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November 13, 2018 at 3:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236619
Apologies, I just went to click reply to your last post and I clicked report by accident, my bad! Sorry! They really should keep those buttons far away from each other!
Counselling can definitely be daunting if you have never done it before, it might seem awkward opening up to a stranger. But remember two things, they are trained in exactly what you’re going through and they absolutely have NO judgement, they really don’t, not matter completely off the wall stuff you experience. Within 6 weeks, it can really help change your frame of mind.
I know things are clear on my ex’s part. He is done. I wish my betraying heart would allow me to accept that, but there are varying levels of denial and acceptance going on. But yes, the lack of contact or hope or decision making means I don’t really have a choice but to move on. There is nothing I can do to change it, despite me spending many many hours, trying to find a way to change it. It is what it is and I guess you do need that.
In terms of your ex, he probably is lost and that is why is so eager to get you back too as you are someone who loves him and grounds him and is there for him, but realistically he probably needs to work on that on his own. Two lost people together could become very confusing and tricky with the potential for more unintentional hurt.
I was worried about taking medication too and I was aware of the warnings etc. Every single person reacts differently, but I’ll give you mine, but I hasten to add again – everyone is different. I was put on a relatively low dose two years ago and was told it would take 2 weeks and I may get worse first. This is what happened for me – I was completely lost and scared and anxious. Within 8 days I started to feel better, it was like a black foggy cloud, where I believed I would never get better, started to lift and I could think more sensibly and normally. I never went ‘down’ first as many people had described, I slowly just started to get my normality back and started to feel better. Within a year I had halved that low dosage and while I experienced a small flutter more of anxiety – or rather more worry than anxiety, coming off it, with the help of counselling is not as hard as people say. Of course it depends on the particular drug, but it’s all about weaning, bit by bit, till it’s gone.
For me, work has really been distracting me today thankfully. I drove to the pool last night with my swim gear on and everything but I drove straight home again. My tummy just felt off and I couldn’t force myself. Maybe next time!
My presentation is next week and now it seems I have a total of 3 to do on 3 different days, eek!! I’m in denial about them at the moment, until the 11th hour! The pain is not as bad today but it could come again tomorrow as Im on a day off. Hopefully not.
November 13, 2018 at 2:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236613Shelbyville
I understand how you’re feeling, I literally said the same thing to my therapist this week, that I feel I’m not making any progress, the only slight improvement has been as a result of medication. But he says I will eventually improve. But it will be gradual and may take me a little longer than most people.
In your case however, I feel all those things you are doing as keeping you functioning, which is brilliant. But they are not necessarily what will help you heal. Acknowledging what has happened and addressing the pain is the only way to recover from it I think. So I’ll re-iterate this analogy I read before. The trauma/pain is a thorn in your arm, and you can spend your whole life trying to work around the wound and prevent anyone or anything bumping off the thorn, but that’s not a great way to live. If you pull the thorn out completely, it will be mean, but it will be short-lived and the thorn will be gone forever and the wound will heal up and no longer hurt.
There is nothing wrong with just functioning right now. I asked my therapist about reducing the medication again as lately I feel I’m not experiencing the pain enough, but he disagreed. He said the medication is just giving me a helping hand to allow the process happen in a more gradual way, letting in bits and pieces and time goes on, as and when I’m able for it.
Whatever happened in June, will have to be addressed Kkasxo, it doesn’t have to be now, it can be in time, when you’re ready, but I’m guessing it’s the only way you will eventually feel better.
In the meantime, a few slow deep breaths in the toilet often help just take the worst edge off the upset tummy. Stick to bland food too like toast or bread or crackers. You are not talking jibberish, you are feeling…….intensely. And it can be overwhelming, but it’s a natural reaction.
November 13, 2018 at 1:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236605Shelbyville
ParticipantAre you okay? Is there any particular trigger last evening or this morning? Would the monthly visitor have anything to do with is because it certainly impacts me.
Are you having your counselling session this week? Have you the kind of job where you can keep your head down for the day as far as possible and do as little interaction as possible. Trust me when I say, I know how the pain feels.It’s crippling, it feels like it will actually physically break you, but it won’t.
You made it to work, sure… might not be your happiest or most productive day at work ever, but you made it…..YOU DIDN’T GIVE IN.
I’m here all day anytime you need to type or get advice.
S x
November 12, 2018 at 1:06 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236547Shelbyville
I would love to think my ex would grow and seek help but he maintains he’s content as he is. He kept saying to me ‘this is who i am, maybe some people were born to be alone’. I don’t doubt there are people in this life who are content being on their own. My ex likes his own company, his own schedule. But I also know, he’s not someone who is ‘meant’ to be alone.
He had almost taken the step to see a therapist before we split, but then he just decided it was all too much and he didn’t want it to be that hard anymore where he had to work out feelings and face fears and he decided fate was telling him, you’re not meant to be in a relationship.
He won’t come back. He wanted to see me so much the first time we split and yet didn’t so much as text for months. It was me who instigated it again. This time will be the same, he just moves on and doesn’t think too much about it.
You’re right about not waiting to move forward, but I’m stalled at the moment. The life ahead of me is not one I want therefore it makes me in no rush to go and live it. I know that sounds crazy but it’s just where I’m at at the moment.
November 12, 2018 at 11:23 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236539Shelbyville
Honestly it’s scary how alike our situations are in some ways. My ex was not enthusiastic about living together at all, I always got the sense that he felt his next move would be in to his own home and he wouldn’t waste money renting in a crappy apartment somewhere. He always planned on having his own place I think but didn’t adapt his plans when he met me and when I started to suggest alternative future plans than what he had in mind, it irked him and he couldn’t change. In fairness we had a couple of deep deep conversations a while back and he admitted just not sure when he’d be ready and I said I’d wait and I’m in it as his team mate, thinking I could manage it, but despite my best efforts, my frustration kept seeping out. It’s hard to drive a car with the handbrake on.
It is completely reasonable to expect you would be living with your partner after 3 years. Genuinely, it is. A lot of people live together after one year now! It would not make sense to me for you to find a place to rent when your family moves away, when you could move in with your ex. I was exactly the same, I wasn’t going to move into a house my ex bought or built without living with him first to see if we could live together. You really don’t know someone until you live with them.
I know you’re right. I just can’t get that to sink in that I must accept it and move on and that he won’t change. I think it’s about control, I have an issue with. I can’t understand how I can’t fix something. Probably naïveté on my part too.
Thanks so much for the advice.
November 12, 2018 at 5:22 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236483Shelbyville
Your situation with your ex is somewhat resonating with me. My ex originally used to say we both wanted the same things but just different paths to get there. So I thought we were good and as long as we wanted the same things, it would work out, even if not in the exact way I had planned- which by the way is almost identical to you. I thought, move in together, engaged, baby etc. As time passes, not all in one go. I am in the family home too and he lives with his parents and is tied to there substantially. So when I pressed him for more definite plans about our future, then the cracks started to show.
The difference for me is that my ex is at the age when a man would usually have come to the conclusion of settling down. Therapist says the realisation doesn’t normally happen men until 30 or so. To be honest, I would definitely have gone on for years more as we were, albeit not exactly what I wanted, if I had the time. But I’m approaching 36 so it was taken out of my hands in terms of a timeline. Realistically I’m not ready for that stuff myself yet- I’m pretty young at heart and haven’t settled into ‘adulthood’ yet! But time is against me I’m afraid. Something I have no control over.
I genuinely think it’s probably not uncommon that a guy of your ex’s age is not ready to concrete the plans yet. However, I see the dilemma for you, you’re basically hanging on, hoping he’ll still feel the same down the road. Essentially ye are at two different speeds. And when you want something sooner or efforts to begin in that general direction, it can be very hard to avoid resentment and frustration. Apparently we should never be in relationships where someone is two steps ahead of you or two steps behind you, they should be walking along beside you….or something like that! But as you know by now, rationale disappears when it comes to the heart, I’d still take my ex back in the morning!
I’m actually going to try and make the pool tonight and not just talk about it! Fingers crossed.
When you wake up with pain, do you mean physical or emotional? It will be a lot for you when your family leaves because its huge change and your support network will be farther away. So I really hope the therapy helps you from now on and gives you some tools to help you be strong and resilient.
November 12, 2018 at 4:18 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236473Shelbyville
Yes basically I wanted marriage and children. But that wasn’t something I wanted in general, as some women do, it was only a realisation I came to when I fell in love with my ex- it was specific to him, I thought we’d have a happy life together. He told me he saw his future with me, but when push came to shove, he felt it was all to much responsibility and he ‘wasn’t cut out for it’. Despite me feeling deep deep down, with my gut instinct, that he did want the same things as me, but fear of what it meant made him bail out.
He would have made an incredible Dad but he feels he’s meant to live a life on his own. He did at times imagine what a future with me would look like, he told me things he imagined about our child or our house etc, but at the same time, he admitted he got scared at the thought of it too and if didn’t work out etc.
In the end, I believe his fear controlled his fate. Many others might read this and say, that girl is fooling herself – he wasn’t into her enough- and that may be the case, but one trait of highly sensitive people- such as me- and trust me, I don’t like being a HSP, is empathy, our intuition is acute. I felt it, I felt he deep deep down needs to be fulfilled in that way, but is unable to address that aspect of himself at this point in his life. That’s why I suspect it’s going to crop up for him one day down the road again.
My family cried with me the first time round too, my Dad actually had to take me to the GP at the time when I basically went off the rails and he still adapted pretty quickly when we reunited and got on board. They just wanted me to be happy and they saw I was happy when we reunited so they backed off.
I had an unsettled sleep again last night, my tummy was like a washing machine and just felt anxious. I did all my meditation etc so I don’t know why my sleep is getting particularly bad now, in the beginning – my sleep patterns weren’t too bad, seems to be getting worse as time goes on.
Ive been in a marathon meeting all morning so that’s keeping me distracted. Looking forward to a therapy session later which I can really do with now. Hopefully it will help shed some light on how I’m feeling.
How was your night?
November 11, 2018 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236429Shelbyville
The problem with my ex and I is that I was becoming increasingly unhappy and so was he. Silly fights would crop up for one reason and one reason alone- he was holding back. I tried for a few years to be patient and not let my anger and frustration get the better of me, but it did hurt when I felt as though I was the one making 70 per cent effort and then he NEVER wanted any conflict ever (unrealistic) so if there was a fight, he would be extremely unhappy.
So I was unhappy not getting enough from him and he was unhappy constantly feeling like the bad guy and that he was constantly disappointing me. But I wasn’t pushing ahead because of a timeline or because I personally had goals. I pushed ahead because I was mad about him and just got so excited about a future with him. He got scared and instead of trying to figure out exactly what he wanted, he bailed. So in a way, I know why it didn’t work but I feel he COULD have been happy with me if he got over his fear. But this is the most difficult part of the process for me….acceptance. Particularly that I can’t change or control what someone else decides.
In terms of reconciling, I remember the first time we met each other. We had ZERO contact for months and my stomach was inside out on the car journey to see him. But I knew I wanted to get back together with him. So I took all the online advice and tried to ‘be the best me’ in the months we were apart. I thought I had done that, but in hindsight, maybe that’s why I’m learning this lesson through break up again- I obviously didn’t make my myself whole while we were apart before, because I’m lost without him now. And my life doesn’t feel whole.
Its absolutely natural to be anxious about reconciling. You have been through extraordinary pain and your brain doesn’t forget. It will send warning signals such as anxiety to ensure it doesn’t experience that pain again. Naturally you’re afraid. You may have pain either route you take. Anxiety comes from the fear of that pain I’m guessing, but the only way to kick anxiety’s ass is to face the fear. Once you do, confidence grows, fear shrinks. Other people’s opinions can cause anxiety too though, I found it was easiest to break it to people in dribs and drabs, the most understanding people first. When we reunited the last time, there was a major family loss at the time so to be honest, everyone’s minds were elsewhere and I think they were happy I had someone to comfort me at the time.
I never thought I’d actually be welcoming the approach of a Monday morning!
November 11, 2018 at 10:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236377Shelbyville
I did indeed manage to get a few bits which I hope will boost my confidence for the presentation, even if I’m only faking it!
I ALWAYS feel I need closure with my ex. But there are no answers as such. I know why we broke up, I know my needs are different to his, so ultimately, it can’t work. But at the same tome, despite knowing that logic, I still miss him and can’t imagine his life going on without me. It’s hurts like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I want to be with him. But I know I can’t be with him either as the same issue will arise and I’ll feel unhappy and unfulfilled and he’ll feel pressured and resentful.
How on earth do you flip that switch- the one that makes you feel you were not right for each other. The writing is on the wall and yet, I can’t imagine another single man on this planet for me. Argghhh, it’s positively draining and I don’t know how to get over him.
During our phone call a couple of weeks ago, I asked about meeting up but he didn’t know if it would make things worse. So that was a polite way of saying no. There’s no going back on his part, because he sees the logic, he understands why we broke up. I just wish I could get it through to my heart. But it’s not, I miss our life together. Even though it wasn’t perfect and not going where I wanted it to go, I still miss it.
I think the only way you could move forward with your ex is to address that elephant in the room. It has to be healed to honestly stand a chance of moving forward either together or alone. Perhaps once you start therapy, you can get some guidance about the best path forward for you. I can’t imagine what you went through involving the trauma you find too difficult to talk about but it’s had a significant impact on you.
I do believe however that humans have the capacity to recover from even the worst atrocities we can imagine so I’m confident, in time, you will deal with it and heal it.
I was anxious a couple of years ago getting back with my ex the first time. But as my therapist explained, it’s your life, your family and friends can’t live it for you and sometimes in life, we need to do what’s right for us, even if others can’t understand. You know what they say about opinions…..everyone has one! They are only trying to protect you at the end of the day, so any difference of opinion is coming from a place of love. Those close to me, came round a lot quicker than I expected actually and not one person has said ‘I told you so’, since we split this time. So don’t worry about that. Things work out like that in time.
I hope I sleep better tonight, although I remember Tom in an earlier post on this thread said he was 3 months broken up back then and he was still finding it hard to sleep/not think about his ex etc. So I’ve a way to go yet….
November 11, 2018 at 6:13 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236351Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
I once again didn’t sleep well last night and I realised this morning, I’m nowhere near close to getting over my ex. I miss him every minute, I feel no enjoyment out of anything without him, I live in a dream world where he will change his mind. Every day I wish to speak to him, see him, contact him, it’s just not easing up. 7 wks have passed.
How did your meet up go? Any clearer?
Has anyone else experienced a break-up where they just find it almost impossible to accept? Any advice gratefully appreciated.
November 10, 2018 at 5:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236267Shelbyville
I definitely know I’m not in a position to consider it just at the minute as even the prospect of it increased my anxiety. I think I just need to get on an even keel before I start making any big decisions.
It sounds like you have a plan anyway if the arrangement with your ex doesn’t work out, which is good. The thing is, I expect you will still enjoy each other’s company, but is that enough.
I know in my own case if I met up with my ex tomorrow, I’d love being in his company, and I think he enjoys being with me too. We don’t have any issues getting on with each other but it’s the overall issue that stopped us being together. If I never brought up about the future, or making plans, I’m fairly sure I’d still be with my ex in ten years time, doing along as we’ve always gone along.
But it may throw some light on your situation and garner you extra information that might help you decide what is the best next step for you.
Ooh keep me posted! I’ll let you know how the shopping goes!
November 10, 2018 at 12:40 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236259Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
I didn’t have a great sleep- I actually dreamt I was a plus 1 of one of the royal family & was on a trip with Kate, Meghan, William etc. I think I’m losing it! Even in my dream, the ‘royal cousin’ I was with was ignoring me. Much like my ex I guess.
The mornings are the worst, for some reason, my gut twists and I can’t stop thinking about how lost I am. On weekdays I nip it in the bud and get up for work but weekends, I just lie there feeling wore and worse.
I wonder a lot about when or if this will end. I wonder is he feeling a lot better now and how do I get to that place. I’m looking at 2 years to get over my relationship so….getting older and older in the meantime.
An absolute gem of a work friend suggested us living together given that I now won’t be moving into my forever home with the ex. It shook me. I adore the girl, don’t get me wrong, she’s 23 and kind and sweet and fun. But I thought to myself, am I going to go all the way back to the start, like a college student, I thought I was in a different place now. But I guess that’s the crux of it…. I AM back to the start but just can’t accept it.
Myself and my sis are doing a bit of shopping today to help me get an outfit for my big presentation event that will help me feel a bit more confident. We’ll see how it goes.
I’m glad you enjoyed the evening with your sister, you deserved a reprieve for a couple of hours. I have lots of Netflix recommendations so I don’t know where to start. I’m ignoring any series I had started with him. Time for something new.
what are your plans today?
November 9, 2018 at 5:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236139Shelbyville
You’re right, anger is part of the process and everyone, including my therapist, has been coaxing me to be pissed off at him. I literally have no anger at all. I can’t even muster up fake anger, I try but to no avail. My therapist feels I’m not ready to be angry with him, because I’m not ready to let go. It’s harder to ‘reconcile’ with someone you have seething anger towards!
Unfortunately there is not route for him to get to HQ apart from my way, but as I said, it’s once in a blue moon he’s there and while we were going out, I never once accidentally bumped into him so I can’t see it happening again. We live about 40 minutes drive away from each other. I have no reason to ever be in his neck of the woods, although there was a really good salon there I used to visit, but I’ll just have to find a new one.
I also believe you’re right and I’m sure he was just as startled as me to be honest. It is what it is I suppose. How on earth do I stop loving him and want to move on for myself and stop dreaming about a fantastical reconciliation?!
I actually have no plans for this evening, but I’m exhausted from not sleeping much last night so I’m thinking of doing some more cleaning and maybe try out Netflix…..eek!
Are you going to your sisters party tonight?
November 9, 2018 at 4:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236133Shelbyville
It was a strange one, I had a hood up so I’m thinking he only realised it was me, when he nearly was right in front of me and by then he had almost passed. Also, what else could he do I suppose? I guess I’d keep driving too if I saw him, not knowing what to do at the time except escape.
It was just another example of how I’m not part of his life now and that hurts. To be honest, he’s never normally in my area despite his company headquarters being close to my building. But it was always once in a blue moon he would ever have to go to HQ. He even told me in that phone conversation recently that he’s not in my area at all anymore. But I guess something came up and they must have called him in.
I don’t suspect I’ll see him again, but I just feel like a fool. I’m here pining away every minute of every day for him and he’s moving on and just treating me like an ‘awkward ex’. Why can’t I have more backbone or more anger towards him or something to help me think I’m better off. I can’t muster anything but loss.
Did you feel like this and if not now, when or why did it start to change?
November 9, 2018 at 3:02 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236121Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
That’s brilliant, I’m so glad they are starting soon and I hope they prove beneficial for you and really help you along your path.
The anxiety is so so still. So I went to get a coffee near my work building this morning and as I came out of the café and went to cross the street – it was raining – my ex passed me in his work vehicle. I got a bit of a fright because he is never normally around my neck of the woods for work, just very rarely.
He acted like he didn’t see me but kind of put his hand up to his mouth/face to cover it a bit. He couldn’t have missed me on the street. It just knocked me a bit as I haven’t seen him in 7 weeks since we split. Is this what we are now? I’m just an awkward ex he needs to avoid? I felt so sad again.
I’m trying not to let it affect me, but with my anxiety and life at the moment, I have narrowed it considerably to zones I feel safe/comfortable in. My home, work, sisters, friend house. I didn’t feel there was a threat of pain within these areas as I got rid of all reminders etc. And then he just pops up unexpectedly. I’m a little shook.