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October 28, 2018 at 2:04 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233907
I think men will always want to wait to the last minute to settle down, if they ever do. Women are somewhat on a timer, even if we don’t consciously acknowledge it. My ex said last night that he struggled with being in a relationship and that he had to give up too much. Give up what????He didn’t answer.
Even tonight, with pain threatening to overwhelm me and my advice to azu, what dya think I still want to do?! Yep, text him, to tell him how much he has hurt me. To tell him I’m not okay. What sort of messed up thinking does heartbreak cause?
I can never contact him again. It’s over. This is acknowledging it, not accepting I think. Is accepting when you feel better and move on?
I wish I could say I am strong azu, but I’m not. I’m barely surviving myself. My family & close friends have kept me going. I’m grateful for them. They’re a little disillusioned and worried about my setback now and I hope they don’t bail out on me because it’s all too much. Family is family though and I know they’re truly ride or die.
I find talking about the ins and outs of my ex & the conversation we had last night is not helpful at the min. Pushing it out of my mind as much as possible is the best thing to do. It didn’t hurt as much when he broke up with me as it did with that convo. So distraction is key again. Any activity that will generally use up a period of time in the day.
Kkasxo is better at this than me. I have lost who I am. I hope one day I find her again.
October 28, 2018 at 12:13 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233887Shelbyville
Im so so sorry you’re in pain. You are not alone. It doesn’t matter that you ended it, you didn’t end it because you wanted to, you had no choice.
For me, as you may have read, today actually just feels like Day 1. It’s been 5 weeks but I don’t think I really believed it until yesterday, so I feel your pain.
Firstly, you need a support network. Is it possible to take time off if you’re working and go where there is support? This forum is also a great help.
Secondly, don’t make contact. It’s the only advice I can give, there will be a million and one temptations and reasons to, but don’t do it. It will make everything worse and if you can’t imagine it worse than now…trust me….it can get worse.
Your goal now is to survive. That in itself is an achievement – when heartbroken and in pain, it really is.
So if surviving means staying in bed and watching Friends re-runs, pretending it’s not happening, do that. If it’s getting up and pounding the gym, do that. Remember, survival is your only goal at the minute.
I will tell you what everyone tells me…..feelings never stay the same forever. It’s in their nature to change so the one little mantra that keeps me from the brink is this ‘this too shall pass’. I’m not always going to feel like this, even if I wanted to, I can’t, it will change and ease by itself.
Hang in there, we’re all in the same boat.
October 28, 2018 at 8:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233835Shelbyville
ParticipantI have never felt as bad in my entire life. I will try some cereal maybe later. I feel like everything that had meaning for me, everything that brought me happiness has been taken away.
I just called my sister and she is away but she says she can’t put my foot in front of the other – I need to take responsibility and fight.
I definitely feel as though I’m spiralling down a black hole. I need to believe I can get out of this, I need to believe it, but I’m so wrapped up in it at the moment that I can’t see anything.
My crazy brain is so far gone at the moment I was considering calling him to tell him to come over because I’m in such a bad way. Two things are stopping me – firstly, what on earth would that achieve except for having him in front of me, in high definition and I can’t have him- secondly, I don’t want him to see me like this, that he had such a profound effect on me.
Ok Shelby, get up, get some cereal, wash your face….it’s a start. When will it end????
Kkasxo, it’s reassuring to know you felt like this weeks ago and while you are still suffering, it’s not as acute. Jeez I thought I was in pain the past 5wks… would be a gift to have that level of pain now in comparison to where I’m at now.
Maybe you will get to the stage where it just doesn’t seem that big a decision to make anymore and you just don’t feel like it one way or the other. The distance might give you some perspective?
October 28, 2018 at 7:52 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233825Shelbyville
Thank you. My problem is I still view the loss as entirely mine. Everyone preaches that it’s truly his loss but I know he doesn’t see it that way and I don’t either. I’ve been googling everything to try and help me get through this struggle but to be honest, it’s mostly the same advice. Feel it to get through it. How do I do that?!
Ive not really eaten today either because I can’t stomach anything but I guess I should try and manage to eat something to stay going, any tips of easy eats?
The anxiety is not as prominent, I think. I’m not exactly an expert, my tummy is upside down but it doesn’t feel anxiety upside down, more heartbreak upside down, if that makes sense.
Am I in Day 1 now or am I still 5 weeks down? I feel like I’m all over the place. When I think of him I get a sharp stab to my stomach. I’m wondering is this normal at this stage? So I try and block him from my mind?
How have you been doing this weekend? Have you made any decisions? x
October 28, 2018 at 5:23 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233791Shelbyville
Thank you for making me feel less alone this afternoon. Today is the first day since the split that I do not want to do anything. I spent every day finding distractions of activities. I thought I was progressing welll enough under the circumstances. But I guess that was all part of denial.
Some of the things he said to me on the phone have really caused me more pain, but maybe I needed to hear them. What hurts the most is I didn’t get the sense from him that it’s a loss. He said he’s been finding it tough but he has the conviction of his decision being right behind him so it really seems as if he is moving on and trying to get to the time when he knows he’ll feel better.
I know he cares about me, but more like a friend he would give a helping hand to. That also hurt.
I have not figured out how today is going to go yet. I’m in my own head without anyone to counteract it today. It’s quiet here and I’m extraordinarily sad.
Is this how you felt at the start? And if so, how did it go from there?
S x
October 28, 2018 at 12:50 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233781Shelbyville
ParticipantIt’s been a tough night and morning. I’m trying to keep telling myself we’ve been split up for 5 weeks, this is nothing new, but it’s torture.
I have never felt more alone and lost. My tummy has taken leave of its duties, I’m just in immense pain. I wonder was I coping at all for those 5 weeks or just totally in denial?
I mean, it wasn’t as if they were a walk in the park either but now I feel so isolated. What’s more I’ll be alone today and I have no clue how I’m going to manage.
How am I going to get back to living any kind of normal life?
October 27, 2018 at 3:40 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233767Shelbyville
Aw thank you so much for those words. I don’t know how I feel really. I guess it is more real now I guess. The last one we split there was no contact and he later told me he struggled and tried to find ways of bumping into me etc.
This time, he admits it’s been tough and he’s been trying to box his feelings away and not think about it but he’s happy to take my calls and give me as many answers as he can. That’s new. That’s different. That is someone who is at peace with their decision and just hopes the other broken hearted person is ok and makes it through.
Now, I definitely feel foolish. I feel like he looks at me now with pity. Ugh. I sort of hate him for breaking my heart despite still loving him. When we split he could not say what he wanted, he had t done the work to find out what. So that was difficult to come to terms with as I felt if he explored a bit, he would realise he wanted happiness….with me.
This evening, he knows he does not want to be in a relationship, a lot more than I sensed when we split. He said I’m some ways he’s happier about things, in other ways he not. Any way, it was clear, despite him saying he’s found it hard too, that he has accepted he will never be with me/see me again and he’s just getting on with things.
I fear now, the pain really sets in for me. Will I ever heal? I’m not convinced x
October 27, 2018 at 12:09 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233745Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
I spoke to my ex over the phone this evening. It was a bad idea. I feel in bits now. He has not changed his mind, he is concerned about me and wants to make sure I’m ok but he still feels he made the right decision. He says he’s sorry for hurting me and he can’t apologise for how he felt.
I asked him some questions, some of the ones that float around your head after a breakup, looking for any signal of what you meant/mean to them, but all the blogs and Ted Talks are right, that ‘need’ to know, to understand, is not helpful. You WILL NOT get the answers you seek.
I feel like I have lost him all over again, so maybe that’s what needed to happen if I obviously hadn’t felt I lost him the first time round 5 wks ago. I feel scared now and lost as though the loss is too big to bear. Plus he kept calling me my his nickname for me out of habit which was torture.
He says I can call him any time I need to talk and he will help in any way he can, answer whatever questions I have. But nothing has changed about his decision. So there is no point.
I’m not a part of his life anymore and he has already moved to accept that himself. He admitted it’s been tough for him the past few weeks too and his mind has never been able to stop thinking about it but he’s getting by day to day.
I told him I missed him (in the most casual non desperate tone I could muster) and he replied with a sympathetic ‘I know’.
Can anyone help now as I’m feeling fragile and worrying I’ll have a setback and I’m to just get strength from other posters who have made further contact after a breakup and survived.
I cant see a time when I’m not going to be broken hearted and that’s not a nice prospect
October 27, 2018 at 9:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233707Shelbyville
Its a really difficult situation you’re in. Being still in love with someone who chooses not to be with you is incredibly difficult. It’s like we expect the love to be done once it’s over so we can just move on but it doesn’t work like that.
Would you wait and see how tomorrow night goes without predicting which way it will go one way or another. Then you will have more information to work with, such as whether he seems to be having fun, whether he acknowledges you, whether he speaks to you etc etc. After that you may have more information in your data bank than you do currently?
October 27, 2018 at 5:40 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233635Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
Do you remember what helped you sleep after that month? I am indeed out with my friend today and my life has become so sad I’m pretty sure I’m now addicted to the bingo machine in the arcade.
Im sure you all will be disappointed to hear I texted him there to talk. I don’t know what I expected but I just felt the overwhelming need to. He’s going to call me back in a while when he’s free.
I’m trying to and prepare myself for the worst outcome but it’s hard.
October 27, 2018 at 1:20 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233617Shelbyville
ParticipantMorning all,
Ive had the most horrendous night. Lack of sleep and dreams of him. I definitely feel I’m in immense pain now. Perhaps now it is only truly hitting me. I genuinely have no idea how I’m going to cope with this. I can’t seem to accept it at all, which I know I have no choice but to, but tell my heart and tummy that.
I’m so lost in a world of pain right now that I wonder how will I ever get out of it?
October 26, 2018 at 11:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233543Shelbyville
ParticipantI’ve definitely have had a tough one today emotionally. The pain has been immense.
Therapy helped somewhat but he says I need to really work hard on not beat the crap out of myself cos he says I’m doing a pretty good job of that at the moment.
I called to my sister this eve and broke down again and told her I’ve lost meaning and basically the desire to do anything. Now I realise how bad I must come across, cos she practically wants to stab my ex and this eve said if I need to go back to him, then she won’t be an impediment if that’s what I need. God, it’s bad when SHE’S suggesting that.
However, I’m feeling a bit better now so the feeling to contact has died down a little. Not in mood for dinner but had some toast. It really is the food of every kind of struggle!
Im gonna head home and maybe watch some tv, or I might just head to bed. Did you make it to the gym today? I’m hoping to go for a really long brisk walk tomorrow. Some days I can do 8-10k, other days I don’t do anything at all.
I’ll keep taking the advice of R&R2018 and Bell and all the others and try to like myself a little more of love is a bit of a stretch at the moment!
I hope your ex leaves you alone and doesn’t pester you with contact at the moment. X
October 26, 2018 at 8:00 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233487Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
Im on the brink of tears at all times the past couple of days. I have therapy this evening but i feel like saying- is this actually doing anything or am I just going to continue like this ad nauseum?!
Dramatic fashion this evening I know, it often happens like this on Fridays. My life has no direction and no direction seems attractive me, no matter how I often I look up salsa dancing classes or blog writing! I have no joy. That’s the main feeling. My life is without joy and for all the talk of giving joy to myself and loving myself, I just don’t think I’ll ever get to that stage.
I loved everything about my ex except for his commitment phobia. Everyone might say- that’s enough! That’s a pretty big thing. Yes it is. Yes they are right. But nonetheless, here we find ourselves on this forum with very broken hearts and a need to see them, speak to them, etc.
I think maybe I need a good cry- weird thing to say i guess. But I don’t cry that often. Trickles of tears prick my eyes at times but since we’ve broken up I’ve only bawled crying a handful of times.
I can’t wait for work to return next week- dear God, how sad a person I’ve become. I hate that I’m feeling like this, when he’s functioning fine and probably even gone travelling at this stage if I had a guess.
October 26, 2018 at 6:44 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233469Shelbyville
That’s so much for the words of support. I feel like a fraud though because I feel like it’s inevitable I’m going to contact him. I can’t come to terms with it at all. I don’t know what I think will happen, maybe he won’t even speak to me, I’d have to cross that bridge when I come to it. I don’t know. But I don’t know what exactly is happening…am I in denial now? Or is the pain or reality realllllllly starting to seep in and I can’t bear it?!
When first I starting communicating with you, you very much seemed that you could not live without your ex, you had him on such a high pedestal. Perhaps he’s still there but definitely in the past few weeks I have seen more and more of you being fed up and not thinking so highly of him and snippets of you thinking you’re better off in the long run. However fleeting.
I wonder are you processing, are you moving along? Will I get to that stage? Because at the moment, I definitely feel as though I’M the one who has lost out, not him. I feel like my life is worse off because he’s not in it. I’m nowhere near thinking I’m better off yet or having an f** you attitude. What if I never do?! Will I die of a broken heart……ok……here goes the spiral!!!!!
October 26, 2018 at 5:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #233453Shelbyville
That’s probably the best decision to make at this moment. There is no point in getting into it again. You know what he has asked for/wants and you have to figure out whats the best way forward, so it’s best to just try and work that out so your life doesn’t have to be in limbo for too much longer, one way or another.
I’m feeling dreadful this afternoon, been busy all day but have this cold sense of loneliness and detachment from the world right now. I met my sister on lunch for a few minutes and she was saying I’m doing great and I explained that I’m functioning, every day, but that’s literally it. My thinking and feeling hasn’t changed one bit. I’m staying functioning because people tell me to, but my thoughts are not changing. In fact, the desire to try and reconcile is getting worse!