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  • #368104

    Hi again Anita!

    yes so I only thought he smoked cigarettes because of a miscommunication. I donā€™t even know why I turned it down because I really want to go to a Halloween costume contest. I learned itā€™s better if I embrace myself. I learned that I cannot shut down when someone say they love me and I learned that I need to do the things I enjoy with our worrying about my family. šŸ™‚


    Hi Anita!

    With the smoking we had a misunderstanding that made me think he smokes cigarettes which is a deal breaker due to being allergic to cigarette smoke but I found out it was only weed which is not a huge deal to me.

    As for the relationship with my family, we have all been through quite a bit and for a long time all of us closed ourselves off from people because of betrayal of family members. Now we are all branching off and doing our own things. My father was actually the one who encouraged me to get into online dating (which is where I met my ex). I think In the beginning for him it was hard for him for us to have less family time because I did start spending a lot of time with my ex. Now talking to my family about their perspective they say they donā€™t even want to spend that much time with me and they need space to do things too and we can make plans for any time.
    Although Ā this break up has really hurt I think Iā€™ve learned a lot about myself and now I can move forward doing things the way I want to.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Sunflowerbabe.

    Hi Anita.

    I want to hope that it will but Iā€™m also afraid because he is someone who doesnā€™t like to burn bridges. So he could just being nice because that is in his nature.


    Hi Anita

    my dad did make me feel like this some in the past. I know that is not how he feels now. I also reached out to my ex and asked if he would want to get to know the real me and have some beers. He said he is game so I am hoping this can help with closure.


    Hi yes Iā€™ll elaborate on those things.

    so the family plans thing was really about he would invite me to do things and I would turn him down just incase my family wanted to make plans that day and I didnā€™t want to hurt their feelings (for instance he wanted to take me on a beach get away the weekend after my birthday and I turned him down because my parents might want to do my birthday those days and I didnā€™t want to hurt their feelings and a similar situation with Halloween)

    i was shutting down in order not to be a weird person because my ex boyfriend was abusive and didnā€™t actually like me for me and I was afraid to open up.

    The not feeling well was due to a reaction I had when I tried a diva cup. I nearly fainted and thought I was found to be sick. I told him and he rushed over to get me in bed make me take medicine and hold me until I fell asleep. The plans were there before mentioned beach get away and Halloween plans.

    I think I covered everything.



    Also the breakup came really quick. One week heā€™s making plans with me for months out and coming over when I donā€™t feel well and also dropping subtle ā€œlove youā€s and then he comes and ends it all.


    Hi Anita.
    More or less yes. I also considered my families plans too much when making plans with him to the point where I wasnā€™t being flexible with what he wanted to do even though I wanted to do those things too. This made him think I didnā€™t want to do anything fun. The smoking ended up not being a deal breaker because it turned out he just smoked weed sometimes which is legal where we live. This doesnā€™t bother me. I also donā€™t know what to do with the regret about not being me because I drove someone special away. I also feel lost because he has still talked to me pretty consistently and looked at all of my Instagram stories. Overall Iā€™m just heart broken wishing I behaved differently wondering what to do.


    Anita thanks for all of your advice, I talked with him and got all of the information and Iā€™m feeling a lot better.


    Thanks you for your replies Anita!
    Yeah I didnā€™t even think to ask about it! Which is silly considering it is something that is very important for me.
    I want to sit down with him and ask him some questions about it. And see where he stands on quitting or if it is something heā€™s already really into. I feel like we are young and this is something that could easily be stopped but Iā€™m not sure heā€™s willing. I think this whole thing is hard for me because I donā€™t often find people I click with this way and losing the relationship scares me but this could be something that breaks us.


    Hi Anita

    yes, my grandmother was a smoker and I saw the way it made her get less and less healthy. I also am allergic to the smoke. So for me itā€™s really hard because Iā€™m crazy about him but I would have never let things go this far if I knew.

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