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October 17, 2018 at 4:52 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231471
ParticipantGood for you. I think it’s panic mode he’s in at the moment, as you are now cutting him off in a way. So he’s desperately clinging to what he thinks he’ll lose with no real plan about how to try and make it work. It’s just hold on at all costs rather than face the pain, so it’s not the best way to approach it. Hang in there if you can and hopefully you’ll be happier in the end.
My ex and I were a significant period of time apart during our last break up with absolute zero contact and yet, we still managed to get back together that time, so I wouldn’t worry about it being too late. Besides, if he’s over it in a couple of weeks, that doesn’t show much for his commitment after all.
October 17, 2018 at 3:57 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231447Shelbyville
This is it! When I feel I want to reach out to my ex now, which I can imagine people reading this thread from the start must think is ludicrous, I stop myself. If it were someone else, I would say, girl…..he ain’t changing his mind, he is not making a single step in any way to change the decision or stay in contact…so cop on! But it’s hard to see that through the fog of the heartstrings.
But what stops me is the fear of setting myself back, based on the advice of rational people around me. I don’t want to have to go through the past 4 weeks again, they were horrific and still are, but I’m afraid of doing it again!
You are not alone, the broken hearts club is wide and vast. Plus there is no harm to see how you get on on your own not having anything to do with your ex to see if it helps. The option is always there down the road to contact if you wanted, but no contact is worth a try.
October 17, 2018 at 2:43 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231433Shelbyville
I completely get what you’re saying. You’re right, what would need to happen would be fundamental change and growth and that does NOT happen in a couple of days, it takes time and work. Usually by oneself, so you are smart, you are saving yourself the rollercoaster again this time that could see you split again soon in the near future.
As I said, if he really wants to make it work, let him do the work and come back to you in a good stable place. Anything else is unfair. I’m with you in your heartbreak, I’ve had so many stabs this morning already but I’ve come up with phrase. When I get a stab of pain or a reminder I say, Ok Shelby, that’s painful and sad, but it won’t be like this forever. In the future, such a reminder won’t hurt as bad. Would you believe, it’s actually kind of helping. I think humans are resilient and if you can believe in a time where you might not suffer as badly, we can nearly will ourselves to keep going until that point.
I’m sorry we don’t get the happiness we want. It’s not fair. It just isn’t but a friend told me this morning about a personal tragedy for her and I realise everyone hurts, in life, in various ways. Some people don’t experience heartbreak, lucky them, but many do. So I guess we’ll survive. Today is nearly over, don’t worry!!!!1 You’re getting there!
October 17, 2018 at 1:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231429Shelbyville
Oh my gosh, that’s incredible. Do you realise how strong you are being, despite the immense pain? You are doing what’s best for you even if it’s not exactly what you WANT to be doing. At the end of the day, it seems quite dramatic at the moment with your ex. The interaction ye had over the weekend and the fact he’s just home from lads weekend.
If he’s genuine about fixing things, let him go away and work on it for the long term so it works out and is not just a knee-jerk reaction. I have to say, I admire you. You know you deserve better, even if it hurts like a spear. I have not got that far yet. I’m aware that I should have more self esteem and worth, to say ‘f**k him, he doesn’t deserve me’, but I can’t muster it up for some reason. I would take him back tomorrow if he changed his mind, despite knowing that there are issues there that caused the break up. Argh, it’s mind wrecking.
Well done Kkasxo, I hope your ex respects you enough to accept your wishes and you can try to heal a bit. I hope you can still keep me updated on progress so I don’t feel so alone and hope you can inspire me, but do whatever you need to do!
October 16, 2018 at 9:43 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231405Shelbyville
I’m the same! I want to know exactly how long! Therapist says I can’t have a date and time, it doesn’t work that way, it just fades and becomes easier to live with. Humans have the capacity to process grief and move on otherwise the species would have died out as everyone would have died of broken hearts.
So that’s the logic. But there is no logic this morning with my anxiety. I woke and spent past hour with an upside down tummy writhing away. I think my ex had a brief cameo in one of my dreams but it certainly wasn’t a night filled with dreams about him so I can’t figure out why I take such a hit with anxiety in the middle of the night, towards early morning.
I know ‘this too shall pass’ but honestly it’s tough to deal with. What’s causing it? Why do I have it on top of the heartbreak? It’s most definitely at this time of day I have the biggest need to contact my ex. I would never, cos it would be pointless as he’s sleeping and also probable display me in a desperate manner, but it’s the worst feeling. I’m tired of dealing with it. It’s not easy.
Grief is tough and yes it’s like a death. Except a few differences. Death brings its own acceptance in a way. There is no additional agony of considering undoing it. Also, if someone dies, they might have loved you to the end & didn’t want to go, rather than choose to leave you and continue on existing & living not a million miles away from you. It’s painful.
I hope your evening turned out ok, I went to be relatively early to get as much sleep as I could over the course of the night. I’m really really sad this morning and the anxiety is beating me up.
October 16, 2018 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231349Shelbyville
Well if you go to a therapist, they can be very good in explaining what’s really going in if you want to understand. I know a lot more about my ex than he knows himself, due to therapy.
As for astrology etc, I do and I don’t. I read my star sign from time to time and it seems incredibly apt but then I think the same words apply to millions of other people with the same star sign as me, so I dunno. I have always felt a connection to stars – as in- literal stars in the sky! And the sea, which is controlled by the moon….so who knows!
I read a blog blog today about a girl who went through heartbreak in 2016 and described it very well as to what it REALLY feels like. She said her thing was to look into herself each time she wanted to think about him. He was gone, so there was no point in figuring him out, so she would ask herself questions about herself when she would have a question for him. To figure out who she was and why she thought she needed him so much. It was interesting.
General consensus from all advice, blogs, testimonials….it’s gonna take time. Like…..a long time. Not what we want to hear, but I guess we best be prepared and at least it might slacken off the criticism of ourselves for not feeling better sooner!
October 16, 2018 at 9:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231335Shelbyville
You just had a weekend from hell (in a way, no disrespect to your bride) and you survived. You are functioning albeit with no happiness or joy.
The biggest thing with anxiety is that we have to be kind to ourselves. Supposed to treat ourselves like a really good friend we care about. The misery is horrendous, but remember you actually were coping for a good few days there with no contact. You just had a bump on the road with everything over the weekend. Totally understandable to be in the depths of misery today.
Its horrendous but I think I was coping better before I contacted him. Now it wasn’t dramatic or anything, a simple inquiry into how he is and a similar response and that was it, and it has thrown me a little I think. I feel I’ve opened a gateway I was in the process of closing.
If im honest, I’m not in the depth I was in when the split happened so loath though I am to admit it, that indicates progress. Now I’ll still argue I’m a mess and broken and will never heal, but maybe time is kinda doing it without my help even. If I do the bare minimum, it does the rest.
Now the question then becomes, do I really WANT to move away from this part of my life and that’s a different story.
Today was shit, write it off. Do anything you can think of to help with anxiety, breathing and writing down your thoughts. Meditation- guided.
Watch some Netflix and tomorrow is another day, it might be better, marginally, it might be the same as today. But you’re still alive, you survived today didn’t you, so you can survive tomorrow. Tell yourself that, even if you don’t believe it, the brain can’t differentiate between true or false things you tell it, it just needs repetition.
As for me, I’m pretty sure he won’t come back. He’s too scared. His life is simpler on his own, as he says himself, he only has to worry about himself then rather than worrying about anything ever happening to me. 🙁
Also- this lady has been putting me to sleep every night:
Check this out on Insight Timer! 16, 2018 at 8:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231323Shelbyville
ParticipantMy ex was essentially afraid too. The frustrating thing for me is that I know what his issue kind of is, because of the therapy I’ve been in the past few years. My therapist has given me a good understanding of what has been happening and I feel it’s something that could be worked on by my ex, but you can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do. It’s acknowledged by everyone, friends, family and therapist that this is the biggest mistake my ex could have made and one day we will eventually regret it when it’s long passed too late.
Again, that doesn’t help me because I feel we had the potential for this happy ever after but he didn’t want to try. And yes, I should realise that someone who doesn’t fight for me is not worth it. But I can’t help if I love him, even though he didn’t give me enough and couldn’t no matter how hard he tried, I love who I love, flaws and all.
I think the point people make on forums and advice columns is that you should love yourself more. Yes, I should. But I obviously musn’t otherwise I wouldn’t be trying to think of ways to get back with my ex. These are not consistent thoughts but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it at all.
My anxiety has been simmering away in my tummy today. Not stopping me from functioning or working, but enough to know all is not well yet.
How has your day been?
October 16, 2018 at 1:59 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231279Shelbyville
ParticipantThat’s so true. I have often thought I could be happy with just what was on offer and to be honest, I would try but your innate wants and desires don’t stay buried, they eventually seep out. I guess that’s what happened with us, I tried to be patient for years but it seeped out many times and the pressure he felt was making him unhappy too. My therapist pointed out that if I wasn’t the age I am, I would have given him longer. He may still not have changed and grown by if I was in my 20s, I’d have time to give him, however naive it may have been.
I find if I think about it, the withdrawal gets worse, if I think about those kind caring little things. The only thing I can do now is to say each time such a thought creeps in, ‘you’re doing ok and you will be fine in the future, you’re getting there’. It softens the urge, however minimally. So thinking about him is a no no. It doesn’t help. We have to try and realise that THIS is our life now, the one we had is gone. Eek…I can’t even type that without it stinging and a certain amount of disbelief.
We can’t help how we feel and I guess they can’t help how they feel. So it’s ridiculously unfair but it’s life I guess. I want to avoid this pain, but if I don’t go through it, I’ll end up with pain worse than this down the road I suspect.
October 16, 2018 at 12:46 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231275Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks so much for your sensible words. You are right of course. I also feel that if I don’t do it now, it will go too long into the process and once he gets out the other side, there will be no way he will head back into the fire again.
When we reunited the last time, we were very naieve and didn’t know we could face heartbreak all over again. He will most definitely not try it a third time, knowing what we have been through.
I know I need to remember why we are not together. I need to remember. Dammit, he is on the pedestal, which is silly. It’s nice to know someone gets it though, how I’m feeling and the withdrawal.
I hope youre doing ok this morning.
October 15, 2018 at 9:52 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231255Shelbyville
ParticipantI have not been sleeping well and this morning have the urge to contact him again. It’s annoying because I was doing well for 3 weeks. The guy does not want to be in contact and seems to have nothing further to say, so what wrong with me.
I know in a way it’s normal in a break up, but you’d think I’d have more common sense. I guess that doesn’t come into it when the heart is involved.
Why do I want to talk to him? I don’t think it will achieve anything. I just my connection to him. Plus it could really set me back in terms of the process if he completely ignores it or just says no, it’s not a good idea.
I rememer I told him once that I had to cut off contact with a guy completely before when he developed feelings for me because I didn’t feel the same. He wanted to remain friends, which I tried for a bit but I could see he still held a little hope sofor his sake I cut contact. That guy later moved on and got engaged. I have a feeling my ex remembers that story too.
October 15, 2018 at 12:38 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231213Shelbyville
ParticipantNo problem, I just giving my two cents based on what I know so far. But as we all realise, no-one outside the two people in a relationship know how it really really is or was.
I hope you get the clarity you both need.
October 15, 2018 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231209Shelbyville
Do you think the email will help or is it another way of staying connected to your ex? You say you bought a calendar for him, just in case. It seems you are not ready to let him go and I think it’s important for you and for him, to have clarity. I’m gutted I don’t hear from my ex and I know it’s not wishful thinking to think the split has impacted him too, but at least the zero contact from him has left me under no illusion that his decision has been made.
I am still devastated and I miss him incredibly but it’s not got confusing or messy which i supoose I’m grateful for. I don’t think your ex needs to know why as such, if it’s over from your point of view, then maybe leave him be. He’ll figure out a way to get through it himself. I don’t doubt you can’t stop thinking about him too but unless you plan to reunite and get back together properly, it’s just torture in a way. Your biggest priority is yourself right now. You deserve to feel happiness and you deserve not to have panic attacks or anxiety.
I hope to manage to figure out what you need to.
S x
October 15, 2018 at 12:00 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231199Shelbyville
I agree with you in a sense. I didn’t think I would cope after we split. I couldn’t imagine my life without him but I’ve spent a little over three weeks without him and I’m alive. I’m surviving. It might not be the happiest life anyone could live, but we’re getting by.
I understand what you mean about not ready to let go. I asked my therapist to come up with a plan to do just that and he smiled and said it doesn’t work like that. You can’t make yourself accept something, you can my force yourself to. You just do the things that are best for you on a day to day basis and in time you’ll accept it.
I guess it’ll happen in time, meaning, I don’t think we’ll wake up one day and think wow, a weight has been lifted overnight, I’m free. I think it’s probably a slow and gradual acceptance every day that passes, if there is no contact and try as best you can.
The more I think about the text yesterday to him, the more disappointed I am. I didn’t expect much and I expected way more, even though that’s a contradiction. I know he’s doing what is best for him. And maybe he thinks it’s also best for me. I’d like some of his willpower please.
Rejection is hard. It doesn’t make me feel great about myself, sometimes I look in the mirror and can’t bare the sight of my own face. I used to be independent and confident, maybe it was a facade, I dunno.
The way you mentioned could your ex come back into your life now with your new routine, I think similar things. In the sense that I wonder how he could reunite with me when so much damage has been caused. I could not bare to go through this again, so I’d have to be much stronger than I am now. So that’s it then.
My anxiety and heartbreak is just ebbing this eve, as it often does in the evenings, but I’m sure it will make its presence known again in the not too distance future.
Regarding what the book says about looking back, I don’t think is something you do until you actually don’t love the person anymore. You would not be where you are now, you’d be in a place you naturally come to with time I guess, so the idea of not loving him at that point has no effect on you I guess. But then again, what do I know? I’m in the broken hearts club!
October 15, 2018 at 9:59 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231155Shelbyville
Tell me about it! I have resigned myself to the fact that I’ll never travel anywhere again or go on hols cos it was so much better and easier with my ex. I hate doing stuff by myself because it was fun with my ex. You are emotionally and physically exhausted from the weekend too and guess what…you survived. Surviving is an achievement.
I have been through a few other dramatic things apart from my relationship over the past couple of weeks and the number of times I automatically went to pick up the phone to call my ex to vent or seek comfort like I used to do was frequent! Reflex I guess.
I went for a long walk with a close guy friend this eve and he is really great to be around, sensitive and calm. He and everyone is adamant I’ll feel better and happier in time, I really can’t see how EVERYBODY could be wrong. How do we believe them? Dya think in 8 months time we’ll still be posting on this thread the same things?
I dunno, maybe not.
I don’t think you can upload pics, just links maybe.