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March 1, 2016 at 8:58 am #97722
Participantanita –
actually just now, i got nominated as vice president for this club at school. i almost got nominated as president, but vice president and…yeah. just a little too much for one day lol. i already have a hard time speaking out in front of people and it kinda happened and now i feel like i’m in a position where i gotta do stuff. i wonder why god is letting these things happen. why these things are continually happening everyday. what will this all lead up to? (i know you can’t answer that one, but i wonder what it’s all doing for me). just the way things are continually happening, i feel as if i opened a door where stuff is just coming right at me. i suppose that MAYBE i can get used to it. maybe, but it’s sort of a sudden thing where like one day nothing was going on and then the next thing after thing is happening.
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March 1, 2016 at 9:21 am #97724Anonymous
GuestDear Wisdom:
Congratulations for being nominated Vice President of the club in school! It is exciting, isn’t it? I feel your excitement in your post!
Now your first operation as Vice President will count as a daily assignment when that happens. I like it that you wrote that maybe you can get used to things happening. It is different than nothing happening! Little by little, in moderation, one step at a time. Hope you find a way to calm yourself in a good-for-you way as things do happen.
Like you wrote, where does it lead to… of course I don’t know. Except that you have a say on where this is leading, you have some say and some power (however small) as to what is happening next!
March 1, 2016 at 9:26 am #97726Wisdom
Participanti’m actually more apprehensive than excited haha! and the club actually meets every tuesday so this’ll probably count for a majority of tuesdays. i don’t actually know if i’m happy for myself or bummed from being drained out. i just feel like god’s throwing so many eggs at me. let’s just say it was a passive aggresive “decision”.
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March 1, 2016 at 9:31 am #97728Anonymous
GuestDear Wisdom:
If god is throwing so many eggs at you, make the best omelet you can with those eggs! Ha… ha.
So the club will meet next Tuesday? That will be interesting. Calm yourself best you can, Wisdom! I like things happening in your life, very much so. I also know things-happening has to be a gradual thing, so pace yourself. Proceed slowly…
March 1, 2016 at 9:38 am #97732Wisdom
Participanthaha! and i’ll try my best to calm down. i just really wish that things i really really want to happen would happen for me already. i don’t see why there has to be this big whole long wait. and when i say wait i don’t mean like…wait and sit around. i feel like i put in so much energy to things and then nothing ever seems to happen. i don’t understand why that is, but i never know when it’s okay to wait. like you could try to be someone’s friend over and over but when will they get it? or you could paint over and over but when will you be an artist?
March 1, 2016 at 9:40 am #97733Wisdom
Participanti just have this thing with perfection where when i see someone do something, i think they finessed it, so when i attempt something i want it to be a one shot kill.
March 1, 2016 at 10:03 am #97735Anonymous
GuestDear Wisdom:
You wrote that you “put in so much energy to things and then nothing ever seems to happen” When you write that you put in so much energy, you mean by thinking hard? Because just thinking, no matter how long you think and how hard you think and no matter how intensely you feel when you think so hard… things won’t happen unless you do something.
For example, you waved to the girl today and then you thought hard about speaking to her but you didn’t speak to her. So as far as things happening with that girl, the wave counts (this is why it counted as your assignment for today), but the thinking afterwards about speaking to her does not count because it cannot make things happen. Something has to be done. This is the nature of reality.
Waiting then following an act on your part makes sense. Passively waiting with no action is ineffective and will lead to nothing happening.
Your second post about perfection, oh, yes, that will keep you from action because if it has to be perfect… then it paralyzes you with fear of acting imperfectly. Nobody is perfect and hardly anything at all can be performed perfectly. Sometimes when you behave imperfectly with someone, that can give them the courage to act imperfectly themselves. It works for me: when someone is imperfect with me, then I think: good I can be imperfect with him/ her!
March 1, 2016 at 11:56 am #97757Wisdom
Participantanita –
i’m actually so glad that you brought that idea up because the whole “universe will give you what you want/think positive” thing just hasn’t seemed to make sense. and then no matter how people make it seem like “oh i got this because i wanted it” or “wow look at me i’m famous cause i put this energy into the universe and it worked out for me so now look at me because i made it”. i never really understood it. i believed it because this was something my grandfather was very serious about – the universe, but i never understood it, never tried to understand it because i always felt it was so much bigger than praying or anything.
i’m so glad you said it that way anita because you’re right. i COULD’VE said something to that girl today, and maybe the universe did give that to me by having her being there. i don’t know. i don’t know how it works.
now with the waiting and the taking action – i feel like i always mess THAT part up. like how now after maybe a whole year, sending the guy i like just one message allows him to send me stuff now, BUT how do i react? i feel like if i do anything to be myself or try to be sociable (which is NOT easy at all for me) that’s when i mess up. i have the chance, i suppose, but i don’t know what to do with it. but just to say, i don’t feel that i have to be perfect, i can be closer to myself when i talk to him, but i do try to be a little more dainty than usual so that i can come off as some kind of attractive. just so that there is at least some kind of appeal. other than that, i’m usually myself because i want him to take me for who i am. i am not so sure how this whole relationship thing works at all. as far as i’m concerned i’ve never had any friend besides my grandpa and this guy that i like, i want him to be my friend so bad, but i don’t know how to make that happen. me and my grandpa just clicked, which makes a soulmate only much more believable to me. and i know that i said me and the guy that i really like, i feel that we are soulmates, but wouldn’t we have clicked already? i think so, BUT, i think that maybe since i felt so good about being myself around him since the beginning that that means something. i feel as though maybe he just needs to see me as a less timid version of myself and maybe he’d like or appreciate me and all of that.
March 1, 2016 at 12:51 pm #97759Anonymous
GuestDear Wisdom:
There is a lot in your last post:
You wrote: “the whole ‘universe will give you what you want/think positive’ thing- I read that message myself and it is out there, this message. I too have a problem with it. I can think all the positive thoughts that there are, and it is all in my head. The universe.. what is it, The Universe, anyway? Other people do not know what I think. It is what I do that matters. If I want things to happen, I make things happen. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering actions, on my part. If you, Wisdom, want to get a job, you take the action of applying for a job. You can THINK all the positive thoughts about getting a job but none of it matters. Only action matters in making things happen.
If my thinking all these years made things happen, Wisdom, I would be an international star, a super star, a well known all-over-the-world dancer and singer and actress. Why? Because I THOUGHT those things… a lot, used to daydream about it…a lot. It didn’t happen because thinking, imagining, wishing, praying… all those things are in my own head and nothing happens because I think it, or imagine or pray. It is all in the doing.
If people say, like you wrote: “oh i got this because i wanted it”- that cannot possibly be true. If they achieved something it is because they did something. Wanting something is thinking and wishing and feeling. No action? No results.
Regarding your grandfather. You felt he was your soul mate. You felt he loved you and you loved him. Is that what a soul mate means to you? And you feel love for this guy, hoping he will feel love for you in the future and that would mean he is or may be your soulmate?
Having a soulmate then means someone you love and who loves you back?
March 1, 2016 at 2:01 pm #97766Wisdom
Participantanita –
you and i used to think the same! i wanted to be all the things you wanted to be, but i let go of all those dreams very recently. i rationed them down a lot and figured that maybe it’s too late or just not what god wanted. i think about acting now though a lot. i don’t necessarily know too many people (personally) that talk about the universe, but when i look at interviews from some of my favorite musicians, they make it sound that way. but now that you said that maybe they actually did something about what they put into the universe, i think that makes more sense. all i do is hope to play the piano or yada yada one day, but they actually taught themselves and put in all the work and stuff. or…one example he used one time was “if i want to fuck that pretty girl tonight, then i will cause i can cause i put that energy into the universe” lmao! but maybe that could happen just because he’s famous too. a lot of people do things without heart. but back to the universe, everyone makes it sound and look so easy. no one ever shows the gap in between and i think that that gets pretty confusing or almost ploylike.
i think a soulmate is more than a mutual attraction. it’s actually something i really don’t know i can explain. my grandpa would tell me that he loved me and i could actually feel the love. it was like…my heart did a backfip. and maybe that sounds a little silly or maybe even exaggerated, but that’s literally the only way i can explain it haha! it’s like i feel all these cool sprinkles around me or something. just like an actual feeling. my mother or my father, i don’t think they can do the same thing. with the guy i like, he’s of course never told me he loved me, but there’s just a feeling that i get about him that makes me feel that he’s the one. as if someone’s over my shoulder tapping me and whispering in my ear, “yeah, that’s the one, girl!” haha! i just feel like i know (or my heart or higher self knows). he’s different and i can tell. i’m sure that we are aware of things beyond us for the most part.
the universe is really a complex thing though. i don’t think anyone really knows what they’re talking about when they talk about it, but if my grandpa explained more to me i think i’d have a better understanding. he really lived by it and that’s one of the things i wish i could’ve asked him about and see what he knew about it in full.
March 1, 2016 at 3:05 pm #97777Anonymous
GuestDear Wisdom:
I am not surprised that you and me wanted the same things, daydreamed about international fame. I am not surprised because both you and me lacked attention so much, were so starved for positive attention that we dreamed about getting so much attention, international fame and praise.
And no matter what people say (referred to as baloney in a previous post), it is what people do that bring results. And regarding that musician- his fame, fame and fortune, just like in our daydreaming, is very attractive to almost everyone, so yes, most pretty girls will be willing to be with him, to be close to … fame.
I knew your soulmate concept is more than mutual attraction, more like what you wrote… that love you felt from your grandpa. Isn’t it the most unbelievable feeling in the world? To be loved like that? To feel loved like that. It is like a narcotic high of some kind, i think. Literally the brain releases some narcotic when we feel that love. Is it the same feeling for you, what you feel for this guy and what you felt with your grandpa?
There was something about what you wrote in the last two lines, that your grandpa lived by what he was talking about- tell me more what you mean by it…?
March 1, 2016 at 3:20 pm #97780Wisdom
Participantyeah! it’s a pretty weird feeling to have someone ACTUALLY love you. and i do feel something similar with this guy, i really really do. which is why i keep waiting for him mostly. i feel like something is just bound for us for some reason. a lot of the people i’ve liked in the past, it was so easy to just let go, but with this guy, it’s so different. it’s just…it feels real!
and with my grandpa he lived very much by the universe and astrology and he believed in them. i wish i could explain it better than that i haven’t asked him about any of these things in too much depth, how he felt about them, but it was evident that he was extremely passionate about it all. he probably knew way more about it all and how it would work than i think. he would usually tell me lots of things (mainly things i would ask about) but in bits because there’s so much to learn.
March 1, 2016 at 3:43 pm #97785Anonymous
GuestDear Wisdom:
I am supposing it didn’t matter much what your grandpa told you, what matters that he cared to tell you, that you felt that he loved you with some passion, like the passion with which he talked about the things he believed in. I suppose he believed in you, that you are worthy, valuable, lovable. And you felt it for the first time.
And with this guy, you feel that there is such love coming to you from him. Same kind of love, intoxicating.
No wonder you are willing to wait and wait for that kind of love.
That kind of love you felt from your grandpa, the love you are waiting for, from this guy… that kind of love, I agree with you, Wisdom, that is something to want, to want to feel again.
Only there must be a way to feel a bit of it today and every day… which brings me to the assignment of the day, I don’t think you did your assignment of the day, did you?
I don’t remember at this moment. If you didn’t, do you have any ideas?
March 1, 2016 at 3:56 pm #97787Wisdom
Participanti’m not sure anita, i never looked at it like that, but i truly did believe everything my grandpa told me. i always believed in spirits, but i never knew what was behind it, but he did and he helped me kind of categorize what that was or just to give it a name other than just “ghosts” he opened my eyes to the world. to the universe. to just…being. it’d be nice to feel that love all the time, but i think there’s a big difference between loving something or someone and then being in love. i save in love feelings for certain things and people. i haven’t really figured if too many people deserve that kind of love from me. especially if they’re going to make me feel bad for feeling that way. for feeling overly passionate about them or something i like. this guy that i like is special and i choose him to have the love that i have for him. just figuring out whether he wants it or not, i think that’s way ahead of me at this time. i don’t think we’re at a point where i can ask or tell him about it. i hope things move along a little further by sometime this year. i’ve liked him for almost 4 years now and he’s really the only one i’m going for. i don’t want anyone else. this i’m very sure about. i used to say the same thing about a lot of the crushes i had just to make it feel or seem real to me, but this guy, he’s like the top of the line. the one i’d really only want. for real.
i think going up for vice president at the school club is definitely the challenge for today. there was so much talking to so many people today and it was so out of my comfort zone. and that’s just today. imagine what’ll be asked of me next tuesday haha!
March 1, 2016 at 4:03 pm #97788Anonymous
GuestDear Wisdom:
I know you got nominated today but I didn’t know had conversations about it with people. So that would count as activity in your role as a VP. Okay, done. I am going for a long walk…in the rain and wind.
About what you wrote, yes, people who make you feel bad for feeling anything… they don’t deserve your love. Candidates for your love must be respectful of you, of all that you feel… always respectful of you, encouraging, on your side, absolutely.
Now my walk… sure is grey and uninviting out there!
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