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November 15, 2018 at 2:30 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #237035
You’re absolutely right. One of my biggest challenges in life has always been to just try and accept things when they are not as I want them to be. I feel the need to control, fix, change. Things outside my control seems like an alien concept.
I agree, I will keep experiencing that lesson until I get it, but I have no clue how. Have you any advice about how to come around to that level of acceptance?
November 15, 2018 at 2:26 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #237033Shelbyville
Sorry for the delay in replying. I went to my gp after work with what I thought was a simple problem and all of a sudden I got extremely ill in the waiting room. I was dizzy and nauseous and completely off balance. Turns out I have vertigo! Lovely! He gave me an injection and monitored me for 30 mins, but I was not allowed to drive so I had to leave my car there and call a family member to bring me home.
I’m feeling better since I slept for a few hours thankfully, but I’ll be off work tomorrow and it’s just a time I don’t want to be off work. Also, I felt so vulnerable this evening and upset because I just wanted to call my ex to come look after me.
You sound like you’ve had one heck of a day. Well done. Well done on going ahead with therapy despite the nerves. Well done for addressing the scariest parts of your heart and mind. It seems impossible to conceive of now, but you HAVE started your healing process. You’ve chosen to do something to help yourself. Don’t worry about finding the answers, they often don’t come straight away, but you’re giving your emotions and hurt valid ‘airtime’. You’re acknowleding out loud what happened to you.
I do believe you will heal. Over the course of life people have recovered from the most horrendous of atrocities. You deserve to be happy therefore you have to fight for that better life. It may not be easy and it may take a long time, you might feel broken, but you’re not broken beyond repair. You have too much self awareness to let what happened destroy the next 30,40,50 years of your life.
Take it baby step by baby step and feel it out as you go.
November 15, 2018 at 6:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236963Shelbyville
I feel the same. I cannot imagine him living a happy life without me, it hurts too much. But perhaps if we accept and move on, that would become easier.Who knows?!
I don’t know who or what I am these days. I feel so lost, with no map for the future and my path to happiness taken away, even if that’s a skewed version of what was really going on.
Hopefully the musical will be a distraction later. I’ll have access to the forum at all times though, so feel free to post after your session or if you need to vent or seek support. Best of luck.
November 15, 2018 at 4:53 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236943Shelbyville
That is an interesting perspective, I feel like the problem is my ex when he is who he is. Flawed and all. He could just as easily wonder why I wouldn’t change and be happy with what was on offer, but it wasn’t good enough I’m afraid. He held back and I could feel it and that’s not a good feeling. But I still love him, or as the book says I’m in love-ness with him. Because apparently if I truly loved him I would let him go and wish him to be happy!
I wonder when or if it will ever change for me. Will I always feel this way and have low self worth. I can’t ever imagine a day where I genuinely think I’m the bees knees!
November 15, 2018 at 3:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236929Shelbyville
Well over a couple of weeks of therapy, maybe it’ll become a little clearer as to what is the best thing for you to do right now. You may not actually be worse after therapy, you may feel better, maybe you just to need offload all that you have been carrying and it will lighten your load somewhat, so keep the faith.
I don’t know what you have been through with your ex, but if you feel he’s intrinsic to your recovery, discuss it with the therapist and see what advice is given. I am sure when you go through something traumatic and you have a connection with someone regarding that event, it seems natural that you would want that person to be part of the process.
You’re so like me! I have been questioning if I really need those things in the future. Is my ex not more important than all of that, which I feel I’m unlikely to get anyway now at this stage. Genuinely, but my ex is a bit of a decent guy and he wouldn’t let me make the sacrifice, even if I wanted to. For my sake and also for his as he would constantly feel the cause of it and I’m sure resentment would set in. When we got back together two years ago, i explained to my therapist that I would be happy to have him as my partner for the rest of our lives, nothing more. I genuinely believed that at the time, but as time went on, my real feelings kept leaking out, despite me trying to be patient and just push them down. Now I’m in no man’s land. I can’t go back and I can’t go forward. I feel like I’m broken. Destined to be nothing more than a broken-hearted shell for the rest of days. How pessimistic of an outlook is that?! But that’s how I feel. I want to be with him and not have any issues. Argh, it’s not fair.
You are right, I have a demonstrable lack of self worth/love.
November 15, 2018 at 2:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236925Shelbyville
ParticipantAditya Adila,
I’m sorry you’re having a tough time too. Yes I too am taking medication and undergoing psychotherapy. It’s a slow process and I hope it will soon improve.
A couple of years ago, when I reconciled before, I believed we were meant to be together, my heart and gut told me to go back, to give it another go. It turns out I was wrong. Nevertheless, my therapist explains that it was something I needed to do at the time, I had to be able to let it go knowing that I had tried everything. And I did try everything. You are right, he tried…twice and still couldn’t do it. Why on earth can’t I accept that? It’s definitely something to do with control and believing, like yourself, that if you hang in there and work on it, you can change the outcome of a situation. It’s exactly 8 weeks today and I still have no fragment of light about moving on or trying to make myself happy in life. I’m still lost without him, sad, lonely and even jealous of him living his life without me. I consider contacting him many many times. There is no point in me pretending I don’t.
I think it’s a good thing that your ex is easing off on communication for the time being. It’s important to sort what’s going on in your head and heart without any other considerations. You may end up back where you are in a year’s time, but you have survived right? You could survive again if worst came to worst. I do think if ye talk on Saturday, you would both need to work out a future plan that you are BOTH happy with and not live on vague plans or maybes. When I got back together with my ex previously, I was just so happy to be back with him, I didn’t broach the future subject at all. I tried to keep it all light and airy and as the months and years went on, the cracks emerged. It will only work if ye are on the same page and willing to work for the same goals, so that could be something to chat about.
I eventually got a couple of hours sleep, but I’m pretty tired today. I’m feeling the loss again this morning. Honestly, it’s exhausting, feeling like your life is on pause at misery until you can regain your life with your ex.When this is not a possibility for me. Why can’t I get that into my head. I miss him so much.
This evening Im going to a school musical at my friends school – she’s a teacher – so I figure it’ll distract for a couple of hours.
Im wishing you all the best with your session later and remember – the first one will always be a bit alien and you might feel unsure but give it a chance. Let me know how you get on!
November 14, 2018 at 4:45 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236889Shelbyville
Whats the worst that could happen if you got back together with your ex? Would you be able to endure it? I went back to my ex before and while it turned out that it didn’t work out the second time, I know I still had to do it at the time, I had to give it everything.
My therapist joked the other day when I complained that I’m not feeling better as time goes on that if I hadn’t returned to my ex a couple of years ago, I’d be totally fine by now! He was being funny and it did make me laugh, but he agreed I needed to absolutely do it at the time.
I understand how you feel- look at me, it hasn’t worked out TWICE with my ex and I still want to reconcile with him!
Don’t worry about the counselling, it might be less scary to say those things out loud than let them rattle around inside your head, turning into all sorts. Tell your counsellor what you’re concerned about and if they can offer any tools for you to cope in between sessions.
I’m awake, trying to get to sleep, but it’s hard. Hopefully I’ll get some sleep soon. I hope you sleep too.
November 14, 2018 at 9:19 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236841Shelbyville
ParticipantI went for the walk, 4km, I spent every step thinking of him of course, but at least i got exercise and fresh air.
I think there are a large amount of similarities in our exes! I feel the same, I’m barely getting by and it takes a monumental effort to feel half normal every day and he is getting on fine (I’m guessing) and I know him and know he would only be worried if I was not doing ok and would be delighted for me if I moved on with my life. Maybe ‘cos it lets him off the hook and depletes some of his guilt, I dunno.
Thats good planning re:the nap. Try and get as much of a decent sleep tonight as possible. I’m going to do some meditation now while I wait for dinner to cook. Talk about boring!
Having read another blog I have written some things in the notes section of my phone. The first three things are simple enough to remember without having to check phone. ‘I love myself’. ‘I want to be happy’. ‘Fu*k him’. I’ve been repeating these to myself the past couple of days. I don’t know if they help but the blogger suggested them as helping her so I’m going to continue and see how I get on.
You have your first counselling session tomorrow right? I hope you find it ok and feel comfortable at it. You’re doing all the right things.
November 14, 2018 at 6:45 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236813Shelbyville
I very much relate to that. Part of the reason I went to therapy is because I’m someone who NEEDS to understand things, I like to know the reasons for things and why things happen. However, my therapist has tried to open me up to the notion that not everything in life gets explained. He says bad things happen and sometimes there is no specific reason why and one of my biggest challenges has always been to life my life with uncertainty. As I mentioned previously, it’s all about control for me. I believed I could control most things. I ask my therapist why my ex couldn’t move forward, he says he wasn’t able to. I ask why he wasn’t able to, he surmises it’s probably down to fear and an unconscious family responsibility. But then that’s not enough for me, I ask why is he that way, why can’t he change……and the therapist shrugs his shoulders sometimes and says, I’m not working with your ex so I don’t know. He says that’s life, it happens a lot and you have to try and move forward without the answers.
I find that the most difficult. Right now, I know why my ex ended it with me. Yet, I have ya least 10 questions off the top of my head I could ask him right now. I watched a Ted Talk about this and the speaker explained that an unending search for answers is most common in breakups. It’s as we struggle to accept the reality.
Good on you for doing a workout at home at least, you’re making more progress than you think. I’ve done some cleaning today, which helps distract me somewhat. Well actually I lie. I still think of him every minute of a task but at least it’s better than thinking of him while sitting on my ass moping.
My therapist says the best revenge is to live a good life and be happy, if I wanted to look at it that way as an aid. It doesn’t help me because my ex is such a good guy, he’d only be thrilled for me to be getting on in life. Sigh. I just miss him.
I am here typing debating taking a walk. Okay, I’m gonna do it, I don’t think you ever regret exercise and fresh air!
Are you planning anything this eve?
November 14, 2018 at 5:10 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236797Shelbyville
I guess that’s true, but sometimes I wonder am I going backwards. The dreams are cruel because then you wake up and feel lost all over again.
Im there wondering is it possible to talk to him and see where things are at, would it be worse for me, would it be possible. I’m off work today too which I guess doesn’t help.
How was your evening, did you make it to the gym?
November 14, 2018 at 2:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236787Shelbyville
Well it seems I have gone right back to the denial stage of grief again. Spent the whole night dreaming of being back with my ex. Even whenI was awake yesterday evening, I wondered if it was possible to get back together with him.
It’s so confusing, I don’t know why I can’t move on like other people.
November 13, 2018 at 1:29 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236747Shelbyville
Thanks for saying that. Rejection is hard and it makes you question if you were good enough and to date, I still see the loss as mine. But today has been a day wherehe is more distant and fuzzy in my mind. I don’t know why that happens and different days bring different things.
I really liked his parents and if they ever thought they were holding him back they’d be devastated. But all of them don’t realise it was a subconscious thing, developed over years. I could only recognise it through the benefit of therapy. I never said to him what I learned about his situation in therapy. I felt that was up to him to figure out himself if he chose to.
Tonight im not as sad as other nights but I still want to contact him, still try and regain what I lost. Despite knowing it won’t make me happy, if there is no change. But there ya go, we can’t always control how we feel.
I hope you get something from Sarah Blondin. I find she speaks to me directly in some of her meditation podcasts.
I’m currently catching up on Strictly!
November 13, 2018 at 9:26 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236709Shelbyville
Its a very common theme amongst men in our society. My ex’s family are close knit, they kind of are each other’s friends. However, my ex’s siblings all live abroad so he is the only one at home and I think a sense of duty and responsibility is something handed down through generations. He actually told me when we first split that he had X number of people in his life to care about, he couldn’t take on one extra person i.e me. Ridiculous I know.
But my therapist says it’s quite common for people to put their own lives on hold to live their life for their family. I know this is true, because this is what I did myself for many years. However I worked on it and through therapy I grew and overcame it and decided to pursue a happy life for myself. I think that’s the thing that bothers me most. Most people say, accept he is who he is and move on, he can’t change. But I changed – I did it – so why can’t he?! I know everyone is different but I just wish it worked out.
I would love a switch to flick so we could feel better, it’s so draining and frustrating.
Oh btw, have a listen to this. It might resonate with you. – on the insight timer app
November 13, 2018 at 6:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236651Shelbyville
It is a bit ridiculous in a way. You’re not wrong. I think my ex had loads of plans to live abroad and buy in really nice areas but will ultimately end up living at home with his parents or getting a house right beside them. He wasn’t willing to move forward and make a life of his own, independent of his family and what he saw as his responsibilities. Your ex needs to start living with you if ye want to have a future, that’s not a demand, it’s just natural process and what would make you happy and should make him happy too.
The resentment is a terrible thing to carry, but it’s definitely not something that can be worked out overnight, it’s going to take time and work, perhaps on your own, but trust me, I am confident you can process everything and move forward with your life. You are self aware enough to understand things, so that will be a big advantage when you start to process. It’s not right to be in such pain, it’s really not. Life is not meant to be about pain, it’s meant to be about happiness. Fulfillment and love.
I have no idea what to do for the weekend, I was thinking of getting my hair coloured but I’m undecided. I have zero interest, but it’s literally about passing the time. I’m the same as you, I definitely have no interest in socialising at the moment. It’s my biggest hurdle right now. I’m doing lots of things, but because so much of my socialising was with him, I haven’t disassociated it from him yet, so it’s too painful for me. Dammit, if we lived close, I genuinely would be quite happy to wear a onesie all weekend and eat crap and watch Netflix with you while we solve the world’s problem with men!!!
November 13, 2018 at 5:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #236629Shelbyville
Don’t worry, I know how you feel. I still love my ex and have not fallen out of love with him yet. I wish we could be back together but my rational side is more in control today and I realise we couldn’t be in two different places. It just doesn’t work that way. Actually you mentioned your ex and gettting a mortgage and I remember one evening my ex said to me he was thinking of putting a bid on a really cheap house in his area as an investment….just like that, without any consultation with me. Me there the whole time trying to plan our future and save and maybe we’d need a deposit at some point and he’s ready to drop a load of money on another property. He never even considered me. Now in fairness, when I expressed hurt and disappointment, he did see the error of his ways, but ultimately, although we were in a relationship and he feels he did mould and change a lot to be with me, he still hadn’t shifted the picture of the future he had in his head, when he was by himself.
Your ex wants a mortgage and has always wanted to get himself a house, but when you end up having a long term relationship, your plans have to change. That’s the nature of being in a couple. Buying a house for himself alone is just not practical now if he’s in a relationship. You have to live with someone before you make any life changing decisions.
I can’t believe you went to the gym yesterday, well done, that’s unreal. If I was in that level of pain, I’d be a mess, trembling on the floor, calling anyone and everyone! Good for you!
I have nothing planned for this weekend yet. God it’s exhausting. I know I must plan or I’m in trouble, but it would wear you down! I still think about my ex a lot, wondering is he happy having his weekends to himself again to watch footie or go to the pub with the lads and me barely hanging on by a thread, trying not to spend every moment in misery!
I’m hoping to go for a walk tonight if the weather is not too bad