
23 and feeling hopeless

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    Hello! This is my first post! I am almost 23 and already feel like I have done my life wrong and I am no where where I expected to be by this age. I graduated from college, but regret choosing the degree I did now I feel stuck and have no idea what to do. I have a couple of friends, but a lot of the times they are busy and have their own boyfriends and I feel like I can’t truly relate to anyone. Therefore, I have no one I feel I can truly open up to and connect with. I have never had a boyfriend and am longing for both emotional and physical intimacy, but at this point I think I am hopeless. I am insecure, compare myself to others, and feel worthless most of the time. I feel like I have this heavy weight on my chest and a lot of the time feel like sobbing and/or sleeping. I feel so broken and like I am just a waste of space. Any advice on how to get out of an emotional rut?


    Wow. Just wow. You and I are in the same boat. I’m 24 and graduated in 2013. And I’ve been feeling stuck ever since. I don’t know what I want to do with my life. I didn’t think I’d be where I am at this either. I work at a Ross and live with my parents. And I’m single too. But I definitely know how you feel. I think this is what they call a “quarter life crisis” google it. I actually asked a question that was similar to this one http://dev.tinybuddha.com/topic/what-should-i-do-ugh/. And most people just write me off as whining, but I’m not I’m serious. But if you feel like venting, trust me I know how you feel.

    N Choudry


    Before anything else, I want to say I think you have courage, courage to at least be at a forum like this one, asking for advice on something which you don’t feel like you can handle alone. Even though you’re anonymous, you seem like you are trying to help yourself, which to me is not a sign of being weak but actually being strong enough to recognize your own need for answers from somewhere outside of yourself sometimes.

    That said, I’ll tell you: I am not too far ahead from 23. I remember it easily. But I am far enough to have SOME perspective, I think.

    Things really change when we leave college/high school, especially if we’ve been “GOOD” kids and have stayed in school trying to do well since we started kindergarten. When I left college (I mean, graduated), I remember I was feeling lost. I had finished completely and even had had friends all through school, but at the end, I remember my mood really having changed.
    At around 23, I got a job (my first real professional job), which definitely helped things a little. I had somewhere to be, new friends to make, and of course, I was earning money. Fast forward a year a and a half and again, my overall mood got darker, with depression being something I REALLY started feeling.

    I’m no certified life coach, but I would say this to you: be kind to yourself, and, as hard as it may be, do try to appreciate what you DO have. If you have a job (granted that it’s not minimum wage, a graveyard shift, or involving working with a really toxic person/situation), really try to keep it and do the best you can. You may not have a boyfriend or feel insecure, but I can guarantee that others who might have boyfriends may not be as happy as they always seem. I have seen at least one friend, and know of others, who married in their twenties (and had great jobs, and whose life seemed “perfect” from the outside), later divorced (before even being in their mid-thirties). Some of them I think only after a few years of marriage.

    Be kind to yourself. And also patient. Know that, if you’ve been in school, like I was, for about 20 years, life is going to seem strange/different for a while. It’s even bigger than leaving high school in some ways!
    Get help from wherever. If your parents are around, they may be more understanding than they seem. If you need a therapist you think, try to find one. Whatever feels right for you, you should try to do.

    I can write a lot, but for now I’ll stop and just again say: be kind to yourself, be grateful for what you do have (as HARD as that may be), and seek help from wherever.

    I wish you what you are looking for, and I’m sure you are already on your way to find it/them 🙂
    Good luck!


    Thank you both for responding to my post! Jerris, thank you for telling me that you feel similar. It makes me feel not as alone as I did. I just wish I knew what my passion was so I could just have that to focus on. I also hate that the friends that I do have are always busy, leaving me with no one to hang out with and in this ball of loneliness. And also thank you N Choudry for your input. I really am going to try working on being kinder to myself and being more grateful for what I do have going on. It is just sometimes so easy to forget that life could be worse. I am also learning how to be more patient. I have never had a significant other and I am just trying to have the mind set that if it happens, great! and if it doesn’t, that is totally great too. I have sort of talked my problems out with my mom, but once I am feeling a little better financially I want to seek professional help. Thanks again you guys!


    Dear Dreamer

    You are not hopeless

    Dear Jerris

    You are not hopeless either

    I am struggling just as you, and young just as you. I am really scared also and sometimes overwhelmed with negativity. However, as Choudry kindly said, we do not have perspective. Because of our age we lack patience. I believe this is the source of self criticism. But each problem is slightly different. The greatest relief would be a supportive person really next too you instead in front of you, like this computer. This site has helped me and still does in diffucult times but sincerely, human contact has releaved me most through the years. Talking to a person besides you will specify your concerns and help you overcome them. Keep in mind that if you listen carefully, your instict, while calm and uncriticised, will give you the advise you seek. I am stuggling by your side and so many more people. You are not alone in the adversities of life.

    Be well

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