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October 19, 2018 at 1:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231829
Thank you for saying that, because honestly it feels sometimes like I’m suffering worse than most normal people and that I am actually not physically or mentally able to deal with heartbreak and should never have risked it in the first place as I’m not strong like other people. It’s the most painful thing I’ve experienced and that’s saying something as I’ve already suffered loss in the past.
I think it’s completely normal that your rational brain doesn’t operate on full throttle during a breakup, the book you’re reading does indeed make it all seem more like it makes sense. As for the comment by my therapist, he did indeed say if I was in my 20s I would have given him more time, but he suspected that even if I gave him 10 years, he wouldn’t have changed and I’ve have wasted a lot more time and more heartache. For me however, it never seemed to bother me to ‘waste time’ as I still feel he was my shot at happiness and that I have no interest, nor will I find anyone I have the same or better connection with. So there’s my difficulty too, I can’t see much ahead which would entice me to move on.
You on the other hand are young, you strike me as kind, funny, smart, loving a determined! Even though I don’t know you, just what I’ve observed through communication. So I have a feeling that if you set your mind to it, you could eventually fall out of love with your ex and meet someone one day (if you wanted) who would love you beyond doubt.
Thanks for your advice this morning.
October 19, 2018 at 12:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231819Shelbyville
I know I’m only a month over it, but it honestly feels like I’m getting worse. Last night, I genuinely thought I can’t cope with this, I’m going to end up on medication in a psyche unit somewhere. Today I’m a little more rational, and I guess I need to explore why I feel that way, when many people suffer painful heartbreak but don’t feel as though the world is about to end. It feels like I’m too sensitive a person to deal with this. The last time I experienced a severe anxiety episode I fear I only really recovered because I felt we would get back together one day. I can’t use that crutch this time I guess.
As for you, I think I know how you are feeling. I’ll explain what happened me, a few years ago after first break up, he contacted me two weeks after to meet up. You would have thought I’d be delighted, but I wasn’t. I had suffered too much of a trauma and my natural protective mechanism had kicked in. Fear I guess. I became sort of numb and felt like my rational brain had kicked in. Later it transpired that all my feelings came flowing back again, I was just processing. Always processing. Who knows what will happen for you over the next few weeks, but take each day as it comes. I know anita wrote to me in a previous response on this thread that the rational brain needs to just start working more consistently because during heartbreak it’s not so consistent. So maybe after 2 months, your rational side is gaining a little more ground in your conscious mind.
I hope you make it out ok and heal. I have high hopes for you actually. And if you get there, you might tell me how you did it. x
October 18, 2018 at 9:43 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231797Shelbyville
Wow, that’s incredible. Well done. If you feel it’s your gut telling you that, then you’ve got to a better place. Sometimes it can be a sense of too much damage has been done and you’re gunshy. I remember a couple of times I had an upsetting few days with my ex and then we’d sort it but I wouldn’t feel ‘right’ straight away. I used to say I feel fragile or bruised.
You’ve been through a lot the past few months and sometimes the rationale can outweigh the heart, it sees how much damage has been done and would indicate how can something work after so much trauma leaving scar tissue?
I know you’ll still feel broken and still miss him, that’s going to continue but I wonder will you start to heal now, is that the acceptance we are looking for? I hope so.
Ive had a bad evening and night. Terrible night’s sleep, nightmares and anxiety. I did a lot of meditation but I don’t know if it helped. You would hope that after one month things would be better than after one week, but it’s actually getting worse I’d say. I’m not sure what to do at this stage.
October 18, 2018 at 12:24 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231735Shelbyville
ParticipantJust an update on my situation, I’m really feeling the pain tonight. Dark thoughts occupy me tonight and I just feel I’ve no meaning in my life now. I wish it were different, I wish I could be someone who, although broken hearted, could see or imagine a happier future one day. But I don’t. I just feel empty. I’m trying to fill my days with mechanical empty activities. Nothing brings me joy. I’m existing, not living.
Its incredible to think a relationship could do this. But effectively it is my first love which they say is the deepest. And most people usually get it out of the way in late teens or early 20s. But for me, I just don’t want to start over again.
October 18, 2018 at 6:23 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231671Shelbyville
ParticipantWell my therapist we can’t control what others do, only how we react. So ideally it would be better if he didn’t contact you but you can’t control that, so all you can control is how to react.
Ao hopefully he’s fully blocked now and if he finds a way you will be able to just push it aside, delete and pretend it didn’t happen. It’s so cruel that you feel terrible now after contact, but I guess that tells you something about your healing process too. Contact doesn’t help.
Im sure my ex was a bit exasperated when I contacted him the other day, as he was probably just trying to move on as best he can. But we’re human and we can’t help our human feelings. Unfortunately I think our feelings, or rather our hearts, are not to be trusted during heartbreak. I think they guide us to do things that are ultimately not helpful just because it can’t deal with withdrawal.
Do you want to try a 48hour no contact exclusion zone with me (who is dying to call her ex too) and see how we get on? We can review it again on Saturday afternoon!
October 18, 2018 at 5:11 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231663Shelbyville
I asked how he was, he didn’t reply for several hours and replied exactly as I expected saying he’s ok and how am I. I responded saying I’m ok and that was it. Nothing further. Completely pointless really. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed he didn’t use it as an opportunity to open up a line of communication, but no.
He has made his decision, I know he thinks there is nothing further to talk about. It’s done, now we move on would be his approach. So although he might struggle somewhat, he isn’t open enough or sensitive enough to feel the depths of what I feel. I mean, that was part of the problem, I felt like I was only ever getting 80%, while he felt he was always made to feel like he wasn’t good enough. It wasn’t good enough as a whole, but he didn’t realise that as such. His heart wasn’t open enough to allow him understand that a loving relationship requires more. He only gave me 80% yes, but that 80% to me was 100% of what he is capable of. Therein lies the crack.
This forum and your correspondence has been a life buoy to me. Actually I wonder how Victoria is going, she’s been quiet the past couple of days
October 18, 2018 at 3:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231655Shelbyville
Thank you for saying that. It makes me sad that i feel I can’t have a happy life without him. To be honest, I’ve always put people before myself. Is what I’m known for, I’m reliable and caring. I really really cared about him and ensuring he reaches fulfilment and happiness. I saw so much potential, but just so much fear. I thought I could help him and in the end he said there was nothing wrong with him and that he didn’t need help.
I got up out of bed this morning, went to my friends house who has the baby and we had coffee and went for a walk.
Mom doing things the whole time as per advice, but I still feel low. I’m afraid I’ll never get over him and will always miss him while he moves on with his life as though I never meant anything.
I did go above and beyond for him. I realise that, but I believed he was worth it. I can never ever imagine loving anyone the way I love him.
I’m so broke from therapy the gym might not be an option at the moment but I’ll avail of free exercise when I can! I bet you look amazing since you started x
October 18, 2018 at 2:39 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231645Shelbyville
It feels rotten when the messages are deleted but honestly it helps long term. I deleted everything to do with my ex when we first split and it actually was the best thing cos it stopped me from agonising over ever little word that was exchanged. Each time you open your phone to get a message from someone else, you won’t see his name further down the texts list, constantly reminding you of him too.
Never mind what he says about now or never. If things can genuinely work or are meant to be, they will work in weeks or months. Genuine love and respect would not have a deadline.
Try and hold your ground. My therapist says if I’m not able to inch forward then ‘holding’ is just as good as anything, it’s about survival. He tried to get back with you and you refused….. Modena reason. It’s wasn’t just you refused a man who wanted to give you the world, you refused to get back into a situation that is not stable and loving with trust and commitment. If he genuinely wants to give you that, it’ll take work. More than a panicked now or never interaction.
In the outside people think I’m confident, outgoing and a force to be reckoned with in professional terms. But clearly I’m suffering for low self esteem otherwise I would see I deserve better and should be moving towards a better future.
I wonder are there ways of boosting ones self esteem or worth?
October 18, 2018 at 12:27 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231641Shelbyville
ParticipantDogs are awesome. They just know, ya know?!
I am struggling again this morning. I don’t know what it is about the mornings, my tummy is upside down with anxiety or heartbreak, I’m not sure what it is. From about 4am you could set your watch by it.
I don’t feel like contacting him which I suppose is a blessing but that’s purely to do with the fact that I know his morning routine and it would leave little opportunity for reply.
Ive been thinking so much the past week about trying to reconcile. Is this the ‘bargaining’ stage or am I still in early stages trying to retrieve what’s lost? I don’t know. It’s not a possibility from his point of view or with the context of everyone being wholeheartedly against it.
Many people reading this might wonder why it’s primarily not a possibility from MY point of view most importantly. I deserve better, why don’t I know that?
Im off work today so I guess it about trying to fill the hours again….
October 17, 2018 at 12:59 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231595Shelbyville
ParticipantThat’s so true! It’s exhausting having to organise things to do or be around people during this phase but the option of not planning anything can result in falling into black holes.
Its a struggle. But one we must continue to make I guess. Tonight I have a dog keeping me company and I have to say, it’s nice for cuddles and feeling someone snoring & breathing near me. Not an exact substitute but it’s something
October 17, 2018 at 12:30 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231591Shelbyville
ParticipantTotally! October 2019 for sure. I’ll be so mortified if I’m still pining over my ex and you are like….seriously?! It’s been a year Shelby!!
Im going for dinner with my sisters this weekend. Nervous, but that’s just the anxiety talking. Plus the fact that I haven’t worn makeup bar a scrape of foundation to get me through work in a month! Or done my hair! I don’t even wear nice clothes, I wash the same outfits each week for work. The thoughts of glamming up, and I used to love doing makeup. 🙁
October 17, 2018 at 11:59 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231577Shelbyville
ParticipantYou posted that you’re still finding it tough after 3 months. I’m just wondering has it eased any bit or is it still as painful for you. Any tips that have helped?
October 17, 2018 at 11:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231575Shelbyville
ParticipantI understand exactly what you mean. I’ll admit it- my life did revolve around my relationship and I don’t know how to fill my time now. I used to be so excited to do things with him, always coming up with ideas for little enjoyable things we could do.
Now I have nothing to fill the time and honestly, I could pencil in a dozen activities a week but I just have no interest. Things are more fun for me with a partner. And yes, I’m aware that can’t be a good thing. Find your own happiness etc.
I hope he stays away from you and allows you to try and get your head around things. It’s just a matter of struggling along until it’s not such a struggle anymore. If you make it to that point, will you tell me what it’s like?!
October 17, 2018 at 11:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231551Shelbyville
I agree with you, I feel that sometimes it takes more than just ‘what’s meant to be happen’, but in some circumstances it makes sense.
Lets view this from a withdrawal point of view as heartbreak is often compared to drug withdrawal. Your vice is being dangled right in front of you and you could just get a hit oh so easily and yet you’re resisting. If that’s not progress I don’t know what is. Truly.
As for me, I feel I’m regressing. I was a bit better at managing no contact when I started this thread but I guess that was because it was very early days. Probably didn’t think about it too much long term. However I now not only feel the need to contact him, I feel I should meet him and talk to him. What the hell is wrong with me? There is NOTHING good about that idea. He ended it, we couldn’t stay together after attempt number 2, I was not getting what I need to make me happy and yet, here I am, unable to imagine him living his life without me without slowly dying inside. Oh dear.
October 17, 2018 at 6:00 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231483Shelbyville
If it’s any consolation in this circumstance I think you’re making the right decision. Nobody told us the right decision would feel as soul crushing as this, but there ya go. In a way, I feel a bit like you’re ex, I panic when I think I’m going to lose something, without really thinking it through. I’ll agree to things to get them back, that realistically if push comes to shove would not work.
I’d love to be back with my ex right this minute and I could fool myself into thinking being with him is enough and I’d be temporarily happy until the need for more arises again and I’m not able to disguise it. My therapist would kill me for thinking such a thought – that I should have to disguise my want for normal happy things in life! But what I mean is, your boyfriend is feeling withdrawal badly now, but his desire to not commit can’t be cured overnight and needs work, which couldn’t have taken place again, so he’d think he’d be up for happy relationship again until push comes to shove and his inner scaredy cat wakes up and he leaves again.
I’m so lost at the moment and I’m sure you are too. But you’re getting there, to a better place, one painful step at a time.