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  • in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385806

    “Tell me more about loyalty. Why is it so important to you? Who taught you loyalty?”

    I’m not sure how to answer to this. It’s always been there and like I said before, I bond for life so I’m always the last one to leave a sinking ship. I try to make things work even at my own expense once I’ve bonded with somebody and I tend to put up with a lot, perhaps too much at times.

    “How did you feel when he threatened to kill himself if you cut contact? And how did you react? Resumed contact?”

    He didn’t outright voice such a threat but did something which could be considered rather suicidal (driving at night while on substances and no intent of coming back) and communicated it to me.

    I felt a strong worry of course and resumed contact. However I’ve been very stern and distanced with him after that, which he didn’t take well.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385757

    “You too, like your girlfriend, have a soft spot for him and gave him way too much leeway. You say you cared about his well-being. Does it mean you felt responsible for him, felt obliged to take care of him, in spite of his lousy character? Have you felt similarly obliged towards your family members perhaps?”

    Hm, I’d say it comes from my loyalty. I’ve had no issues with cutting him off for weeks or even months when his behavior was completely out of hands. I must also say that there were times where he was very unstable or borderline suicidal over me telling him to cool off and cutting contact for a few days.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385739

    “You said that he was possessive and controlling, and I assume he was like that throughout your friendship. How did his possessiveness manifest (if you care to talk about it)? Was he jealous of your other friends, your career, or other achievements in your life? You did say he recently endangered your livelihoodā€¦”

    He always tried to monopolize my time/attention and highly disliked it when I spent them on somebody else. He was also always critical of my other friends.
    There was a project to which I invited him, that would then support my living. There he mostly alienated people with his reckless behavior and tried to defend himself when I told him to stop. He also kept making promises of helping me with this and that but never actually did anything I asked him of, even simple tasks, then complained about me “leaving him out of the decision making” when he himself barely engaged, had no idea about what was going on, encouraged me to drop the project and even went MIA for months.
    So to say, the concept of personal accountability is mostly alien to him and he’s quick to anger.

    “How did you feel about your friendship? Did you feel some guilt around him? I am asking because it may help you understand what made you susceptible to someone as possessive and as it turns out, toxic, as him.”

    Perhaps I did to a degree as he often complained that I wasn’t giving him enough of myself even though he was trying his hardest to be the best friend. What I felt though is that I had to erect barriers to fend off his possessive behavior. Yet I still cared a lot about his wellbeing and such.

    “I hope that we managed to pinpoint the main problem, and that things are a bit clearer now.”

    It’s been very insightful so far and I appreciate everybody’s help. For now I have no choice but to wait and see. I’ll update the thread when there’s a new development.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Tineoidea.
    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385735

    “Itā€™s like you needed his approval and blessing to continue the relationship with her. You didnā€™t want him to be upset. You thought heā€™d come to terms with the fact that he wonā€™t be the center of your attention any more, that you found someone who would take his place, someone more important than him. Clearly, the guy was possessive, but you allowed him to take that special place in your life and abuse your friendship. Maybe now is the time to consider why you allowed it and how you yourself are susceptible to manipulation by people like your former friend?”

    I’d say that more than anything, I wanted him to reflect, apologize and own up to his nasty behavior. Perhaps you’re right to a degree though. When I bond, I bond for life so I can’t just discard my loyalty on the spot, more so after so many years. Thinking back, cutting him off right away perhaps would have prevented all of this mess from happening.

    I’ll cross my fingers and hope for her to come to senses sooner than later. All of this has been extremely wrong and I’ve been dealing with a strong sense of uneasiness and chest/heart pains daily.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385730

    “Your former friend sounds quite manipulative and toxic. How come he was your friend for such a long time?”

    I assume because he was never able to exercise such influence over me even though he was quite possessive and such in the past, or perhaps this kind of behavior was new to him, only happening after I cut him off and he got very upset at me.


    I wonder if there’s anything I could do right now. Just let it be and see if she contacts me in the future? Try to actively but subtly engage with her perhaps through e-mails? I feel like any little misstep could just make her gain even more distance or become even more angry. She’s been disregarding all my observations, feedback and counsel during this conflict after all.

    One more things, when I attempted to talk to him and told him our story, he constantly said that the story she told him is quite different, that I’m lying and making things up, that he trusts her and not me. Here I couldn’t help but to wonder what she’s been telling him and she’s an accomplice in all of this. Previously she pretended to like something she loathed just because he shared it with her.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Tineoidea.
    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385727

    “But then your former friend ā€œturned aroundā€ (unlike her brother) and probably started flattering her and praising her”

    That’s pretty much the case. She said she’s finally cutting contact with him for good as it only harms her but in the end instead engaged with him further. As things between me and him took a nosedive (I cut him off), it seems he decided to be nice to her and “apologize”, even though this apology just shifted all the blame onto me, that I was the root of all the issues and responsible for his vile behavior.
    She had a critical judgement failure and decided to share our relationship issues and her own troubles with him, and she said that he’s been “very kind and supportive”. Even before things between me and her took a nosedive, my former friend told me to “stay away from her” and that I’m “harmful to her”, even though she never expressed anything of the sort and we still engaged in more or less normal conversations, and there was affection. Yet when I confronted her about those nasty things he said, she replied with “I can’t blame him”.

    It’s hard to imagine whant kind of mental gymnastics were at work there.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Tineoidea.
    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385723

    “she saw you as part of that dangerous world and sided with the boy she needs to protect.”

    This part makes sense I guess. At first she said that we’re still friends, that she cares about me and will support me. After a few days everything changed and now she no longer saw us as friends and dropped all her care an support but still wanted to keep some contact. Then later on she became very abrasive and angry and decided to cut the contact entirely, saying that it’s too painful and sad to interact with me (?) and also that she doesn’t want to stay in contact with me because she doesn’t want to do that to him (?).

    It seems I became some sort of boogeyman in her eyes when it comes to him, and she was also suffering and crying a lot from what she lost; our relationship and her closest friend. It feels like she’s trying to force herself into that mood of separation and to “move on” from me as if what we had could be just swept under the carpet.

    I wonder if she’ll come to senses and disengage herself from him soon, or it’s only going to get worse. Her friends mentioned that she’s been very quiet and evasive, acting unlike herself, barely engaging with them and she also kept everything about my former friend a secret from them.
    But apparently she’s been sharing all my “flaws” with one of them and some things were either heavily twisted or just plain lies.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Tineoidea.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Tineoidea.
    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385720

    From what I know, her parents have been exemplary but she has a heavy dislike for her brother. She mentioned that when they were growing up, he always belittled and discredited her even though she performed better academically and such, but at the same time she spent most of her childhood with her brother and his friends.
    Now she seems to downright loathe him yet still engages in family activities where he’s present and was also doing some work for him since he asked. She also mentioned that she loathes people who make themselves into victims and her brother apparently falls into that category, and likewise does my former friend.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385717

    Another thing is that she began to spend disproportionately large amounts of time with him, going as far as pushing away her friends and me. Likewise she’s been “babying” him a lot as well as excusing him of everything bad he did and fiercely defending him against any criticism. It seems she sees him as some sort of “victim” who needs to be saved.

    All of it is very unlike the healthy yet deep relationship we two had where our friends were never neglected and we always exchanged fair criticism.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385638

    My legal situation isn’t anything “illegal” per se, and certainly not something which could have put her in trouble.

    When she did the 180 and got in with him, she began to attack my whole personality and character (the same she fell madly in love with), without going into specifics. A lot of gaslighting happened there, most of it being about me abusing and torturing him.
    Of course nothing was elaborated and no evidence was presented. Likewise she blamed all of the relationship problems (nothing which was unfixable with a little effort) on me, refusing to do anything about them.

    I think there won’t be any revelations until she disengages herself from him and re-arranges her mind.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385632

    Because she exhibited complete lack of empathy and care towards me, who was also her closest friend when all of this went down. I’ve been discarded as if nothing had happened in between us, treated very poorly and emotionally abused for weeks.

    What happened with my friend and her, is uncanny similar to the “triangulation” performed by narcissists where they put your friends against you and then may use them as their next supply.

    In the end it was like she became a completely different person.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385629

    To anita:

    I’m aware that I’m not qualified to perform such an assessment, but since I was left in the dark, I had to try and make some sense out of it and so far it’s the only explanation which made any as many things fell into place.

    To TeaK:

    I’m a man myself!


    The whole thing is on hold now since she doesn’t want to communicate. All I can do is to try and recover from the emotional pain she inflicted.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385428

    This may be the last update. I believe I had managed to unravel the mystery.

    After countless hours of reading relevant information, ruminating, revising logs and consulting other people, I came to the conclusion that she suffers from the Covert version of NPD (Narcissist Personality Disorder).
    What happened with my friend was probably just her procuring her new supply beforehand by separating him from, and putting against me.
    Feeling candid now, I’ve realized just how much she manipulated, led on and gaslit me. Those things you ignore while blinded by love.

    To everybody who’s currently suffering in a situation which doesn’t seem to be making any sense, where their loved one did a complete 180 on them, do read on the various forms of NPD, how they conduct their “relationships” and how they pull apart and triangulate your friends.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385180

    Another update. We’ve had a very emotive call and she decided to cut off the communication for good as interacting with me and even seeing my presence is painful and sad to her.
    What surfaced during this interaction is that she indeed still loves me, misses me a lot and doesn’t feel romantic love when it comes to my former friend.
    Yet she still wants to try things with him and absolutely doesn’t want to give us two a chance, she wants to move on.

    She also refused to meet face to face and give it a proper closure, which sits very wrong with me as I think it is only the decent thing to do when it comes to such a lifechanging decision.

    At this point there isn’t really anything I can do but any insight is still welcome.

    in reply to: Help me make sense of this. #385103

    I’ve had a very heated conversation with her recently, with a lot of emotions, mixed signals and her saying that it is her who chose to engage with him actively and let him in. Not sure if that was just her way of defending him but it projects and even worse scenario, that she actively chose to betray me.

    It also seems like she’s missing me a lot still and cries over the loss of both her lover and best friend.

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