Forum Replies Created
Bravo. The road between Pleasantville, where you were living last week, and Authenti-City might seem long and lonely at times. Change is always a bit scary, but no matter what, remind yourself you’re headed in the right direction. I’m so glad to year you say you won’t turn back. Keep focused on your path. Put one foot in front of the other. Remind yourself that everything you need you’re already carrying with you in your heart. Smile. Be at peace with the new you. Love yourself.
You asked if anyone else had this experience. Just recently I too had an epiphany about being authentic in the workplace and, like you I changed almost overnight. I dropped all pretense and lost most of the “friends” I thought I had. In truth I’m feeling a little bit alone as a result, but instinctively I realize I’m better off. I found myself continually having to compromise my principles in order to maintain friendships that were rarely fulfilling for me. I finally made the decision to stop, and while it does feel a bit awkward at times, overall I’m so much happier with myself. I too have vowed to never go back.
The thing is – and I’m taking a guess here based on your comment about your mom “popping her head in” – it sounds like you’re quite a bit younger than I am – that your epiphany came much earlier in life for you. This makes me SO happy for you. Oh how I wish I’d been this brave and authentic at your age. Go conquer the world! You rock! 🙂
This is going to seem silly, but something has been bothering me about my earlier response and I wanted to offer an explanation and apology. I wrote “I’ve been in your exact position,” but of course it was not exact, and I didn’t mean to marginalize what you were feeling by trying to match your experience with my own. It was only that when I read your post it resonated with me so clearly that, in my effort to empathize, I misspoke. Hope you understand. You’ve been on my mind (obviously) for a few days now and I hope you are well. Keep smiling and have a great week.
This is my first post here, and I have no legitimate advice to offer, but I felt compelled to respond anyway. I’ve been in your exact position, and I can empathize. Sometimes the heart has reasons that reason cannot understand. Try not to be too hard on yourself for your moment of weakness, or for wanting something that all logic tells you isn’t meant for you. I believe the process of letting go takes time. It’s not a horrible thing to love someone, even if that person isn’t capable of returning your love. It is to your credit that you have a loving heart, and you will find someone who appreciates what you have to offer. Be gentle with yourself and have a great day.