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October 26, 2018 at 4:43 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233437
What do you plan to do? The last thing you want is to go down the rabbit hole again I’m guessing…
October 26, 2018 at 2:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233423Shelbyville
ParticipantI am meeting a friend tomorrow morning to go to the amusements! I’m not remotely excited but at least it will pass a few hours. Then I have to find something to occupy Sunday and what’s worse I have Monday off too – urgh.
I find lately trying to distract myself with stuff doesn’t work that great, but if I do something to help other friends or family who are in need at the moment, that’s the best way to spend my distraction time.
I can’t wait for Halloween to be over and Xmas for that matter too. And my birthday in December…and what would have been our anniversary in January…..they just keep coming!
I know, wouldn’t it be funny if we became a right little Bridget Jones group watching cheesy films and drinking wine and eating everything that’s bad for us, trying to right the world’s wrongs! I doubt we’re too near though, I’m not even based in the U.K 🙁
October 26, 2018 at 1:22 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233417Shelbyville
ParticipantI guess! It’s always an inappropriate time, but then I spent the day thinking about contacting him. It’s such a vicious circle!
Anxiety is not great this morning. Well I’m assuming it’s anxiety- I’m not actually sure- I have a real pain in my chest, where my heart is. I mean it could be indigestion but it feels really weird, like a physical manifestation of where the pain is at the moment!
And another wonderful weekend beacons- yuck dot com and I used to LIVE for the weekends when I was with him.
How was your eve?
October 25, 2018 at 9:33 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233409Shelbyville
Like clockwork, waking at 4-5am feeling horrendous. It’s the most time of day I want to call/Text him but it’s the most inappropriate time of Day to contact anyone, so I don’t.
He could think I’m completely desperate or he could get ignore it. These are the thoughts that run through my brain right now. I miss him most now.
Sorry for the lamenting post, it’s just hard.
October 25, 2018 at 1:58 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233373Shelbyville
I was tempted to leave him on my insurance but in the end, I thought it would just cause me pain if I was reminded of it, so he’s gone!
I think it’s normal to feel in a devastating break up that you ex was the one. That you will never meet another like or better than him. But I think that’s part of the process. You love him, wanted your life with him, if you could contemplate someone better existing for you, then you wouldn’t have put everything into that relationship. (She says as she prepares to adopt 20 cats and mourn her ex forever!)
Im only relaying the advice, but trust me, it’s not like I believe it. I too felt I met the one, the one forever. That’s a big impediment to moving on in heartbreak apparently. We’re supposed to acknowledge we’re sad and disappointed that he didn’t turn out to be our soulmate, rather than be sad and disappointed cos we feel we’ve lost our soulmate. Cos apparently if our exes were our soulmates, they’d be with us.
If only what I type could sink in to my brain or heart!
October 25, 2018 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233357Shelbyville
ParticipantAh Kkasxo, the lifelong pursuit of certainty! You can join my treasure hunt troop. An argument my therapist and I have a lot is that he says I can be happy again and more fulfilled with a new partner, I debate that he can’t say that for certain. He says we can only be sure of death and taxes!
You’re young, you might take some time for yourself for a while but I think you could meet someone if you wanted. I acknowledge I’m not ‘old’ but for me, like I mentioned in previous early posts, he was it for me. I couldn’t imagine anyone better (still, even with his commitment phobia) so I can’t see myself healing, meeting the man of my dreams & having a family in the next 3-4 years! I reckon I’ll still be mourning the loss of this particular fool!
I’m ok tonight- always a worry- because it tends to usually be denial or related to a plan to re-unite but hey, I’m rolling with it at the moment.
I just renewed my car insurance and actually shopped around & got a good deal but then it stung when the guy on phone asked did I still want my ex on my insurance plan- I had forgotten he was on it. I said no and it INCREASED my premium. Fml!!!!
I hope the pampering session is making you feel better! Just this eve, I put in my phone a reminder for October 25th next year to post on this forum and see how I’m doing then!!!
October 25, 2018 at 11:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233333Shelbyville
Thats insane, although I could easily see how people get duped. People are searching for so many answers when heartbroken or lost, they’d do anything to understand why the pain is there or how to heal it, that I reckon some do get caught out. I’m not gonna lie, I even considered a fortune teller this week- pure rubbish- but desperate times and all that! But not gonna waste my money!
Be as angry as you want. Your ex had an amazing, kind loving girlfriend and he let her go. Then he tries to get her back and then doesn’t appear to be moving heaven and earth to do so. It would PISS me off. It’s natural. I’m mad at my ex for not texting at any point to see how I’m doing after her ripped the carpet from under me, when I know he’s actually doing the right thing! There’s no understanding human emotions sometimes!
I wish I felt like I have made progress in 5 weeks. Okay, I’ll admit, I’m not as terrified as the first 15 days when I was afraid to be left on my own at any stage in the day. I go to work, meet friends, walk, help out others when I can- all these things indicate some progress. Having not seen or heard from him in 5wks also, I’ll admit, the recent memory of him is fuzzy. It’s more reminders of past experiences with him that now stab me and the fact there will be no more.
But I don’t think there is a moment of the day I don’t think about him. I regularly plan to contact him and try in some way, shape or form reconcile. That’s where I’m at now I guess, just trying to quell the internal conflict.
I miss miss miss him. There are no other words to describe it. My sweet lovely brother in law said this the further away from the event I get, the easier it will get. I explained I still feel like sh*t and he said ‘yes…..but it’ll be less sh*tier in time!’
October 25, 2018 at 9:00 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233275Shelbyville
ParticipantI think that’s normal. I’m much the same, every self help, psyche blog/book I can read. I think it’s a need to understand or control in a world where everything has turned on its head.
Im with you this eve feeling like crap, there is nothing I want to do more than contact him. Well actually I’m dying to but too afraid to. So it’s a constant conflict. I think it’s normal though.
I’m trying not to berate myself these days for feeling how I’m feeling. It’s a balance though, because I need to heal too and I can’t do that if I’m stoll holding on, so I need to be careful. But it’s 5 weeks today so I’m not gonna stress too much yet that I’m stuck.
How are you faring this evening? If you lived where I lived I’d invite you round with Netflix and throw ourselves a pity party! But I don’t think we’re doing too bad a job on here- an online girl crew! And the odd guy poster too sorry!
October 25, 2018 at 6:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233219Shelbyville
That’s some very good introspective work by you, but honestly I can’t say. It would really need to be a therapist who looks into that, but it’s somewhere to start.
I explored the childhood thing with my therapist too and while I’m conditioned to be a people please etc since youth, he didn’t or I didn’t come across any major trauma which could have caused this anxiety, he feels it’s just my first love and were this to have happened me at 16 & 17 it would be more understandable to completely think the WORLD HAD JUST ENDED in a dramatic fashion. However it’s only happening me now but with the added pressure of age I feel the world is still ending but now have anxiety about where my life is not going.
Hopefully once you get your appointment, you can seek the insight you need.
October 25, 2018 at 5:10 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233191Shelbyville
Im feeling a little better thanks. It’s terrible but the idea of being out of action and not able to work filled me with dread- not cos I love my workplace, but just because days off are horrendous for me. That in itself says something I suppose- although I don’t know what.
I will try to work on my self love but I also think, 5 weeks ago today the love of my life left me. I’m still in love with him, I built my world around our relationships and I’m truly heartbroken and lost. And sometimes there is just no escaping that. I’m broken hearted and it’s not mending any time soon. So here is where I am.
A day will come I think when I says, ok now dear one, it’s time to let go of the pain. Time to make yourself happy again. But I’m not there, I’m just not. I’m still in the phase of trying to figure out how to reconcile, that this might all be a bad dream and I can go back to the way things ‘should be’. I feel foolish for that sometimes, but that’s who I am. Yes I should said it’s his loss and he couldn’t make me happy and I’m better off, but I’m not there. I need to be where I am.
Be where you are. Even if it’s a terrible place, there are no secret exits. You are torn and miserable and heartbroken and conflicted. That’s your position right now- say ok. That’s where I am. I’ll keep working through this and make decisions I feel are best when I can and just do my best.
My best might not be good enough to a headstrong confident independent woman who would scoff at any man who couldn’t see her worth, but it’s MY best for the type of person I am.
Sending sister support today to you all x
October 25, 2018 at 3:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233169Shelbyville
Thank you for saying that, sometimes I feel like I’m making no progress and I will feel this way forever. I see that self love means not settling for less than I deserve, but my difficulty is trying to WANT better for myself. I don’t feel it’s possible so it’s like winning the lottery – something I never think will happen! He’s on a pedestal, that he shouldn’t be on I guess, but how on earth can I knock him off it?! I can see how I can’t settle for the uncertainty and lack of commitment from my ex because it wasn’t making me happy…..but THIS doesn’t make me feel happy either!
Sometimes I find it all so confusing. I know…..I genuinely know I need to love myself more, regardless of anything else at the moment and I’d like to do that. But heartbreak is taking the most space in my brain and heart at the moment unfortunately.
October 25, 2018 at 2:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233157Shelbyville
Thats a fantastic idea. I too am getting my eyebrows done in salon after work, I’m hoping it will help me feel better when I look at myself in the mirror! I know it has to come from the inside, but whatever helps with that journey!
You girls are my lifeline too. Honestly if I was going through all this alone, I would feel like the biggest weirdo ever- not getting over an ex who has chosen not to be with me!
I have never met ye, but I already feel like ye are friends!
I still feel like contact, but what I’m going to do is 48hours of affirmations that I’m better off now and I’ll be ok and see how I get on.
Another work meeting keeping me somewhat distracted this morning!
October 25, 2018 at 1:42 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233149Shelbyville
I don’t think he’s having the time of his life tbh. He clearly stated that he wants to re-unite with you and he has not re-united with you, so therefore he has to be unhappy. Men are different the way they handle things.We THINK they’re coping much better but they’re just better at boxing stuff off.
Did the contact last night, merit a reply. If it didn’t, maybe try and refrain from contact until you have a final decision and contact him once then to let him know. Your life won’t always be on pause. My hair salon is next to where my ex works and I can’t go there since we broke up but I’m hoping that won’t last forever.
I am a little more rational this morning, saying I will be okay, without him, one day. But Im sure by 6pm I’ll be singing a different tune. Maybe if we try to tell ourselves, ‘we’ll be ok, it’s hard now, but one day we’ll be ok’ and keep repeating it, will it sink in.
S x
October 25, 2018 at 12:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233143Shelbyville
ye are going through hell. There is no doubt and my heart goes out to ye. I’m in the same boat painwise.
kkasxo, one thing I’ll say is that I know you want HIM to take control, but that’s not the hand you’ve been dealt, fortunately or unfortunately. Even if he made the decision- like my ex- it’s no easier. I’m finding it incredibly difficult to accept. There weee no harsh words, no big argument, just ended and apologised, it’s heartbreaking.
Your ex is not behaving how you want him to behave….will this continue. If he’s not doing it now, will he ever? You had a loving long relationship where your lives were wrapped up together, of course ending that is like pulling your heart out one fish hook at a time.
Pay attention to how hard you are being on yourself. I’ve even named my critical self….when she pops up, I say ‘oh hello martha’…come to pay a visit. Therapy suggestion. But you’re human and in love and dealing with immense loss, your reactions are normal. No-one has the might of Thor all the time.
Once you make a decision though, if you feel it’s right, stick to it. Through hard days and loneliness and withdrawal, stick to it. You WILL get out the other side. I’m not convinced for myself, but I do think YOU will.
It sounds like your ex can’t give you what you need and maybe it’s a case you do need to work on you. Cliche as it sounds!
Anxiety and not getting the reaction we want could be more to do with us than them. It makes sense that a healthy relationship and one that is successful is one where partners are not waiting on the words an actions of their partner to make them feel better. But believe me, I get it! I still want back with my ex despite everything that has happened. We are only human.
Working on ourselves is not easy. It’s not all hair salon appointments and yoga and warm baths. It’s graft. Really growing and working in ourselves is tough, it’s scary, it can be painful at times and especially at times like now- you can’t see the benefit of it. I have worked on myself for two years and while I still don’t love who I am, if I stand back and look at it from emotional/psyche point of view, it was the right thing to do. I’m a better person for it, even if I don’t feel that way at the moment.
I wonder how many posters on Tiny Buddha came online to discuss heartbreak etc and then posted months later after reconciling with their exes and all is well in the world. Not too many I’m guessing.
YOU ARE ENOUGH Victoria. Everyone has issues. Everyone. If you’re willing to work on them, great and maybe a man who is understanding will be by your side as you do. But you deserve good girlfriends too. The world is not a bad place, there are some lovely people out there if we just give it a chance.
My tummy is upside this morning and I’m feeling anxious. I feel like I’m going to contact my ex- despite all the evidence of how much worse it makes things- so Kkasxo, look at me- I have no sense at all! Where is the person to come along and shake me too!
We’re in this together
S x
October 24, 2018 at 1:35 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233063Shelbyville
You sound somewhat like me. He’s not doing what you would hope he would/should do. Like my ex, I had an idea of a way he should have behaved any time he let me down or what he SHOULD have said but didn’t. It became frustrating for me and then for him, because, he just didn’t think to behave that way, it didn’t enter his mind. He is who he is. In a way I look back at my ex now & the times I used to get mad or upset and I realise it was like I was getting mad at him for not knowing how to speak Spanish….but the guy doesn’t know how to speak Spanish, what do I expect?!
Those are such loving things you did for your ex. I too did lots of thoughtful things for my ex and in truth, he did thoughtful things for me too. But I loved him and made him feel loved and secure, so that’s something I didn’t get in return which I guess I deserve.
You feel rubbish again tonight….after another contact. So I guess ye are right, contact does not help. Anger is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s part of grief and actually when processed can help motivate to move on and accept. In one way, I wish I had anger towards my ex, those close to me are practically seething….but I got nada. I still think he’s the best human i’ve met.So perhaps for you, anger is your progress and you’re reaching the holy grail….the point at which you say….no more. My life can go on like this no more, something has to change.
I hope so Kkasxo, seems to me you very much deserve to be happy.