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ParticipantMy wife tells me I behave awfully as I swear at her and belittle her at work. I really don’t mean to I have mental health issues and I am so worried our business will fail I feel I am the only one feeling this way no I am the one holding it all together. I worry so much I lash out with verbals and everyone suffers
ParticipantI think I want to do something solitary I was a barber for 20 years and now a chef in a busy cafe a job I wouldn’t do unless I owned the business. So I think a nice methodical solitary job is in order for the rest of my days
ParticipantHi helcat it’s extremely demanding being a chef making sure all of the meals go out on time together hot and presentable. My place is so busy I am flat out from start to finish there is not any time to sit down. I have waitresses to serve the food I try and wear comfy shoes maybe I should look for a new career.
ParticipantI think it is that, but surely I must care about something and someone I’d be a pretty awful person if I didn’t. but I do behave pretty awfully so I’m told maybe that is why perhaps I don’t really care I’m just too afraid to be alone
ParticipantI’d say please don’t leave me
ParticipantI think it was when I was laying in bed next to my sister as a child in the dark wanting someone to talk to. That’s been the story of my life
ParticipantTo not be alone
ParticipantI have rushed into every situation that I have found myself in to be honest with massive responsibilities and consequences. I have lived through them all and dealt with the hand I was given. But throughout all of it I just don’t know whether I was or am doing it for the right reasons and motives. I feel so guilty about this as there have been many lives affected by my actions
ParticipantHow did you become so wise Anita. I have always rushed every decision of my life that’s why I feel it’s all a pretence.
ParticipantCan this recounting of my life help? I don’t know where it’s leading me is it just good to talk it all through. I always feel I need a definitive answer to my life problems
ParticipantI have 5 children with 3 mothers. 2 daughters with my first wife my son from his mother and 2 further daughters with my second wife. After I parted from my first serious girlfriend I met my first wife which started off as purely sexual she was 16 and I was 20 she fell pregnant and we were the talk of the village in which we live the baby was terminated but not long after with both of us feeling pretty dreadful and wanting to put things right we found ourselves having another child. As I write this now I don’t think I have ever stopped to think of what any of that actually meant at the time or the implications of my actions. it was my life and it was being played out in public in our local pub alcohol assisted I was not mature enough to deal with any of it. I I don’t know where to stop with this it seems I’m writing my life story.
ParticipantHi thanks for your reply the only time I do feel ok is when on vacation. As you said the pressure I put on myself keeping my business successful is immense but there is no other way to do it that I can see. My children are at school and can not help. My business is a cafe where I am the chef I have tried to employ others but they are really not as good quality as I am. I think I will need to re think this business and look for another with a better life work balance.
ParticipantNo problem Anita thanks for your time. Where are you located if I may ask
ParticipantI am one of two siblings I have an older sister of 2 years. I lived with both my parents until I was 10 years old, that was when my father moved out. He left to live with a woman who was part of a family which we had shared occasions with. These at the time was seen as normal to me I suppose as I did not know what life was about. I do know that my memories of mum and dad are always of extreme shouting and swearing which I did not know what it was being so young it looked and sounded pretty violent. My life has always been a tapestry of lies people being part of my life but who were often spoken of with distaste among my peers. I grew up in a home where my mother and father fid not sleep together, my father slept in my bedroom at night whilst I was put to bed with my sister in my mothers bed. My grandparents lived next door and my sister and I would spend sleep every night there enabling my mother and father to go out which I thought normal. At the weekends Fri-Saturday we would sleep at my aunts and Sunday my great uncle would babysit us at our home the only night spent in our own home. Are you ok with this Anita it seems as though I am writing my life story which is good as my therapist and I often go off track.
ParticipantYou’re very good at this Anita I wish I could move on from this position it’s now ruining my life as always as it always has I’m so miserable