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October 12, 2018 at 7:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230519
ParticipantThat is an interesting concept. I can’t imagine what it might be however, as I mentioned before, I had a stable, caring upbringing as far as I can remember!
I really really fond anxiety difficult to deal with and would love to be able to overcome it.
October 12, 2018 at 6:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230505Shelbyville
I absolutely should reach out because I genuinely can’t bear to be on my own at all at the moment and the fact I have not organised any plans yet is adding to my anxiety – you would think that would push me to do something about it. I actually hate feeling like this. I honestly will have a new appreciation for anyone I meet in the future who is going through heartbreak.
As for Netflix, maybe I will download it. It’s just the association I guess, which is silly I know. Do you find you can follow a story line or do you get distracted by it?
As for the wedding, I faced the same situation this morning, someone I hadn’t seen for a while asked how I am and then asked how himself is. I didn’t get into it, I just said fine and changed the subject. I wasn’t going to get into it.
I believe the innate desire was to have a family and future with my ex. Is that not normal when you fall in love with someone? Or is it something else?
October 12, 2018 at 4:48 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230485Shelbyville
I probably should have reached out, I don’t know why I’m so hesitant with these things. My decision-making ability is shot at the moment, simple decision stump me and I have to get others to tell me what to do. All part of them anxiety I guess and no confidence in my own decisions. I have to confess I don’t have Netflix, he had it and he set up an account on his for me. So right now, I’m a little lost. I guess I just need to pass the hours, but it’s so draining and exhausting having to constantly fill your time.
Well done on going to the wedding, that’s incredible. You are very strong. Will he be attending? If so, that’s tough and I hope you manage to get through the weekend with as little trauma as possible.
I look forward to you posting again when you’re back!
October 12, 2018 at 2:08 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230473Shelbyville
Thanks for your response. I’m hoping work will serve as a distraction but I genuinely even find talking to people difficult in the morning. I can’t explain it, but I get this incredible fear in the morning. I just feel so scared and people ask me why and I’m not sure. My therapist says it’s a fear that I won’t be able to cope if I experience the pain and boy….is the pain intense. I have to keep using affirmations to try and trick my brain into feeling okay.
I think I’m a control freak in a way, so I just want my ex to be ready to work on it so that he is free to give me what I need. That’s where my difficulty lies, I can’t control his actions or feelings and that’s hard to accept. I want something so I just want to make it so. People who have been in one or more relationships previously probably understand that you can get over these things and meet someone else and try again, but this is my first real love and I can’t see that yet.
I am worried, I have nothing planned for this weekend yet and my sister, who has been my main support system is not around. Eek. My mind is blank, I can’t even think of something to do. The weekends are such scary times for me.
I’m so sorry your ex couldn’t get to where you wanted him to be. It’s nearly impossible to accept, but I’m told that we will eventually accept and understand it. So fingers crossed.
October 12, 2018 at 12:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230461Shelbyville
im really struggling with fear and anxiety this morning, particularly in my tummy.
Can anyone suggest anything to help? I feel so weak and vulnerable
ParticipantHi there,
I suffer a lot with fear and anxiety, particularly in my tummy. I think the only thing that helps me much is going to speak to someone to help deal with my fears and emotions. But there are no quick fixes. I’m sorry you’re going through this right now.
October 11, 2018 at 12:37 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230415Shelbyville
ParticipantWe broke up before for much the same reason, he couldn’t move forward and commit. However, the first time I was very unsure of what was happening and I didn’t understand much about relationships or emotions for that matter. I didn’t know myself at that stage that I wanted to be with him long term, I just wanted a little more commitment than he was giving me. It was only in the years since I felt more and more and realised I wanted the whole nine yards with him. Not in general, but just with him.
There was zero contact between us the last time for months, but as I worked on recovering I felt a gnawing loose thread that I couldn’t quell. I hadn’t really got the kind of closure I needed I suppose. So I contacted him and we just kind of hung out, no talk of break up, but enjoyed hanging out again and it went from there.
When we got back together, I was happy and I genuinely thought that was enough for me. I just wanted him as my partner, and that was good enough for me. Until it wasn’t, the more love I felt for him, an innate need for more kicked in again, so I practiced as much patience as I could and understanding as I could and I thought we were slowly but surely getting there. I learned a lot about psychology etc and felt I understood him and perhaps what his issue might be.
In the end, he tried but it was too much for him. He was afraid and could go no further. So he ended it claiming he is meant to be on his own. With no-one. We didn’t know what to expect when we got back together before and we thought it would be the last time we’d ever have to go through the pain of a split.
Now we are more aware, I know there is no way he would change his mind. He is not as open with emotion as me, so his rational brain will be thinking far more than my messy heart.
I don’t expect to ever hear from him again. Which is heart wrenching when you think of someone having a family with you one day. But that’s basically it. I don’t want to be without him, but I can’t be with him. It’s like a cruel life test.
How are you managing the evening? I just bought some chips. I’m not sorry!
October 11, 2018 at 7:03 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230323Shelbyville
I have been seeing my therapist really since the previous break-up with my ex and I feel apart then. WAY worse than now actually in a mental health sense as I had a lot more of my own stuff back then that I didn’t even realise I had to deal with. But since then I have dealt with a lot and genuinely, it sounds cheesy, but I have grown and worked through many things.
Essentially the way I look at it is this, if I have tummy trouble I go to a gastroenterologist, if I have a back problem I would go to an orthopaedic expert. I have a mind problem, so I’m going to an expert in all matters of the mind. They have seen dozens of us before and people with some extreme struggles, they know how to navigate these things and their best interest is YOU and your wellbeing and getting you back on track, so it helps to know someone is invested in getting you to feel better.
That being said, it has to be someone you click with and that you develop a good rapport with. I went to one guy first and he was not my cuppa tea! Really didn’t have an approach that worked for me, but then after that I found the right person for me. Someone who makes you feel normal when you think you’re going off the rails!
October 11, 2018 at 6:17 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230301Shelbyville
You sound exactly like me! That’s the most thing people keep saying to me….that I want to be in the future already and I just need patience. Patience is always something I have struggled with and patience in the midst of hell, is an even bigger challenge.
I don’t know if we’ll ever feel better. People say we will, so they can’t all be lying, but at the same time, it’s not going to happen today or tomorrow. Today is exactly three weeks for me with zero contact and I’m still struggling as people on the forum can see, I regularly post when I’m in the depths. But at the moment, is it as bad as an hour after the breakup…probably not? I’m typing, I’m working, Im not crying, so I guess time does work to a certain extent. But my therapist says grief works in waves, so I appreciate the moment I’m at now where I feel less horrendous than I normally do, but I’m under no illusion that I feel better as it could hit me like a brick again tomorrow morning.
I just wish I could get a handle on the anxiety element of it, but my brother said last night the anxiety is connected to the heartbreak and when the heartbreak eases, so too will the anxiety.
I have organised my therapist for later and also have a class, so that will get me through this eve and tomorrow I will think about tomorrow.
Fall into bed after work if you want, you’re entitled to. Or maybe go to the gym and punch something. Whatever works for you.
October 11, 2018 at 5:15 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230295Shelbyville
This is true. I’m not going to write down here that things will eventually feel joyful and you’ll actually enjoy being on your own so much more down the road…I have no clue because I’ve never been through this before! I’m pretty sure I’m going to miss everything about my ex for quite some time, I genuinely loved and enjoyed doing things with him. So basically it’s crap now!
I hope you’re managing to get through work ok. I’m doing the same, work is distracting me at the moment, cos there are so many problems here to sort, that I don’t have time to sort the ones in my head!
But I miss everything, genuinely. Everything, even the not so great. I guess it’s normal, but I don’t know if I will ever accept that it’s over, so in the meantime, I’ll just have to fake it!
Just keep swimming…..
October 11, 2018 at 3:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230289Shelbyville
I actually spoke to family last night about the same thing you have just mentioned. I explained that I’m drained and exhausted just ‘doing things’ for the sake of doing them. They acknowledged that yes, it is indeed draining and seems pointless but it does serve a purpose. By doing the mundane things every day that don’t give us joy but literally pass durations of time, it means that we can survive – albeit not happily – but we can survive and function. And that’s the difference between giving up and hoping for the future.
I completely agree with you, my life too has no meaning at the moment. My relationship gave it meaning. I organised my weeks around my relationship and now that is gone and I’m bereft. I don’t know how to just ‘be’ without him with me in a relationship. It’s shit (pardon the language!) and soul destroying, but what other options do we have. We can’t switch off our feelings of heartbreak.
It is NOT shameful to be struggling now, it only happened and not even fully until last night. A significant relationship that doesn’t work out can take its toll on a broken hearted person for at least a year…..a couple of weeks, where no formal ending of contact was made is nothing. You are exactly where is normal. You have experienced a devastating loss, it is grief and it has turned your world upside down. If you lost your partner to death people would be more understanding but in many ways psychologically it is no different.This person is gone from you, the life you thought you would have with them is gone. It’s very tragic for you and the least I would wish for you is for you to understand that – you have suffered a major loss, breathe…you deserve to be devastated and upset. It might not suit people who are not as sensitive or who keep a tighter rein on emotions, but that doesn’t mean their way is better. Emotion is latin and essentially means outward. Emotions are meant to be expressed outwards and that’s all we can do right now.
Keep doing the mundane things, they are so empty…yes I hear ya. But they have to continue to be done. Someone who breaks their leg might not feel like going to the rehab centre every day and putting themselves through their paces to get the leg back to full strength by boring, hard and tedious exercises but they still have to do it if they want their leg to mend. We too have to function on an every day basis, for the most part, until our hearts mend. But it won’t be fixed tomorrow. So just get through today. x
October 11, 2018 at 2:53 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230285Shelbyville
Yes I completely understand. It IS the end of the world as you know it last night and today. I’m so very sorry for that. Nobody deserves to experience this pain. It’s not fair. It’s tough, but it has happened and we have to survive. Even if that surviving simply means not getting dressed and living in pyjamas for 3 weeks, eating only enough food to sustain you, it’s still survival. And survive we must. Even if we don’t want to and don’t see the point. Because those closest to me assure me, it will not always feel this way. It will not always hurt and burn.While I don’t trust myself, I do trust them and my therapist. So on the chance that they are correct, I have to survive now to get to that place and you will too. You will. Broken into pieces, but you will continue to breathe and exist until the pain gives you a reprieve.
It definitely has to be you who saves yourself. I want my ex to make me feel better, but I guess when we’re thinking rationally we know that it’s never a right relationship when one party is relying on the other to make them feel better. Our happiness lies in someone else’s hands, which is not the right way in life and too much weight to put on someone else too. I try to turn it around and imagine if someone’s happiness was solely my responsibility, their ability to function is based on what I do…..that’s definitely not a weight I could bear or sustain, despite having heart that always tries to help others when I can.
You’re in the eye of the storm now and it’s black, but I’ll tell you now what others tell me. You WILL get out of this. Not easily and not quickly, but you will and we have to keep hoping for that moment in the future. I would not be able to remotely see this were it not for my support network and therapist. Sometimes we need a light to guide us out, because this is completely outside our familiarity or expertise.
I’m great a dishing out the advice, but hopeless at applying it to myself, so don’t think I’m any better, we’re all just trying to survive! As my therapist says…’At times like these, survival is an achievement’. xx
October 11, 2018 at 2:10 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230281Shelbyville
This is NOT the end of the world, though it may feel that way right now. It’s pain. Pure pain from loss. It was not shameful in any way to contact him yesterday, you are human and loving with a heart that feels. You do the best you can on a day to day basis and you are doing your best. Nobody should ever underestimate the willpower and effort it takes to merely exist when we feel like this.
After my incident at work on Tuesday….ALL i wanted to do was contact my ex, who always supported me in that sense (albeit not in many other probably more important ways). It’s natural and remember, it’s withdrawal and addiction, your own heart and irrational brain are pretty strong forces and you did your best.
WELL DONE on going to work…do you realise how many other people might not have managed to do that at all? You’ve more grit and strength that you give yourself credit for. Yes you feel like death, hey….you might even look like death….and you might have a very unproductive day, but you made it. You made it, it didn’t beat you this morning.
It’s heartbreaking and my heart genuinely goes out to you. I can’t really comment on what is right or wrong because I feel only two people really know what goes on in a relationship, no matter how many friends and family are informed. However, I would be lost without my therapist. An it’s expensive, I get anxiety even wondering how to work out how I’ll pay for my sessions, but my family have been really good and my counsellor also is providing me with the odd free session too as he understands when people are in emotional crisis, they just need care.
Are there any other counselling services you could look into as I feel it’s now that you need the intensive help, the first three months after a trauma are probably the most difficult. Have you looked into other options for a counsellor or service, there has to be someone you could see that wouldn’t keep you waiting 3 months. It’s time for you to look after yourself now and that seems to mean, moving away from the distress of the breakup.
Post as often as you like.
S x
October 10, 2018 at 2:28 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230239Shelbyville
ParticipantI got through another day. It feels like an endless battle, honestly it’s exhausting.
I hope any of you struggling managed to make it to days end in one piece.
S x
October 10, 2018 at 3:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230121Shelbyville
Thanks so much for your reassuring advice. It really has helped this morning.
It would be interesting for us to post here in a year’s time and see how we feel at that stage!
Maybe there are people who posted on this forum previously who have come out the other end, or not, as the case may be. Maybe they could shed some light.
Good luck with your day today.
S x