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  • in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #147279

    Anita, you have summed my situation up perfectly.

    Jung evoked a fantasy in a waking state because that is the only thing you can do to continue living when this thing happens to you. You have to create a fantasy world because you don’t fit the ‘real world’ anymore. William Blake did this as well, though he seems to have been a much happier and contented person than I am, despite people denouncing him as mad. ‘Real’ seems to be an illusion, and you can see that people are very much fast asleep. They are preoccupied with things of very little worth or merit, and yet you are still expected to conform to their reality or face being hospitalized by them. Most people aren’t brave enough to be rejected by the herd, because we are social creatures. So they suppress all that is happening to them and cause themselves great distress as a result. This is what I am doing right now. I cannot speak the truth or my family will simply disown me.

    I do not know the purpose of this experience, except to say that it has destroyed much of my beliefs. My experiences have not been Christian, they have been largely Pagan. What Jung and Nietszche say of Dionysus is absolutely true. He/It appears to be some force or spirit of nature which turns everything on its head. Who this Jesus Christ character is, I have absolutely no idea, for he appears to have stolen the clothes, epithets and language of Bacchus/Dionysus. He is a mere fabrication, perhaps one invented by the Romans for their own purposes, as Kenneth Humphreys has discovered. Continuing in the Catholic faith is proving very difficult for me, and the more I try to retreat into it, the more uncomfortable it feels.

    You are quite correct. I didn’t want this. I had gone through great trauma long before this happened, and was hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel. I had spent five years on dialysis surrounded by death, and then I went through a kidney transplant at the end of it. I am now spiraling out of control, and would just prefer to exit this life for good. I keep putting off seeing the doctor, but I can’t put it off forever. If I could describe to you how this all feels, I would ask you to go on You Tube and watch Bad Dream by Keane. Listen carefully to the words, they sum up my situation to perfection. The video is excellent too.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #147257

    Hello Anita,

    Kundalini is very much a real force, and that has been very hard for me to accept as a (former?) Christian. There is no mention of Kundalini in any Christian teachings or the Bible. I now have very little confidence in the Bible, for I have come to understand that the greater part of it has been plagiarized from other civilisations. My experiences have shown that the person known as Jesus Christ never existed, and he is merely a sanitised version of Bacchus/Dionysus, who IS a real force (read Carl Jung, especially the Red Book if you can afford it! Or Nietszche). Certain members of the higher echelons of the Catholic Church know about Bacchus, and are still using his IHS monogram. This belief was reinforced when I felt drunk on two occasions after consuming the communion host at Mass. I could not get the Dionysian/Bacchic Mysteries out of my mind. I felt I had participated in something ancient and Pagan. My experiences have also shown that there are many gods, and they are not, as I first thought, some sort of pluralization of a monotheistic god. Otherwise, why show them to me? I now try to be like the Romans and respect all gods. In fact, the gods which have entered my consciousness have largely all been Roman, though I went through a short period of Odin synchronicity on Wednesdays. Don’t ask me why, I still can’t understand it.

    So, the Kundalini. It is interesting. You will see it depicted in most cultures: ancient Egypt, ancient Greece/Rome, Buddhism, Hinduism, Norse (Yggdrasil), Celtic, Pagan, Wiccan etc. It is a force of nature. The only places you won’t see it depicted or mentioned are in the three Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. That is because these faiths stole the Pagan truths and edited bits out to suit their own purposes. They were then duty bound to demonise the old serpent religions that they had stolen from.

    So yes, we have energy centres or ‘chakras’ in our bodies. They are what give us life I suppose. As a result of this I am growing closer to nature and I appreciate it more. I hate to see people leaving litter in the woods near where I live, it drives me mad.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #147137

    For the last time, there is no-one to talk to about this. I can’t talk to my family about it because they can’t get their heads around it, and I have tried talking to a priest about it and he was useless. What’s left? A shrink?

    I feel like an alien in this world. I am surrounded by people who are more interested in viewing what’s on their mobile phones than having deep conversations, so I just stare into the distance and daydream. No one is on my wavelength, so I have taken to creating my own world instead to stop me getting depressed or going insane. What is really pissing me off is that I am stuck in a kind of limbo. I just want to leave this Earth. I am a fish out of water. That is why I view this ‘awakening’ as cruel.

    What is the point of this isolation? It’s certainly not designed to make me happy. I can’t see the point of it, because if it does enter the mainstream, the greedy capitalist bastards will make a killing out of it, and the likes of us will STILL be isolated. It doesn’t make sense to me and it is having NO effect on my family. They are still the same as ever: pre-occupied with triviality and entertainment, gossiping about others and generally unconscious. So you tell me what the point of all this is. We can’t speak about it, for people will think we’re insane and try to have us medicated or sectioned. Stop posting telephone numbers and tell me what on earth this is all for. Do you know how many times I have considered suicide since this all started? Where’s the good in that? TELL ME!!!

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #146777

    Well I started it, so I will finish it. This ‘awakening’ has isolated me and made me feel like a lunatic because I am now living ‘outside the box’. I have nothing in common with anyone else and have to put up with a lot of shit from those who are still deep in their slumbers. If this was truly spiritual, why can’t people like us just be taken off this planet to somewhere that suits us better, and let the rest of them get on with fighting and screwing each other? If this is an awakening, then it is unspeakably cruel on the likes of us. We’ve had our minds altered yet we still have to stay here in an hostile environment. It doesn’t make sense. NONE OF IT MAKES ANY SENSE!!!. I really can’t bear being around most humans and their self-centered ways anymore, they are a pain in the backside. They expect you to think like them in their materialistic, shallow worldview, and if you don’t YOU are the one who is labelled insane!

    I really hate all of this, I wish it had NEVER happened to me. It is too hard and far too painful, and at times I have simply wanted to die. I am sick of the energies coming into my head. I am sick of the frequent bouts of diarrhoea, the coldness in my body and the emptiness inside me. I AM SICK OF IT ALL.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #146427

    Thanks Anita,

    I think eight talks a lot of crap and I am not prepared to entertain it anymore. If we wish to fit in with our families and friends we have to do and think what is acceptable or they will reject us. I discovered this the hard way. I saw how vicious my parents were towards me when I told my ‘truth’ to them. It was just completely unacceptable to them. I don’t know what is REALLY happening to me, but I do know that spiritual awakening, God, the fucking afterlife, Kundalini, my ‘True Self’ and all the rest of the shit are going into a padlocked mental metal box marked ‘Toxic’ and they aren’t coming out again. I refuse to deal with it anymore. I have a LIFE!! And I have to live with other people.

    Atheism is the best position to take, and it easily answers most of the questions I have asked myself about the state of this world.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #146415

    Eight, my brain was so mashed up yesterday that I considered going to the doctor. The pressure and heaviness inside my skull was alarming. I had terrible nightmares over the weekend: people throwing bombs under trains and someone trying to throw me down the stairs. I was so frightened I actually told my parents about it and the whole truth almost spilled out. But, of course, I cannot tell them the whole, pure unadulterated truth or they will disown me. So I kept some of it back.

    That said, I am not sure if the planets are causing this, and I am leaving spirituality well alone. It is toxic.

    I don’t know what my truth is. Last year I thought I was from Neptune or WAS Neptune. But that’s just plain bonkers. See, that’s the trouble with this awakening/spirituality shit, it never gets anywhere and we have to keep quiet about it or risk being sectioned under the Mental Health Act. What is the point of that?

    Anita, I am glad we have found common ground on something at last!

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #146349

    Anita, I agree with everything you have said. I think all we can do in this life is be kind to each other and make the best of it. Our curse is that our brains are over-evolved and as a result we think too much. I have come to realise that searching for meaning/God is utterly futile. My advice is don’t do it if you want to be happy, because this search will isolate and depress you. We are social creatures, and family groups can only function properly when everyone pulls together, as with packs in the wild. Religion/spirituality often suggests doing the exact opposite and going against our nature.  Such things do not make happy, contented human beings.

    I thought I was having a ‘spiritual awakening’, yet I never once heard the voice of God or received any kind of communication from Him/It. In the end, it can all be put down to a malfunctioning brain brought on by severe trauma. In the end, there is only the Universe. Religionists can dress it up how they like. They can say that pain is for a purpose. Or they can trot out Adam and Eve/Pandora’s Box again. But in the end, the simplest answer is usually the correct one: there is no God.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #146339

    I’m seeing the doctor tomorrow. I feel sad and defeated. I feel like a very weak person.

    The recent nightmares I have had were terrifying. I must bring this thread to a close by stating that this Kundalini/spiritual awakening thing is indeed a horror. There is nothing nice about it WHATSOEVER, and if anyone tells you there is, they haven’t been through it. My experience has brought me to the edge of the abyss of insanity. But what I have learned is that truly, there is no God, only the Universe. And the Universe is unconcerned with our feelings. It was quite unconcerned with the amounts of weeping and sobbing I did in private, and it wasn’t bothered in the slightest by my crises of faith, or by my sheer horror at finding myself outside of all that is acceptable and normal. To all Christians, fundamentalist or otherwise; get it into your thick heads, God doesn’t exist and Jesus isn’t coming back. The only God that exists is the Universe itself. There is no white-bearded old man sat on a cloud. Oh, and get this, dickheads, Hinduism has far more truth in it than your patriarchal horseshit. I have fucking had it with the God stereotype. It’s now clear to me that gods were invented to explain existence to primitive minds, when really the truth is that the Big Bang brought everything into existence. Oh, and here’s the strange thing. Whichever path you take brings you to the same destination: nothingness.

    I’ll say this right now, my life has ceased to be worth living. All I had left was my music, but now these energies coming into my head cause such pressure that I find it very difficult to concentrate. If things continue as they are doing I will have little option other than to give my music up.

    There just isn’t the support for this Kundalini shit. The clergy are a fucking joke. I will never ask them for advice ever again, they are play actors. Nor will I turn to the new age lot who talk such woo-woo nonsense that I can’t make head nor tail of what they say. I’ll just go to the doctor and hope he can do something.



    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #145809

    [quote] “I also believe very strongly that this Spirit misses me in another realm. These songs that enter my head all have a theme of separation running through them. Of two people being worlds apart. I get the occasional brief feeling of a beautiful land I may have once inhabited. It is the merest flicker of recollection, but it is a feeling of utter happiness and peace, tinged with excitement.  If I had to put an image to such a feeling, it would probably be the peculiarly ethereal art of classical Greek landscape” [/quote]

    That was a load of shit. I am mentally ill, and my tactile hallucinations are driving me up the wall. The truth is I am a dirty little bastard. I wondered what all the little white spots were on my bedroom floor. I wondered for quite a while, until I realized that they were semen stains that had dropped from me on the way to the toilet after my nocturnal sessions. This habit is destroying me and is ruining my eyesight.

    [quote]“but I do know that Lord Christ is nothing like these people paint Him as. He is the most humblest and gentlest being in the Universe. And He does care about us and what we have to go through, yet we still have to go through it. Perhaps it’s necessary”[/quote]

    More shit. I don’t know this Christ character and I have never been able to connect with him, despite all my prayers. Why did I say these things? Why did I believe I was experiencing something spiritual when in reality it is mental illness?

    [quote]“There might be many who cares for us up there but to what degree?![/quote]

    They (or It) doesn’t care for us. That is plainly evident. An all-seeing God all-knowing God would have surely stepped in at the creation of the atomic bomb, but It didn’t. It could have avoided the resulting global proliferation of nuclear weapons and the current crisis in North Korea, but It didn’t. Well, we have crossed the Rubicon/let the cat out of the bag/ closed the stable door after the horse has bolted etc. and now it’s too late. World War 3 is inevitable, it’s just a matter of time.


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #144045

    Well it’s either belief in God or existential nihilism. I oscillate between the two. My faith ebbs and flows, although of late the tide has been out for quite a long time. Nor do I think it matters to God which one you choose, because we came into being saddled with the knowledge of our mortality, the problem of suffering and an interminable  search for meaning. Many of the finest intellects have dashed their brains against this particular rock.

    I don’t have any answers, and to be honest, I am tired thinking about it all. I think you are more likely to find wisdom in the bottom of a beer bottle than anywhere else. But if you wish to form an opinion, don’t, whatever you do, read the chronic outpourings of fundamentalist Christians on the internet. They are a disgrace to Christ. I am Christian, and I find these people deeply offensive and frankly, embarrassing. I don’t know which religious persuasion you are, or that it should matter if you have one or not, but I do know that Lord Christ is nothing like these people paint Him as. He is the most humblest and gentlest being in the Universe. And He does care about us and what we have to go through, yet we still have to go through it. Perhaps it’s necessary. But I wouldn’t just restrict myself to Christianity. I would apply these words to Lord Buddha as well. Or Lord Dionysus. See, unlike these people, I also believe God can be experienced in a Japanese Zen garden or a classical temple as much as in a church. It’s not an issue for me. The fundamentalist Christians have made an issue out of it, and they have emptied the churches as a result.

    Best wishes,




    in reply to: story of my dark night #143399

    Joe, I have only just read your story and something you said has scared the hell out of me. Since the end of February I have been seeing rabbits everywhere, on TV and even in my Pinterest suggestions. They aren’t always associated with Easter, and have turned up as stuffed toys in the background of TV programmes (I started to see them before the big Easter retail push even got underway.)

    Best wishes,




    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #143351

    Hello eight,

    I am inclined to agree with what you say. I also believe very strongly that this Spirit misses me in another realm. These songs that enter my head all have a theme of separation running through them. Of two people being worlds apart. I get the occasional brief feeling of a beautiful land I may have once inhabited. It is the merest flicker of recollection, but it is a feeling of utter happiness and peace, tinged with excitement.  If I had to put an image to such a feeling, it would probably be the peculiarly ethereal art of classical Greek landscape.

    This is why I am so sad and depressed in this life. I know I need to get help for this. I also know that there are beings in another realm who care for me (and you) very deeply and who would never try to take the food out of my mouth or the clothes off my back, unlike this world.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #143327

    I have finally come to understand, after much study and thought, that the being or spirit which is with me is my Holy Guardian Angel. In enclosed orders and monastic communities, angels have been known to console and comfort monks suffering from what St Bernard of Clairvaulx calls ‘spiritual sadness’. I have been under a prolonged attack from the Devil.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: How to love God? #143189

    I personally would not equate God with the Bible or organized religion. I don’t think it helps.

    I don’t pray much either.


    in reply to: My Kundalini Horror #143181

    Hello eight,

    I haven’t had a strong connection with anyone I am no longer in contact with. The only explanation that anyone gave me is that these experiences involve someone I knew in a past life. That I did some things in a past life that I am ashamed of, and that this person/spirit has now followed me into this life to have a ‘carnal relationship’ with me (ugh!). The experiences I have had seem to form a very strong connection to ancient Rome, and I have had the weird sensation of feeling drunk after consuming the communion wafer at church. Then there’s the love songs that get planted in my head from time to time, and their contents seem to bear out your suggestion that I had a connection to someone who is perhaps missing me in another dimension. (I am not really into love songs. They aren’t my cup of tea.)

    The worst thing though is the cracks that keep appearing in my reality. They are terrifying. I have asked with my own voice to show me who this is but nothing ever happens. ‘It’ remains silent.

    Best wishes,


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