; who are you to give other people advice.. when you are still sickā€¦!

    Please do not be alarmed by this, Joanna. This is my motherā€™s voice (the italicized), not yours. I can hear her (the italicized) and as I typed her words, I had so much more criticism to type: I could go on and on for a long time, criticizing myself angrily (my face expressed anger as I typed). I felt identified with the voice, it wasā€¦ my voice: one she implanted in my brain but now, it is my angry, critical voice.

    I remember my mother criticizing me for maybe an hour at a time, maybe longer, standing there in front of me and a barrage of critical, angry words came out of her mouth like pressured water out of a broken water faucet, flooding me with insults and words of humiliation. I donā€™t remember all the insults, only a few. But I remember that there were lots of them, lots of insulting sentences and descriptions. She intended to insult, humiliate and shame me and she did a good job at it. She was a hard worker, diligent, went the extra mile.

    Yesterday, at the time I stopped typing in your thread (not submitted but copied and pasted elsewhere), I felt that maybe you (Joanna) really did criticize me for not being mentally healthy enough to be here, on these forums, addressing other peopleā€™s mental health. I truly didnā€™t know if thatā€™s what you thought: I didnā€™t feel as distressedĀ  as I used to feel when projecting my motherā€™s voice into other people, but I felt somewhat distressed. Fast forward to this morning, I donā€™t feel distressed at the thought that you might be thinking this.

    As an answer to my critical voice in regard to my own mental health and addressing other membersā€™ mental health in these forums, I say: these are self-help forums: we help ourselves and we help each other. It is easier to address other peopleā€™s issues than it is to address our own, but addressing our own issues (as I am doing in this post) is what healing and self-help is about. It takes humility and courage, and trust that the person I am communicating with (Joanna) is a good person.

    And now, to the rest of your yesterdayā€™s post (I didnā€™t read most of it yet, and will read and respond part by part):

    ā€œI too, struggle with words and I understand you very well. I sometimes delete words when I think they are too much.. not appropriate. Re-living conversations thinking what I should have (not) said. Not a good habit, I guessā€œ- I thought you did (I noticed in your writing), this is what prompted me to bring up the topic to begin with. I thought that we have this issue in common, and maybe we can help each other to weaken this habit.

    ā€œPlease do not worry about this. Nothing bad will happen if you do not respond to something, or use wrong words. I appreciate your posts very much and I am not critical of themā€œ- thank you. The worry is there because something bad did happen when I did not respond to something she expected me to respond to, and when I used words that she told me were wrong. She did not appreciate me andĀ  she was very critical of me.

    ā€œMost people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgmental, not accusing of bad intentions. I say this to myself too and I think itā€™s good to rememberā€œ- I said it to myself many times, I even expressed this in other threads. It is true.

    ā€œWe are very much alike and also have similar realizationsā€œ- yes, we do!

    I wrote to you: ā€œI remember thinkingĀ not too long ago:Ā if my mother was always bad, consistently bad (cruel, hateful, etc.)- my life would have been so much easierā€¦ā€œ, your response: ā€œThat is exactly what I was thinking.Ā Seemed to me I realized much later than I should that my mother is in fact abusing me. I resent myself for itā€œ- resent yourself for being fooled for too long, for not being smart enough to realize the truth earlier on?

    ā€œI had those thoughts in early childhood, yes, that I hate her and she is evil, but once my parents got divorced and she started talking about my dadā€™s drinking, how it was ā€˜impossible to live with that menā€™ I was so gaslighted, more and more each day, because I started spending more time with her ā€“ living with her onlyā€œ-he becameĀ the bad guy, and she became, in this context,Ā the good guy?

    ā€œOne time my dad came to visit me and she started yelling at him, he was just sitting here and listening. I started crying and she told himĀ ā€˜see what you did to a child??!ā€˜ and he didnā€™t know what to say, he was silent. I knew I was crying because she was yelling but I didnā€™t tell her that, I .. knew I had to play her game: that I cry because (of him).. But I knew that wasnā€™t true. What she did to my mind is terrifying to me!ā€-

    -she confused for you (as my mother confused for me), the issue of Cause and Effect. ā€œCause and effect is the relationship between two things when one thing makes something else happen. For example, if we eat too much food and do not exercise, we gain weight. Eating food without exercising is the ā€™causeā€™, weight gain is the ā€˜effectā€™ā€¦ Looking for the reason why things happen (cause/effect) is a basic human driveā€¦. essential in learning the basic ways the world worksā€ (online).

    One of the very few memories I have of what my mother told me was that one time when she hit my face with her open hand, right, left, right leftā€¦ she then stopped, looked at her tired hands and arms and accusatorily said to me:Ā Look what you did to me: you hurt my arms!Ā ā€“ in Reality, the Cause was her choice (however impulsive) to hit me, and the Effect was that her arms and hands hurt. But in her Mind, she made a short cut, removing from the situation her choice to hit me.

    ā€œI sometimes wonder am I similar to some of my ancestors, grandparents?ā€œ- not more than you are similar to me.. I believe.

    ā€œWho am I, what would be my talents etc. if it wasnā€™t for the abuse shaping most of my personalityā€œ- depending on what kind of abuse you would have been born into. Your abusive home, my own.. are two abusive homes in many millions all over the world.




    ā€“ Notice… how deep my motherā€™s criticism and judgment is embedded in my brain: … I had a distressing thought: that you (Joanna) were criticizing me for using the present tense when talking about my mother, saying something like: oh, you (anita) are not that smart or advanced, are youĀ 

    This is my motherā€™s voice (the italicized), not yours… I felt identified with the voice, it wasā€¦ my voice: one she implanted in my brain but now, it is my angry, critical voice.

    Yesterday… I felt that maybe you (Joanna) really did criticize me for not being mentally healthy enough to be here, on these forums, addressing other peopleā€™s mental health. I truly didnā€™t know if thatā€™s what you thought

    Thank you for sharing this with me, Anita. I feel sad I have caused this. I did not have any criticism in mind. You have helped a lot of people here on this forum, including me and I will repeat this: I am grateful you are here and I admire your wisdom.

    The reason behind my question was: when I read that you wrote ā€žit is about my motherā€ in present tense I started thinking what it is that I always think or say in such situations (being triggered or having some difficulty because of her) and I think itā€™s mostly: ā€žI feel triggered/angry because she often used toā€¦. (do this and that)ā€ and wasnā€™t sure if I see it as present tense or past tense. Clearly itā€™s about past behaviors but the emotion I feel is now. Some of those emotions I understand more so there are times I can say ā€žI used to be triggered by this because my mother did this and thatā€. I was curious how you would elaborate on this topic – not sure if I understood it correctly, therefore I asked.

    My own example of my mother’s judgement and criticism inside my head: after writing this to you the other day, my own words: ā€œMost people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgmental, not accusing of bad intentions. I say this to myself too and I think itā€™s good to rememberā€œ –Ā  I woke up today and thought: “I should not have written this. Anita will think I am giving her advice, telling her something she already knows when she clearly sees and knows a lot more than I do”. I hope it did not sound like this. I was aware I was stating the obvious but my intention was to be friendly and comforting.

    Another example: Once I asked my mother “are you in a good mood today?” and she told me “what? why would I have a bad mood? are you implying I have moods? Why are you bullying me all the time?!!” and then she gave me silent treatment for days. I never asked her this again in my life. I have a colleague at work who likes to ask this question “what’s your mood today?”. My first reaction was saying to myself “Whoa!! what is his problem? Accusing me of having moods?” I can only trust he is being friendly, because the feeling my mother taught me is so strong, I will always be a little suspicious hearing this question. It’s exhausting.

    As an answer to my critical voice in regard to my own mental health and addressing other membersā€™ mental health in these forums, I say: these are self-help forums: we help ourselves and we help each other.

    I agree. It’s beautiful.

    It is easier to address other peopleā€™s issues than it is to address our own, but addressing our own issues (as I am doing in this post) is what healing and self-help is about. It takes humility and courage, and trust that the person I am communicating with (Joanna) is a good person.

    Good to read this, Anita. Again, I feel sad it happened and caused a distress.

    I thought you did (I noticed in your writing), this is what prompted me to bring up the topic to begin with. I thought that we have this issue in common, and maybe we can help each other to weaken this habit.

    I already started writing more spontaneously because of your encouragement. Trying to remember about this while talking to people.

    thank you. The worry is there because something bad did happen when I did not respond to something she expected me to respond to, and when I used words that she told me were wrong. She did not appreciate me andĀ  she was very critical of me.

    You are welcome šŸ™‚ I find it very difficult too, convincing myself people are not that critical of me as I thought.

    ā€œWe are very much alike and also have similar realizationsā€œ- yes, we do!


    resent yourself for being fooled for too long, for not being smart enough to realize the truth earlier on?

    Yes, I think I was ashamed of it when you asked me (one of the last posts on this thread at the time when I still lived with her) paraphrased “did you ever lived apart… did it ever occur to you to move out … “. I was ashamed because it did not ever occur to me. She was acting like my friend (she was giving me a ride home from distant place where I gave lessons, so that I wouldn’t be cold!). She even used to say this to me when I was little “always remember – when I yell at you, it means I love you!”. I admired you, Anita for your story, your realizing your mother was abusing you and I felt.. not smart enough because I couldn’t see it for so long.

    he became the bad guy, and she became, in this context,Ā the good guy?

    She saved me from him, because he was giving me nervous ticks, that’s her story.

    One of the very few memories I have of what my mother told me was that one time when she hit my face with her open hand, right, left, right leftā€¦ she then stopped, looked at her tired hands and arms and accusatorily said to me:Ā Look what you did to me: you hurt my arms!Ā ā€“ in Reality, the Cause was her choice (however impulsive) to hit me, and the Effect was that her arms and hands hurt. But in her Mind, she made a short cut, removing from the situation her choice to hit me.

    The accusation does not shock me. It is something my mother would totally do if..she ever hit me (but she did not ever hit me, which is interesting knowing how our mothers are similar and the fact that my mother did, in fact hit my dad, so it was not something she wouldn’t do). However, hitting a child is shocking to me. Abuse – mental abuse is something you cannot see, prove, they could be aggressive verbally and then deny it – for my mother it was perfect, she could insult me any way she could and then say she did not say such thing. But hitting is something they cannot deny. However, now thinking about this.. My mother’s story is that my dad was hitting her (and he did, they both did) but according to her he was the only one. So she denied hitting him too. And I never realized she hit him, although I clearly saw it with my eyes!Ā  My version was: my dad is hitting my mom (not the other way around). Amazing.



    Dear Joanna:

    I feel sad I have caused this“- what you caused in me is further healing,Ā  and I am grateful to you for it!

    You are not responsible for my projections into other peopleĀ  (I am less likely to project my mother into you than I am likely to project her into other people!). What I heard was not you talking… I heard her talking.

    My mother physically hit me, but I assure you: her words(and tone) hit me harder than her hands or feet did! Therefore, I fully appreciate how hard your mother’s words hit you: her ongoing paranoia.. her inaccurate projections into you, like when you innocently asked her if she was in a good mood. I will reply further later, probably Sunday your time (I didn’t yet read all of your post). It is 11:13 pm Christmas Eve, your time; 2:13 pm my time. I had lunch and will probably be going for a walk outside, being that so much of the frozen snow melted.

    M E R R YĀ  Ā  C H R I S T M A S,Ā  Ā Joanna!




    You are not responsible for my projections into other peopleĀ  (I am less likely to project my mother into you than I am likely to project her into other people!). What I heard was notĀ youĀ talkingā€¦ I heardĀ herĀ talking.

    I appreciate this and thank you.

    Please take you time, I know it’s a long post.

    Merry Christmas, Anita!



    Dear Joanna:

    You are welcome, thank you for the Merry Christmas, your patience and the rest of your kindness toward me!



    You are welcome!

    I guess it’s good the snow has melted in your area. Here it’s very sunny today.

    Sending smiles šŸ™‚


    Dear Joanna:

    How exciting! The snow is completely melted this Christmas Day morning and I can do my usual walk later on, yeah!

    I am grateful you are here and I admire your wisdom“- thank you. I too am grateful that you are here and I admire your wisdom, particularly in the context of the two of us having such very similar and unique (not in a good way) mothers.

    “Clearly itā€™s about past behaviors but the emotion I feel is now“- this is the exact reason why, when I get emotional about behaviors in the past, I use the present tense: emotions are happening NOW, whether they’re about events that are happening now, or decades ago (when remembered/ imagined)!

    Some of those emotions I understand more, so there are times I can say: ‘I used to be triggered by this because my mother did this and that’. I was curious how you would elaborate on this topic ā€“ not sure if I understood it correctly, therefore I asked“- right this moment (present tense), I am purposefully bringing an image to my mind of my mother hitting me, and I am feeling a bit of anger (I can feel it on my face, as my facial muscles tense up). It is not a rage, an uncontrollable overwhelming anger, but the anger is there while the image is playing. I think we get triggered (feeling anger or fear, or both), when we bring images to our minds that naturally cause anger.

    I mean, it was natural that I felt anger then when she was hitting me. It is natural that I feel anger now, when I remember/ see the images. I think that the idea that healing=feeling nothing when past abuse is remembered or imagined, is not an idea that makes any sense. Not feeling anything in this context is a result of dissociation, not of healing.

    You wrote to me yesterday: “Most people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgmental, not accusing of bad intentions. I say this to myself too and I think itā€™s good to remember“. When I read it, I felt validated, I thought to myself: this is exactly what I said myself, expressed it here to different members, amazing how Joanna (having a very similar kind of mother) came up with the exact realization!Ā 

    But you had a different reaction the morning after you wrote the above: “I woke up today and thought: ‘I should not have written this. Anita will think IĀ am givingĀ her advice, telling her something she already knows when she clearly sees and knows a lot more than I do’. I hope it did not sound like this“- what you wrote earlier (the boldfaced and italicized in the above paragraph) was excellent input and it did not trigger feelings of inadequacy in me (as in, Joanna thinks she knows better than me, she thinks that I am not smart enough, not healthy enough, etc.). But this very thought I just italicized does get triggered when I am given advice by members- when I didn’t ask for advice.

    Coming to think about it, in the context of psychotherapy, a good therapist will not give the patient/ client advice (give the patient answers to his/ her questions), but help the patient reach her own answers. This is probably a good idea in non-professional interactions with people, such as in here. Unrequested advice/ answers is a turn off to many people, making people feel … not trusted to be able to answer their own questions.

    But your words, “Most people are not like your (and my) mother…” was not advice at all, it was you sharing your realization, what you know is true. It is okay to feel confident about what you know is true.

    Another example: Once I asked my mother ‘are you in a good mood today?’ and she told me ‘what? why would I have a bad mood? are you implying I have moods? Why are you bullying me all the time?!!’“- it’s like we have the SAME mother: paranoid, eager to defend herself against imagined accusations. You probably asked her hopefully and out of love if she is in a good mood, hoping that she was feeling good, but what she heard was you angrily accusing her (indirectly) of being in bad moods.

    I can hear my mother, in my mind’s ear, saying in this context (and I know that my mother is not identical to yours, although very similar): you think that I am stupid? that I don’t know what you are trying to do, trying to fool me, to trick me, to ridicule me… well, it is you who are a Big Nothing, a Big Zero…. (very elaborated)….!

    and then she gave me silent treatment for days“- I always wondered about my mother’s silent treatments, starting in the evenings or nights (after a raging episode), with her sitting all alone in the dark, serious expression on her face, looked like being in a dark mood… silent for days, gradually returning to normal until the next rage and silence.

    I never asked her this again in my life. I have a colleague at work who likes to ask this question ‘whatā€™s your mood today?’. My first reaction was saying to myself ‘Whoa!! what is his problem? Accusing me of having moods?‘”- this is how I react to being asked: how are you? Or are you okay?,Ā  if asked with any kind of concern: I get angry and feel/ believe that I am accused of being unwell, a weirdo, a freak… that I am being ridiculed.

    I will always be a little suspicious hearing this question. Itā€™s exhausting“- it is only in the last few days that I reacted better when asked how I was feeling, being more aware that I was projecting my- my-mother’s suspicions into other people.

    “I already started writing more spontaneously because of your encouragement. Trying to remember about this while talking to people”- same here. No need to unnecessarily walk on eggshells, after all, like we agree, “Most people are not like your (and my) mother. Not judgmental, not accusing of bad intentions… People are not that critical of me as I thought”.

    I was ashamed of it when you asked me (one of the last posts on this thread at the time when I still lived with her) paraphrased ‘did you ever lived apartā€¦ did it ever occur to you to move out ā€¦ ‘. I was ashamed because it did not ever occur to me“- I was angry at the time, angry with you for still living with her, and out of that anger, I wrote to you what I shouldn’t have. I apologize, it was insensitive and obviously, it only increased your shame. I regret it. Since sometime after that time, I am careful to not reply to members when I feel anger or annoyance.

    She was acting like my friend (she was giving me a ride home from distant place where I gave lessons, so that I wouldnā€™t be cold!). She even used to say this to me when I was little ‘always remember ā€“ when I yell at you, it means I love you!’“- my mother told me she loved me no matter how bad I was. And she did a lot for me, for example, she took the bus and walked a long way for no other reason but to buy me my favorite cake, one she was not able to baker herself: a marzipan covered cake. I don’t know what motivated her. If it was love that motivated her, it was a very, very short-sighted, temporary kind of love, one that evaporates whenever she got suspicious of me, which happened way too often.

    But hitting is something they cannot deny“- while hitting me that one time, my mother (paranoid: in her mind, suspecting that I was planning to get her into trouble for hitting me), said to me: You think I am stupid? I am not stupid like other parents who leave marks on their children, breaking bones, etc.!

    My motherā€™s story is that…“- can’t trust a paranoid’s story. In the example right above, I was not at all planning to get her into trouble for hitting me, I am sure of it (I was being hit at the time!). In her mind, I was the villain who had an evil plan to hurt her. How can I trust anything that she ever said to me… why would I even try.





    How exciting! The snow is completely melted this Christmas Day morning and I can do my usual walk later on, yeah!

    What a great news šŸ™‚ Enjoy your day!

    thank you. I too am grateful that you are here and I admire your wisdom, particularly in the context of the two of us having such very similar and unique (not in a good way) mothers.

    Your welcome šŸ™‚

    I think that the idea thatĀ healing=feeling nothing when past abuse is remembered or imagined,Ā is not an idea that makes any sense. Not feeling anything in this context is a result ofĀ dissociation, not of healing.

    That’s interesting. I always thought healing, releasing from trauma would be when I am able to feel nothing when thinking about painful memories. And I always feel guilty I cannot process it that way.

    this very thoughtĀ I just italicized does get triggered when I am given advice by members- when I didnā€™t ask for advice.

    In that case, good that you shared it with me.

    a good therapist will not give the patient/ client advice (give the patient answers to his/ her questions), but help the patient reach her own answers. UnrequestedĀ advice/ answers is a turn off to many people, making people feel ā€¦ not trusted to be able to answer their own questions.

    I rarely give advise as I rarely.. came up with any..Ā  but that is good to know as well

    Ā itā€™s like we have the SAME mother: paranoid, eager to defend herself against imagined accusations.

    I can hear my mother, in my mindā€™s ear, saying in this context (and I know that my mother is not identical to yours, although very similar):Ā you think that I am stupid? that I donā€™t know what you are trying to do, trying to fool me, to trick me, to ridicule meā€¦ well, it is you who are a Big Nothing, a Big Zeroā€¦. (very elaborated)ā€¦.!

    The paranoid is such a mystery to me. I was taught to assume, we both were, from our mothers, but the difference is we know they’re not our thoughts, but theirs (like in my assumption of my colleague’s intentions – I know it’s my mother’s voice, it’s my habit, but it’s not my inner voice, not my thoughts. The difference is my mother (your mother too) believes it, as you once mentioned, Anita, quite recently (“the paranoid believes”). Because she invents those thoughts, she is the source of those thoughts and has absolutely no doubts about them!

    I feel such a relief since I do not have explain things to her. I used to justify people’s actions so many times to her.. “no, I don’t think she/he meant that” “she/he probably didn’t do it on purpose” I always felt like she sees the world/people differently but couldn’t fully understand what it is exactly that is wrong with her. One time she went to the place where you can extend the contract for internet at home and she told me the guy was very talkative, nice, she was excited as he gave her so many good offers and seemed like she was excited about just talking to him. Next day she went to sign the contract and she didn’t… she told me “I went today and looked, he barely saw me.. and I thought: ‘what, does he not like me anymore?’” It was then that I realized something is very wrong with her.. As in she didn’t understand it was this guy’s job to give her offers, he was probably talkative, in a good mood, yes, but what he was doing was his job! And she wanted to sign this just because..it was so fun to talk to this guy. I still can’t fully understand this situation, it happened more.

    I always wondered about my motherā€™s silent treatments, starting in the evenings or nights (after a raging episode), with her sitting all alone in the dark, serious expression on her face, looked like being in a dark moodā€¦ silent for days, gradually returning to normal until the next rage and silence.

    I also see my mother’s face, her face expression.

    gradually returning to normal

    Yes, this gradual…process of slowly returning. First she could speak one word, a quiet word as she was still not able to ..fully speak to me. As if she had real trouble speaking! Then she would for example offer me a dinner but still in neutral voice, but I already knew she was “coming back”. But I knew I couldn’t be too much excited, I also acted neutral, responding quietly but politely. Then after couple of hours, maybe next day she fully “recovered” from silent treatment, was fully herself, smiling, happy, talkative, bringing me clothes or baking cakes.

    During silent days my life was on pause. I did not exist. I was there, but I wasn’t ..alive. I cried, I used to go somewhere just to let time pass and get through this somehow, until she speaks to me again. When I was somewhere, at the cinema or with some people, all I could think was..my mother. Sometimes I realized how ridiculous it is, I thought “I bet not one of those people is now thinking about their mothers like I do, having only one wish to happiness -her speaking to me again”

    it is only in the last few days that I reacted better when asked how I was feeling, being more aware that I was projecting my- my-motherā€™s suspicions into other people.

    Good šŸ™‚ I wish you more of those moments. I am happy whenever it happens, when I can overcome this feeling. I tell myself: I am different, I was only taught to make those assumptions but I am lucky I am not paranoid like her!

    Ā I was angry at the time, angry with you for still living with her, and out of that anger, I wrote to you what I shouldnā€™t have. I apologize, it was insensitive and obviously, it only increased your shame. I regret it. Since sometime after that time, I am careful to not reply to members when I feel anger or annoyance.

    I appreciate it, Anita, thank you. I know I wasn’t honest with myself, I couldn’t see the truth. I was justifying why I still lived with her, explaining myself when the truth was I just couldn’t move, I was stuck. I was afraid of her reaction, afraid how I manage by myself, me, a slouch. Other people started families and build houses, they worked in big companies, but not me, it was not for me. When I got a job in 2016, a good job, not great well paid but very good for start and then I quit because of my nervous ticks, she said to me “you’ll find something else maybe.. maybe not that good, but something. cleaning maybe” – meaning I got this job by chance, did not fully earn it, it just happened to me, I was lucky. Next time when I look for a job will probably get whatever I deserve which is..something much less. How could I believe in myself that I can move out, work and pay rent? Be my own person, when I always “needed” my mother? I was not honest to admit that to myself.

    Happy I got away from this mindset. I am so good at being my own person now.

    my mother told me she loved me no matter how bad I was. And she did a lot for me, for example, she took the bus and walked a long way for no other reason but to buy me my favorite cake, … If it was love that motivated her, it was a very, very short-sighted, temporary kind of love, one that evaporates whenever she got suspicious of me, which happened way too often.

    I read about love bombing in narcissistic abuse and it fit perfectly in my case. Also I think the purpose of this was to convince me (and herself) how good of a mother she was. There were times I thought she loved me (still confused about it) but I was always disappointed when she changed after couple of days, and wasn’t so sure about this anymore (her loving me).

    Ā I was not at all planning to get her into trouble for hitting me, I am sure of it (I was being hit at the time!). In her mind, I was the villain who had an evil plan to hurt her.

    Again, a mystery to me how the paranoid’s mind works. Maybe her own thoughts from the time she was being hit as a child, but still, not being able to doubt at least – if this is real or made up by her sick mind.. Part of me feels sorry for them, for seeing the world they way they see it, never knowing how people can be good, kind, without hidden agenda.

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