Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi, Anita
Yes, you’re right about the ex. As I mentioned at the end of my reply to Helcat, I know that this is the time I need to be using for myself and focusing on my health. Unfortunately, I am still being completely consumed by grief and I’m trying really hard to just make it through each day. Also shock because I keep going back through memories where he’d reassure me unprompted and seemed like I really meant the world to him. That is why I hope I am not coming across like a brick wall and like I am not hearing what you are saying to me. I forgot to mention that my ex and his mom who loved me both struggled with eating issues/food allergies and they were very understanding to my situation. I’ve never had that in a relationship before. I think I’m also mourning losing that comfort as well.
I do believe that the constant high levels of cortisol in my body caused my EOE and thyroid dysfunction. I think there was a time right after the choking incident that my phobia was probably the only thing really running the show but maybe years of this intense stress built up caused EOE. I was put on Pantoprazole (generic for Protonix) after my diagnosis to combat the side effects and damage from EOE and it seemed to help me. It definitely wasn’t a miracle drug but it did seem to improve my quality of life over the 5 years I took it. Unfortunately I cannot take pills and because this is an extended release capsule, I had to have it compounded into a liquid at my pharmacy. In late July, Pantoprazole went commercial and the liquid form I take went up from $28 to $5,000. It was a HUGE blow to my eating anxiety and sense of safety knowing this really important medication was no longer an option for me. This is also why I referenced that July was one of the worst months of my life. It completely triggered those feelings of helplessness from before I got the EOE diagnosis and before I had medication to mitigate it. I just switched to a more affordable option but I’m worried it’s gonna not be as effective.
I’m very sorry to hear about your experiences with food early on as well and how this affected you. I am going to try to create my own routine like you suggested. I feel completely out of order right now. I want to feel secure, any semblance of security in myself would help. Going back to my dysfunctional family issues we discussed before, I know a daily routine in my house is difficult. No one goes to work or school in my house aside from me and I live with 4 other people. My niece and nephew are homeschooled and they are not on any schedule. My sister has severe insomnia so she doesn’t have then on a sleep schedule. They stay up until 7-8 am and sleep in all day. In fact as I type this, it is 3:41 am and my sister is arguing with my nephew in the room next to me. So when I need to sleep, the house is loud and chaotic. When I come home or want to socialize and hang out with my family, I have to tip toe around the house and be quiet for them or I just don’t even get to hang out with them. My mom watches Gunsmoke all day and tunes me out. I don’t get much rest or peace at this house. It’s why I also fantasied and counted the days for when I got to go see my ex, and for my future apartment where he could come visit me with no interruptions. I’m just absolutely tired of living in dysfunction and no discipline or routine. I’m frustrated at my sister for her lack of discipline in her kids because it reminds me of the lack of discipline we got from our mom. I WANTED guidance and rules and routine. I got chaos and isolation back then, and these same themes seem to be replaying in front of me with my sister and her kids now. I sound very ungrateful, but I do appreciate my family and I know my sister would do anything for me. I will start thinking about some kind of routine I CAN do in the midst of this. After work, I never want to go home so I usually get myself a soda or just go sit in a parking lot until I know I can’t avoid it any longer. I’d consider that a routine of sorts, but it’s also kind of avoidance of my issues. As for the tangible object suggestion, I might could try to carry a pebble or something with me.
ParticipantHi, Helcat
Thank you for your encouragement. I often feel like I’m not doing enough to improve my health issues but it’s usually that the more I look into things, the more triggered I become. And yes, it’s extremely frustrating and hard to pinpoint specific culprits that are causing me the most issues when my symptoms seem sporadic.
Also, yes I live off of soft foods mostly. It’s not that I can swallow milkshakes and soft or pureed food easier because my throat reacts better to them, it’s more so just that I can mentally know that they will not get lodged as easily as “real” food can. My throat reacts poorly to milkshakes because dairy causes me issues, and a lot of fruit smoothies destroy my throat – they are THE WORST even though they are technically soft and “easier” to swallow. The dietician I saw told me that fruit can be a common issue because of the way it is harvested, I don’t know. Water doesn’t help my choking sensation either. I am afraid of choking on my own saliva when my symptoms and my mental phobia of choking are at their worst. Water actually makes me very nauseous and it often makes me feel like it makes my GERD worse. The dietician I saw also told me that this was an EOE thing where my body is allergic to water in a way. I didn’t understand this, and I only went to her once because I couldn’t afford another follow up. I don’t have health insurance so all of these tests and specialists have put me in a lot of financial debt.
I kind of just try to live off of protein shakes and my “safer” foods and sometimes I can do more solid food. Also, your questions don’t bother me, I appreciate your concern and suggestions. I will say that because I am in such a horrible emotional and mental state right now that I am a lot more sensitive to thinking about my health. I am just in such a funk that all my energy is being taken up right now with grief. Which is unfortunate because this is the time for me to be thinking more of myself than him. I hope that I can focus more on my health if I can get to a better place where I am not crying multiple times daily and losing sleep and appetite over this.
ParticipantHi, Helcat,
Thank you for your post, I am sorry you also struggle with so many symptoms. I am glad to hear that you have gotten to a place where they are more manageable and less scary for you. I also have GERD. I notice I feel wheezy and tight chested when my GERD is acting up, so it’s interesting how all of these things you were mentioning can be related. I frequently feel like my throat is closing up and spasming, so I’m sure that my anxiety definitely is a factor of the choking sensation along with everything else. My daily allergies cause constant postnasal drip in my throat and makes it feel like I am choking too. I actually went to an allergist in 2019 and they tested me for many things but not food to my knowledge. I was upset because I thought they would test for food. I am only aware of being super allergic to dust mites (I sleep with allergen covers on my mattress and pillow) grass, pet dander, pollen, certain trees. I went to a dietician in 2021 and tried the elimination diet. It was virtually impossible to do correctly because I mostly can only eat potatoes and dairy. (Dairy causes issues with mucus but I’m not as physically afraid of choking on a milkshake, if that makes sense). I tried to switch to plant protein shakes, and I cut out soy protein drinks because I read it was bad for EOE. My only food triggers I know for sure are tomato soup, fruit of any kind, acidic stuff that messes with my GERD, rice, and pasta. I can’t really figure out food triggers because one day I can eat a certain food well, then two days later it’s like I’m choking on it. My eating experiences just vary by the day. My gastroenterologist mentioned that EOE flares up for various reasons so that may have something to do with it too.
And thank you for your well wishes. It is validating to know that what I’m dealing with is natural to feel such levels of stress over. Back in counseling, I was told I probably have PTSD from it, yes. I would say I have very little coping skills to deal with this. It’s very hard to get a handle on my symptoms and triggers when I am constantly having to relive my choking phobia by eating multiple times daily. And when my throat messes up with the food – which it does daily in some way, along with unpredictable food experiences – I can’t turn off the intense fear. When I was in therapy, I was given some redirection tools for when I was triggered by any physical sensation. But nothing takes away that feeling in the moment of being absolutely certain I’m choking, or that I am in danger over a physical sensation not even related to eating. For example, if something falls on my head or I just bump my head on something, I am convinced I have a concussion for at least 2-3 days. OBSESSIVE fear until I can tell myself that enough time has passed for concussion symptoms to pop up. This is just one example of many triggers throughout my day. I don’t know how to tell myself that a physical sensation is not “true.”
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot during a time where I’m questioning everything about myself. Also, I greatly appreciate your long posts, or any type of response you have the time and energy for. Your research into EOE and it’s relation to anxiety/stress was very interesting to read. I used to be on an EOE Facebook support page to try to understand it more, but I had to leave it immediately after others were sharing their stories of choking on various foods. My anxiety will convince me that if someone else chokes on a certain food, I will too.
I think you could be right that my ex is just chronically parroting what he’s heard his whole life living with therapist parents. I’m not even sure it’s intentional. He admitted to me himself that he thought that “putting on a tough and positive persona” was what he thought I needed, despite him falling apart inside. Maybe that was a cop-out for not being honest with me about falling out of love or losing interest, I’m not sure. I don’t understand what the motive was to stay with me and still visit me for a year if he was unhappy. Or what the motive was to keep constantly reassuring me if he didn’t mean it and had fallen out of love. Unfortunately for me, words of affirmation are my love language. His words were exactly the words I’ve always dreamed of finally hearing from a partner. For him to claim I was so important to him just three weeks ago already to being left on read for a week makes me question if anything he ever said to me was even true. I realize he is not obligated to continue dating me, and that people can change their minds about how they feel about someone. I also realize that he’s not obligated to keep in frequent contact with me anymore, but it hurts regardless. I feel like I don’t have the right to be upset about him changing his mind and also about him deciding to stop reaching out and sharing his personal life with me anymore. I’m just absolutely still in shock and confusion, and now I’m starting to feel resentment for him seemingly lying about even wanting a close friendship with me.
I have heard of the cortisol and inflammation connection, but I never connected it to a possible cause for my EOE. I forgot to mention that during that time of ages 12-13 where my mom tried to get me help, the only thing found was that I had Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism. I’m wondering if there is any correlation to these autoimmune diseases and my extremely high levels of cortisol and inflammation as well. I’m constantly outside of my window of tolerance.
It’s hopeful to hear that my suffering may be lessening with age in relation to my EOE, but my choking phobia just keeps me stuck. I can have a “good” EOE day but if I’m worrying excessively about choking that day, I’ll not be able to eat regardless from the fear of swallowing. But it’s mostly the physical sensation of choking (either from EOE, stress, GERD, allergies or asthma) so this is all very complicated for me and it’s hard to explain it to doctors. I can see how everything is physical, like your therapist said.
I am sorry that you also struggled with your self-image in regards to your weight in school. I’m glad for both of us that we at least made it through that chapter. I’m still underweight for my age and height and as you know, it’s still greatly affecting my self -image especially in regards to my attractiveness to men. Chronic stress is harming me for sure. This breakup has already caused me to lose 5 pounds, so I’m extremely frustrated with myself about that. Anxiety and panic to this level depletes my appetite and triggers my choking phobia so badly. I am also so sorry to hear about your struggles with Tourette syndrome and I can see how that must be very frustrating to deal with. I am also just a stranger on the internet, but I see you are very resilient. I think the Serenity prayer is very fitting here too, I’ll pray it tonight.
ParticipantHi, Anita.
Thank you for caring so much about me and my situation. I didn’t take your post offensively, it’s just that my rumination is so terrible and unhinged. I didn’t want to make it seem like I’m not appreciating/absorbing your perspective. I was planning on responding but I just am in such a funk. You relating to me about your own struggles has been very helpful.
I thought when my ex said, “I honestly don’t know what I would do without you” and, “We will figure this out and get through this together,” that he meant we were still gonna be in regular and supportive contact. Right after the breakup, he was still sending me personal stuff. However, he’s currently left me on read since Tuesday. Tonight, he posted a story of the first photo of himself since our breakup and a video of him out with a female and male at a restaurant getting drinks. It sent me into the worst spiral I’ve been in since the night of the breakup. I know he’s avoidant and he’s probably not even felt the feelings of this breakup yet (if he even ever will). I know his brain is different than mine too. He doesn’t even know I’m upset about any of this. His social behavior now is contradictory to the private behavior I saw the whole year I knew him. I think tomorrow I am going to have to reach out to him and tell him I need to cease contact with him until I can feel better, then unfollow him. Seeing him seemingly moving on so easily without me and not sharing his daily life with me anymore is killing me.
In reference to me saying he never shamed me for my relationship and health paranoia – yes, that’s why for the first time ever, I felt accepted. It DOES get too much for people around me. My ex never made me feel like this even after I’d inquire if I was affecting him negatively, not until the night of the breakup when he told me part of why it wasn’t working anymore was because of my issues.
When I was 12 years old, I choked on a cough drop and nearly died. and developed a severe choking and swallowing phobia. I feel like my life ended that day. I felt like I was choking on everything after this, due to the paranoia of it happening again but also because I started feeling like all my food was getting lodged. I lost 20 pounds and was accused of being anorexic in school. I was down to only 63 pounds in 7th grade at the height of this. (It’s part of this why I still don’t feel physically like a woman. I feel like men see a child when they look at me, even though I’ve since gained weight). I felt incredibly alone in my health struggles since it was never resolved. My mom tried for a bit to get me medical help but with no resolution. Years later, I tried to take my health into my own hands. At 26, it was discovered I also have Eosinophilic esophagitis, a disease that causes difficulty with swallowing food. EOE also caused three severe strictures in my esophagus and was the reason for my trouble swallowing food all of these years, aside from the mental phobia of it. Kind of both factors triggering each other. I genuinely fear I have developed some form of OCD from this. Every single day, I can have the slightest physical sensation and I have to talk myself down or need to seek reassurance that I’m not in danger. It’s EXTREME and I can’t be talked out of things. It’s ruined my life and my relationships. I’ve been reading a lot into health anxiety/OCD and I’m beginning to wonder if this is overlapping with my extreme rumination and obsessive thinking and need to “figure out” my relationship and breakup as well. The amount of reassurance seeking with this breakup is absolutely depleting me and everyone I reach out to. This makes me worry that every subsequent relationship will be met with this issue. My constant compulsion to seek reassurance is the only thing that makes me feel momentarily safe. CBT was helpful to learn about my family issues, but never remotely helped my obsessions and compulsions related to my health anxiety.
ParticipantHi, Anita.
Thank you, I will look into those meditations. And you’re right, the logic I keep trying to find in him is pointless. I don’t understand how someone seemingly so committed for months can just lose feelings so easily. Or how someone could enjoy a relationship with someone they never even planned on staying with, yet they discussed vasectomy plans with. The only rationalization my brain can understand is that he would become committed for the “right” woman who gives him “tough love.” I appreciate you for offering me alternative rationalizations for his behavior. I hope to get to where I can truly shut out my negative self-talk and blame.
I feel he’s now taking my friendship for granted as he seemed to do with our relationship. Maybe I’m wrong about both. The drastic change in energy from him in just the last week feels awful. I should probably go no contact for now even though I know that if I do this, I will most likely never hear from him again. I don’t want to ghost him, but I don’t know how to tell him that I need a pause from him without feeling more pathetic. As you said, I guess nothing I can do or say will really affect anything he feels about me.
Also, yes my brother has been evaluated and he does have sensory triggers, OCD, etc. Especially considering he can not verbally express any emotions. He started having his episodes at age 2 before their partying took off, but it’s no doubt they added fuel to the fire. My sister would often yell at my parents for it. He is in very good hands currently where they take his health seriously and I am VERY grateful to his caretakers. We visit him often so that’s really nice.
Your NYC story resonated so much with me. I’ve tried to make my own experiences on my own. And then as soon as I try to include my family, they stress out over the new experience. I have to be the “guide” while we get frustrated with each other. I can’t seem to enjoy or recreate the experiences I had (with the person who “impressed” me) with my family or friends, and I can’t enjoy the experiences without them. I feel guilty and unappreciative. Your experience gives me some hope that I can work my way through this ongoing problem. I’ve been aware of it since I was in therapy, but perhaps this breakup was a final warning. No more relationships and life experiences where I feel inherently unworthy and guilty would be great.
My mom frequently expresses how money is her only solution to happiness. I try to tell her that she needs to find hobbies that bring her joy and meaning to her life. She gets offended and tells me that all of her hobbies require money or her health, and that all of the constant repairs and debt she has keeps her trapped. I don’t want to accept that my mom is right about money because if she is right, I can’t be mad at her for doing nothing to help herself. I feel like I can’t tell her to stop complaining to me because she’s getting old and I don’t want to cause her any more distress than I already do. Weeks before my breakup, I was having the worst financial and health related month (July) and my health anxiety was obsessive (still is). She went off on me and said I was insufferable to live with. My sister agreed and said I was negatively affecting our mom’s health. To hear this same sentiment coming from my ex as one of the reasons for why he lost feelings for me on the night he broke up with me was not easy to take. I know I need professional help with my health anxiety. I cannot afford it, and this only reinforces my fears of what my mom says about money.
ParticipantHi, Anita.
Thank you again, and your explanation over my stunted emotional growth is very helpful. I struggle immensely with self-regulating and trusting my own judgement. And yes, the attention and safety I felt from him was next level. My parents always struggled so badly with money and emotional/educational support for my autistic brother in the 90’s. Back when I was in counseling, my counselor suggested this may have been where my family enmeshment began – we had no outside support and we were in our own little helpless “bubble.” It was a liability issue to bring people in to help us. My dad had to quit his job to help my mom with my brother full-time at a certain point. I felt from at least the age of four that my parents were not capable of keeping me safe anymore because I could see them fearing for their own safety with how destructive my brother was getting. Plus, they coped with this isolation with alcohol. My teenage sister had to step in the role of my mother. When I am “adopted” by people who don’t struggle with these same things, life feels lighter and I get to escape my reality. But as you shared about your own experiences, I’m also met with immense guilt for getting to enjoy this peace without my family. I fear that bettering myself will only ever be met with this guilt. I truly feel for you as you say you’ve struggled with this too. I hope that you’re able to find moments of joy for yourself.
And no, I never saw any threats to my ex’s claims or intentions with me because he was a self-proclaimed dork who would rather play video games at this stage in his life than go out and party. He waited for months to have sex with me until I was ready and never once made me feel pressured, so I felt like he wasn’t the supposed bad person from his past. I never thought “wandering eyes” or him out late to dinner with an attractive coworker was even something I’d have to worry about. I thought that choosing a likeminded girl who appreciated mattered more than careless flings. Our dates were always dork fests of fun and he orchestrated most of them. I did think his passion for us would transition eventually into more. He used to refer to hypothetical future plans as if we were a team. I had assumed we’d move closer to each other and get our own places first. I worry that in the FaceTime breakup call, me saying “moving in” and “possibly marriage one day” completely gave him the wrong idea and he ran for good. I don’t even know if I want marriage ever to anyone. I was just trying to bring home the idea that I was committed.
His inability to follow through with life planning possibly affecting him not getting a degree like the rest of his family is also something we discussed. He told me school was not for him with how his brain works. He went to trade school and got a very well paying welding job. But then COVID hit and his company was laid off. I tried to tell him that his skills are in different areas than his family and that he should be proud of his unique talents. He scoffed. It frustrated me that he never seemed to absorb any of my compliments or support. I always wondered if me having my bachelor’s degree ever bothered him. My degree was only made possible through many Pell grants, Chegg, and the jobs I worked while in school. I had online classes because I could never afford on campus or to move. He seemed proud of my degree when we first met, but I wore my alumni sweatshirt with him a month ago or so and he mocked it jokingly.
My family definitely couldn’t afford senior care. However, my mom, sister, and I have all worked in a nursing home before and we’ve seen horrors so I’d feel a lot of guilt to send my mom there. And no, I don’t think I ever expected or hoped for his family to financially take burden off of me or my family. I want to prove to myself I can do things and I’d be too embarrassed to accept that. I think it was more so the illusion by proxy of feeling like I can have room to be hopeful and not feel constantly helpless. I had hoped he and I could build a life together, to save up for trips and such as a team. You’re probably right – he wasn’t deeply thinking about anything.
He messaged me last night after almost three full days of leaving me on read and not updating me about his dad’s condition like he said he would on Saturday. He sent me photos of his cat in a similar bat wing cat harness that I had joked about buying him before we broke up. I was completely confused and chose to not open the message fully or respond until tonight after work. I acknowledged the cat and then I asked him how his dad was. He replied that he’s getting the “best care in this Italian hospital.”
ParticipantHi, Helcat.
Thank you for the encouragement. I actually haven’t been in therapy since 2019. I’d love to go back but I just can’t afford it anymore. So I really appreciate the help and listening ears from this forum.
I guess I worry now that I spoke up too often and didn’t pick my battles with him. It’s incredibly hard to stand up for myself and create boundaries because I see the other person’s perspective TOO much and I think that I’m not being fair. However, I have to remember that he claims he ended this more so because it was a loss of attraction to me rather than my judgement of him. I suppose me pointing this one out was just the last straw for him and he couldn’t fake it anymore. Like you said, I guess he just was not ready for a relationship and for the accountability it required. I can’t stomach the fact that he lost feelings for me, though. When we first met, he talked at length at how ready he was to finally have a real companion and share life with them.
ParticipantHi, Anita.
Thank you for your response and also yes, I absolutely can condense my thoughts more from now on. As you can see, I have trouble summarizing but I will do my best in respect of your time. I really appreciate all of this.
I think your entire post is completely on point. So you’re saying that because I felt validation, refuge, acceptance, etc. in him and his family that it made me feel safe to finally resume my growth that was stunted in me? That maybe if I had been afforded these same qualities and opportunities I so longed for in my parents that I would have been able to develop properly? Or better, I guess. I also think the attention I got from a guy who usually only went for the conventionally attractive “popular” girls stroked my ego. I was bullied all through school by the popular jock types and the cheerleaders. I wanted to be accepted by them. Interesting though that he was not your stereotypical player, he’s a self-proclaimed beta nerd and that’s another reason why it’s hard to accept he could really be just like all the other toxically alpha men out there.
I know this relationship was also a form of escapism because as soon as I come home from my job, I see my mom sitting on the couch all day long in pain and self-wallowing, and the septic tank repair bill or some other stressful and real life issue constantly plaguing us that I have to take responsibility for or emotionally support her over. I don’t feel like I get to have my own adult life or sense of identity outside of her and these issues so perhaps dating this guy also gave me a sense of MY OWN LIFE. I’ve never moved out of the house or had my own separate life outside of her. No wonder I’m mourning so many losses with him. It seems like money issues and repairs constantly keep us stuck in a hole and the thought of just a day trip somewhere for fun is unimaginable for my family. Meanwhile, his parents were just on a 3 week trip to Italy. Sadly, my mom is already heading towards 70 in a few months and I fear more than anything that by the time I’ll be finally able to move out, she’s gonna need me more than ever. I don’t want to abandon her when her health goes seriously downhill. I could never live with myself if something happened to her without me being there for her. I know I have to live my own life, but the guilt I’d feel from that would be horrific. I had found common ground with my ex over this too, as his parents were in their 70’s as well and he understood my concerns. He felt the same sense of responsibility to his parents.
Your point about me looking much more into things than him is also probably what happened. I know on most subjects that was our dynamic and we’d even joke about it. I saw a lot of emotional availability and intentionality from him at the beginning into a few months of dating. I genuinely thought I felt his passion for me for awhile so I hope I wasn’t imagining that. It hurts to think he never saw a future with me or any sort of commitment from the start, and rather he treated us as a guinea pig first relationship project. That makes it feel like EVERYTHING was a lie or wasn’t genuine for him and he was thinking of future prospects this whole time. After I asked him what his first impression of me was when he first saw me, he said, “that this girl is definitely gonna ruin my life.” I took that to mean that he felt I was out of his league and I’d break his heart. Funny how the roles reversed. I feel the sad truth is that regardless of all of the details of what caused what, he lost attraction to me and this relationship at some point and I can’t help but feel so embarrassed about being led on. I guess it’s for the best he finally ended it if that’s truly how he feels. It’s just hard to know how to feel about him because I don’t know what his motives were. If he didn’t mean to do any of this harm, that’s one thing. If it was intentional and careless and he just used me as a rebound, that’s another.
ParticipantHi Anita.
I appreciate your kind words so much tonight, thank you. I will wait for your other messages tomorrow like you said but I just wanted to chime in and say that I have been pondering these very questions you’re asking me in your latest post. I have never been chosen or wanted by a guy who I find attractive and impressive. Not until this guy. I was enamored by how attracted I was to him in every way, and I absolutely felt that he was super impressive. I’ve never been flattered by other men finding me attractive and for me to have this with him made me finally feel like a woman. Like if this “ladies man/player” in a way finds me attractive that I somehow am now actually sexy. I know this is messed up and it’s always been a problem for me where I feel perpetually stunted with my physical body and my place in life. I don’t feel like a woman. When I have sex with men, I feel like a 12 year old, which is probably very uncomfortable to read but it’s true. I just genuinely do not believe a conventionally attractive man who has an impressive life and travel or sexual experiences with other affluent women could recognize me as a sexually attractive woman. It may sound shallow, but I just want to feel like a woman, a capable woman and to be desired by a man who actually impresses me. He was that guy for me and it’s hard to lose and makes me feel like the only reason why someone could dump me is because I wasn’t able to keep his attention or desire, and because he saw I was a dead end financially and life experience-wise. My life is a lot more bleak compared to the women he is lusting after. They travel literally all over the world and they are all hyper-sexually liberated women.
ParticipantHi, Helcat.
Thank you so much for your empathy and time. Today made TWO days of him leaving me on read after telling me he’d specifically update me on Saturday about his parents. I posted a photo today on Instagram of my new haircut and he liked the photo. I was shocked he did that considering he’s been seemingly ignoring me for two days now. And yes, self-care during this time is difficult but you’re right. I definitely have to force myself to eat anything and sleep.
Your point about how therapy may not have been adequately absorbed by him is something I’ve also feared. It’s just really hard to accept that all of those times he seemed genuinely like he was in tune with my worries and would hear me out could have been just him reenacting what he’s observed. It wasn’t just that he always had to best words to say to me, it was also that he seemed to actually believe it and be a good person. He prided himself in being a feminist and super pro-woman. His mom is super feminist and they are both in a local democratic group so I just assumed he was actually legitimately a safe guy. It was refreshing because in my area, every guy I’ve met is extremely sexist, homophobic, racist. He would point out privilege, seemed passionate about fighting toxic masculinity, etc. It’s hard to explain but often his humor was kind of in the same brand as say, Conan O’Brien or the crew from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia where he’d make a sexist or controversial joke or observation but the point of it was to be ironic and point out problematic themes. He seemed to practice what he preached with this stuff. But it got confusing because over time, I started wondering if there were any truth to these jokes, specifically jokes about me, and men and women. And as we’ve all read here and discussed, it sounds like he’s very mixed up. That he KNOWS what is right but still struggles with that darker side of himself. I mean for a guy to joke about having a small penis all of the time and how powerful women intimidate him because of his small penis… you would think ONLY someone actually secure with themselves and self-aware could make these types of jokes. I’ve dated men in the past who were absolute trash and would get very easily defensive if you tried to even bring these topics up. I don’t know if this even makes sense but it’s like half of the reason why I am having a very hard time seeing or accepting that he actually may have been what he was always joking about. And if he was actually like this, that takes away a lot of his worth to me because I REALLY valued these good beliefs and morals in him.
When he said that he wasn’t going to agree to not like the photos anymore and told me he was setting himself up for failure because I could find any photo too sexy, I actually did agree with him there. I shook my head in shame and told him he had a point because at that point, I was just so hurt that he even wants to look at ANYTHING. I truly appreciate your perspective on this matter because it’s hard to feel confident in my boundary. My other two exes did this same crap and it is such a wound for me. It’s a problem where I can’t confidently think for myself. The weed situation is similar – I feel that my boundary could have been too strict just because I really didn’t want to have to lose someone over this. As for living together, I had just assumed that when and if we’d ever get there that we could compromise and he could smoke only a few times a week and do it outside. I know he does it outside for his parent’s house right now. But also, he could be hiding just how important weed is to him from me and he could be toking up constantly while I’m not there. I find it very interesting that you say you think he was using weed/my averseness to it as an excuse to not have me meet his friends. I genuinely do think he wanted me to meet them because he seemed very excited about it and when I declined, he seemed bummed. Not only that but a week or so later when we brought it back up, he actually said, “please just come.” when I was rethinking my decision. I understood since it was a wedding celebration, I wasn’t going to expect these people on their special day to drop their party plans for me. But as for subsequent chances to meet them where he compromised and told me he would agree not to partake with them, I do think you’re right that they could have JUST for like a few hours decide to opt out of smoking for me when it’s not a special occasion. He told me they do it constantly, even going out to eat because I asked why we couldn’t just meet up at a restaurant smoke-free. It was very confusing to me too considering the state he was visiting outlaws weed usage. Call me a stick in the mud but I don’t want to get caught up in that kind of mess if it’s going to not even be legal. If you’re right that he just didn’t want me to go to this wedding and knew I’d not be okay with the weed and used this to sour me to the trip, that would be some next level cruelness for sure. I am worried I just saw this guy in a regressive period of his life and it’s not actually representative of what he wants. Because he used to live on his own, lived with friends, partied, hooked up with a lot of people. And the guy I met was unhappy about his weight gain, his job and living situation, was a homebody who slept all day and didn’t seem to care for partying much until he drove up to meet his old friends. I worry maybe he wants to still be a party boy and saw he was bored with me over that and he wouldn’t just be honest with me about this when he dumped me.
ParticipantHi, Anita.
I am doing very badly, much the same as the last time we talked. Yesterday marked our one year anniversary and also the first day since knowing him that he did not message me. He told me Friday night he would send me updates about his dad on Saturday, but nothing. I thought that maybe it’s just a lot of stressful stuff going on for him but it is NOT LIKE him to ever do this. I cannot process that a whole day passed and he didn’t speak to me. I know he is no longer obligated to reach out daily, even weekly, but it’s incredibly painful. I worry he may ghost me. I was going to try to work up the nerve to stop the communication myself, but it looks like he may be doing that first.
I am sick to think that the reason for him leaving me was because he devalued me as soon as I valued him as I mentioned earlier. You said you think I’m onto something with this, and unfortunately it makes sense and hurts a lot to wonder WHEN he decided I wasn’t special to him after this realization. The chase was over for him to prove his worth to me after I accepted him, and it’s like the rest of the relationship was him being bored/unchallenged with me. I mentioned earlier about him often trying to get me to be more mean to him/tease him more, and how his sexual fantasies revolved around him being shamed. I realized at a certain point how all of these things seemed too closely related and I was getting hurt by all of this because I am not a mean person and it was looking like I wasn’t satisfying this ongoing pattern/need for him. I would flat out tell him, “But I am not a mean person! I am nice and you should accept me for who I am without trying to change me.” He would laugh it off and say, “I’m not trying to change you, I just think it would be funny to see you do that sometimes.” But get this – it started turning into him even saying stuff like, “You’re too easy.” He would say that in reference to the fact that I let him go down on me on our first date. I would scoff at this and say, “Pardon me for having been that into you and not having sex in two years until that night.” We even joked when we first met that we were both touch and love starved and appreciated how open and safe we felt with each other and how irresistible we were to each other. (But I still made us wait 3 months before we had sex because I wasn’t ready for that yet). Anyway, for him to joke that I was “too easy” to win over was insulting even though it SEEMED like he was joking. He’d also say it in context to me laughing at all of his jokes and thinking everything he does is awesome. Forgive me for being massively attracted to someone who was reciprocating for once? That offended me too because it made me worry he was actually put off by me being so into him. But he was dating me and seemed into me… until it was over. Even on our second date he was joking about me laughing at everything he said and he said it was great because finally a girl finds his sense of humor attractive but it seems like he grew to be bored by it. Last night, I think I also just realized that him harping on the “you’re too easy” assessment of me could be him literally saying, “You’re too easy for me to chase. I got you too easily so I don’t respect you now. I need to feel like I have to prove my worth to someone and I am resentful that you accepted me too easily.” I bet this also accounted for the boredom he started to feel with me. This is the most painful realization if I’m anywhere close to being right.
Or that he gave up because it was easier to not have someone making him accountable for things he didn’t want to deal with. That’s the blame I definitely carry because he has actually been in therapy for his problems and he loves therapy. He thinks it’s a great tool and is an advocate for it because of his parents. He previously spoke about being disappointed in his friend for NOT wanting therapy. I thought it was safe for him to discuss himself. Plus, that growing up in a much more emotionally and mentally stable home than me was safe by default. But who am I to stand here and tell him what he’s doing wrong? He never did that to me and my trust and paranoia issues definitely wore on him, I’m sure. I feel sick over it. He never threw my therapy issues in my face until the night of the breakup. I know I have to have boundaries and I was trying to use what I’ve been taught in therapy – to finally stand up and speak when something bothers me. I think a part of the guilt in me is also STILL NOT KNOWING if me being offended by these thirst trap photos and him being out late with the trans person was actually warranted, or wrong of him. Did he flat out lie about their gender solely to look less guilty or was he truly protecting pronouns? It’s so confusing to me. He has to know I would have eventually found their social media. It was easy when he was only following a handful of people. I don’t want to be controlling and he can do what he wants, but I guess once you’re in a seemingly committed relationship, where does the discernment start and end? Was I being too overbearing with those boundaries?
I do believe you’re absolutely correct about taking on my parents’ shame. When I was in therapy, I learned that I had feelings of inadequacy because of this, so I have been made aware of it but it is INCREDIBLY hard to break out of. You’re right – my parents used alcohol when I was a child and my neighbor best friend’s mom almost threatened to call the cops on my parents a time or two for the loud music they were playing late at night while partying. I was always so embarrassed of my parents but also felt terrible for them and wanted to defend them. At school, I would find myself covering for them and lying about how they parent me and behave so my friends wouldn’t think badly of them. I had a boy once tell me I smelled like an ashtray because my parents smoked. One of my best friends also told me in kindergarten that my parents smoking would kill them and I was shocked to quickly learn that a lot of other parents in my grade were not smokers, and they had office jobs and were much younger than my parents. My dad was a sheetmetal worker and my mom was stay at home. My brother is also special needs/autistic and can’t speak, and when he was living with us before moving into a group home, we lived in fear because he ripped up our carpet and toilet from the floor, busted a hole in our bathtub, pulled out and smashed the drawers in my kitchen, etc. I had to go hide in cabinets or lock my bedroom door with my sister when he’d have an episode. So just going to a friend’s house and seeing carpet or a kitchen drawer was enough to make me jealous. A bathtub with no hole in it that has been covered with sheetmetal because we can’t afford any repairs? Absolute bitterness. I understand other people have had it MUCH harder than me though so I try very hard to not wallow. It’s hard though to date someone with an upbringing and life experiences from another galaxy.
I know logically I must remove myself from my parents’ shame because that is not mine to hold. But it doesn’t help when my dad passed away when I was 20 JUST as he was finally getting financial compensation for his injuries from being in combat. I am mad that he didn’t get to enjoy his youth and have anything, and that my mom was widowed and every single day I can see her completely crippled still by the loss of him. She doesn’t go out, she has no friends, no family she wants to connect with, she depends fully on my sister and I for everything she needs. She doesn’t want to do any hobbies, her only hobbies are working in the garden and decorating and these require physical mobility and money. And we help her out of love but also because we are indebted to her – she has graciously let us live with her while we also financially struggle. I try to remove myself from my mom’s issues when she vents and tell myself she keeps herself stuck. But I also see that she is physically and financially incapable of a lot of things she wants to do and it suffocates me. It makes me feel hopeless for her and for me. My therapist said years ago that I do indeed struggle with family enmeshment and I try to work through this but living here I think hinders me from separating at all.
And you’re right, I absolutely think that I found refuge in my ex, and even his parents when they met me and accepted and loved me. It’s not as simple as, “oh I want to marry into this rich family.” It’s, “Oh this rich family accepts me and thinks I’m good enough for them, and this guy from this impressive upbringing and who has had a really impressive life with a ton of experiences with travel and other people, who claims to love me so much thinks I’M impressive? Then I’ve won. As soon as he dumped me and I found those tagged photos of him from other countries and having all these other experiences without me, I felt like I was just abandoned not only by him but by someone saying I’m not good enough for them to do those adventures with.
The negative self-talk is definitely an issue too. I can’t help but blame myself for nagging him so much. He had tried to work this stuff out in therapy and I was still bringing stuff up and accusing him constantly. About two months ago, we had a day where he was ignoring me and I kind of took it out on him by saying that he’d eventually leave me because he was gonna get sick of me. He usually responded with love and joking but that time in particular, he snapped and confronted me. He said, “Look, I love you but it’s not fair to me for you to put these hypothetical scenarios and stuff onto me.” I told him I was so sorry and that I hated to make him feel that way because he was a very good person to me and it was stuff I struggled with in therapy from feeling that I was too much. I then asked him if he was feeling like this often. He said, “No, it hardly ever happens and it doesn’t really bother me much but sometimes I just worry that you think I’m inherently this bad guy with bad intentions. My intentions are good and I never want to hurt you.” I don’t see how he could go from that and reassuring me that we were still a team to two months or so later telling me he is struggling with other stuff.
Participant*I meant to explain that he may feel unworthy, so when someone confirms this belief for him by rejecting him, he believes he has to prove himself to this person and because they pull away, it’s an addictive fixation and chase in a way for them. But with someone like me who accepted him and wanted to love him, he didn’t believe that about himself, so he lost interest and maybe even admiration and respect for me because he wasn’t having to prove anything to me. Which feels unnatural to him. If I was just a rebound or this whole time he really didn’t actually feel attraction or real feelings of love and closeness for me, I will never recover from this. It makes me physically ill to have been played this hard. Like how he felt when his cheating ex played him,
ParticipantHi, Anita.
Thank you for your kind words. I feel for you that you had that kind of struggle in childhood too with your mother. I have had this feeling since I was old enough to start seeing people around me having more than me. It follows me everywhere and at 31, almost 32 soon… I am scared I cannot heal from this. I don’t know what I can do to brush off these feelings. It doesn’t help that being poverty level makes it feel like every man with even a middle class upbringing does not understand you at your core. I thought that being with a man who finally understands and acknowledges privilege and doesn’t throw up the fact that I’m “not doing enough to better myself” and shaming my family for being poor was a great sign he was a safe partner. I hate I lost that.
I am so glad that you have been able to work through it and I hope someday to be where you are at in your healing. I don’t know how to heal from a relationship that felt genuine and reciprocal and transparent until the moment I was dumped. The trust issues I brought into this relationship that inevitably might have partially ruined it for him are nothing compared to the new trust issues I have now. I just wish we could have communicated more and he wouldn’t have bailed the moment life and our situation got to be too much for him. I know avoidants will end things to protect themselves, but I can’t help but feel like if the love was truly mutual, he wouldn’t have been able to do this to me/us. And what I hate is that this guy knows not one bit of how much I am hurting.
I’ve been worried the whole time that as soon as I started showing him love and acceptance, I lost value and worthiness to him because he thinks someone who sees him as worthy is not a high value person. This would explain why he never embraced my compliments and even admitted at the beginning that he was hung up on being cheated on and rejected. I always worried he had that girl on a pedestal because he only believes what she confirms to be true for himself. I can’t win with someone like this if this is true. He even would say, “why do you like me? Why are you with me?” Jokingly. I always chalked it up to him not feeling good enough for me, but maybe it was that he felt too good for me.
You are probably right about him being able to distract himself constantly from his troubles. He self-admittedly told me at the beginning of our relationship when we had to weed discussion that he respected anyone who can “raw dog life” (referring to me because I told him I didn’t use any drugs or prescription drugs for my mental struggles). And he can easily go from one thing to another basically just from getting distracted easily in general with his ADHD. I am absolutely stuck and drowning in my sorrows right now. I’ve cried all day. He hasn’t reached out to me today yet, which has been his standard since the breakup. He usually messages me later in the evening but with it being Saturday, my mind is racing that he’s already numbing himself with someone else. He told me last night that he would give me an update about his dad’s heart attack today when he got the info together. I go back and forth so hard trying to figure out if I should go no contact and when and how. I know that I need to at least not see his stuff on social media anymore and we really can’t talk because getting any updates about his life I’m no longer a part of is torture. But I also don’t want to cut it off either because I know deep down he’ll never reach back out to me after this. I will probably never hear from him again and I can’t face that thought right now.
ParticipantSorry, I accidentally posted before I could finish it.
… What I was referring to about the “blip on the map” thing with him in all those countries and sexual and social explorations, I just feel really inexperienced and not good enough for him. For someone who has lived so hard and continues to do so, I worry that my loss is less significant that for someone like myself who lives very slowly in comparison. I feel left out in the dust. He has too many amazing experiences and has too many people that matter to him for him to worry about losing me, he keeps himself constantly distracted and onto the next thing. I truly feel like a blip on his map! Not only that, but there is jealousy there for myself and my parents that we haven’t gotten to travel or have the opportunities his family has had. And I get that part of me is ENTIRELY projecting and has nothing to do with him.