Forum Replies Created
April 13, 2018 at 11:25 pm in reply to: Engulfed in sadness, anger, disappointment, hopelessness #202321
ParticipantDearest A. Prashanth,
When I saw your post, I smiled…which is probably not the reaction you were looking for when you wrote it. I didn’t smile due to your difficulties but to our similarities and how our views differ. I am 29, single, never been with anyone really, and I believe in the hope of finding love. Yes it’s extremely hard, yes I want to give up and yes I wonder where the heck I’m going. But my outlook isn’t in comparing my life to others, trust me you have to STOP doing that. Don’t look back and say what you should have done. I didn’t party in my youth, nor did drugs or drinking. I sat at a bar the other night watching people smoking weed and drinking and thought “Wow…thank God I didn’t do that…I missed nothing” haha. I thought I had found someone to settle with in my earlier twenties but I was unhappy. I’ve had a handful painful “relationships” and realize that the right guy just isn’t here yet but he will be. I’m happy I’m so different. Look I know it’s hard. I know it’s a struggle, just know that you’re not alone and that there are good people left in the world. Let me know if you need any more guidance. 🙂
ParticipantHi Nextsteps, I read your story a few days ago and I can completely relate to what you’re going through. I wanted to reassure you that it does get BETTER. I know how painful that can be and healing is an ongoing process, but you will be on the road to happiness again. When my breakup happened I went through similar emotions, always remember that the feelings will pass. I also believe that we all have more than one soulmate and that we have the potential to make amazing and loving connections with people. Would a soulmate honestly leave you like this? Would you want someone like that in your life who would just leave and marry someone so quickly ? Remember to question your feelings and emotions that come along. Grieve, take the time to self reflect, and take as much time as you need to heal, there is no rush or race. As for your sign, don’t worry and don’t make it a focus, I think every single person has a quality of each sign, we all have the ability to be emotional, struggle to let go, the ability to be confident, and vulnerable. Just remember your one of a kind.
ParticipantThank you so much Eliana for your response, and I also believe everything happens for a reason. You are so right, the should have and could haves we’re playing in my head for so long, but I find that I am slowly but surely escaping that thought pattern. God has the path for me charted out, I may not understand it right now, but everything will come together I know it will. That visualization technique is great! Thank you, I find that my thoughts can stray if I’m not careful. I’ve also been reading a lot and trying to staying the present as much as possible. I have also been distraction by National Write Month, if you’re into writing you should definitely check it out. 🙂 I’m about to start a new job so that has invigorated me, and I’m making plans to travel, and who knows who I will meet along the way…I’m kind of feeling excitement again :-).
That definitely makes sense Poppyxo :-), I know the signs now, it’s up to me to respond to them and make the best choices for myself along the way. I can’t ignore the signs again and I won’t. I want a solid relationship and I think the initial period of meeting someone is definitely vital in spotting those red flags. Yes, we can’t control other peoples actions ( I really had to think about this one for awhile lol) Just our own responses to their actions. I am also reading a book called “The Four Doors”, it’s been eye opening and I’m enjoying the perspectives. I have a tiny book stack forming on my desk now lol. Thank you for giving me awesome relationship goals, I know that I have some work to do before I’m ready for a relationship, but who knows someone might just come out of nowhere haha.
ParticipantGreat read! Thank you for the link VJ!
ParticipantWow, what a journey wildoceanflower, your story really touched me as I have went through my own heartbreak these past few years. I am still healing, healing more and more each day, it looks like you’ve been doing your best to cope with the situation as best as possible. Now the next step is entirely for you: be free. Harder said then done but do something that will jolt you out of this routine. I can feel your pain, and I believe that you can work toward healing. I also discovered I’m my own worse enemy, may I recommend a book, it’s called “Stop Saying You’re Fine” by Mel Robbins. The books calls for action and I think you may enjoy it and resonate with it. You may not have the kids or the husband you desire at the moment, but please don’t think it is too late, my advice is to go completely No contact with the ex and keep on the path of self discovery. Make a list of something you would like to achieve, my wildest one so far is to hike a mountain. Your still here and for a reason remember that.
ParticipantThank you so much for reading my story Emily K. All my life I have been called the nice girl, I can definitely relate to you. I put 100 percent into everything and it’s caused me so pain. I also have this need to save and please people. I realize how damaging this is to my anxiety issue, to always yearn to be liked and accepted. It is wonderful that you’ve found someone and it’s moving at a pace in which you feel comfortable able to grow in that love. I think I’ve been in the jaded phase for far too long, thank you for opening my eyes to that. I really needed this post today and I can’t thank you enough. I can’t let the world harden me, I have to stay true to myself and love openly, hopefully one day soon I’ll be able to crumble those walls.
ParticipantHey Sonakshi,
I can relate to your story, what helped me along my journey is complete no contact, don’t check up on him, don’t inquire about him, don’t go to his Facebook (especially Facebook). I was once told the advice that the ex is now a drug, and you’re battling a strong addiction. This is not an easy process as I still struggle with it, but that is what he is, a toxic addiction. Breaking free takes time and persistence but you can do it! You deserve better and will get better. Also you said he “seems to be fine”, we never will know what he’s thinking or what facade he is putting out and projecting. Think of it as a bad dream, you are finally awakening,
Best to you, Lea
ParticipantThank you so much Anita, I’ve had a few days of struggle, but I think it’s due to fear. I’m about to make some life changes and as with any change it’s hard.
ParticipantThat was incredibly insightful Anita, I thought about it and asked the questions, what am I really trying to catch up to? In reality there’s nothing to catch up to, I am taking a path that is my own, and I want to do it the right way and continue to heal and grow throughout my life as we all are. That gave me a lot of good perspective on points that I had put myself down on.
Wow Poppyxo, are stories are very similar, thank you so much for sharing yours with me. I can relate on so many levels. It’s amazing how much I ignored his bad traits, because I believed in us so much. I thought he was the one too, because he was the only “one” I had encountered who made me feel safe and loved. I think that’s why his actions at the end were so surprising, he had always believed in us or so I thought. My heart does yearn to love someone, but I have plenty of precautions. I am trying to accept the fact that there’s a possibility of get hurt again, but if the next time happens hopefully I will be a stronger individual.
Interview yes haha, I won’t settle again. I forced myself to look past any issues because he was there for me. This post has given me hope that I can perhaps find someone with all the qualities I look for in a partner and who will accept my questions and anxiety with open arms. Nope I wouldn’t buy something I didn’t like, it’s amazing how we yearn for someone that was bad for us, but the door to healing is always open and I choose to take that leap. Thank you so much for these book recommendations! I’m an avid reader how did you haha, so excited for your relationship, enjoy every moment.
ParticipantThank you for wonderful post Inky :-), it’s been a long road, I’ve been struggling also with loneliness and sometimes anger after these two years. I know that working on myself and loving myself is key to finding someone great. I settled in past relationships and I won’t do that again.
Anita thank you so much for reading my story. Yes, when I said that I realized it’s been two years and I’m still working through this, so I’m trying not to beat myself out for the fact that it’s taking a long healing period. It seems that some people are able to just jump in relationships months after. Here I am still trying to figure out things.