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October 31, 2018 at 11:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234795
ParticipantHi all, I hope today has not been too tough for anyone. I managed to keep the pain at bay today by literally zapping any thoughts of any reminders about a certain someone out of my brain as soon as they popped up. Not ideal, but needs must.
The anxiety kept simmering all day though, just making me a little shaky. But not as bad this evening and I’ll take a reprieve whenever I can get it.
I am writing in my journal and meditating but I’d be interested to know if anyone else felt much the same as me at the 6-wk mark?
October 30, 2018 at 10:38 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234617Shelbyville
Yes I do have a good relationship with therapist and I have no doubt it will be of huge benefit to you too. It’s natural to be apprehensive but the more honest you are, the more you get out of it.
Im struggling at the moment. I’m really scared or frightened. Of what? I’m not entirely sure. The pain perhaps. I’m aware it’s an extreme reaction to a breakup and I do hope it will ease at some point because no-one could live like this.
I wonder has anyone else on the forum experienced this kind of reaction to a loss? I feel weak as though I can’t manage it. I want to try and get over this, it’s unbearable.
Im glad you made it to the gym, exercise can never be a bad thing. I would love to have that ‘safe’ place of bed, it’s really good that something gives you a small amount of comfort at least.
Here’s to trying to get through the next 24 hours!
October 30, 2018 at 1:04 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234581Shelbyville
Im only seeing your reply now about his priorities. My ex always told me I was the most important person in the world to him. But I wasn’t, I was maybe third down the list. He couldn’t acknowledge though that he was tied to his family more than me. He would do ANYTHING for his family at all costs really and when I met him, he lived in a lovely house with a couple of housemates, but he then moved back with his parents when his lease ran out and that was him becoming entrenched in looking after his parents and the family business.
My therapist feels he couldn’t give me everything I needed because it’s not his to give, part of him belongs to his family/parents and the huge responsibility he feels he has for them.
Anyway, I need to stop writing specifically about him now as it’s increasing pain but basically, I think it’s a lot of men who are still as you say ‘attached via umbilical cord’, it’s quite common. But they are not aware of it.
Therapy was rough today, I struggled as my therapist coaxed me to feel the pain as it was not pleasant whatsoever. I have to go back a couple more days this wk & he’s doing it for free just to help me which I think is kind and decent.
I really hope we all have a better day tomorrow. Work seems to be keeping us all distracted?
October 30, 2018 at 7:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234499Shelbyville
ParticipantAzu & Kkasxo,
The element about uncertainty really resonates with me and I have to try and remember that when I’m in my black hole. The constant uncertainty and lack of planning for the future, despite my patience, understanding and efforts, just led me to become so insecure within the relationship. I felt I was willing to walk away so many times but when push came to shove I couldn’t do it because I really couldn’t imagine being without him.
Its a steady stream of emotions assaulting you during heartbreak. I hope you can ride the waves. It’s what I’m trying to do, but they are like physical stabs in my stomach that nearly force me to bend in two at any reminder – in the most awkward of places such as a public coffee shop.
I don’t believe I deserved to be hurt like this but I’ll take responsibility for my own part in it, however naive I was.
I have never had anger, so I can’t say much about that end, but it is definitely part of the process and perhaps even aids the process along quicker.
You are brave, both of you, you really are. I wish I could be as strong as ye, it’s a mind fog at the moment and I feel as if I’ll never come out of it.
Well done on using Work as a distraction Azu, but be careful not to take on too much. Work might keep anxiety at bay but too much can add to anxiety.
I hope the rest of the day provides a reprieve for all of us. We deserve it at this stage.
October 30, 2018 at 5:56 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234473Shelbyville
The limbo is indeed tiring, but it’s also the one where there is no threat at the moment. No pain of full breaking up, no fear associated with getting back together. I really hope you find the decision you feel is best for you so that you don’t have to feel lost for too much longer.
As Susan Jeffers says, feel the fear and do it anyway by being confident that no matter what the outcome, you can cope with it.
I’m just trying to get through today as best I can but I feel like I’ve taken a fair wallop over the past few days. I too feel like you and just want to heal x
October 30, 2018 at 3:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234459Shelbyville
I didn’t really look at it that way, but thank you. It’s easing out as the morning goes on, I’m glad I’m back at work actually! Never thought I’d hear myself saying that!
How was your weekend, how is your heart?
October 30, 2018 at 1:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234451Shelbyville
If I were you I wouldn’t feel guilty as when you think about it, it’s him who should feel guilty for not moving on with the relationship when it was clearly what you wanted. But I can understand the feelings you feel at the moment, it’s not easy.
Break-ups are never easy, I don’t think anyone gets out unscathed, regardless of who ended it.
I will help in any way I can, as I said before, it’s like we’re all in this together.
I’m suffering particularly badly again this morning with anxiety. It’s chewing my tummy up and making my hands shake a little. However, apparently the only way to get the better of anxiety is to confront it and build confidence. It told me this morning that I’ll never be okay, that maybe I’ll have to give up work and become a hollow shell, not leaving the house, doped up on medication for the rest of my life, so despite those negative thoughts, I got up and got ready and made it into work.
I still don’t feel great, but at least I’m trying, I can’t let it get the better of me, despite it’s very powerful attempts. I feel frightened, that’s how this loss affects me. The unknown, the attachment I had to my ex, it creates a huge amount of pain which I fear all the time I’m not able to cope with. So therein lies the anxiety, but hopefully I can keep going.
Tiny Buddha posters, thank you for helping me feel not so alone. It has helped more than you can imagine.
October 29, 2018 at 10:47 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234437Shelbyville
Social media is not your friend at the moment. It’s incredibly difficult for me at the moment as I loved his family very much and I don’t get to see them anymore either. I’m lucky my ex has no social media, nor does his family really.
However a couple of his friends and I are friends on social media. I had to mute them on my news feed. Having said that, I got rid of Facebook off my phone. Maybe the odd time I sign in at work but I don’t seek out anything that might hurt me.
The best thing to do is give up social media for a while, that way you don’t have to unfollow them digitally, you just unfollow them in life.
Your ex may still use it as a way of causing a reaction if he knows your still friends on it. Heck, I’d probably do the same if my ex was on social media! I wouldn’t worry about some random with love hearts, some people comment under other people’s content with a million emojis the whole time, they’re just those type of people.
I hope you’re ok. The only way through this is plough ahead with blinkers on I think. X
October 29, 2018 at 12:20 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234351Shelbyville
ParticipantBrandy & Valora,
Thank you so much for your kind advice. I’m familiar with mindfulness and in the past even went to a workshop and am part of a mailing list. I guess I always figured mindfulness was more for ‘everyday worries’ so I haven’t applied it as such at the moment.
Meditation is something I do do each day. I try to do at least one 20min session through the 1Giant Mind app per day and I listen to Sarah Blondin on the Insight timer app at night.
I will give the mindfulness a try and see if it helps with the pain. My biggest fear is that I won’t recover from this. That the pain is what I must endure now for a long long time. X
October 29, 2018 at 8:57 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234301Shelbyville
Thanks for that useful tip, I will definitely try it. I find that because my pain or anxiety manifest physically, my tummy is never not tense/sore/heaving. So it’s so hard to give my mind a break because the tummy is a constant reminder that I’m in pain.
I have stayed active today, walked, met friends, played with my nephew, did grocery shopping as I was off work. I feel like the past 3 days have been some of the longest I’ve experienced.
I just thought I’d be starting to see some sort of light at the end of this dark tunnel now, even though I know the severe pain only set in on Sat evening after the phonecall.
Thanks for your advice too. I will try and keep active and throw myself into work as I did in the first few weeks and hopefully time will ease the pain.
Are you finding it any easier as the days go by or is the contact with your ex helping or hurting?
October 29, 2018 at 7:20 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234259Shelbyville
Yes I’ve been regularly attending therapy. It’s definitely important. A family member has pointed out to me today though that perhaps I need to stop analysing everything so much and just get on with things.
I feel so down, it’s hard to lift my mood. But what is the best way to deal with pain? Is it to fake it till you make? Keep doing normal things and having normal conversations with people until they don’t seem forced?
I feel so drained all the time.
October 29, 2018 at 4:53 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234219Shelbyville
i can honestly say I’m not loving myself. I have no idea what that means or how to go about it. We’ve touched on it a few times in the thread previously but I don’t have a clue. My therapist I can start by tackling the self criticism when it kicks in. So I’ll do that.
Unforunately I don’t see myself being in another relationship. However at this point I would settle for being happy by myself. Anything but what I’m experiencing at the moment. If I could feel content by myself but no pain, I’d be happy with that.
You have an amazing perspective. Well done, you are clearly a strong, confident person. Even the fact you ended the relationship which wasn’t enough for you, I kept going for years trying to be patient and hoping it would change!
Thanks for the posts, I really appreciate all the advice and kindness.
October 29, 2018 at 4:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234209Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks so much for the lift ladies, you really are a lifeline. Today I’m not going to make the same mistake as yesterday staying home alone. I’m going to try and organise things and yes, it’s exhausting and I don’t feel like living life at the moment. But I’ll do it, if it’ll help.
The biggest source of my pain at the moment is considering what he’s doing, the parts of his life I am no longer a part of etc. So if I can nip that in the bud, maybe I can reduce the pain somewhat. I felt so stupid for setting myself back yesterday by contacting him the day before. Having said that, the only silver lining, of there is one, is that I was clearly in a fair amount of denial about the whole thing, the reasons, what he might now be feeling etc. So I guess that phonecall caused immense pain but is this rock bottom? Do I finally start the healing process now?
Azu you sound so strong. I wish I was like that. I do remember I was not as bad the first couple of wks, but it went downhill from there. But I don’t want my life to be like this and as my sister said to me, it’s only me who can pull myself out of this. I have to take the necessary measures to feel better (if that’s even possible), so I’m willing to do whatever is necessary. I really am.
There is no point looking back always at the closed door, it’s increasing my suffering.
Do you think you’re at saturation point now? Are you think you just want to move on with your life?
S x
October 29, 2018 at 1:26 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234191Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
So I’ve been awake since 5am. I don’t think I feel anxiety as such , I just feel pain. Well I don’t know if it’s pain but that’s what I think it is.
I’m ready to feel better now, this is not nice. We’re 5.5 wks broken up but why do I now feel that I’m only 2 days broken up since our phonecall.
The frame of reference for the breakup changed after the phonecall too. I thought I knew what was happening, the reasons behind it, that he would be struggling with his decision but he’s looking to the future and that hurt. The fact that he said I can always call him about anything, he’ll answer anything he can really hurt. Because for him to be that calm, that casual means he’s doing way better. He’s moving on.
So basically, I have to accept it because I cannot stay like this. Anyone from early days break up know what to do to survive? Without the tiny Buddha community I’d be lost.
I want to one day just not go to bed with pain and wake up with pain.
October 28, 2018 at 10:19 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #234183Shelbyville
Thanks for your kind words. Right now I’m trying to figure out why I’m taking it so badly. The relationship was not what I wanted it to be, so shouldn’t that give me some consolation.
I find as time goes on, it’s snowballing and the pain is increasing. I’m going to a counsellor so maybe we’ll figure that out.
I’m sorry you have had such bad experiences. Do you feel you dealt with each break up or perhaps the hurt from each one moved onto the next one and next thing you have a truckload to deal with?
You day it doesn’t crush you as much after a while. Is that true? How did you manage?