
Am I so Bad?

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  • #168054
    Mini Ahuja

    Hello Readers

    It’s my third question and I’m still stuck in the same huff. I’m fed up with convincing my family and husband for divorce;they just don’t understand. It’s been 5 yrs of our lifeless marriage and 1.5 yrs we are living separately. And now people have started abusing me emotionally. My mom feels ashamed of me and says I’ve led her down before people. She believes my husband is a very  nice guy and it’s just because of my open-mindedness and ‘modern’ thinking that I’m in skies. I’ve made it clear to them 100’s of times that I just can’t love him and live with him anymore and after the frequent incidents that took b/w us, I’v lost my trust on him and even relationships. She said that she sometimes feel like beating me up and this hurts me a lot. she is my mom. Earlier I thought that she doesn’t want me to get divorced because of the societal pressure and her concern about my future. But no, this is her own thinking about me and now this hurts me.

    I am an overly sensitive person. Whatever happens around me especially with women and children leaves a deep impact on me. And whenever I talk about such things to my mom and express my anger, she starts screaming. Everyone now makes me feel as if i’m bad and they feel ashamed of me. I don’t sat that my mom has stopped loving me, she still does. But, she doesn’t understands me. I don’t how to come out of this. Am I really over-reacting? Am I really that bad? Should I stop worrying about them and move away to begin fresh? I’m pissed of and feel like I am dying each moment. This patriarchal society and orthodox ideologies are ruining my life. I’ve started questioning myself now. Nobody is supporting me. I feel lost – who am i? what do i want? what makes me happy? I was a foodie and now I don’t enjoy any kind of taste. And i know I am depressed….severely. What should I do? Enlighten.


    Hi Mini Ahuja,

    Who cares what other people think. It is your life, not theirs, your business, not theirs, your marriage, not theirs. You are old enough to make your own decisions, and if you are in an unhappy marriage, only you can decide if you want to continue to be in one or not. Personally, I would rather be alone, than in an unhappy marriage, and if friends and family disapprove, it’s their problem, they don’t have to fight your battles.

    If they start verbally abusing or emotionally abusing you, you do not have to take it. Simply tell them them you will not tolerate belittling, yelling, critism, negativity. And leave. If they can’t be supportive of you, have as little contact with them as possible. The last thing you need is more misery and unhappiness. They should be supportive of you, and if they can’t, let them know you will not tolerate their abuse and walk away or leave.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.

    Dear Mini Ahuja:

    You strongly dislike the man you married, the one arranged for you to marry. That doesn’t make you bad.

    Problem is you live with your parents who arranged that marriage and now disagree with you ending the marriage. Problem is you live in a society where parents rule their children’s lives, no matter the children are adults and it promotes marriage no-matter-how-unhappy in it.

    Lots of people in arranged marriages compensate for their lack of content by having girlfriends/boyfriends on the side. Society turns a blind eye to that, doesn’t it?

    You wrote that you are “an overly sensitive person”. That makes living with a man you dislike very difficult. But it also makes living with people who disapprove of you (your parents) very difficult. It is difficult for anyone to live with disapproval from all around. This is why it would be best if you could remove yourself from your parents’ home, from this society you are in and live elsewhere, free.

    “Born to be free” you suffer, shackled.



    Mini Ahuja

    Thanks Eliana for the support and motivation.

    Mini Ahuja

    Hi Anita

    I’m longing for that freedom. My soul feels bounded. I hope I’ll soon be able to come out of this shell. Thanks for your motivation.




    Dear Mini Ahuja:

    You are welcome. You started your fight for your freedom by leaving the home you shared with your arranged-husband. The fight is not over. There must be a next step, a next thing to do. It requires more courage, to defy your parents, your arranged-husband, and society.

    It is not easy and will not be easy. Therefore it is your decision, your very personal decision, to continue the fight or to give up.

    I hope you post again with your thoughts and feelings.


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