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October 15, 2018 at 5:05 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231061
ParticipantSafe travels and I hope it helps a little. My pain has eased off again this afternoon, for no apparent reason. I still feel dreadful but not on the brink of despair like earlier.
It’s weird, the unpredictability of it all.
October 15, 2018 at 3:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231043Shelbyville
ParticipantTotally! It’s horrendous feeling like this, but I suppose it’s about patience. I wish I could apply the amount of patience I had with my ex to myself! But typical, I haven’t and just want to process to speed up.
Hoping to get some useful tips if possible in therapy. Also reading a really interesting book called ‘I can mend your broken heart’, it’s got some tricks in it for minimising obsessive thinking etc. Might be worth a look!
October 15, 2018 at 2:20 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231039Shelbyville
ParticipantI totally agree @kkasxo, I knew I would eventually contact him but it’s done now. It was a last hope and it didn’t change anything.
There was no nastiness or anything, it was quite banal, but that’s it, it didn’t change anything so I won’t be doing it again.
Yesterday out on a walk, I just realised I want to be happy. I’m tired of feeling terrible and broken. Some time soon I want to have a happy life. I thought that would be with him, but evidently it’s not going to be. So I’m going to have to try and claw back a happy life for myself.
I don’t know how but apparently time is the answer to all my questions! So they say!
Im in a meeting today which is distracting me somewhat! Apart from the odd check of tiny Buddha!
How are you today? It’s a new day and you’re still alive, so survive. Survive another day, despite the pain. Worry about tomorrow tomorrow.
S x
October 15, 2018 at 12:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231029Shelbyville
ParticipantHaving a particularly painful morning. Is it because I texted him yesterday? Even though there were only a few words exchanged. Nothing of particular interest. Everyone is trying to remind me why we are not together and it’s genuinely for the best for me, but why aren’t the valid reasons sinking into my heart and mind? It’s like they just deflect off me, I don’t see myself as ‘better off’ now out of a relationship that wouldn’t meet my needs, I just see myself as heartbroken, having lost the love of my life.
I don’t want to spiral. I just want to be ok. If anyone has any advice to help keep me from falling off the rails, I’d appreciate it.
October 14, 2018 at 9:48 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231021Shelbyville
There seems to be a trigger for you to contact your ex. You panic and then contact him. If you could figure out a way of getting through the panic without contacting him, you’d be on the long road to recovery. I know you want to figure out what to focus on a 6 wk course of therapy, but I’d advise talking to someone now. They usually figure out for you what you need to do for the best right now.
How did your ex reach out if you blocked him? Was it an alternative route? The wedding was always going to be torture, but you survived. It might not have been pretty, but you survived. The wedding wasn’t called off or delayed because the maid of honour wouldn’t get out of bed or leave the toilet, so you survived. You’re broken hearted so it didn’t have to be amazing, it just had to be done.
Its not fair that he contacted you but that’s his failing. I guess it’s up to us to decide not to react and put our own welfare first. Believe me, I would have done the same though if my ex contacted me, we’re human.
Its definitely time to block him for good so that you can cope. You are coping, albeit painfully. But you are coping. Not coping is not getting out of bed and giving up. I’m so sorry it’s been so difficult for you, but it’s done and you got through it and the healing can begin. Get home and back to your routine.
I didn’t sleep well at all, after my friend messaged to say she’s engaged I just felt so sad and lost. Also, I know my communication with my ex was exactly as I expected and he didn’t contact me again after I sent the last text (which was a dead end Text anyway), but it still hurt. I thought it might just have opened a window for him if he wanted to say anything to me, or give me a call or anything, but no. He has not budged, changed his mind, or anything. Anyone looking from the outside would say ‘girl the writing is in the wall, that man is not for turning, he made a decision and is sticking to it, wake up’. But it’s our betraying hearts that keep hope alive.
Good luck today.
October 14, 2018 at 2:07 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230949Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks for that, I’ll check out that thread.
I do hope the fog starts to clear soon. A friend has just texted to say she got engaged. Wonderful.
October 14, 2018 at 12:31 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230943Shelbyville
Do NOT underestimate the influence of PMS. I am a fairly logical, rational, understanding person but for a week a month, I turn into a clingy, emotional, wreck. It’s unfair because it’s outside our control and many people scoff at it.
I know what you mean about thoughts and meditation. When I started two years ago, I was in a bad place and I thought all my meditations would be concentrated periods of erratic thoughts. But actually it became a reprieve from my erratic thoughts. By focusing on a mantra, I could always bring myself back from my thoughts running away of their own accord. It became 20mins in the day where my head could find some peace. I would recommend 1Giant Mind app- I followed the steps which the guy on the app explains so clearly and simply and it really does help now. At the moment, I have a lot of thoughts running through my head during meditation but as the app explains, that’s a process of releasing stress and I usually feel marginally better after.
I definitely think you should avail of counselling. Our thoughts and perspective can be scary when suffering from anxiety and it’s comforting to finally get someone who can explain what’s going on and that you’re not going off the rails! I like answers to questions, I like to understand things, do therapy helps me understand and I don’t feel as crazy as anxiety would sometimes have me believe.
Social media is a good way to connect in college so I get that it would be better not to delete accounts etc, but you can still talk to old friends without asking about him. And if all you have in common with them is him, then they’re not exactly the basis for nurturing friendships going forwards, but I hasten to add, I don’t know the whole story so I’m just giving my two cents! Feel free to ignore whatever you choose!
Studies is a good focus for this week and whenever he comes to mind, perhaps use my trick, which sometimes works absolutely say ‘not now’. It might just nip the thought in the bud before it grows and you can do back to studying.
As for me, I’m trying to behave tonight as if I haven’t been in contact with him and all is as it was, we’re still split up, there’s still no change and I must recover and move on. It’s not easy, boy is it not easy, but what choice do I have?
Mind yourself.
October 14, 2018 at 11:21 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230937Shelbyville
I think to protect yourself as much as possible (which is your priority), it might be best to come off that website you both are on. I got rid of my social media, even though my ex is not on social media, but just in case I’d see friends or someone connected to him online and it would give me a stab of pain.
Its natural to react to a sort of provocative move by him, you didn’t end it because you were totally over him and felt nothing, so obviously there are feelings still attached there. It’s normal. But he is dealing with it, the best way he knows how. That’s his right. But it’s important not to let it affect you. You are on a different journey by the sounds of it, you chose to break up with him for a reason. Let that reason be to focus solely on yourself.
The reminders are horrendous, believe me, I understand. Everything is torturing me at the moment sonInfeel your pain. I don’t know how we’re going to get over it but everyone says, time and distance.
I know I messaged my ex earlier. So who am I to talk, but tbh, I don’t know why. It was just the part of me telling me I needed to contact him i.e my heart. Not my brain. My brain made me hesitant and even convinced me out of it several times but my heart took over. And during heartbreak, unfortunately the heart is not to be trusted. It can be trusted again apparently, after a period of withdrawal, but I guess we gotta do the rehab first and then start thinking about ‘what next’.
FYI, my ex replied word for word what I expected him to reply and it was sort of a dead end communication. Short, polite and that was it between our texts, so I don’t know exactly what I thought was going to happen, if anything had changed I would have heard from him.
Im seeing my therapist tomorrow so I’ll try and make sense of everything then and hopefully the anxiety won’t be too bad in the morning. Time for some meditation now, would that help you? To focus inward instead of wondering what he’s doing etc? I’m hoping it’ll help me that way anyway.
October 14, 2018 at 4:10 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230871Shelbyville
I have a confession. I texted him earlier. I succumbed as I expected I would eventually. It is what it is and I guess I knew I had to get it out of my system. It felt like a pressure boiler about to burst and I knew it would at some stage.
He has not responded, which is probably for the best. For those who have been in a similar situation, can you tell me what is the best way to manage this now? I don’t want to feel I’ve bewn set back, even though I was well aware of what I was doing when I sent the text.
Can anyone who has been in a similar situation with an ex, provide some tips to just get me back on road to recovery? Thanks
October 14, 2018 at 1:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230867Shelbyville
You’re not accepting it. It’s just not where you are at. I asked my therapist how do I feel better and he replied that I’d feel better when I start to move on. When I asked how I move on, he said it doesn’t work like that. You can’t force yourself to accept, you can’t force yourself to move on. It’s happens when it happens as part of the process.
Im 3.5 wks out now and I still haven’t accepted it, so technically you’ve only had a few days yet, so it’s raw. I get hurt too when I don’t wake up to an ‘I’m sorry’ text. I really want him to change his mind, but he hasn’t.
That doesn’t stop me wanting to contact him however, despite all that. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m going to contact him this morning as I feel, I’ve not been resisting to try and move on and away from the breakup, I feel like I’m inevitably going to contact him at some stage, so each day is merely delaying the inevitable.
Its torture listening to your favourite songs, but just grit your teeth and get through it as best you can. You are where you are, you miss him dearly because he was/is everything to you. Don’t beat yourself up because you can’t make yourself accept it. Apparently we will accept it. In time.
S x
October 13, 2018 at 11:40 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230863Shelbyville
Normal. It’s all completely normal. It’s 3.5 wks since my break up with zero contact and zero hope of reconciliation and I spent hours last night debating wouldI text him. I didn’t in the end, because I was afraid. Afraid it would set me back, it’s tough enough at the moment, not to spiral further.
So my advice is, don’t do it. I know you really really really want to, but just remember, it will make you feel worse. And you feel pretty bad as it is. Do you really want to feel worse? DONT think about him with anyone else. That’s one of my triggers for panic attacks and nausea, so basically, if the thought arises, just say ‘not now’ and move on to something else.
A wedding was always going to be tough to deal with, but you’ve survived one day haven’t you? You CAN survive another one. You’re in bits, but you’re surviving. You can survive without your ex.
Im so sorry you had a panic attack, I know how horrible they are. For me, I get them when emotion bubbles up and needs release, like pain for example. So maybe it’s necessary to sit with the pain and upset and panic until it passes rather than reaching for the phone to get him to alleviate it. I suppose it’s about trying to self sooth in a way. Here I am giving advice I find difficult to implement myself! So do t worry, I know how hard it can be.
Dont feel bad for contacting him, you’re human and doing the best you can. Just try and get by today as best you can.
S x
October 13, 2018 at 3:51 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230843Shelbyville
Thats what’s stopping me I think. It’s horrendous now and I miss him, barely coping. Will it be ten times worse if I make contact for absolutely no valid reason! So I don’t.
My brother sent me a bunch of funny videos of that nature but I haven’t gotten round to watching them. (Cos I’m sooooo busy….as if!!)
The insta account is Mrs Hinch Home and genuinely, watching her clean her shower has been the most riveting thing I’ve watch led since the break up!
October 13, 2018 at 3:37 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230769Shelbyville
It makes sense that you miss him. I miss my ex dearly and in fact am almost of the verge of contacting him now this very minute. After more than 3 wks of no contact. But I probably won’t. I do this regularly, think of a good time to make contact etc but when push comes to shove, I back down and don’t do it.
I’m not sure how I will feel in the future, I can’t predict it I guess, but I somehow feel I’m always going to lament the loss of this relationship even if it isn’t as raw anymore.
Thank you for the hugs. I particularly miss those from him! As for the internet, very little holds my interest at the moment, except maybe an Instagram account about cleaning your house!
October 13, 2018 at 3:12 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230761Shelbyville
First of all, you’re doing amazingly. You made it to the wedding. You got involved. You actually got distracted. So well done. Weddings will bring up all those kind of feelings for sure, I even used to get a bit overwhelmed at weddings when I was there WITH my ex!
It’s heartbreaking, I know. But you had enough confidence to go, so the next time it won’t seem as tough and the time after that, you will enjoy it.
One day down, not many more to go, so keep swimming. Survival is an achievement.
S x
October 13, 2018 at 2:21 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #230751Shelbyville
Regarding his family, I understand the sense of responsibility you feel. My ex’s mum was like a mum to me too and I miss them all. However, neither he or his family are your concern now. Of course you’ll be concerned, but you have made the decision that’s best for everyone and now, it’s best to step away and let them support him.
At the end of the day, my ex is a lovely guy and my family thought the world of him, but if he approached them now to explain, I think they’d knock his head off. Just because their sister/daughter is in pain because of him. So I feel it’s best to leave them be now.
I wish I could find joy in things like strolling through charity shops, nothing gives me joy at the moment. Music was my passion but I can’t go near it at the moment.
You’re absolutely right about this forum. The internet can be a tough place nowadays, but this forum is a breath of fresh air and really has kept me going through this trying time. I feel that when people experience pain in somewhat similar ways, it creates an understanding that you might not get with others who can’t empathise.