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October 24, 2018 at 12:53 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233053
yes, he’s quite honest and frank. I’ve told him I’m not the kind of person who likes things sugar coated or vaguely described, I like straight forward explanations so we have a good relationship. He’s funny and kind too which helps.
Does anyone know how to love oneself? I haven’t the foggiest. Genuinely I don’t think I love myself, where I’m from, if you loved yourself, you had ‘notions’. Loving yourself equalled conceit. But that’s not what I’m looking for. I know I don’t love myself and therefore how could I expect anyone else too either.
Does anyone know how to achieve this? I’m not sure a bath and a manicure really go to the root of it. Do I just keep telling myself every day? Even if I don’t believe it?
October 24, 2018 at 8:32 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232967Shelbyville
ParticipantAw those words were actually lovely to hear. The thought that the real me is still in there if only a little flame, makes me cry. I dunno, I guess because I feel so lost and so far from who I am and who I want to be.
My struggle as being a HSP is that I have not yet reached enlightenment with it yet as such! I havé this battle with my therapist regularly! He believes we are the BEST type of humans on earth and the world is a better place because of us, whereas I’m still of the opinion that feeling this deeply about everything is the biggest pain in the butt and disadvantage I could possibly have. But it’s a work in progress.
Im scared I’ll be 6 months, a year down the road and still feeling this bad. Forums help, but they can scare me too when I see some people are struggling still a year later.
I feel detached from the world at the moment, I couldn’t care less what’s in the news, I don’t care if Zara has their new A/W in stores, I do NOT want to hear one more mention about Christmas parties! I know I seem like a kranky old lady but I’m perfectly polite and chatty with people, I don’t display how fed up I am, but inside I just don’t care.
Christmas without him makes me sad. Not going on holidays makes me sad. Real physical pain. If I make it out of this (doubtful), I’m not risking this again. (Wrong attitude people would say, but it is what it is)
Ill keep working on the mirror. Thanks so much for your advice.
S x
October 24, 2018 at 7:25 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232947Shelbyville
Thanks for your post. I’m finding it difficult to cope with my emotions today. I’m doing plenty to distract myself but I feel it’s pointless when I still have the same point of view in my head. I miss him, I don’t know how life can be happy without him, I want to talk to him.
I will try the mirror work, it’ll be difficult as I think I look horrendous at the moment or I don’t even think it’s about looks, I just can’t look at myself. I feel a bit worthless, it’s not right- but there you have it.
Doing my best to not reach out this afternoon as everyone seems to say contact makes it worse and I feel bad enough as it is!
October 24, 2018 at 5:04 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232905Shelbyville
Night Nurse is a gift, but I remember a few years ago I was in the States and I tried niquil! My life was changed for ever! Night Nurse ain’t got nothing in it, if it were only available over here!!!
As for your decision, that’s incredibly brave if you. Well done. You inspire me! I absolutely agree with you, I know what that phrase means now, ‘sometimes love just isn’t enough’, ugh but why can’t we just fall in love with people we are compatible with? I guess people would say, you don’t know who you’re compatible with until you try and then by the time you’ve figured it out, you are already in love.
The no contact rule for me is hanging on by a tenuous thread and I suppose it’s not so much being strong and my ex not indicating he wants any contact. Your situation is different, if my ex was contacting me regularly, I would NOT be able to resist.
Its heartbreaking for you. No-one knows what the future holds, I’ve heard stories of people splitting for five years and having other relationships and one day reuniting at a better time for both. Hopefully this forum and your booked therapy appointment will help get you through. Whatever you do, nothing is the ‘wrong’ thing. If you change your mind, if you try again, if you contact, if you don’t contact, it’s all part of YOUR process. It’s what you need to do.
I just had a takeaway burger. That’s really gonna help me feel better! (Uh oh!!)
October 24, 2018 at 3:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232881Shelbyville
ParticipantI understand what you mean. Well the best thing to do is go to the concert if you’ve really been looking forward to it and try to enjoy it as best you can. If you feel it’s too much for you, maybe leave again and give yourself a pat on the back for at least trying.
You are still in uncertain territory so I’m guessing interaction with your ex at the minute might not be the best idea. Just so you can get your head around things without things like smell, sight and touch clouding you.
I massively miss my ex but I’d say not seeing him for 4.5 wks has lessened how vivid he is in my brain in a way. It sounds weird, but it’s a bit fuzzy. I guess that’s the self protection kicking in.
Im actually under the weather today so I don’t think I’ll manage a workout, my biggest aim isn’t not to let it get any worse because I CANT not go to work or be bound to the couch. I’ll go demented, I need routine at the moment!
October 24, 2018 at 1:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232867Shelbyville
ParticipantI’m planning on going to the shops today, not to buy anything but it will pass a few hours wandering aimlessly. Also my friend with the 6month old has returned to work so she has asked me to call into her mum (who is minding the child) to lend a hand for an hour or two today so I’m happy to do it.
At the start, I definitely felt my future was gone when we split, but at the moment I’m just missing the every day stuff. Not even the future so much now, but the hand holding and laughing and mundane everyday stuff, waking up beside him etc. It’s torture.
As for the concert- I don’t know the band/singer so I can’t say if it’ll be full of ballads or death metal! When We split some years ago, I went to see a band with some friends about 3 wks after split and completely broke down, panicked totally. Starting crying, just because I wanted his arms around me as we bobbed along to the music.
This time, I got tickets for an exclusive gig he had talked about for ages, due one week after our split. I pulled strings to get the tickets – which were like gold dust. In the end, I did what was best for me and didn’t go. He wouldn’t have been there but it was something so associated with him and lots of slow mournful music so I figured it would have been torture.
I know it’s really difficult to lose money too as tickets can be so expensive but at the end of the day, it’s about your well-being. What would be best for you, the least amount of pain and suffering g? If it’s to stay at home and write it off, then do that. In the grand scheme of things, you’ll forget about the cost down the road. If it’s to go and assert some more independence, then do that. For me, it would be torture I think, so I’d miss it, but you seem to be strong when it comes to things like dinners with friends and weddings abroad, so you may very well be able to manage it!
I will try and get a walk in today so I don’t feel so bad as I def have put back on some weight with all the chocolate I’ve been eating ?
October 24, 2018 at 12:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232863Shelbyville
Welcomr to the thread. I’m sorry you’ve been suffering. I really can empathise. In relation to previous relationships, I didn’t have any! Plenty of flings that fizzled out or ended abruptly but I was ok because I hadn’t invested in them as such. The only previous breakup I had was with this current ex when we split the first time & I fell to pieces. Could not function, but I also had other grief I hadn’t dealt with backloading that at the time, which I feel I have since worked through.
This time I’m suffering too as I guess more time with him meant I invested more and felt more, so it hurts like nothing else.
My therapist is trying to encourage me to love myself. At the moment for instance, I hate looking in the mirror, I just feel lost. So I’m giving it a go, apparently if you repeat things enough to yourself, your brain will start to believe it!
I was concerned about co-dependency etc but my therapist said ‘nah, look it, you’re a highly sensitive woman who loved beyond measure a commitment phobe. You thought it could work and it didn’t, so naturally you’re devastated. You’ll be ok’. So we shall see.
I have a day off today so right on cue woke with anxiety at 4.30am, grrr, it’s so annoying but im trying to say to myself, are you ok, I hear you anxiety and it’s ok, I know you’re sad. I’ll let you know if that works on an ongoing basis.
I need to get up anyway, as the spiralling starts if I stay in bed. Distractions are our friends for the moment I guess. How about ye?
October 23, 2018 at 9:53 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232749Shelbyville
ParticipantSpeaking to therapist helped this afternoon. I need to work on my self criticism (which I always struggle with), no more sighing or berating myself because of how I feel. I am where I am, there’s nothing wrong with that. I won’t always be where I am now. (though I’m not entirely convinced of that right now!)
Self Love is the key to missing my ex as much. But as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I’m not going to get out of this without pain. Whether that’s in a few weeks or months time, when I’m ready, we’ll see.
Are you going to the gym this evening? I wanted to go for a walk but I’m shattered after poor sleep last night!
October 23, 2018 at 5:14 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232723Shelbyville
ParticipantI watched the first few seasons of Once Upon a Time a few years ago, but I’m definitely not up to date with recent seasons!
Before I met my ex, I found myself always organising things to look forward to, planning my next holiday etc…often on my own. I even enjoyed chilled weekends doing nothing, but now that’s gone and so is he, so I’m bereft of how to enjoy life without him by my side, so I completely understand what you mean. I have no interest, but what’s more, it’s not just apathy, it’s pain. Doing things without him is simply not as enjoyable, I don’t care what anyone says. It was fun with him and I enjoyed being taken care of too.
I too am SICK of trying all tips, I’m continuing to function, I’m pushing myself to do things,, I’m trying to exercise, I talk to friends, I see a therapist, I got rid of all his stuff or things he gave me. I read books, blogs, I meditate…urgh….what more can I do. I think all this is redundant somewhat if the feelings don’t change and the feelings won’t let me accept it’s over.
So basically how do I do that? People reading this might say….well lady…you have to accept this….it seems your ex has left the building! And he has, but denial has a grip on me and I can’t seem to get it to sink in, that he’s gone forever. Does anyone know how to get to acceptance?
October 23, 2018 at 3:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232711Shelbyville
ParticipantI know what you mean. Some days I manage, some days I’m all over the place!
Today every little reminder of him is causing me a stab of pain, in my heart or stomach, I’m not sure. I honestly believe I don’t know how I’m going to come to accept this? It’s not within my control and yet I still can’t understand how I’m going to go on when the loss continues to cause me so much pain?
I really wish I could hop in bed with Netflix and just not care but as my therapist says, even if you climb in under the bed, anxiety will climb right in beside you!
Have your series binges helped in past few days- that distracted you other days?
October 23, 2018 at 2:43 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232707Shelbyville
ParticipantI hear ya. No interest in doing anything at the moment! I wish I could retrieve from life in general.
Im so tired of feeling upside down. I don’t have any plans this eve, I’ll try and get a walk in. I don’t feel as bad as week one where I nearly had to have someone in the same room as me at all times, but I definitely feel I still need distractions. It’s exhausting
October 23, 2018 at 2:00 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232701Shelbyville
Well that’s a good thing I guess, distraction. I’m in a meeting now too for a couple of hours and I don’t have to engage too much so I’ll just slink down here in the background.
I just wish there was a road map. What exactly are we supposed to do to feel better, because nothing has worked so far….
October 23, 2018 at 12:56 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232697Shelbyville
It’s not easy. Heartbreak is a bee with an itch. It’s so difficult to predict also which makes us feel out of control.
Can you just manage to get through your tasks today?
October 22, 2018 at 9:35 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232677Shelbyville
ParticipantWell the reprieve didn’t last long! Bad nights sleep again, anxiety woke me up.
On Sunday night I know I had gone to bed thinking that the relationship was not right for me. I had an attitude of, Im better off. I think that’s what stopped the anxiety. Acceptance, however brief.
But yesterday the need to change the outcome returned and then so did the anxiety I guess.
October 22, 2018 at 1:41 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232649Shelbyville
I was unhappy because things weren’t progressing. He held back all the time so that creates times where I would feel let down & disappointed, like trying to drive a car with the handbreak on. I adored him, every time we spent time together, bar the upsetting times trying to talk about the future, I loved it. I thoroughly enjoyed his company and looked forward to each time I was with him. But the frustration of being stalled seeped out of me despite my best efforts, when the heart wants more, it can’t be silenced.
I will have a read of that article, thank you. I too would like to feel that I alone control my happiness. Fingers crossed for an ok sleep tonight!